Having every intention of leaving this conversation behind me, I turn to make my exit, but before I can get away, Garrett reaches out and grabs my arm. "Hey man, I ordered a drink, hang on a sec," he nods, just as the server sets down three beers.

"You aren't getting out of it that easy motherfucker, so spill, what's yours? Whatever it is it can't be better than fucking on a mechanical bull," Garrett laughs, while Bella rolls her eyes.

I reach out and take a swig of beer, sit back, and glance around the room for a minute, then bring my eyes to meet Bella's,"If I told you, then I would have to kill you," I state carefully, using my deepest haunting voice.

Garrett bursts out laughing while Bella's expression tells another story. She wasn't the least bit amused. It seems the longer I am around her, the more I learn about her, but not everything about her is an easy read.

"So could this be one that was fulfilled or is it supposed to be one that is still yet to have happened?"

"Hasn't happened." Garrett throws back a few chugs of his beer.

"Considering there is a lady present, I will try to be as inoffensive as I can be while describing this."

"Oh, cut the shit!" Bella shakes her head, then waves the server back over. "Three shots of Jäger." she orders, then pulls a twenty out of thin air and throws it on the servers tray.

"Ohhhh…..we are moving up to Jäger now?" Garrett throws back the rest of his beer and Bella leans in resting her elbows on the table.

"Come on Masen, Garrett, and I promise we won't tell anyone." she gives me the most cockiest smirk, I'd swear she was learning from me.

I lean forward then lock eyes with her.

I can totally see what emotion she is trying to hide behind them. She looks aroused and full of curiosity. She wants to know this just as much as I did about hers, maybe even more.

Okay. Fine.

"Are you really sure you want to hear this?" I study her for a moment, waiting for her reaction.

There it is.

That one split second where her eyes widen but she shuts it down.

Too late, already saw it.

I had my answer to that question without her saying a word.

I lick my lips, and let the words roll off my tongue, "Still, waiting to fulfill it, mine is slightly darker than either of yours. You could say it is a dark erotic fantasy, and not in any way for the faint at heart. To date, I have not found a willing volunteer. And for the record, I don't have any intention of living it out with one who isn't fully willing."

"Dark, erotic...no one has offered...not even for you...Edward Masen. Really? Hmmm...you do plan on telling us what it is that would make any female unwilling to engage in something so risky, she would say no! Let alone to of all people you! Please, I have to know what kind of kink Edward Masen is into that women have turned it down!"

Her eyes are bright, her cheeks are flushed, and she is sitting here staring at me with pure excitement in them.

"Mine requires a little bit of preplanning. The location, the implements needed, and time to fully disclose to the one willing to play the part what will happen, the risk involved, and the intensity of an orgasm greater than any one they have ever had before. There are definitely risks because of the reality, and possible intensity of the fantasy."

"Risk. Like as in causing great harm, or are we talking edge play...or the probability of dying?" She asks.

"Every measure of security that can be taken will be. I'll make damn sure of it, I mean after all, her orgasm wouldn't be the only one I'd need to achieve."

"Come on man, you gotta stop beating around the bush here and spill it." Garrett is starting to show signs of being too intoxicated. Bella looks the way she always does. The alcohol hasn't seemed to affect her at all. I wonder if it will all catch up to her sooner or later.

I turn up the deep sound of my voice, eye Garrett then her and simply state, "I want to fuck a woman with a gun."

"Excuse me?" Garrett coughs out.

I lean in closer resting my elbows on the table between us, staring her dead in the eyes. We are so close I can feel her hot breath on my lips. I would swear she wanted nothing but to make a move to brush hers over mine. However, she quickly pulls back just out of reach as reality sinks in about what she was just about to do.

I flash her a slow, cunning, smile to tease her, "You heard me. I want to fuck a woman with a gun, would you happen to know of any possible volunteers?"

In a fraction of a second, I watch her eyes fall to my lips that I just so happen to lick.

She watches them closely, with a hunger in her eyes. Then, they dart back to meet mine again and she can't hide that fire that is now burning behind them.

It's right fucking there.

"A full clip, or empty?" I feel my brow lift, not expecting her to ask so casually, but thrilled she has the nerve to.

"Where is the thrill in an empty clip, or chamber? What would be the point if the element of danger were taken out? No bullets, no danger, where is the fun in that?"


"What are we talking? Single or double barrel?" Garrett asks, throwing back his beer.

We both turn to look at him.


I shake my head and laugh.

"If it were me, I'd say single, I am really not into fisting or anything close to it," she says as the server sets down our shots of Jäger. She then picks it up holds it up making a toast, "To Masen, I wish you all the luck in fulfilling such an erotic fantasy. I think you win. Sounds hot! Cheers!"

I laugh and clink glasses with her, then Garrett and throw back the shot and slam the glass down on the table. Damn, she never ceases to amaze me, with the things that come out of her mouth sometimes.

"So, care to go into a little more detail about this fantasy of yours, minus of course the barrel size?" She smirks in Garrett's direction.

I take a moment to close my eyes, and imagine the fantasy I have had since I was a teenager. I am surprised that for the first time, there is a face to go with my fantasy and it magically brings it to life in my head.

Her face.

In my fantasy I have longed for.

Dressed in that hotter than fuck pinstriped outfit she wore the day of the family meeting.


My eyes pop open and meet with hers. Her expression says so much. Her eyes are slightly hooded, a little more bloodshot now. She raises her hand up and our server magically appears.

"One last round of Jäger shots please, my friend here is about to share all the little details of his dirty little secret." she smirks. I glance up to see our server's eyes lift in surprise when her eyes meet mine.

She licks her lips seductively as she looks my way. I hadn't even noticed her until now. If I were to hazard a guess, she would love more than anything to hear this.

"That is, just about the extent of what I am willing to share." I state firmly and stand up. I honestly don't want another shot. I am already well on my way to be being buzzed and I need to keep my head in the game. Now, is not any time to let my guard down after the shit I have seen since we arrived here.

I am really curious as to how both my father and grandfather would have reacted to all of this. My grandfather is old school, but my father doesn't always agree with his ways of the old days.

All I can say from this point on is that I am glad I am not the one that The Swan family is targeting. Then, again...who knows really? Maybe I am after all is said and done, and with that thought, I need to really step up my game. I can't let my guard down around anyone. I am the Boss now and that is only one of many reasons to target me and take me out.

I turn and head for the exit with both of them in tow. We left the cute little waitress standing there with her mouth left hanging open. I chuckle to myself wondering what the hell her mind is conjuring up.

We make our way back to the car when I hear what I swear sounds like gun shots off in the distance. I look over at them as they share a look with one another.

"I can't wait to clean up these streets." she snarls.

"Maybe when all is said and done here, we can head over to the middle east. This isn't no where near as bad babygirl. Over there, it is ten fucking times worse."

"I will have to ask Daddy." she smiles brightly at him and climbs up into the jeep.

We share a look and both laugh before he replies, "Whatever Daddy's girl wants, Daddy gives her. Trust me that may be a hint of our next mission."

I shake my head and climb in.
