I'm back! Wow, it's been awhile and I'm so so so sorry. Hopefully, someone is still reading hehehehe... Summer is finally here so don't you worry chapters will be updated quickly.

ALSO I need some ideas for my newest story Divorce Hotel, feel free to message me or leave it in the reviews :)

Enjoy reading! Gotta write the next chapter now

Peace out!

A small smile formed on her face as she touched the handkerchief. The soft fabric brushing against her hands

"You remember when you gave it to me?" He asked lowering himself onto the seat beside her.

"I haven't gotten to that part yet" She deadpanned.

His eyes widened momentarily before he threw his head back, laughing

"You. Act. Like.-" he slapped his knees, wheezing "This is a book series or something" He finished between his laughter.

Dawn smiled watching him, trying to suppress her laughter. "His has such a beautiful laugh" She thought, taking the moment to memorize his face. There's some were marks on his face that looked like z's, his tan skin, and raven hair that was slightly messy. She couldn't help but blush at the thought of him being her soulmate.

His laughter soon ended, snapping her out of her trance. It still rang in her ears like a song you cannot get out of your head. Even after it ended

"Well it might as well be a book series" She quipped back crossing her arms and puffing out her cheeks. "Aww you're so cute" he cooed using his two index fingers to deflate her cheeks"I must admit. Our lives would make a great book series" Dawn smiled triumphantly as he said that.

The both continued talking to each other, about their dreams, their aspirations, about everything under the sun.

"You know how to play guitar?" Dawn gasped. "Maybe you can teach me one day?"

"Yeah that'll be fun" Ash agreed happily. "And I'm guessing this piano is yours?"

"Yes, yes it is. My aunt Sara has been teaching me to play since I was 4"

"Care to play something for me?"


"Pssst Cynthia. Are you ready?" Sophia asked from the doorway, a worried expression on her face. Cynthia looked very pale, paler than usual. Her body was trembling in the chair, even though her face seemed calm Sophia knew she was terrified.

"Uhhhh yeah. I think" She replied unsurely, not even bothering to look at her aunt. "If you're scared I can tell Thomas the plan is cancelled." She offered stepping into the room and closing the door slowly behind her.

Cynthia frowned, the young girl look like a wreck. Her head was bowed down, her long blue locks covering her beautiful face. Her hands were clasped together on her lap and she was shaking.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this plan?"

"Yes" she squeaked. Entering the room the older woman closed the door quietly. "You don't have to if you don't want to"

"No." Cynthia stood up, her back straight with confidence. "I'm going through with this plan. I've waited for too long for this."

Sophia gaped at her niece's sudden change. "Alright" she said as she recovered from the shock. "Let's do this" she continued. Cynthia nodded following her aunt to the door.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Please put your hands together for my daughter Cynthia Ross. Performing a piece that I wrote specifically for her" The mayor announced. Thomas looked up from the booth he was working at. Sophia and Cynthia were walking in the balcony towards the large organ. He grinned as Sophia winked at him, the plan was on.

"We're finally gonna be together my love"

Music I can wish

Merry music while you're young

And wisdom when your hair has

turned grey

The music started and everyone was in awe of Mr. Ross's beautiful voice. It was deep and soulful and soft like velvet, pulling everyone into a trance. Halfway through the song, Sophia slid onto the bench next to her niece, hovering her hands over the keys. Cynthia gave her a grateful look before slowly sliding out of the bench. The song continued smoothly, no one will even notice that it's another person playing.

"Thank you" she mouthed to her aunt before slipping out of the down the steps two by two she soon ascended jumping into Thomas's moment was perfect, a happy couple finally reunited after a lifetime of being a part. His arms wrapped around her waist tightly, her arms around his neck. Their faces buried in each other's hair, smiling against each other's skin.

But more I cannot wish you

Than to wish you find true love

Your own true love this day

"Let's go." He whispered before putting her up their bags, Thomas cracked up the back door.

With a sheep's eye

And the lickerish tooth

Cynthia's face looked stoic but he could tell that she will miss her family very much, tears were forming in her eyes. Hugging her shaking form he laid a kiss upon her temple and whispered sweet nothings to her as he leads her out. Letting out a small sigh she took a step towards the door, arm in arm with her lover. "Are you ready for a new life?"

She didn't answer him, her eyes were busy looking behind her at her father one last time, singing the song he wrote for her. She felt a single tear escape her blue orbs.

To carry you away...

"I love you daddy" she whispered closing the door.

"Let's go we don't have much time" Thomas said quietly lacing his hands with hers and together they both took off down the long path. Cynthia laughed as she felt the wind rushing past her hair "We're free!"She yelled into the night, throwing back her head to take in the fresh night air that smelled like fresh pines. "New york here we come!" Thomas yelled throwing his head back as well.

The happy pair's laughter rang into the night as they continued their merry little way...unbeknownst to them that someone was in the trees. Watching

Sorry it's a bit short. I haven't been writing in awhile so this chapter may not be as good. Either way PLEASE leave a review and some suggestions for my newest story