


My heart calls out for you

Searching for you.

This heart you have stolen

Misses you, loves you.

Chapter 1

One Year Later

"AHHH!" she screamed and instantly woke up when she felt the cold ice water on her body. Caroline didn't know what was happening until she heard the chuckles, and her eyes moved toward the culprits. "You assholes!" She grabbed her pillows and hurled it at them. "What the hell did you do that for?"

"Can you blame us, Caroline," The girl with long dirty blonde asked, her blue eyes sparking with humor. "You weren't waking up at all. For how long would you keep napping?"

Caroline glared at them before looking down at her wet vest. "So you decided on this? Couldn't you have chosen something else?"

"You wouldn't have woken up either way."

"How could she, Val? She was far too gone in her dreams," Nora said with a knowing smirk. She plopped down on the bed and crossed her legs. "Tell me, Caroline, who is this guy you have been dreaming about?"

Caroline's eyes widened and her heart started to race. "W..what..are you talking about?" she stammered, watching them nervously. "I don't dream about anyone." Lies. Lies.

"Really? Ever since you moved in with us, you've been muttering in your sleep, pleading for him to forgive you. Who is he and what did you do to him?"

Sweat started to form on her forehead at Nora's remark. She tried to shrug their suspicion with a nervous chuckle. "And you think that was about a guy? Nora, I think you heard wrong. There's no one in my life now, hasn't been in a long time."

Valerie rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say, Caroline. Our shift starts in twenty minutes, and you know how Aurora gets when someone's late." She rolled her eyes. "That woman takes everything seriously to a whole new level." Valerie left, leaving Caroline alone with Nora. If she had a choice, she would have begged Valerie to take their friend along to avoid her questions.

"Do you miss him?" At her confused look, Nora explained, "Enzo. Do you miss him? Is it him you have been dreaming about?"

Caroline didn't know what to tell her, because she knew it wasn't Enzo she had been dreaming about, but to avoid more questions, she decided to nod. Nora smiled, a pity smile. She patted her on the thigh. "It's okay to miss him. Just because you aren't meant to be doesn't mean a part of you won't miss him. It was both your decision to break up." And she had left her to dwell over her words.

It was okay to miss him. Not, Enzo, but him. The one she couldn't go a day without thinking about him. Nora might be talking about Enzo, but Caroline was thinking about someone else entirely. She hadn't known if they were meant to be or not, she hadn't given them a chance to find that out. It wasn't both their decision to stay apart, it was entirely hers alone and that had been a selfish, coward move. She thought staying away from Klaus would at least keep her mind in peace, but the past year she had gone without seeing him, her mind had been anything but at peace. She loved him. She had not realised just how much until he was gone from her life. She was only doing the right thing, she had told herself several times. By staying away from Klaus, she had saved four lives from getting ruined.

Coming to Australia, waking up every single day without getting any call or text from him had led her into depression. The first week had been hard. She was suffering from Klaus withdrawal, and just when she thought life couldn't get any worse, it did. She had no time for Enzo. She hadn't felt like seeing him or talking to him. He hadn't questioned her for leaving the states, he had been understanding like she thought he would. It only angered her, and blaming him at that time felt okay. He was the reason she wasn't with Klaus and because she couldn't bring herself to break his heart, she had fled the country.

The second week got even more worse. She wasn't sleeping and if she were, she would be dreaming about Klaus. She would see him looking at her in disappointment. She had left him. Alone. After she had promised she wouldn't, after giving him happiness only to snatch it away from him. She had called Elena then, asked her about him and she had told Caroline what she would rather not know, what would make her more guiltier than ever. He had came to Elena, pleaded, begged her to tell him where Caroline was. He was crying, she had said. He wasn't completely himself, she had continued. He wouldn't leave her house until Elena told him where she was.

Two days, that was how long he had camped out at her doorstep. Caroline had remembered him calling her, sending her numerous texts, but she had only just ignored them, switched her phone off when it bothered her. It hadn't been easy, she was dying inside, but Kol's words kept ringing in her mind. The second time she had called Elena, she was left in such a bad mood afterwards. Klaus was getting out of control from her absence. He had thrashed Caroline's apartment, got drunk and fought with her neighbour until they had called the police. Elena had begged her to call him, but as stubborn as Caroline was, she hadn't until she found out that he had stopped coming to Elena's, and had stopped texting and calling her. Caroline had been worried something had happened to him, so she had tried calling him, but his phone had been switched off, had been ever since he had stopped calling her. She had asked Elena to talk to Elijah, at least he would know where his brother was. But Elena had told her Elijah wouldn't see her, that she shouldn't bother his brother any more. Devastation was the only thing she had felt at that time, locking herself in her room and ignoring everyone else. Enzo had gotten tired of her behaviour, he had came over and he had sat her down, asked her to tell him what was wrong. She had told him everything, every word she had said had hurt him, but he had never once looked at her differently, never once had he accused her on cheating on him. He had smiled, and she hadn't hated herself even more. Enzo was better, he was better than her, better than Klaus even. So, why couldn't she have stayed with him? Why couldn't she have had a life with him? He would have given her everything, he was the kind of man any girl would wish to have because he was just so understanding and thoughtful, but she couldn't have been happy with him. She could have tired, but she couldn't have been happy.

They had both decided to break up, but he was still one of her closest friend. Enzo would call her once in a week, and would asked about her. Before he had left, he had told her to go back to Klaus, that they both needed each other, and how they would survive anything thrown at them. Klaus wouldn't ditch you, he had told her. He had a lot to say to her, how he knew she was strong and could take down anyone. He had been upset that she had listened to Kol and had been afraid of what Mikael would do. Klaus was grown man, capable of taking care of himself, and he could take on Mikael. Caroline hadn't been convinced, but she had agreed to call Klaus. At least, she needed to beg for his forgiveness. How roles had reversed. Klaus had always been the one to apologise and now she would be the one to apologise this time. She had taken Enzo's phone, thinking that she wouldn't get him on the phone and when she did, she had been happy. But the moment he had heard her voice, he had hung up the phone. Caroline had tried a few times, and he had picked up at the last minute, harshly told her never to contact him again. He was angry, she had realised. She would have been to. She had ditched him when he needed her. There was nothing she could have said to change his mind, he had already made up his mind to hate her. It was back to how it had always been, but this time around, she loved him and he hated her. For running away. For breaking him. Caroline deserved to be hated.

Five months later, she had decided to get up and move on with her life. The longer she stayed away from population, the more she would fall deeper and deeper into depression. She had gotten herself a job as a waitress in a nice bar, where she had met Nora and Valerie. Meeting them was like an answer to her cry for help. Nora and Valerie were loud and wild, different from her friends and she had taken an instant liking to them. They had made Caroline's life better, but could never erase Klaus from her mind. It was as if he was a part of her, her other half and losing him had taken something inside her, leaving her with an empty hole in her heart. She had moved in with them a month later, thinking that having someone close to her would cheer her up. Enzo came to see her once in a while, and she was forced to tell them he was her ex boyfriend, but she never told them why they broke up, and the reason she had moved far away from home.

Klaus. That was the only name that always leave her lips, day and night, whether in her dreams or when she thought of him which was all the time. Everything reminded her of him. Everything seemed to smelt like him. She was missing him so much that she had started to see him everywhere. She still tries his number, but she wasn't getting through. Something had told her he had changed his number because he didn't need her calling him. He didn't need her any more. And damn it if that hadn't hurt her like hell. Seven months later, she had lost hope.

Caroline hadn't realised she was crying until she felt the tears on her open palm. She hated crying. She had promised herself she wouldn't cry, but she always end up breaking her promise all the time. Getting up from her bed, she made her way to her closet. Buried under her clothes, she found what she was looking for. She had not thrown the necklace away and she didn't have the guts to wear it ever since he had given her. Why would she wear it? It only remembered her what she had lost.


She quickly rubbed her tears away and put the necklace back to it's hiding place. She found Valerie and Nora talking excitedly as they both looked at something on Valerie's phone. This little things they did always reminded her of Elena and Bonnie.

"What' wrong?" she asked, as she joined them on the couch.

"Lucien is coming tomorrow and he wants to have dinner!" Valerie chirped, looking over at her phone.

"That's great. It's about damn time." Caroline knew how Valerie felt about Lucien. They had been dating for three months and hadn't seen him in two months because of his constant travelling for meetings and such. She had never seen him before, and when he had came to see Valerie, she hadn't been around. But this time around, she was excited to see this Lucien she had heard so much about.

"It's more than great, Caroline. He wants to have dinner with all of us, and he's coming with his friend! You never know, you might end up falling in love with him. Since you are not getting back with Enzo, you might as well start dating again."

Caroline tried to mask the panic and worry she felt at the moment. She hated when they set her up with anyone. She wasn't interested in Lucien's friend, and if she had a choice, she would drop out of the dinner. But knowing Valerie would be hurt, she pushed the thought away. There was no man on earth she would fall in love with after Klaus, but they didn't need to know that.

"Please, no," she said with a groan. "I'm happy being single, okay? I don't need you to set me up with Lucien's friend. I think I'll pass this one."

Nora glared at her. "You haven't even see him. Lucien's friends are all rich and hot, and I'm damn sure his friend won't disappoint. If I was straight and didn't have Mary Louise in my life, I'd totally go for his friend."

Rolling her eyes, Caroline said, "I don't care. My life is awesome the way it is. I don't need a man to make me happy. If you try and set me up with this friend, Val, I'm going to ditch this dinner."

Valerie groaned in disappointment. "Fine, I won't try and set you two up. Happy?"


"But you will let me dress you up, yes?"

"What's wrong with how I dress?" Caroline complained, looking down at the sweatshirt and sweatpants she was wearing. She never felt the need to dress up when there was no one to dress up for. What was the need?

"Everything," Nora admitted, her face twisting in disgust. "Seriously, Caroline, don't you know that you chase men off with the way you dress?"

"Do I look like I care?" she asked, getting up from the couch to leave for her room. Caroline could care less about the male population. There was only one person's opinion she had cared about and he wasn't here to see her. He would never be here to see her.

"Have I ever told you how gorgeous you are?" he asked, as he trailed his fingers down her arm, that damn dimple that always made her heart race was peeking at her. Klaus breathed her in, taking his time to snake his arm around her waist and pulled her flushed to his chest. "So bloody gorgeous. I want to tear this dress off you."

"Please, don't do that," she chuckled, lightly. "I happen to like this dress very much. Tearing it off would only make me mad, so please, don't."

He sighed, dropping his head on her shoulder. "You make it impossible, Caroline, so bloody impossible not to take you right here and then." Moving his lips upward, he nibbled on her earlobe. "This dress really turns me on."

"And if I'm wearing ugly clothes, what then?" She moaned when he sucked on her lobe, her hand tugging on his short hair. "Would it still turn you on?"

Klaus lifted his head to stare at her, making sure she saw the sincerity in his eyes and in his words. "I love you, Caroline. You could be wearing the world ugliest clothes and I would still find you sexy. You make ugly things look beautiful. You make my ugly heart look beautiful."

Caroline sat at the edge of her bed, wondering when her life had turned upside down. She grabbed her phone, searched for his number and paused. One more time, Caroline. Just once. She was dialling without a second thought, but her heart sank when she couldn't get through to him. Well, at least she had tried. She lay down on the bed, looking up at the ceiling.

Where are you, Klaus?