A/N: Having realized I forgot to flag it as 'completed' after chapter 2, I felt obligated to post a final chapter to wrap this thing up :)

ebonyXivory777 : Hehe thanks! :)

JonPertwee-TomBaker-AreNumber1 : haha that makes two of us XD

Kapriiwhoosh: Aww thanks for reviewing again! Hope you'll like this too~

Shuuwai: Thanks for the review! :)

CoCapJanice : It's creeping through more and more!

Chapter Summary: Vision and Wanda keep each other warm.

"Where are you taking me?" Wanda laughed.

Vision had wrapped a thick jacket around her as he levitated them both off the ground. "It's a surprise."

Wanda felt his strong arms around her frame, the little breeze a gentle touch upon her cheeks, as they soared high into the air. It was her first time flying, but she felt no fear.

They flew for a distance before he stopped, landing softy on the ground.

He led her a few steps forward, and Wanda became aware of the crunching snow beneath her feet.

"You may now open your eyes."

When Wanda did, she couldn't help but gasp in awe at the sights before her. The land was a vast expanse of the purest, whitest snow untainted by the touch of humanity. Ice formations too perfect and smooth to be molded by man rose up from the ground towards the heavens, and snowflakes fell gently from the sky. But that was not what took her breath away— no, what caused her eyes to widen and all words to leave her was the sight of the dancing auroras in the sky. Lights and layers of violet, blue and turquoise laced and streaked across the sky in a perfectly choreographed formation, bright and clear against the black canvas of the darkened night.

The two stood in silence, drinking in the sights before them.

"It's beautiful, is it not?" Vision asked softly.

"Yes," Wanda smiled, turning to face him.

He gave a tender smile in return, reaching out with a hand to brush aside a stray lock of scarlet hair that had fallen on her face. "It's still not as beautiful as you are."

Wanda blushed, then laughed. "You're quite the charmer."

Vision simply chuckled. "You really need to laugh more."

Wanda smiled, taking in the ruby skin on his face, his all-too-human eyes. Her heart fluttered involuntarily.

"I'm happy when I am with you," she said sincerely.

"As am I."

A cold zephyr caressed her cheek, and he noticed a small shiver run through her body. Deftly unhooking the golden cape that flowed behind him, he wrapped it around Wanda as she opened her mouth to protest. But for the second time that night, words eluded her when she realized just how warm the cape made her feel.



"What you said about others seeing me the way you do...I have no need for that."

He gave a puzzled frowned. "Why is that?"

Wanda reached up with a hand, cupping his face in her palm. "You are more than enough."

Vision smiled, a warmth spreading over him.

Warmth like the flavors of ripe peppers and sunshine.

Warmth like paprika.

They continued to stand side by side, the silence stretching comfortably between them, each enjoying the mere presence of the other by their side.

Around them, a chilly wind began to pick up. But wrapped safely in his golden cape, she did not feel cold.

And with her beside him, neither did he.


A/N: This IS the last chapter. I'm out of fluff ideas hahaha.

Thanks to all readers who have read my story, especially to those who have reviewed and/or favorited!