Disclaimer - I claim no ownership to the characters used in this fan work. The characters rightfully belong to their creators such as Monty Oum and their other respective owners at Roosterteeth.

Everything but the Main Event

Chapter 3: Luscious Mounds

"I'm just saying, the two of them have been spending an awful lot of time together lately." Yang mentioned loudly from atop of her bunk.

Despite morning classes beginning within the half hour, the buxom blonde was still clothed in nothing more than her pair of boy shorts and a tank top. She was laying on her stomach as she held her head up with one hand. Her gaze focused on the team's resident ice queen across the room.

Seated at a desk and facing away, Weiss seemed resolute to ignore the other's attempts at instigation. "Are we? I hadn't noticed." Her tone was firm. Her voice, a near chilled monotone.

The heiress, in contrast to her teammate, was both dressed and ready. Her hair had been brushed and tended to it's signature askew ponytail. Rather than laze about, she had cracked open her books for some morning review before class.

"Ouch!" Yang coiled her body slightly, as though nursing a pain near her chest. "Almost got frostbite from that one." She teased with a resurfacing grin.

Weiss kept her back to the other despite her consistent attempts to draw her attention. Acknowledging anything at all by this point was the same as an admitting of guilt as far as she was concerned.

When her attempts to agitate her shorter teammate bore no fruit, the golden haired boxer grimaced. "I just think it's weird. Blake thinks so too. Right, Blakey?" She asked, much more chipper as she peered under her bunk, her hair cascading messily over her head as a result.

Silent up until now, the ebony haired faunus kept her eyes glued to her novel. She too sat fully dressed and prepared for the day's classes. One leg crossed over the other as her golden irises grazed from left to right and back over. "I'm staying out of this one." She stated in indifference.

Frowning, Yang blew some of the hair out of her face before shooting a cheap glare at her partner. "Blakey, you said you would back me up, remember?" While her words may have attempted to be that of a whisper, they were delivered at such a loud interval that the one sided conversation became audible from across the room.

Closing her book, the mellow student kept her thumb inside as a temporary bookmark. Blinking, she shot her gaze back up to meet the other. "No." She replied flat at first. "You said: 'Blake, I'm gonna talk to Weiss about it. Back me up, okay?' I said: 'No.' To which you replied: 'Alright, alright.' Then proceeded to shout across the room: 'I'm just saying, the two of them have been spending an awful lot of time together lately.'"

The at times, reserved student was far from scolding in her summary of the events. If anything, it was more informative and regurgitated than anything resembling malice. Her duty seeming fulfilled, she returned to her book. The act earning a passing dry chuckle out of the blonde as she rolled over and returned to her bunk.

While seeming detached on the outside, Weiss was actually quite glad. She was thankful that the at times open-speaking team member had instead pulled back into her introverted side. It was one thing being able to brush off the bruiser's accusative advances, but having to defend herself two against one would have been more problematic.

It was troublesome. This all would have been so much easier if their oh so impulsive leader were not so opposed to an open accord. Things would not have been simpler if they did. Going down that road would only lead to many different difficulties that the rapier-wielder couldn't even begin to contemplate. Yet, at the very least, this particular one would not exist.

This was not the first time Yang questioned the recent closeness between Ruby and herself. Truth be told, Weiss didn't necessarily care for keeping their relationship a secret. Not to mention she wasn't exactly in favor of the accusative tone she would receive from time to time as a result.

If not for her girlfriend's wishes, she would have loved to inform the busty blonde exactly how intimate she and her little sister's relationship was. She would lavish the appalled expression to overtake the brawler's face, only smirk back as it turned white.

Weiss' eyes seemed to go wide to herself as she halted her pen for moment. When did I start having such unbecoming thoughts? With a brief head shake to clear her mind, the heiress resumed her morning studies.

The white haired beauty couldn't help but ponder when and what was the catalyst of her improper inklings as of late. The most obvious culprit was of course, the eager redhead who occupied the bed above her own. I'll have to have a word with Ruby about our rapport later.

At that instance, the dorm room door flew open. A crimson blur zipping inside as a trail of roses chased behind. "Good morning team RWBY!" She exclaimed happily with a bright smile. Her distinct red cloak almost seemed to have trouble keeping up as it took quite a while before falling down to her back.

Speak of the devil. Weiss thought to herself, looking at her partner.

"Hey Rubes." The older of the two siblings greeted warmly, now handing off the side of her bed again.

"Hey Yang." Ruby replied, rocking back and forth on her heels and balls of her feet. Looking up at her elder sister, Beacon's youngest snickered a bit to herself. "Why aren't you dressed yet?"

With a partially irksome smile, the usually carefree blonde started to pick herself up. "Yeah, yeah." She fanned off the question, swinging her legs off the edge of her bed. Sliding down, she dismounted in the center of the room. "We can't all shower together, y'know."

Taking her first few steps over toward the washroom, Yang spoke up again in a casual manner. "Besides, I had to wait for your girlfriend to finish up."

Weiss froze up in a breath. Panic welling up her crystal tinted eyes. Whipping her head around, she caught of glimpse of the dubious nature of her classmate's eyes. It's a trap. She thought to herself. She's trying to get Ruby to slip up.

Her fears were justified as the heiress shifted her gaze to see Ruby staring down at her in a quizzical manner. "Girlfriend?" The scarlet haired youth repeated aloud.

No. It'll be suspicious if you look at me. Turn away you dunce! Weiss sharply pulled her head away. Turning back to her notes, her fingers fumbled ever so slightly before grabbing hold of her pen in a more natural fashion. Her head stirred up, she ended up rewriting her previous few statements to make it seem like she was occupied.

The scythe-user traced the room with her eyes. Yang was waiting by the bathroom door frame with a cheeky expression. Meanwhile, their more quiet teammate kept to herself. "You mean..." Ruby paused for a long time. It was the type of length that beseeched nervousness or genuine confusion. "...Blake?" She ended up squeaking out.

Previously keeping to herself, the dark haired huntress in-training pulled her golden gaze up from her book. "Hm?" She hummed in confusion. Her brow kneading in a complimentary fashion.

"I knew it!" Yang screamed from across the room. Her target now switched completely. After a stomping barefoot sprint, the blonde rushed into a forward vaulted, catching the faunus off guard with a full body tackle. Blake's book went flying into the air as she herself was pulled into a mostly playful wrestle on her bed. "I knew you two were having one too many late night book clubs!" She loudly called out in the mock display of her protective nature.

"Yang! I don't know what you're talking about!" The normally level headed student cried out. Still struggling to break free, the two tossed and turned but a firm arm hold around her neck prevented any escape without the use of her semblance. Doing so would be easy, but nothing less than the admittance of defeat.

Watching her two schoolmates roughhouse made the youngster laugh to herself. The situation diffused at least for the present moment.

Closing up her notebook, Weiss stared up at the redhead. "Where were you up until now anyway?" The stately student asked, ignoring the grappling pair across the room.

"Oh!" Ruby chimed, as though just reminded herself. "I just needed to talk to team JNPR about some stuff. Nothin' big."

"If you say so." The older replied. Standing up, she started picking up her things. "Let's begin heading to Professor Port's morning lecture. We could end up tardy if we wait around too long." Before waiting for conformation, Weiss began heading for the open door.

"'Kay." The leader responded, walking side by side next to her teammate. "Don't be late guys!" She called out over her shoulder as she left, closing the door behind her. The sounds of morning horseplay echoed out into the hall until the door was shut completely.

As Ruby turned to Weiss, she revealed a juvenile smile. The two successfully managing to scamper off without any further prying questions.

"You're more devious than you lead on." The blue blooded student noted with a mature but content smirk. Her expression matching her partner in that regard.

Still facing the other, the huntress-to-be shot out an 'ok' hand gesture and coupled it with a quick wink.

The pair proceeded to head out together. Only a handful of students heading out as early as they were, the halls were mostly abandoned.

"Honestly, I don't know where those two get their energy so soon into the morning." Weiss commented out loud.

The younger adolescent could not help but laugh at the other's assessment. Her hands, playfully held behind her back as she walked. "It's just Yang. She can get a little uppity in the mornings."

"Quite." The more dignified student replied shortly after. "I can't imagine someone like Blake conducting herself that way around either of us without your sister's influence."

"Yeah..." Ruby started before going silent. Her lips pursed upward in a teasing manner. "I bet you'd be able to hold your own against Yang though, since you're so uptight sometimes." The provoking words leaving her mouth only widening her childish expression.

Turning her head, Weiss nearly stuck her nose up at the other girl in reflex. "I am not uptight, Ruby Rose." Her words perfectly parsed as she spoke. Contractions ignored as she was certain to follow the tried and true format of subject, verb, then object.

The white haired student scowled to herself, realizing she had both contradicted herself and accidentally proven the other's point. "Oh, hush up." The older conceded, pulling her eyes forward again.

Snickering to herself, Ruby struggled slightly to pull herself together. "Sorry. I couldn't resist."

As they were walking, the pair passed by an open window which faced the morning sun. Upon doing so, Ruby saw a sight that caused her to halt to a standstill.

The wind blew just enough to blow Weiss' bangs perfectly aside. Her wavy ponytail lifting up no more than an inch off her shoulder. The sunlight reflected flawlessly against her porcelain skin. The glow emphasizing her blush and cerulean gaze. All of it only aided by the grace of her elegant demeanor.

An impish smirk formed from her lips as she glanced back over. "Laugh while you can. I'll get you back later." Her smug expression honing in as she tread over her words in an almost flirtatious manner.

Ruby stared and stared. Opening her mouth, no words came.

Noticing the other's fixated stance, Weiss played with her bangs. "What? Is there something on my face."

Shaking her head furiously, the redhead could only manage a close-mouthed squeak. Perhaps this was for the best. The strange noise being the only thing audible instead of what most likely would have been a jumbled response.

Arching a single brow at the questionable reply, the older of the two faced forward again. "Okay then." She said, ignoring the other girl's oddities on their way to morning lessons.

Surviving a less than thrilling lecture from a certain presumptuous Professor Port, the class began to empty out into the hall. Some darted out in a sprint while others calmly strolled away at their own pace and without hurry. The heiress was one of the latter of the two groups.

As Weiss took her first few steps out the door, she turned around to see that Port had pulled both Yang and Blake aside. While not able to make out everything, it seemed he was lecturing them for arriving late.

About to take her leave, the white haired student paused as she noticed a certain emerald eyed spartan heading over toward her.

"Hello Weiss." Pyrrha greeted with a formal smile. One hand laid by her side while the other held onto a small notebook.

"Pyrrha." The dignified student returned the exchange with what seemed to be a proud looking expression. The contours of her cheeks pushed back as she beamed. "A good morning to you as well."

With an orderly nod, Beacon's local celebrity stepped a bit closer. "I was thinking of having a brief drink before lunch. Would you care to join me?" She asked in an affable manner.

As though seeming honored by the request, Weiss held her chin up a little higher. Both her and her classmate walking together down the bustling academy halls. "That sounds lovely."

The girls settled themselves down on a bench overlooking the main fountain in the school's front courtyard. Their books seated next to them as two cold soda cans now occupied their grip.

Pyrrha wore a slightly uncomfortable smile, but was doing her best to keep up the polite facade. "Thank you Weiss. Though, you really didn't need to treat me."

Ignorant of the other's humble complaint, the noble born teen wore a wide smirk to match her high self-esteem. "Please. I would like to think that the Schnee family fortune can withstand the price of a few carbonated drinks."

With a couple restrained giggles, the redhead nodded. "Yes. I would be inclined to think so too." Her drink let down to now be held in place on her lap.

"Still, I wish you would have let me treat you to coffee or tea instead." Weiss complained, looking away.

Pyrrha shook her head at the offer. "This is more than enough. Really, Weiss." She emphasized, again.

Turning back around, the more pale skinned huntress in-training stared respectfully toward the other. After a few seconds, she allowed her index fingernail to tap against her soda can, very near impatient. "Now then, what was it you needed to discuss?" Her question, piercing as it was sudden.

The goddess of victory herself became wide eyed at the astute inquiry. A few moments passing, her expression reset to it's more composed state. "So you noticed." She smiled to herself as a small breeze blew passed them. "I was actually wondering if you'd observed Ruby acting unusual lately."

The heiress' lips parted ever so slightly at the query before sealing right back up. "What?" She asked, quizzical.

Her eyes shifting to something more solemn than before, the spartan looked down at the unopened drink held delicately in her hands. "Perhaps you've noticed her acting strangely? Anything really."

Weiss' clear blue eyes flashed to the side as she started to respond. "You'll have to be more specific. This is the same girl who exploded alongside with my luggage on our first day, after all." She opened up with a joke and mock annoyance.

Weiss had hoped, if nothing else, doing so would change the subject or dissuade any further intrusive interrogations. She'd had one too many this day already as it was. Besides, If one of them was going to let the cat out of the bag about their relationship, it was not going to be her of all people.

"Yes. Well I—" She paused abruptly to gather herself. Pyrrha was never one to appear morose in front of others. As such, her features shifted to that of concern. "Ruby had asked me about something this morning and... well, it left me a little uneasy. I was hoping you might be able to shed some light on the matter."

Weiss glared at the other's determined questioning. "What did she ask about?" She retorted swiftly. Rather than defensive, the remark came off more curious. Whatever the other was concealing was beginning to make the heiress feel of pang of unrest herself. Worry, now thoroughly planted.

The redhead's fortitude changed as her mouth retook the polite smile it wore earlier. "I don't feel that this is something I can divulge so freely. Ruby inquired about a very personal matter and as the person she confined in, it would be a violation of trust to do so."

Anything close to a shade of cavalier that Weiss may have donned before left her at this statement. "Pyrrha," She began with an icy tone. "I don't mean to be forward, and I might be overstepping some boundaries here, but you sought me out." Her words proper, but cold and cutthroat. "Clearly, your interaction with Ruby left you feeling unease. Enough so that you needed to confirm something with me. I'm no stranger here. I'm her schoolmate, a teammate, and her partner." Lifting off her sense of restraint, Weiss turned her head just enough to let loose a frigid and scornful glower. "If you know about something that may be even the least bit hazardous to her well being, and choose not to tell someone about it, then you're being completely irresponsible."

A timid silence loomed over the two after the controlled outburst. While not pointing it out, Weiss was certain she saw a single bead of cold sweat drip down the side of the other's cheek. If they planned on berating her with the nickname of 'Ice Queen', then she was going to earn it damn it.

Lips curving upward, Pyrrha let out an unrestrained barrel of laughter. "You make a sound and convincing argument, Weiss." A hand eventually raising up to her mouth to hide it's shape, as though the act was somehow unsightly.

Holding her head upward, the icy youth glowed with a broad smug smile. "Naturally." She boasted.

Collecting herself, the javelin expert turned herself to her friend completely. "Truthfully, I'd thought this morning that Ruby might have gotten herself a boyfriend."

Weiss cracked open her soda at the end of the other's explanation. Well, she's not far off. Her drink fizzing as it hissed in her grip. "That's why you asked if she was acting differently. You were hoping I'd say something along the lines of her leaving class early or sneaking out at odd hours of the night, weren't you? That would verify your suspicions."

Coupling a small smile with a nod, the friendly champion in the making popped open her drink as well. "Perhaps I was."

Realizing she herself was never actually under suspicion, Weiss let out a relieved sigh. "Well you don't have to worry. I can assure you that nothing of the sort is going on between Ruby and some boy." Lifting the can up, the heiress allowed the taste of the grape beverage to pass by her lips.

With an alleviated sense flowing over the taller of the two classmates, Pyrrha took in a brief respite of her own. "That's a relief." While continuing to sit straight and upright, she allowed her shoulders to retrack in a partial slack. "Honestly, I was a bit worried when she asked me so openly about those contraceptives."

Weiss spit out her drink instantly at the other's statement. The soft drink going down the wrong pipe, the teen choked and coughed in an attempt to clear her windpipe.

"Sorry!" The redhead exclaimed moving over to her friend's side. She pat her upper back and rubbed the area in earnest. "Are you okay, Weiss?"

Coughing a last few times, the heiress took a few breaths and wiped her mouth with a napkin. "Yes. That, um... caught me off guard, is all." Her index finger tapping the edge of the bench in a somewhat distressed fashion.

Only after making certain her friend was absolutely okay did Pyrrha allow herself to sit back and relax. "If it isn't too much trouble, can I ask you not tell Ruby I mentioned that last bit to you. I wouldn't want her to think I violated her trust or anything like that."

"You don't need to worry." Weiss brought up, hiding any growing annoyance she may have held at the time. "I'll talk to her about this matter later. To make certain everything is, equatable." Her finger tapping ceased as she instead clenched the side of the bench.

Glancing at her scroll to check the time, the spartan began to gather her belongings. "I think that would be a splendid idea." Standing up, she waited for the other to do the same before taking off. "In truth, I think Ruby's far too young to be in that kind of relationship, don't you?"

Any irritation the shorter girl was feeling up to that point disappeared. The intensity in her gaze replaced with a more hollow fixed stare. "Yes. Far too young. Far too young, indeed."

Entering her dorm building from the outer courtyard, Weiss walked down her halls at a swift pace.

The building population always varied in density as it neared the middle of the day. Some days the halls were flooded from an abundance of students with nothing else to do between classes or a free period. Other times, it became vacant. Today hovered somewhere in the middle ground.

Seeing the white haired heiress march down his way, Jaune moved into the middle of the hall in an attempt to intercept her. "Hey, Weiss. I was wondering if you—"

"Not today." The usually sophisticated teen remarked unfavorably, cutting him off as she strolled right on by.

After being passed by so callously, the blond started a slow trudge in the opposite direction. "Well, at least she talked to me today. Makin' progress." The young man commented to himself woefully in a poor attempt to shield his dashed spirits.

Reaching her door, Weiss opened it right up without so much of a contemplation of whether or not to knock.

Seated at a desk, Ruby had a textbook open in front of her, but it was far from what she had her primary focus on. Leaning on the back two legs of her chair, she stabilized herself by adjusting her weight back and forth hazardously. Meanwhile, a mechanical pencil balanced on her upper lip.

At her partner's immediate appearance, the cloaked student fell forward into a proper seating. Her pencil ejected forward, bouncing off the side of the desk and onto the floor. "W-Weiss!" The younger exclaimed, trying to fix herself up. "I was totally studying!" She called out affirmatively. "I-I was uh... just... studying so hard and um... fast, that I knew I needed to take a break to absorb it all properly." A guilt ridden nervous chuckle closing her explanation.

Slamming shut the door behind her, Weiss advanced forward. Her glare penetrating as it came tied with a knitted brow. As her small hands reached outward, they almost seemed to be embarking toward the other's throat.

On reflex, the short haired girl pulled her head back. Her lips enclosed with a wearily and uncertain shape.

Reaching her target, the heiress' fingers ended up pinching both of the younger's cheeks. When she started tugging on them at both ends, she leaned her head in closer. "What do you think you're doing bothering Pyrrha about this inappropriate nonsense?" A restrained but still irksome look settled on her face as she asked.

Worming in her seat, Ruby seemed rooted by some degree. "Ow. Ow! S-Sorry, sorry!"

Finally coming down to the point where both their foreheads were now touching, Weiss' drill stare continued. "Wasn't it your idea to keep this little affair of ours a secret?"

When the scythe-user attempted to look away, her gaze was pulled right back in place. "What did you think you were doing asking her about— about that?" Weiss' fingers belatedly unhooking themselves from the other's now rosy cheeks after her question.

Before answering, the usually active teen sunk her head. After a few moments, she awkwardly started playing with her fingers. "I-I didn't know who else to ask. I thought if I talked to Yang or Blake they might figure out what's going on, or maybe even get the wrong idea."

"Like Pyrrha." The white haired student remarked, shutting down the other's excuse promptly. "Why... Why didn't you ask me?" The teen asked almost a little timid in her tone.

The adolescent couldn't help but kick her feet childishly, still unable to face the other proper. "I dunno." She meekly deflected.

Crossing her arms, the older couldn't stop herself from glancing away partially as well. "I thought you didn't even have an interest in that yet." The topic clearly difficult for her all the same.

Frowning with a long grown, Ruby pulled her hood up and plainly hid her face. "This is so embarrassing." The girl cried out.

"Stop that." The fussy girl instructed pulling the other's hood back down. Grabbing a nearby chair, she pulled it over and sat down in front of her teammate. The two were now at eye level, or at least they would have been if the younger's head wasn't so crestfallen.

"Yes, this is awkward." Weiss began attempting to handle the situation as mature as she could. "Which is why we should talk about it now and get it out of the way."

Ruby nodded, but didn't utter a word.

Witnessing her partner's introvert behavior, she took a breath. In contemplating how to best handle the situation, Weiss crossed one leg over the other. "Actually," She began, much more subdued. "...it really bothered me when I learned you went to Pyrrha instead of me." The vulnerable confession causing the younger's head to raise a little. "It made me feel like you didn't trust me, or something." Her own disposition dampening at the last admittance.

The petite reaper started to carry herself a bit more normally at this. Her feet planting naturally on the carpet as she lifted her head. "Sorry." She apologized, still fussing with her hands.

As Weiss watched her companion bumble about in her seat, a inward scowl marred her spotless face. Am I being too controlling? Maybe this whole thing is just an overreaction. She couldn't help but consider. Pyrrha's words about Ruby being too inexperienced echoed in her mind, only furthering her own doubt. Am I just coddling her?

"You didn't do anything wrong." The heiress announced all of a sudden, garnering the other's attention back again. "You had a problem and talked to someone about it. I shouldn't be scolding you for that."

Ruby gave a dull nod in acknowledgment. "Oh. Okay." Her eyebrows scrunched up as her nose crinkled.

The older's dissatisfied frown only deepened at the reaction. And now she's staring at me blankly because I'm giving her mixed messages. A few seconds later, Weiss got up from her chair, a near silent sigh escaping her. "Ruby, I'm not feeling too well. I'm going to lie down for a while before the next few classes start."

Suddenly stricken with worry, the klutzy teen's eyes became glued on the other. "Are you alright?" She asked in a noticeably anxious manner.

Forcing a faux smile, a skill mastered over years of practice, Weiss started to turn toward her bed. "It's just a headache." She dismissed promptly. Taking off her school blazer, she rested it up on the edge of the upper bunk's footboard as to avoid creating any wrinkles.

Pausing just before kneeling down into her bed, the heiress glanced over her shoulder. She was greeted with the same worrisome stare of her partner just the same. "Ruby, do you ever feel like I'm taking advantage of you?"

Perhaps so completely dumbfounded by the question, Ruby didn't even respond at first. "Huh? What?" Was all that finally left her mouth.

Flashing her fake smile from earlier, the usually accommodating student climbed down into her bed. "Don't worry about it. I'm just thinking out loud is all. Make sure to wake me up before class, in case I fall asleep." Settling in, she made sure to keep her back to the rest of the room.

Alone with herself, Weiss' hapless smile fell off flat. An empty exhale let loose between her lips. What am I even doing?

After a while, the mattress creaked, adjusting to a new weight source. Before the dignified student could turn around, two thin arms wrapped themselves snug around her waist. Glancing over her shoulder, the snowcapped iris peered to see the younger girl embracing her from behind.

"Is this okay?" Ruby beckoned softly. Her head burred into the other's back.

Weiss didn't respond. Instead, all she could think about how childlike of a response this was. Someone's shown signs of being upset and their kneejerk reaction was to give them a hug. Really, this girl is too much sometimes. She thought about how the two sisters probably developed such a feedback mechanism while growing up together. What a different upbringing they must have had compared to her own.

Still quiet, the at times glacial teen rolled herself over. Upon the act, she realized Ruby too had removed her blazer, even if the cloak remained. Laying her arms around her partner's neck, Weiss rested her chin atop the other's messy head. Her expression remaining the same stiff monotone it had been before, she took in a few slow breaths through her nose. Doing so met her with a sweet but fruity scent.

"Your hair smells nice today." Weiss finally said, breaking her self-appointed vow of silence.

"Thanks." The redhead replied in partial weakness, most likely caught off guard by the response.

Adjusting to the rhythm of her partner's breathing, Weiss noticed as her arms subconsciously held on tighter. The other's hot breaths against her exposed collarbone warming her to the core.

"Did you buy some new shampoo when you went to Vale the other day?" The heiress brought up. The prior silence hanging a fair bit longer than she was comfortable with. "You were picking up some new parts for Crescent Rose, weren't you?"

"Yeah!" Ruby exclaimed. Pulling her head out from under Weiss' chin, she gazed up excitedly at her. Apparently, she was more than delighted by the other's attempt at a friendly advance. "I needed to get a new firing pin since the old one was kinda getting warn out. But then I saw this..." Quickly, the younger was swept up in a highly detailed story of the slew of weapon mods she contemplated supping up her beloved firearm with.

Weiss was more than familiar with the core and root prospects of weapon modification and alteration. However, when the topics delved more into the ultra-specific and nitty-gritty that Ruby was oh so fond of elaborating on, the heiress found it best to simply smile and nod at the appropriate times. Given her current melancholy, she was able to do half of her routine without much effort.

"Oh—!" Ruby shouted after abruptly stopping herself midway through her rant. "Uh, sorry. I wasn't rambling too much, was I?" An earnest innocence shining through her steely eyes.

Retaking her vow, Weiss carefully began to undo her tight hold with one of her arms. Delicately, she brushed the youngster's bangs to the side with her gentle fingertips. Lowering the same hand, she cupped the other's chin and angled it just a teeny bit higher up.

Lowering her head, the noble pulled the pair of strawberry lips into her own. Instead of breaking off right away, the kiss lingered to a slow crawl. Even while the other's lips occupied nearly all of her attention, she could feel the younger's fingers needingly dig into the back of her blouse.

The lip service continued on and on. Every motion, deliberate as it was passionate. When the two were finally forced to break away, it was swiftly followed up with a second. After that, a third.

Dividing themselves for what seemed to be a longer interval this time, Ruby was the first to bridge the gap with a short but sweet peck on the lips. "Sorry." She whispered. Withdrawing, she wore a cheery glow nonetheless. "I know you said before that you weren't—"

Before letting the other girl finish, Weiss pulled her back in with an open mouth kiss. Even while initially surprised, the younger returned the favor. Spreading wider and wider as the two caressed each other's lips until the heiress stuck her tongue outward.

Upon the foreign object entering her mouth, Ruby's body trembled from the startling sensation. Her body relaxed even so. Her partner reassuringly began to stroke her shoulder. In trying to mimic the feeling, she poked her tongue forward too. Neither familiar with this particular type of affection, none of the two were quite sure how far to outstretch the muscle. This resulted in only the tips colliding as they flicked and rubbed against each other.

Separating, the two were swallowed up in a ragged pant. A fair bit of drool dripping out onto the pillow between them. Weiss didn't need a mirror. She could tell right away that her face was just as flush and swept away as the girl in front of her was.

Gulping down the modest amount of saliva that had pooled in her mouth, the redhead cleared her throat. "That was, kinda weird." She admitted as her eyes dashed away on occasion.

Swallowing a lump in her throat as well, Weiss gave a slow nod. "Yes. It was rather odd, one would suppose."

Biting the corner of her lip, Ruby locked eyes with her teammate. "We should practice it more." The younger suggested, more than nervous.

Cracking a tiny yet genuine smile for the first time since entering her dorm room, the white haired student inched closer. "Agreed."

Reenacting the sensual and heated kiss from before, their tongues delved deeper than the initial experience. Weiss' pushed as much as she could to enter the other's opening, but her partner was different. Instead of doing the same, Ruby focused on wrapping her tongue around her girlfriend's. She would coil it one way, then unwind it and do the same in the opposite direction.

Splitting off, once again, the two paused to catch their breaths. A long glistening string of saliva connecting them from one mouth to the next. Weiss didn't give her partner a chance to rest this time. As soon as they parted, She lowered herself on the bed and began leaving a trail of smooches down and across her neck.

Ruby squirmed while doing her best to hold back all the moans that would try to sneak away from her. "Weiss!" She called out, but her plea was fully ignored. "I-I thought y-you weren't feel~ing alright?" She did her best to ask while being catered to.

Acting complacent, the more diligent huntress-to-be ceased her affections just long enough to answer. "I'm not. That doesn't mean I'm so uptight that I can't make sure you feel heavenly." A naughty and teasing nature to her words. Clearly, she planned on having her payback for the other's provoking words from earlier in the day.

While she returned to pampering the other, Weiss thought about leaving a hickey more than once. Perhaps the side or under the nape of the neck? Maybe she could plant one on the very front of her throat.

Where would the best place be for Yang to notice it the soonest? A growing smirk fit the blue blood's lips at the emergence of the mischievous thought. The blonde's teasing would certainly stop after that. It was such a shame doing so went against her partner's wishes.

Tightening her hold which now wrapped around the younger's waist, Weiss began to unbutton the top of the redhead's blouse. After the first few, Ruby jumped a little.

"Should I stop?" The older of the two girls asked, avoiding eye contact. She tread carefully as she rested her head softly along the other's neckline.

"Keep going." Ruby replied as she scooted herself closer.

In turn, the heiress returned to her work. Every button that came undone caused it's owner to stiffen. Nearing the end of her task, Weiss heard a couple gulps that would have normally have been silent if not for the two being so suffocatingly close.

Opening up the petite girl's blouse, Weiss exposed the younger's frontal upper half. The silver eyed teen's bra and smooth skin laid bare. Without giving her soon to be idle hands a chance to rest, the studious teen occupied herself by gliding her palms along the other's side.

As the thin digits glossed and roamed across the newly peeled naked flesh, it was met with a resounding heat. The sensation most noticeable as she drew nearer to small of her back. The pair still packed so close together, Weiss couldn't exactly see where her hands wondered. Despite this, they blindly explored the other's body underneath her undershirt.

Drawing near the center of her partner's scalding backside, Ruby all of a sudden jolted quite a bit. Despite becoming used to the other's occasional fidgeting and similarly her almost timid body language, the older backed off her advances completely this time. Instead of stopping all together, she slowly began to stroke her teammate's side. Her hand traveling up from her hip to her ribs and then back down again.

It was no secret that Weiss never cared for her decided upon nickname. There was however one aspect to the bitter title that was quite fitting nonetheless. She herself had been told on several occasions that she had somewhat of a chilling touch. The main culprit likely being poor blood circulation.

"Sorry." The pristine student brought up in a low tone akin to shame. Her face pressed up against the area of skin below Ruby's neck and above her chest to hide her face.

Tenderly, Ruby wrapped her arms around the older's neck. Pulling her in, she started stroking the top of her head in a nurturing fashion. The two's positions now swapped from when they started.

Weiss sighed. "I don't know how you put up with me." A heavy disapproval in her voice. "I overreact too much. I'm even trying to monopolize you."

"So?" Ruby asked in confusion. "I'm way worse than you. I'm just a spaz and a weapon dork." A laugh exiting her at the admittance of her cheap flaws. "You're the amazing one. You're so pretty I don't know what to do sometimes. You're way smarter than me too." Going on and on, her partner's head strokes ceased entirely as she became fully focused and engrossed in her ardent list. "You're graceful, fierce, and like really good with words, and—"

"You're so much better than me." The older said faintly, cutting the other off. "You're so much better than me, and you don't even know it. I'll end up spoiling you."

The silver eyed girl hummed curiously at her friend. "Huh?" She asked, puzzled by the seemingly disjointed statements.

Slyly bringing her hands up behind the other's back, Weiss smiled warmly. "Just thinking out loud." She disregarded as she unhooked the younger's bra.

The younger gasped as the supportive fabric was stripped away. It was yanked down and lost between the sea of sheets.

Weiss stared at the pink mounds of her partner's modest sized chest. Cupping the right breast with her left, the stern woman caressed it's outline softly. She took the time to appreciate it's firmness and pliable mold. Her thumb brushed against the perky outjutting nipple on one of her passes, the action earning her a sharply drawn breath from the other in return.

Bringing herself in more, the at times irritable student opened up her mouth and took in her teammate's aflush areola in full. The deed caused Ruby to release an intense whine. Putting her tongue back to work, she began tracing passive circles and would occasionally flick the head of the nipple in a whipping motion.

The younger's back would arch further and further the longer she partook in her partner's oral massage. If the other's arm had not hooked back around her waist, it was highly possible she would have pushed herself off the side of the bed. Naturally, her dainty fingers shifted from lying flat atop the older's head to curling into her long white hair. The act practically kneading the other's scalp in her desire to grasp onto something.

Her lips parting in bliss, small whimpers were pulled out of her. As the redhead's moans gradually became louder and more frequent, she became forced to cover up her mouth with a spare hand to confine her voice. Her fingers shook before tightening around the cuff of her blouse sleeve. Both silver eyes shut close as she continued to ride out the pleasurable feeling sweeping over her.

Why did it always end up this way? Weiss contemplated amidst her service.

Could there have been a reason every time the pair found themselves alone it would become an amorous tryst? Hormones. That was what she had decided upon when first thinking about the topic. Yet, what if by chance, it was developing into something more?

Having been gauging her partner's reactions to her tender performance, the heiress pulled back her tongue. Delicate, she nibbled on the teat with her front teeth. The effort seeming to spark something as the other's whole body trembled at the touch. Assessing the response being mostly positive, she bit down again and again, playing with the angle she came from as well as the pressure behind it.

At the light clang of a turning knob came a quick creek as the door opened up.

Caught off guard by the unexpected development, Weiss pulled herself away. Likewise, on instinct, Ruby pushed the older off her in a panicked jolt. These two actions did not compliment each other however, and Weiss went cascading over the edge with a harsh thud.

Rolling onto her back, the white haired teen rubbed the now sore side of her head. Looking through under the bottom bunk, Weiss could only make out a pair of long slender woman's legs standing at the door frame.

"Oh, H-Hey Blake!" Ruby cried out in a fuss. The mattress springs squeaked as it's now sole guest wormed about on top, most likely to cover herself up.

The joys of roommates. Was mused to herself, rolling her eyes as she mentally kicked herself for not locking the door.

Her feet carrying her inside the dorm, the faunus spoke up. "Ruby." The ebony haired student greeted. "Is Weiss around? Yang and I didn't see her at the cafeteria?" She asked, probably making some passing small talk.

Deciding the floor was a less than amiable partner for her back, Weiss readied herself to sit up.

"No-Nope!" Ruby shot back with, a little sporadic.

The slick skin beauty froze in place as her eyes grew wide. What?

"Yeah. Um, s-she said she had to go pop over to the library." The redhead excused, trying her best to cover for her teammate.

No. Weiss thought, scolding the other instantly in her mind. No, no, no. She repeated, plopping back down on the carpeting. Making a frown, she dragged a hand down her face. Great. Well, I can't get up now. It would only look more suspicious.

"I see." Blake replied, not sounding too invested. Turning around, she went to shut the door behind her.

Catching a glimpse at the bookworm's back, Weiss seized the opportunity and crawled under her bed.

Oh Dust, if the family could see her now. There she was, coated in a cold sweat as she buried herself away like a lowly crook on the run. Her body, hidden under a school bed like she was trying to suppress some scandal from breaking out.

"Is that so?" The reserved girl replied inactively as she walked across her room. Passing in front of the bunk, Weiss could feel her heartbeat pounding inside her chest.

Staying attentive, the heiress recoiled her limbs as the faunus approached. Her breathing quickened as her now clammy hands clenched the sides of her skit.

Blake hovered silently just in front of the bunk for a moment before speaking. "Your face is flush." She noted. "Feeling under the weather?"

"Yes. Yes!" The team's youngest replied twice, much more enthusiastic the second time around. "That is exactly what is going on." There was a clear tenseness to her voice that only became more apparent the longer the charade dragged on.

Rather than a quick reply, the more solitary team member let out a soft hum in response.

Weiss could not help but wish Yang had payed the two an impromptu visit instead. While never the most expressive of the team, one could usually judge Blake's mood by her facial patterns. A skill the heiress could not currently rely on given the circumstances.

"I was... uh... sleeping," she revealed in a stammer. "...to see if I felt better before the next few classes started up." Beacon's youngest explained in an attempt to strengthen her story.

"Okay." The occasional introvert acknowledged after another brief pause. "Don't push yourself. Take an absence if you're not feeling well."

Weiss' eyes popped as her head whipped in the direction of her teammate in astonishment. The fact that she had not seen through the ploy and actually believed the white lie was nothing less than a miracle.

Blake turned around and started heading for their bookshelf on the back wall. As she did, Weiss inched a little closer to give herself a better view. In doing so, she caught the sight of Ruby's blazer as it laid draped over the backside of a chair over by the desk. A moment later, she was fiercely stricken by the reminder of where her own was hung. The memory caused her sweat to return in full force.

While their welcomed intruder busied herself, Weiss made her move. Pulling her upper half out from under the bed, she faced toward the ceiling. Ruby fidgeted at the sight but restrained it into a hushed panic.

With a flick of her wrist, the rapier-user summoned a small white glyph over her button up on the edge of her bed. Starting to spin, a high-pitched chime whirled out of it. At the same time, the blazer was sucked toward it gently. After a few seconds, it was limply pulled off the bed and Weiss dispelled her semblance. Catching the fabric in the very same hand, she hurriedly scooted back under her bed and vanished out of sight.

Blake turned around. "Ruby, did you hear someth—?"

"Nuh-uh!" The small leader called back, jumping the gun by answering before the other could even finish her question.

Without any kind of reply to base assumptions off of, Weiss could only imagine the baffled look on the faunus' face.

Standing upright, a book now in her grasp, Blake started a delicate walk back toward the door. Reaching for the handle, she stopped where she stood and turned over her shoulder. This act causing one last knot to swell up inside the young heiress. "Ruby. It's none of my business, but you might not want to spend too much more time Weiss' bed. I'm not too sure how well she'd react is all. Especially if you're feeling ill."

The adolescent choked out a couple jittery dry chuckles at the suggestion. "Y-Yeah." She agreed meekly.

Leaving the room, the midnight dressed student closed the door behind her, leaving the pair alone once more.

Dragging herself out from the dusty crawlspace, Weiss wore a highly unamused scowl. Plopping down on the side of her bed, she still held her blazer in one hand. As the normally neat girl started to fix herself up, Ruby noticed a few lint balls and specs of dust stuck to the sides of her head. It took all of her combined willpower not to let out a snickering laugh from her puffy cheeks.

Combing her bangs orderly to the side with her nails, the white haired girl glared at her partner. "Not. One. Word." She commanded, slipping her uniform back on.

This being the first time she had a good look at her leader since the start of their little escapade, she gave her a short once over with her eyes. The covers had been scrunched up near her waist to hide most of her compromising state. Her blouse however had it's buttons crossed misplaced having been set up in such a rushed cursory manner.

Turning away from the younger girl, Weiss crossed her arms. "Get dressed." She instructed, giving the other some privacy.

Ruby had to look down at herself before realizing why. "Oh." The redhead disclosed casually. Buttoning her blouse back up proper, she looked up to see her girlfriend back still firmly kept toward her. "Um... Weiss?" She inquired, anxious from the uncomfortable silence. "Are you mad at me again?" Her head drooping down as she asked.

"A little." The older conveyed, not bothering to hide the hint of annoyance lining her voice. Her pose still stiff and upheld. A few seconds later, she felt a bit of added weight as a pair of arms wrapped themselves around her waist again.

Gazing over her shoulder, Weiss saw a pair of pleading silver eyes staring up at her, despondent and somewhat watery. She was like a pet that was desperate to win back it's owners affections.

A weakening frown marring her grimace, the teen was quick to turn away. "But, I'll get over it." The heiress folded, causing the embrace to tighten around her midsection.

Looking back over her shoulder, the heiress received a quick peck on the cheek, and then another, and another. Catching the other by her chin, Weiss pulled her partner in for a long slow kiss. When the younger went in for a second, the icy student yanked her away and squished her cheeks in. "You are lucky you're cute." She warned.

Laughing, Ruby smiled widely. She beamed happily at the compliment, refusing to loosen her hold on the older by the smallest of budges.

Exiting her dorm room, Weiss ventured out back into the halls.

"Hello again." Beacon's own invincible girl chimed, making her presence known.

Turning around, the white haired student watched as the spartan began to approach her from the direction of the building's entrance. "Pyrrha." The girl welcomed politely in turn.

Returning the civil address, the long haired redhead stopped a few steps away. "Did you ever get a chance to speak with Ruby?" At a responsive nod from the other, she continued. "Did everything go alright?"

"Yes." The heiress conveyed candidly, getting straight to the point first and foremost. "We sat down and had a nice clear talk." An illustrious expression seating itself atop her face as she pressed on. "I think we got everything out of the water that we needed to, for the moment."

Returning the splendid look, the taller student smiled back in relief. "That's good to hear."

Weiss turned her feet to leave, but stopped partway through. Instead, she turned back to her classmate. "One other thing." She spoke up, catching the other before she could do the same. "That girl, she's not as immature as we think sometimes." An unmistakable form of pride coming off her as she voiced her input.

At the same time, Ruby came barreling out of her dorm. Frantic, she sprinted over to her two friends upon spotting her teammate in the cluttered hallway. "Weiss! Help!" She cried out. Before the older could even open her mouth to ask, the adolescent answered her growing concern. "I lost my bra!"

Weiss' expression fell flat at the request. She was speechless and immobile at every facet.

Their door nudging open a smidgen, Ruby turned back to see the team's lovable corgi poking his head outside. In his mouth, tightly held in his molars was the lost piece of undergarment. At it's master's notice, the dog scurried back inside the room playfully.

"Ah!" The young girl squealed dashing back inside her dorm at mach two. "Zwei!" She reprimanded, her voice spilling out into the hall. "Don't chew on that!" She pleaded as a small harmless growl of resistance became heard.

Staring blankly at the empty scene, Weiss was mostly static. "Pyrrha," she began, apathetic. "...forget what I just said."

Raising one hand to cover her mouth, the spartan girl could not help but let loose a few gentle chuckles.


Author Notes:

Figure chapter 3 is a good as place as any to begin that hot plot injection I promised. Hopefully it doesn't seem too abrupt. Anyway, next chapter will probably feature a Ruby focus since I feel she's pretty 2-dimensional in the story thus far.


This was originally planned on being a 5 chapter story, but I've since lost interest. I will be ending it here instead. Sorry to anyone who was looking forward to a new update.