Anger began to course through my veins. I began to tremble as my cheeks and ears began to glow a vibrant red that had nothing to do with embarrassment. No. I was absolutely furious. So furious that the color decided to take over my face. Cody looked at me with a face that showed hesitation and a bit of fear. "Maybe we should get a teacher..."

"No," I said harshly. "They've been getting off the hook for far too long. Hurting my brothers was going over the line. If someone doesn't do something to stop these jerks then they're just going to continue to torture not only Raph, but Mikey and I as well," I looked to Cody with hard eyes. "They can mess with me all they want, but when they start messing with my loved one's is when I draw the line, and that line's been crossed."

Cody looked beyond nervous as his hands began to twiddle with each other. He was unsure of what to do, I could tell. "I still don't think that running into this head on is going to do any good. You could get hurt or worse, and...what would Raph, Leo, or Mikey do if that happened? Hell, what would I do if that happened?"

"If I get hurt," I said, breathing heavily through my nostrils, "then you go for an adult. A teacher, the principal, your parents, hell, Leo if you want...but I'm taking care of this now. I'm done letting these delinquents get off of the hook while others have to suffer.," I said lowly, eyes glaring at Nathaniel, seeking out to kill this kid if it wasn't against the law. He was Satin on Earth, I was sure. I made a move to go towards Nate, but a hand on my shoulder stopped me. I froze slightly before looking back.

Cody's eyes were filled with concern and fear. He didn't want to let go of my shoulder, I could tell. Because he knew that as soon as his hand left my shoulder, I was going after Nate, the most dangerous person in this school, and ranking up in the top twenty of the world. He took in a deep breath, eyes closing gently before gracefully fluttering back open as his inhaled breath was exhaled. " careful. I already had a scare with Casey. I don't need you going back to the hospital after you've just been diagnosed.

Above all else, he was scared. He was frightened. And to be honest, so was I. I don't know what this rush of adrenaline in me was. It was definitely foreign in my usually calm mind, but I realized that I had to do this, no matter what anyone else said or thought. This was for Raph, and Mikey, and my family, for all of my piers, and for all of the people that would encounter Nate in the future. I nodded slightly at Cody before I made a move over to wear Nate and his little rat pack was.

"So...having fun?" I asked them as I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back against the lockers across from mine and Raph's. When Nate noticed me his eyes widened before his mouth formed upward in a dangerous and horrifying smirk.

"Seems as if the fun's just about to begin in fact." He said, cracking his knuckles.

I didn't make a move, however. I just stood there, arms crossed and anger a bit evident in my facial features. "Look, I know we've had our fair share of rough ups in the past..." I said casually with a sigh before taking a few steps closer to Nate, but not too many to appear threatening. I looked up at him, eyes calm and mouth blank. And before either of us knew it, I had my hands pressed up against his shoulders and his back was pressed up against the lockers. He struggled, his teeth clenched in anger and confusion at a nerd like me having such strength. "But you messed with my family, and that's where I draw the line, you little shit, especially since you messed with my baby brother!" I kicked him in the shin causing him to let out a yelp of pain. The members of his rat pack looked ready to jump in and help, but all it took was for me to scowl at them before they backed down, and my attention refocused on Nate.

"Hey, man, I don't want any trouble..."

"Oh, but you most certainly got it," I snarled, yanking the weed out of his hand, temporarily letting go of one of his shoulders. "And by the actions that you have done, I believe that you most definitely were out on the search for a bit of good...mischief."

His teeth were clenched and his hands were balled into fists. He kept struggling, attempting to get out of my grip, but my new found strength kept his pinned down to the lockers. "You better leave my brothers alone and I mean for good. Stop tormenting Raphael, and don't you ever dare to touch Michelangelo ever again! I'm being nice here," I growled, my knee going right in between his legs. "If you ever and I mean ever mess with my brothers, friends, or anyone else for that're going to have Hell to pay!" I brought my knee up and smashed him right where no man should ever be hit. But Nate was no man. He wasn't even a boy.

He was a monster.

Nate fell to the ground when I let go of his shoulders, overwhelmed with pain. He curled up on the ground, his knees brought up to his stomach to try to help alleviate the pain. I looked around at all of the other boys that surrounded us. Boys that followed Nate around and strived to be just as monstrous as their idol. "This goes for all of you, punks! Don't let this warning go over any of your heads!" I shout.

I grab the lock from Raphael's locker that he must have forgotten to lock once again and lock it to ensure that the idiots didn't bother to try doing what I had just warned them not to.

But hey, idiots make the world go round, huh?

Cody had been watching behind the lockers anxiously, eyes wide with horror and anxiety, but as I began to walk closer and closer to him, the more his eyes began to flood with a feeling of relief. "You scared me, bro." He said breathlessly once we had walked out of ear shot of Nate and his rat pack.

I shrugged slightly, moving my bangs out of my eyes. "It honestly wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be," That much was true. I thought that Nate would have brought out a pocket knife or something of the like. I was quite shocked that he hadn't.

I just hope that they got the message and started to leave my family and others alone.


"It's nice here...I suppose," Fang said before blowing more bubbles that began to float up in the sky and closer and closer up to the bright blue sky that hovered over us. We sat on a wooden ledge that was directly outside of her room and was easy to access via her window. "I's difficult trying to get used to coming home and being accepted with open arms rather than..." Her words began to drift and her head began to wander as she stared out blankly at all of the other houses that lined the street. Her bubble wand fell limply in her hand and her bottle of bubbles nearly fell to the ground once her grip left. I caught the bottle just in time before it had fallen to the grass that was down on the first level of the two story house.

I placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and gave her a calm and unforceful shake. She shook her head and snapped out of her trance like state. "Huh? Did you say something?"

I gave her a small sympathetic smile. "You drifted again." Her hazel eyes filled with realization before she placed her head in her hands. It always embarrassed her when that happened. Mainly because the first time that she had drifted and I hadn't known what was going on, I had called her name for nearly a minute before she had snapped out of it. But I know how to handle it better now, thankfully. I wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close to me, her nuzzling her head into my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, Donatello." She apologized. Though, her apology came out rather muffled due to her mouth being pressed up against the cloth of my purple T-Shirt.

"You don't need to apologize, Fang, I promise," When she looked back up at me, her lips were up turned into a gentle smile causing me to smile back. Her lips were an elegant peach color that hid her absolutely pearly white teeth. Her blue hair was magnificent. But there were still so many things I didn't know about her. "Why did you parents name you Fang?" I asked.

She looked a little surprised, but she didn't look offended. "They, uh...they didn't."

"Huh? What are you talking about?" I was genuinely confused. Terribly confused. What did she mean that her parents didn't name her Fang? Was it a nickname?

"They never did name me," She specified. "I mean...they gave me horrible nicknames like mistake, and burden, and so forth, but they never did really name me. I didn't have a real name until kindergarten when I met my best friend. She was kind. Very nice. We grew up together. Well...'grew' up, we're still only in middle school. But she was my anchor through most of the shit that my parents put me through. She asked me my name on the first day of kindergarten, and I told her that I didn't have one. So she spent the rest of that day thinking long and hard. She wanted to give me a name. The most beautiful name that she could think of. And maybe at the time it seemed like a strange and childish name...but now I wouldn't trade it for anything. Because it was the first thing that the first person who cared about me gave to me." She explained, looking out longingly at the setting sun.

I looked at her with slight pain filled eyes. "Wow...that's rough. I'm assuming that you don't see her much anymore."

She took in a deep breath, held it for a minute and exhaled. "Yeah, I haven't seen her a while, and jumping into this foster home isn't helping much either," She chuckles slightly before taking her wallet out and looking at a photo on the inside. "Honoka was real nice. Raph would have liked her. She's a real hothead."

I laughed gently as I looked at the picture as well. Honoka had black hair, her right side longer than the other, but the left side wasn't shaved. Her eyes were and emerald green color, nearly the same color as Raph's, if not a bit lighter. There was a single purple streak that started at the right side of her hair before stopping at the beginning of her left side. "Yeah, Raph probably would like her. That or butt heads with her."

That got Fang to laugh right out. Her laugh was so beautiful, but no where as beautiful as what she was. "Yeah," She agreed, snuggling close to me, "they probably would have."

I look out at the sunset with her, but my eyes lingered back over to her. Her eyes were shut and there was a small smile on her face. She looked happy. Genuinely happy. I loved seeing her genuinely happy. It happened so rarely that I savored each moment when she was truly happy.

"When did you decide to dye your hair blue?" I asked curiously, resting my chin on the top of her head.

She seemed hesitant to answer. "I...I never did."

"What are you talking about?"

"It used to be brown," She said, ignoring my question. "It was brown until I turned three. My parents performed some assortment of experiment on me that involved dunking my entire body into a tub full of dangerous and not as well known chemicals. Some chemicals made me feel as if my skin was literally being eaten away at and some burned. Others had no immediate side affects, but I would get real sick afterwards. Like...deadly sick. They did the same experiment on me with a different set of chemicals one day, didn't really do anything. At least not immediately. It didn't hurt or burn and didn't make me sick. They didn't examine the chemical any further and tossed me back into my room, but later that day, my brown hair began to turn blue. I was confused and scared and I didn't know what to do except tug at my hair and hope that my hair would stop changing. didn't. No matter how much I screamed and cried. And ever since then, even when I cut my hair, it grows back naturally blue."

Man, I couldn't stop asking the wrong questions, could I? But she didn't look necessarily upset or angry over this question. No, she still looked...calm...content. "I'm so sorry you went through that, Fang."

"Don't be," She said tiredly. "I like my blue hair now. It makes me look like an anime girl."


"Please, speak, Mikey," I pleaded at my silent brother as he continued to watch his favorite movie on the TV, but he just remained silent and shook his head, much to my confusion, concern, and over all frustration. "Please, baby brother. I really miss your voice. I don't want you to become a mute." But this only earned more silence from the young eight year old. I groaned before standing and heading to the kitchen where Raph and Leo stood.

"No luck?" Raph hypothesized after seeing me enter the kitchen with the look of severe frustration on my face.

I threw my hands up in the air with frustration. "He just won't speak!" I brought my hands down and clutched my head in such frustration and confusion I thought that my head was going to explode. "It's been nearly a month since the incident! Why won't he speak?!"

"Do you guys think that we should send him to a specialist?" Leo questioned, leaning his crossed arms up on the counter of the island. Mikey hadn't spoke since the incident with Nate beating Raph up so bad and getting a nice sized gnash on Mikey's arm. Ever since then, Mikey had not uttered a single word, and all of us were scared and concerned out of our minds. Not even Raph knew what was up with Mikey even though he was with Mikey during the incident.

"Eh...I don't know about that, me try something," Raph goes out into the living room where Mikey is watching his movie. Raph grabs the remote and turns the TV off, much to Mikey's disliking. As expected, Mikey throws his arms up in confusion and protest, but not uttering a single word nor making a single sound of disapproval. "Mikey, why won't you speak?" Mikey ignores Raph's question and looks away. "Hamato Michelangelo, answer me when I'm speaking to you." To this, Mikey answers with a lousy shrug of his shoulders, his baby blue eyes filled with annoyance.

"You can get annoyed all you want, Michelangelo," I voice from the kitchen, stepping to the counter that separated the kitchen from the living room, "but something needs to be done. You've been completely silent for nearly a month, and we're all extremely concerned, even your teachers. We're concerned, and we need to be told what's wrong so we can some how fix it."

Mikey, in turn, crossed his arms against his chest and let out a huff of air, no vocals used. He was pissed, we could tell, but nonetheless, a change had to be made.

"Mikey," Leo cut in, making his way over to Mikey, and I following Leo in suit, "we're not trying to be the bad guys here, we're really not...but Donnie's right. We're concerned and scared. You haven't spoken in a full month, and the Michelangelo that we know can hardly keep his mouth shut for five minutes let alone a month," Leo placed a gentle hand on Mikey's shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze. "Mikey, we honestly really just want to help you more than anything else. You're the baby of our family. Mom and dad's last kid..." Leo's voice trails off for a moment, his dark blue eyes locked onto Mikey's baby blue one's, "and as Mom and Dad's first kid, it is my job to keep all of you safe, and Raphael's and Donatello's and my job to keep you safe. have to realize, you're our pride and joy. You're the reason that all of us wake up in the morning. Because even through the hardships that we've been through, Mom and Dad's passing, Raph's hospitalization after the accident, and Donatello's death scares in the hospital, you're the one who can always cheer us up and keep us thinking positively."

By the end of Leo's speech, Mikey has tears building up in his eyes as well as Raph and I, even Leo did, too. Mikey's lip began to quiver a little. "Mikey, you're our sunshine, and when our sunshine's been so quiet for so long, we get worried, so please, baby brother, why haven't you been speaking?" Raphael finishes off Leo's well said speech.

Mikey takes in short and quivery breath, almost as if he's about to burst into tears. And in shock and triumph, he speaks.

"It hurts."

I cringe.

He sounds horrible. His voice is all raspy and it broke a lot in those single two words.

I was horrified. "It hurts to speak, Mikey?" I asked to get a better clarification on the issue at hand. He gave a gentle nod and sniffed, wiping at his teary eyes. "And it's been hurting for a month?" He nods again. I look to Leo, Leo looks to Raph, Raph looks to me. We're all in a circle of concern and horror.

"Should we take him to the hospital?" Raph questions as Mikey twirls the edge of the blanket he had been snuggling up with in his fingers.

Leo and Raph both looked to me, the resident genius. I looked back at him, watching as he sobbed and cried and hiccupped before looking back at the others. "If his voice has been bothering him for a month, and it's still agitated I think we should seek out medical profession."

"Y'know, you could just say that we should take him to a hospital like a normal person, nerd." Raph scoffed with a roll of his eyes.

"Not the time," Leo said with a roll of his eyes and an exasperated tone. I nodded in agreement. Leo looked back to Mikey and took his hand in his own much larger one. "Mikey," he said calmly, "we're going to take you to a hospital, bud to make sure that your voice is ok, alright?"

Mikey shook his head, beginning to cry even more. He hated hospitals. We all knew this. He's always hated them. The white walls, the cold tiles, the sterile smell, the never ending sound of heart monitors and other various machines whirring, he hated it all.

And who could blame him?

After being in there so often, I hated them myself.

"I know you don't like hospitals, Mike," I said softly, "but we really need to take you there so that we can make sure nothing is seriously wrong with your voice. Don't you want to be able to speak without it hurting like crazy?" I bargained. Hesitantly, Mikey gave a slight nod, signifying that that was indeed what he desired. I gave a small smile before picking him up in my arms. "C'mon guys, let's head out to the car."



I hated this place.

And with the way that Mikey was trembling it was a dead give away to any by passers that he too hated this place.

I just tried to hold him closer and closer to me the closer we got to the check in desk. But the closer we got, the more he shook.

Mikey and I sat in a seat next to Raph while Leo wrote up the papers for Mikey's entrance. I bounced Mikey a bit, trying to calm his nerves at least a tiny bit.

"Haven't been here in a while." Raph stated, looking at me with a small smirk on his face.

I snorted. "You can say that again. It's only been two months, but it feels like two years to me," I could see the way that Raph was eyeing me. "In a good way, of course, Raph."

After Leo got the papers filled out, we waited for maybe an hour. If this was any other situation, Mikey would have fallen asleep, but considering that he was the patient in this scenario, he was much more high-strung. And eventually, the name that he had been dreading to come came.

"Hamato Michelangelo?"

Here we go...

Been quite a while, huh? Sorry for the delay. My laptop just got repaired not too long ago and I am finally able to update from home. Seeing as this hasn't been updated in a while, I thought to update this one before my ongoing Undertale story. For all you, though, who are interested in both Sidelines and Do You Love Me, the next chapter of Do You Love Me should be posted soon enough. Thank you all. Please review, I enjoy hearing what you guys think. :)