Hey guys! It's Riri, I'm going to be doing something a little different this time! So I have been playing Elsword for 4 years now, and my lovely friend Kanara has recently started playing, and we ship Add and Ara with a passion, My Add and Her Ara are actually a couple in game~

So we decided to write a bunch of drabbles about them, most of them will be FULL of angst, and might be a bit OOC but we do our best! Flames are Accepted, and Chapters will not be connected unless we say so! So I have played Add and Kanara has done a beautiful job with Ara, and we hope you like them!

Name: Hair Ties


Add: Mastermind

Ara: Yama Raja

Summery: Ara like to mess around with Add's hair while he's working, Add has learned to deal with it.

Add felt his eye twitch as his hands paused in the middle of work. He felt his ponytail being undone, and his hair frame is face, and felt a few strands being pulled back. "Ara..."

"Hold still!" She said as she began braiding his hair.

He twirled the screwdriver in his hand, before tightening a screw on Apocalypse, one of the little robots that followed him. Until he felt his hair being played with again, and an irritating tick appeared. He tried his best to deal with it as he looked around for screws.

"I'm almost done!" She put a orange hair tie on the end and began adding some bows and pins too. Once she was done she turned his seat around so he would face her, "I love how you look!" Ara said sparkly eyed.

The still working scientist didn't even want to look in the mirror. He put a hand back to his hair and felt the braid through his gloves. But seeing her happy like that made a slight smile come to his face. "You still planning on washing it tonight?" Ara had deemed it her job to wash his hair every other night.

"Of course I am! And I might add another bow I recently bought!"

"And that's why I don't go outside...what color is it..." He asked the question out of pure curiosity. Curiosity killed the cat, and Mastermind was always asking questions. He picked up and tightened a few screws.

"It's Orange and Pink. And don't worry, because you will be going out with me sometime!"

He wouldn't be caught going out there with his hair like that. Over his dead body. "Where do you even get all these accessories?" He stood up from his desk and stretched, turning to look at her, and tucking the two pieces of hair at the front of his face, behind his ears.

"It's a secret. And you're going out with me, because you need to get out more! You've been cooped up in this lab for days! It's not good for you, Add." She pulled out two barrettes and fixed the two pieces of hair in the front.

"I am not going out in public like this" He took of his long lab coat, which left him in a short sleeved black t-shirt with a little purple power symbol on it. He then took out the braid and accessories, leaving his hair with a sharp wave instead of its usual straight appearance. He didn't put it back into his ponytail, but instead left it down. Seeing him take off what she just did made the Yama Raja sad. She simply just turned around and walked out, frowning.
He frowned, and walked out, leaning against his lab door as he sighed a little.

"Do you want to wash it now? If you do I'll...go out outside with you..." He caved, he couldn't stand seeing her upset.

"I will, although, I was hoping to go out tomorrow since its late now." She faced him, smiling a little.

He didn't know what to do, he felt a little guilty now. He smiled a little, and walked tords her, placing a big white bow in her hair. He put a hand behind his head and muttered an apology.

"It's pretty." Seeing him do that made her happy, then she took his hand, walking over to his bathroom, "So, do you still want me to wash your hair?"

He smiled. "Well I'm not letting anyone else do it" he walked into the bathroom with her and took his shirt off. "Your the only one I let mess with it"

"I don't mess with it, I make it look nice. And then," She wrapped her arms around his neck, "You look handsome, Add."

He smirked and put his hands on her waist. "As handsome as a man could look with a bow in his hair" He pet her head, and took off his gloves. " I bought a new shampoo for you to try out."

"Ok." She pecked his lips and then looked for it. Once she found it, she brought it over to him, "Is it different?"

Add took the pink bottle from her and opened it. "Smell it" He had gotten it from the store earlier that day when he went food shopping.

She took a sniff and smiled, "It smells so nice!"

"Yep, we haven't tried strawberry yet, so I figured you might want to try something new" He put his shirt in the waist basket and ran a hand through his hair, combing it back.

"That's not a bad idea you had." She placed it down, and began running her fingers through his hair.

Add then walked over to the sink and smiled. "I'm ready if you are," He said as grabbed a towel and set it aside to dry his hair after they were done.

"I'm ready." She then turned on the water to wet his hair, and then applied some shampoo. Once she did, the Yama Raja began to gently scrub his hair. The overworked scientist sighed in content. He was in pure bliss. "It's hard not to fall asleep when you do this..." He closed his eyes, and leaned back.

"Really? Am I this good?" She asked, slightly puzzled.

"Mmhmm...it's like a massage..." He leaned into her hand. "Where do you want to go tomorrow..."

"Hmmmm, not exactly sure. I was actually hoping to just take a walk with you." Since he was always in that lab, she has been going out by herself, and even if it was just a walk, she just wanted it for once to be with him. "Is that ok?" She asked as she rinsed his hair.

"Perfect..." Maybe he really did need to get out more...maybe tomorrow wouldn't be so bad. Maybe he would surprise her with something. He leaned his head up, and squeezed the water from it.

"There you go! You're hair is clean now!" She then rinsed the remaining soap off her hands and then dried them.

Add then grabbed the towel and stood up and wound his hair into letting it rest on top of his head. "Thank you my dear~" He then gave her a short hug and a kiss on the forehead.

"Anytime." She said as she walked out of his bathroom, "Do you mind if I stay here tonight?"

"Not at all" he always let her stay over, if she didn't want to go home for what ever reason, she always slept in his bedroom. He ran a small hair brush through his hair until he winced. There was a knot...he hated knots... "...Ara..."

"Hmmmm?" She turned around, when she heard him, "What is it, Add?"

His face turned a little pink, before he just handed her the hairbrush. "Can you get the knots out..." He didn't understand how she kept her hair as long as she did.

She blinked and then took the brush from him, "Alright." The Yama Raja then began brushing his hair, being gentle as possible.

"I left your clothes in my room from last time." It was his room but being cooped up in the lab all the time also meant he accidentally fell asleep in there. But whenever Ara stayed over she had him on a sleeping schedule.

"Ok, thank you, Add." She then was able to get the knot detangled, "There you go. Feel better?"

"Much.." He hugged her around the waist and kissed her before walking up to his room with her to get changed. He never tied his hair up when he went to bed, he always let Ara style it in the morning. Ara took off her long boots and placed them on the ground. Then she picked up one of his shirts. She knew that she had some clothes at his house, but she liked wearing one of his shirts sometimes. His shirts however, looked like little night gowns on her. Which add found adorable. He saw Apocalypse-his robot cat- off on his desk in the corner. He quickly changed into a t-shirt and shorts, and climbed onto his side of the bed.

"I'll let you style my hair when we go out alright?" He figured he should let her...she was doing something nice for him.

She turned around, away from him as she took off her dress, and put on his shirt. "Alright." Slight triumph filled her since she was able to hear him say that. The blackette then slid into his bed with him, wrapping a arm around his torso. He slid an arm around her shoulder, and brought her in closer. There was a nice little place he planned to take her tomorrow. He just hoped she would like it. He smiled at the thought, before rolling over and pulling her onto his chest. She kept one hand on his chest too, as she rested her head there. For some reason, Add was always such a good pillow for her.

"I Love you..." He said, before smiling and closing his eyes as well, falling asleep a few minutes later.


Light shone in the room, waking up the Yama Raja from her slumber. She slightly lifted her head to look at Mastermind already had his eyes open, and giving her a loving look when she woke up. With the way she was sleeping, he didn't want to wake her up. His hair was a little messy, but he did promise Ara that she could do it. " Morning..." He smiled and sat up, letting the covers fall off him. He stretched, and looked out the window next to the bed. "Looks like it's going to be a nice day today..." He looked down at her. " I hope your ready for tonight"

"I will be. Did you have somewhere in mind you wanted to go with me?" She inched closer to his face.

"I do." He breathed. "But I'm not telling you..." he said before stealing a quick kiss from her and getting out of bed to get dressed.

"What? That's not fair!" Why so secretive? But trying to get it out of him is pointless. So she grabbed her clothes and went to his bathroom.

Add laughed and put on a pair white jeans and his white and purple blazer. He left his coat in his lab in the basement, he would get it later. He put his hair in its usual ponytail before heading downstairs. Once Ara changed out of his shirt and into her clothes, she grabbed a brush and went down the stairs.
Add was sitting down at his kitchen table drinking his coffee and reading a book that he had taken up from his research lab. Ara went over to him, nearly tripping on her own feet while doing so. Once she got over to him, she began fixing his hair. Add smiled at the feeling, taking a sip of his coffee and closing his book as he leaned back. She brushed through it, getting his tangles out. But this time, she tied it in a ponytail, just the way he liked it. Ara knew that what she usually did to his hair was a little much, so she left it as is. He was surprised to say the least, that she hadn't added any accessories, but he didn't ask her about it. He turned to her and smiled.

"Want to help with the garden out back?" He had grown it around the time when he first met Ara and even though he didn't like getting dirty, it was still a nice addition to the house.

"You have a garden? That doesn't sound like you." She gave a small smile.

"Let's just say..." He gave her a long look. "I had a lot of...Inspiration." He went over to the back door, unlocked it, and looked outside. There were a few fruit trees here and there, but what stood out the most where all the white, purple, and yellow flowers.

"It's so beautiful! I love it!" She was amazed. It was so colorful and pretty! "What made you want to do all this?"

"You." Was all he said before walking outside and turning on the sprinkler system he made.

"Me?" She blinked, but it meant so much to hher "Really, Add?"

"They remind me of you.." He smiled, seeing the sprinklers create a rainbow over the area.

"Add..." Her smile became brighter, and she couldn't help but jump into his arms, knocking them both on the ground. He caught her laughing, they rolled once, before, they came to a stop with Add on top of her, they landed in between the flowerbeds, with the sprinklers showering both of them. He picked one of the bright yellow flowers next to him and put it in her hair.

The Yama Raja then touched his cheek, "I love seeing you so happy, Add." She knew he was broken, and he wasn't laughing or smiling morbidly. This was real, and she loved it. The water from the sprinklers started to drop from him onto her. "You've made me happy Ara..." He then lowered himself down and laid down next to her, not caring that they were getting wet.

"Really? I didn't do anything though."

Add looked up to the sky, she didn't realize it, but she was the he was the way he was, sure his old tendencies came back a lot and he acted more shut in and withdrawn but around Ara , she had taught him that life had more to offer.

The Yama Raja smiled and she hovered over him, "Add, thank you."

For once the mastermind seemed confused. "For what?"

"Because, you made me happy too. Ever since my brother..." Remembering what happened made her shiver. "Ever since what happened to him, I haven't been as happy as I was. Now I am. And it's because of you."

Add still had a surprised look on his face, but it slowly melted into a smile. "The time will come soon when you have to save him, and I'll be watching when you do it..." He slowly leaned up and kissed her. She kissed him back and placed her hand on his cheek again, then a small tear streamed down her cheek.
He place his hand over hers, and wiper tears away with the other. "I promise...I believe you can do it...You've gotten a lot stronger since we first met.."

"Do you really believe that?" She asked puzzeldly, then pressed her forehead to his.

"I do...we'll drag him back if we have to" He leaned against her, and then hugged her into his lap.

"Add..." She gave him a quick peck on the nose. "Thank you for being there for me. I'll try to do the same with you."

How was that for a first chapter? I hope you all liked it! R&R!