Chapter 1 : Just An Athlete

A/N : Hi Guys this Another story I am going to Try out Basically This will be a G!P where Emma Is the First Female Football Player but she Is Recovering from a Knee Injury But Is also a Womanizer , Regina is Chief Executive Of a Magazine Company, she's single & a Mom to Henry of Course..!

Be Honest To me I wanted to start Another story Just to see where My Writing Skills were at Hahaha Don't worry I'm Still Writing Taking a chance which Reminds Me Chapter 15 is Written for Next week as we speak I am Beyond excited ! REVIEW AND Just Let Me Know how you feel about this story


'Waking up at 6 am?! Whose idea was it again' a mop of blonde hair showed up from under the covers. The blonde yawned before stretching, also letting out a few choice curses, in the process.

The blonde's Name was Emma, She was the youngest & first female to be drafted to the NFL ,which didn't Take Too long to be accepted by everyone, her own family included. Not only was she drafted by the NFL, She was Chosen By The New York Giants and that was super amazing.

Being the youngest though, she still had a lot to learn, especially being only twenty four.

Deciding to take a bath, she grabbed her crutches and hopped towards the bathroom. The reason for Emma's hopping was her knee injury, that also sanctioned her out of the game for nearly this entire season.

Making sure the water wasn't too hot she pulled down her sweat pants and then her tight black boxer which was holding her package in place; turning her back Emma slid into the warm water sighing upon feeling the warmth that encased her body.


On the other side of New York lived, 32 year old Regina Mills, she had her own luxury apartment and also her own magazine called E.Q that covered everything - fashion, gossip, healthy recipes and the latest on celebrities; she was proud of herself, because without using any of her family's money she was able to build her own company from the ground Up , well not exactly ground up more like an abandoned building renovated into what it had Become today- the E.Q Headquarters. Getting up she saw that she had a few emails to look over and three reminders that she knew she didn't have time to put into her phone calendar.

Finished getting ready, Regina walked around her huge apartment and grabbed her keys and purse; heading to her office, she got into one of her cars which was a - 2015 Tesla Model S. Driving off she was expecting a good day, that is until she got a text from her least favorite person, her sister Zelena.

Back at Emma's place she had just finished her warm bath , but she knew she would have to go to therapy which also meant sitting in a huge ass tub of Ice. Talk about the Most. . Ever.

Not only did it make her penis shrink,

( yes you read correctly; Emma was born with a fully functional appendage) but it also made her balls go numb but if she wanted to play at all in this season, she had to do it.


Getting back Into Emma's backstory well there isn't much to say about how she was born in Los Angeles; her mother Mary Margaret white and father David Nolan on discovering that they were pregnant with Emma in their mid thirties, were told that they were having a boy. Her father was beyond excited and he got everything from onesies - that usually said 'like father like Son' 'Daddy's Baby Boy' & his favorite 'Future NFL Star' - MM Or Snow is what Mary Margaret usually loved being called, adored how much her husband was being the devoted father. They already had four other kids Graham was the eldest, Elsa the Second, then Astrid and the last was August, which made Emma their fifth, youngest and last child , the day she was born was the most chaotic thing ever because Snow didn't know she was in Labor pretty much until David said she looked uncomfortable which she jokingly replied, "Maybe I'm Labor " which was the truth. David had helped his wife by taking a mirror and handing it to her , Snow Pulled her stretch pants down

along with her panties and let out a gasping she saw the blonde hairs that weren't hers so she knew they must have belonged to her unborn son.

Calling for David to get the car they Left August in-charge and said their grandparents would be bringing them to the hospital, later.

On her way to the hospital Snow was officially in Labor she felt everything, she asked David why were they doing this the fifth time, he simply told her that it would be worth it to him... that might be so, but she was ready to get this kid out of her. But I mean, what woman wouldn't have been when it feels like your insides are being pulled inside out. After what felt like hours Snow was all prepped and ready to go before she knew It the nurses rushed to the get the Doctor and a few other nurses got the equipment and blankets ready for the newest arrival; not long after the doc was between her legs letting her know that the baby was pretty much almost here and all she needed was a few more pushes.

And so on October 22nd 1990 Emma was born weighing 6 Pounds 5 Ounces and 19 Inches. But what confused Snow And David more was that they were told she was having a boy; David thought he was lied to, he was wondering why even after he cut the Umbilical Cord and they swooped In and took the baby and he finally wanted answers.

" Well Mr Nolan, actually the both of you were not lied to, I don't know how do I say this without freaking you both out but your daughter is born different than other babies and by different I mean ... uh .. I was not lying about you having a boy." David still didn't understand so he walked over to where his daughter was and his eyes widened, because his baby girl pretty much had the identical parts, just like him.

"We don't know what exactly causes this but I have seen a few other cases Like baby Emma's not many though, but I assure you that she will live a healthy life, I'd like you to schedule a routine checkup for her every few weeks just to make sure she is on the right track for development and to make sure that since she has a Penis we want to make sure she won't

have any malformations but as of right now she she's a healthy baby."

Years went by, Emma grew up just like any normal person could of course there was bullying and she sometimes got into fights , which meant Snow and David would have to come up to the school and talk with the Principal.

" I am aware that she is different but that still didn't give her any excuse to fight since this is her first fight I will give her first warning, more fights like this and she will be suspended or expelled, now have a good day Mr. and Mrs. Nolan."

Okay so High school wasn't as bad as middle school, that was worse because you had too many kids trying to fit In with whatever group they could , and that also included Emma's older brother August who was a Junior at the school.

He was also a Football player among his group they all were but he was the Quarterback, pretty much the alpha of their school Enchanted Forest High.

Emma wasn't sure at first but eventually she got used to the school and even made friends which consisted of three people Neal Gold , Leroy Munchkin and Killian Jones. All three knew their only female friend was different but not the secret she had hidden in her jeans. They knew she was interested in girls. But not much more after that. Her first year in High school she was treated like the freshman she was that included getting shit from her brother August.

The last two years flew by for Emma because, first her doofest brother was graduating and second she was about to become a Junior which meant only one more year, over the summer her physical appearance changed so did her face it became a little more chiseled, it's like she grew overnight she became taller , her hair got lighter and that body; she was thankful to be able to go the Gym all summer long because it showed and last thing to grow was the monster In her pants, no one else noticed yet, but Oh Emma did and she was proud of it.


Eventually she knew she had to tell her guys about the secret she was keeping from them , so one day when no one was in the locker rooms she asked Leroy , Neal and Killian to join her in there so they did and she told them, "Guys you three have been my best friend's for these past two and a half years and I have been keeping something from you all" turning around she pulled her jeans down. showing that she was wearing men's tight boxer shorts looking confused the guys said there is no shame wearing men's underwear from time to time. But she told them that's not what she going to show them , Emma pulled down her underwear and what they saw between their friends' legs made their eyes widen. Emma was much bigger than your average man being 8 ½ Inches and 5 in girth she was definitely bigger than her friends who could not stop looking. Eventually, Neal did and cleared his throat "Wow Em's I knew there had to be more to you " Killian closed his mouth " So now I have to compete with you for these High school women" And Leroy was shocked that she would think they wouldn't be her friend because of it. Pulling her underwear and pants Up she couldn't help but smile and hug them.

But what she didn't count on was someone else sneaking into the Locker rooms. Jefferson Hatiere was also inside, and he could not believe what he just saw August, his team Captain's little sister was a freak and he had to run and tell everyone which he ended up doing and Emma became the laughing stock of the entire school, only because of what she had between her legs; she was ready to leave the school for good, but the guys convinced her not to and to stand up to bullies like Jefferson and the others. Of Course August was graduating In a few days but at the same he was nervous, not for himself but for his sister Emma because without him who would protect her, Emma told him he didn't have to worry because she was about to try out for one sport that no other woman has did or allowed to do which was football. Both her older two brothers and father looked at her like she was crazy David was upset because he knew how dangerous the sport was but not only that she was his little girl August and Graham knew if she tried out than some of the guys wouldn't make it easy for her at all, but there was no changing her mind, hugging her they told her good luck.


She did try out and made the team which didn't sit well for the guys of that said Team, pretty much a few of them made Emma feel like shit most days but she found a way to ignore them and take everything they threw at her. Especially during practice when the coach wasn't looking Jefferson and his buddy Arthur would make a move in order for the Quarter Back to slam into Emma. Yeah she thought about quitting most days but she didn't; one day during practice she had enough and before either one of those fools could pull her down she ran faster than any other person on team and Jumped over a few heads making a touchdown.

Emma proved herself and the others on why she should belong on the team , no one had any arguments there but then it came time to pick the new Quarterback which also meant a test was going to take place. It happened with three of the school's finest Jefferson , Arthur and Emma when the test was over, it was an unanimous decision- Emma was named the new QB and she was beyond excited.

What came with the perks of being the new QB... well Emma was hit on by every female in the school, including the cheerleaders especially their team captain Sarah Winter she had a High interest in the new blonde sexy QB. Let's Emma became her new personal hump toy when she ambushed her in the Boys' locker room and having her way with Emma who was still In shock after it happened. Emma lost her Virginity in High school, cliche right- it kind of was.

Eventually she graduated High school early and went off to college that's where her womanizing ways really began, because Emma started Football in college and she was beyond good at it, she wasn't the QB but she damn well should have been. After her second year she was honored to learn that she was so good that she was guaranteed to be drafted even though she was a woman her coach and everyone else was ready to send a Letter to the NFL to tell why they should pick her.


Word got out Emma might be that definitely got the attention of some of

the females on campus, majority of them would flirt with Emma and try to make a pass at her, she would sometimes give in bringing them back to her dorm & pounding them into her mattress.

" OH God Emma I need more of you please ,.make me yours Make me scream Louder " One girl would say; ." You are way bigger than my dildo and last boyfriend, I can literally feel you in in my stomach" Another would tell her.

Emma graduated at the top of her class which made her parents and siblings beyond proud and they were about to be more prouder, after graduating received a letter telling her she would be going to the NFL scouting combine, which would be for six days In Indiana. Hugging her Mom and Dad then her siblings she left to head to Indiana.

In Indiana Emma was met with some of the Scouts they at first weren't too sure about what she could do, being the first female ever to be considered getting drafted they wanted to see what she had, that her other male counterparts didn't. She proved to them that she had what it took by completing the

40-Yard Dash

Bench Press

Vertical Jump

Broad Jump

20 Yard shuttle

And a few others over the past six days to say she wasn't tired was far from the truth she was ready for the next steps In becoming a NFL Player; she was told they still a lot others to test and see where they were at and she had went to Pro day at her college which is why she was here right now. The only thing she could do was wait and head back home to her family.


NFL draft day came upon them and Emma along with her family flew out to drafts where she pampered and prined for when her name was called. They waited and before she knew it Emma's name was called by the New York Giants. Hearing people scream she hugged her mother, father and siblings before getting up on stage and being handed a number 6 jersey along with a hat. After everything was over the White-Nolan family headed out to celebrate, she was going to miss L.A but she was excited to be starting a new journey, making new friends too hopefully. But for now she was spending as much time with her family before she had to leave for practice with her new family.

Now back to the present time Emma had won her first few games, now before she thought she was going to be a QB, but instead she was a running back for the Giants which was damn near best like a Quarterback. Plus her contract was set for $ 42 million. Everything was going fine for her, that is until one of their Home games; she was ambushed and tackled, Some of her teammates ran to her when then saw her holding her knee, the Medical team came out and pulled her from the field and brought into the Locker room where it was discovered that Emma's knee was Messed up.

That was just a few weeks ago and here she was at Physical therapy after getting surgery not long ago, she knew she couldn't do anything too fast if she wanted to heal properly. Which is why she was about to get Electroshock therapy

first and then a nice Ice bath. Looking at her Physical therapist she said "Nicole is the Ice bath Necessary it kind of makes my junk a little uncomfortable" her therapist raised an eyebrow at her and replied,

"Trust me your Penis will be fine you aren't using that for Running you are using your knee, so yes it is if you want be able to play."


Emma came only wearing her sports bra & her tight underwear that allowed

anyone to see the outline of her junk which judging by the size it looked now, she had grown a over the years. Smiling, she noticed a few other females were taking in her Physical Physique she winked at a few before being told to get into the tub which she did carefully;

"Fuck that's cold , Nicole , how long do I have to do this "

"Not long" Nicole said, just relax and I will be right back" her therapist left with that, leaving Emma with her thoughts.

Back On the Other side Of NYC Regina was in her office trying to listen to all her voice mails that she receives pretty much everyday that's not including the thousand and something e-mail, that's why she hired her close friend Katherine to handle some of the things around there when she isn't in. She heard a knock on

her door and looked up to see that it was one of the Interns that Kat hired her name was Ruby she had long brown-brunette hair like hers but with a red streak. " What can I do for you" Crossing her leg and grabbing her coffee cup at the same time.

Ruby was nervous "Well Ms. Mills these are some files about potential clients for some articles , she handed Regina the files well more like she put them on her desk and walked away.

Regina does not know why people were nervous around her she wasn't anything like her mother who was currently the Mayor of the city.

Sighing, she focused her attention on the stack of files, Ruby just brought. Opening each file and looking at the different names and also what new topic's could she talk about in the Magazine she saw a name. It was a story about a Little Boy named Roland Locksley he had written a letter to his father who was in the Army she smiled and moved to the next story.

Another story she read was about a Diner/ Bed &.Breakfast called Granny's and It wasn't just any old diner the Matriarch was Eugenia Wolfe now she looked to see where Ruby was because that last name , opened up a diner a few years back and she started a program for the Homeless in which if they needed a meal or a place to stay she would let them for a night or so & then got them cleaned up and even a . Finished with a few of the files Regina put them back in a pile.

Katherine walked in and smiled at her friend who was wondering why she was smiling , closing the door she sat down- "okay so I just got off the phone with The New York giants' publicist and they offered us to do a Interview with one of their top players who is inactive right now how cool is that."

"And who do they want us to Interview"

Regina asked her overly excited friend while waiting on her second cup of coffee to make it into her office , Katherine watched her friend sink back in her seat. They wanted you Interview their first Female running back, I think her name is Emma Swan formerly White, right now she's not playing because of an Injury so she should be available, and they can't get anyone else to Interview this Swan person. So they thought of the best and baby we are the best; Give me one minute" Kathryn shuffled a bit with her ipad "Damn this girl is beyond sexy you gotta take look" Katherine turned her Ipad around and showed her friend the Photo she was referring to.

The Photo was when Emma Did a Ad Campaign for PETA she basically she was almost naked, almost , Emma had her back turned a little in the pic & her hand and arm were covering her Junk with a old cowboy hat, looking sexier than any other person- Katherine definitely approved. And take a look at this one she showed Emma In another Photo This time In a White T-shirt and wearing Calvin Klein boxers showing Off her Impressive Package & Amazing. Sculpted. Body.

"Okay I am sorry Gina but if you don't want to Interview this beyond the most sexiest human being that I have ever met , I will do it because A. she makes me horny and B. She would be amazing in bed I bet. But since you do not want to do the Interview I will let them know that I will be there" Katherine said before getting up and making her way to the door and counting at the same time.

"Okay I will do but not because of things you listed those two things I just need to push back a few things."

Kathryn smirked "Good I knew you wouldn't say no and good luck Regina I can already hear wedding bells" Kathryn teased, backing out of Regina's office. "Now , where do you think you are going It's your fault that I'm doing this you are going to help me research everything about this Emma Swan before I even call her and set it up tonight you are coming over tonight so we begin our search on everything that Is Emma got It .Oh and bring some Take Out."

Emma had finished her Electroshock therapy & Ice therapy. Currently she was working her knee out, it was still painful. But Nicole wouldn't let her go too far before calling it a day and letting Em rest for another day or so before going back at it again. Neal showed up her Oldest friend, who was now helping her with some book stuff, came walking in to tell her she was about to get a call to set an Interview Next week. Usually she wasn't up for It but she knew she couldn't get out of it.

Her Phone rang and she answered it "Hello This is Emma Swan may I ask who's Calling"

"Hi this is Ruby Wolfe I am calling on behalf of Mills of E.Q Magazine she was Hoping If you were able to do a sit down and tell all Interview sometime next week."

Alright this Is my New Story and I Hope you Guys Enjoyed it as Much As I enjoyed writing It , Something different I wonder If Emma is going to say yes to the Interview & Maybe we might Get a SQ Meetup I think she will I haven't decided where Leroy and Killian will Come In yet but they will be In the Next chapter Also Yeah she's a Mom to Henry who will be a Little older Stay tuned to find out Just How Old...

I Just wanted to Thank all those that Reviewed my New story And tell you all I Got what you guys were saying So next chapter I'm going to Definitely Have it where you can Read what the characters are Saying and what they are doing instead of Having it all Bunched Up together & Also a Big Shout Out to DARK Savior Knight for the Help I Hope you all Stick with me for the Long Ride ...!