Announcement 2020:

Hello, ladies, gents and everyone else, I hope you're all doing well as you possibly can be during these difficult times. Please know that you have all my love and support, because I know it sucks. Big time.

This little note is merely to let you know this series will be going some editing for the year 2020. Reading over Part I of this fic led to A LOT of cringing, since the way I write now and four years ago has significantly changed.

No worries however, the editing that will be done is not THAT drastic. Just correcting mistakes, probably changing the chapters' length and stuff like that. If I do make like a BIG alteration, I will most certainly leave a Note.

I don't know when I'll get started, but I can confirm that it'll be soon. I really want to return to this fandom, and I think I went through enough of a writer's block for Part II by now XP

Take care, everyone, and hopefully see you all soon X3 !

Bella Ciao !

Seth's Kiss