
"The results were as we expected," Lex Luthor announced before the council of the Light. There was a screen hanging from the wall, G. Gordon Godfrey's face filling it as he spouted abuse against the Justice League. "The nanobots worked perfectly. All across the country people are doubting the League's capabilities of dealing with more underhanded threats, and the riots in the heroes' cities have displayed the brutality of humans towards their own kind quite effectively."

"Our partner has agreed to the plan," Vandal Savage said, nodding to Luthor. "But it will take some time for them to prepare."

"How long?" the Brain asked.

"Up to five years," the immortal being growled.

There were nods and grumbles from all around the table as the gathered villains heard this. They faded as Vandal raised his hand.

"What of Robin?" Ra's al Ghul asked in the ensuing silence.

Kobra stood from his seat. "Ivy proved to be an effective helper, but in the end Robin could not kill them."

"No matter, I didn't expect him to. You underestimate the stubbornness of Batman's ilk," Ra's said.

"From what I recall, you were first against this plan, isn't that right?" Lex asked. He leaned forwards and looked expectantly at the Demon's Head.

"I'm well aware this failed stunt may have severely hindered Robin's physical capabilities," Ra's answered stiffly, meeting Lex's challenging gaze. "My concerns merely lie in his state of being."

"Not his loyalty?"

"Robin can be swayed, I have no doubts about that. When the time comes, he will be with us."

"I do not trust this plan," the Brain said, his accent thick. "Robin is one of the most integral sidekicks in the hero community, yet you seem to think he will simply join us? Why take the risk?"

"Robin is more than just stubborn. He is incredibly loyal. That loyalty now belongs to me."

"Oh, and how is this?" Lex asked.

"We made a deal."

"And how do plan to bring him to our side?"

"It's simply, really." Ra's leaned forward, smirking slightly. "We kill him."


Next installment:

Black and Blue

"We need to talk."

"You're not going to kill me, right?"

"That depends."

"On what?"

"Whether I like what you have to say."

"You're adorable."

"I don't really care."

"It's painful to watch."

"You jealous, Arty?"

"I'm scared, Wally. You don't what it was like, the kind of thoughts going through my head."

"But it's over now, you're fine."

"No, I'm not."

"This isn't how I expected our first date to go."

"You're telling me."

"I mean, really. Did you have to break his arm?"

"You just don't get it, do you? You can't just say that and expect everything to be okay."

"You look good in a suit."

"Of course I do, it comes with being filthy rich."


"Of course. It's not every day the whole world gets a chance to reject you."

"Just think of it, Nightwing and Flamebird, the new vigilante duo!"

"Those aren't the words of someone who cares."

"You're just going to have to trust me."

"I don't know if I can."

"This isn't the way I wanted things to turn out, but maybe it's the way they should."

"It's time, child."

"Just make it quick, okay?"

So I lied. This was the last chapter, sort of. It was supposed to be part of the previous chapter and I didn't realize until now that I forgot it.

I have responded to all of the last chapter's reviews through PM if I was able. I will do the same this time.

Guestz: There will be a sequel! The oneshots will be a separate story title Black and Blue. I will add an A/N chapter on here once that story starts posting so you guys don't have to go looking for it.

'See' you next time!