New series guys :) I will be starting to work on this one and Rumors throughout the summer!

(If you guys enjoy it)

This is a catfish kinda set up, though nothing like the show. Long Distance AU with lots of fluff and Bechloe nonsense. Later in chapters there will also be a mention of a possible Staubrey :)

Hope you guys enjoy this one!


Chapter One: New Follower

Beca Mitchell isn't just a name that doesn't go unnoticed.

Today being Youtube's DJ extraordinaire with millions of mixes she would muster up to perfection and upload it for her thousands of followers on twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to download, she was talked about a lot. Her name was one that was out there for sure, and was definitely the kick start for her life long career as a music producer but still, it wasn't where she would like it to be.

Beca wasn't always a well known DJ who made kick ass remixes that deserved to be on an iTunes top 20 workout playlist. Actually, back when Myspace was still popular and she would upload her remixes of trending pop songs that would get zero attention daily, she soon realized that once she chose the profession she wanted to pursue, it wasn't that easy getting her name out there like she thought it would be. But Beca wasn't a quitter, especially with something she is super passionate about. So after years of tough criticism from 'fans' who would love one song, but absolutely hate another, and those fucking haters that would literally comment irrelevant shit on her page about things that didn't even matter like, 'why do you wear so much eyeliner' or Beca's favorite, the anonymous perverts who would comment, 'I'm only here for the tits,' she finally got noticed when people started sharing and downloading her music on their pages.

The feeling was at first weird. Weird and sort of stalkerish to see someone else share her post and comment to their friends and family to check out this girl's sick remix of Taylor Swift's newest single. That girl being Beca, of course. And soon, she was getting follows after follows and handful of likes from people out of state and people she didn't even know. Hell, people from out of the damn country were starting to follow her and if that doesn't slap someone in the face with realism, nothing will.

It was truly amazing how far she has come.

This all started in a small town's high school in Portland Oregon where she graduated with mostly B's and a newly inherited skill of procrastination that she mastered unintentionally. Maybe there was a C here and there on her transcripts but let's face it, calculus is fucking hard and anybody that passes with an A let alone B is some type of extraterrestrial freak of nature-though her best friend would highly disagree and tell her to spend more time studying the material instead of preparing for her next rave.

Beca's present best friend and also roommate at the moment, the one and only Stacie Conrad.

America's Next Top Model with the brains of Einstein and a pair of tits that would put Katy Perry's to shame. They've been friends since middle school when for some reason, Stacie was highly intrigued by the brunette's lack of social communication and moody exterior and decided to walk right into Beca's bubble with her daddy long legs that still to this day, go on for miles. Also, it was nice having her big brains around when it came time to actually do school work and after talking to the girl through cafeteria lunch dates and in between classes, Beca found out that they have pretty similar music taste-which is a fm signed contract for a life of friendship with Beca Mitchell. And it was Stacie who encouraged Beca to make music after hearing all the knowledge the girl had for the specific area and for Beca's birthday during their freshman year of high school, she was the very first person to ever get the DJ her very own software to start remixing her playlists for real.

That was after swearing that Stacie would always be the first to listen to her new stuff when she finished editing and that when Beca became all big and famous-with her bathtub full of hundred dollar bills-she wouldn't forget about her friend while she's off being a mad scientist down in some foreign country.

Even if Beca wanted to forget the girl, she wouldn't be able to. They're basically inseparable. So she sealed the deal with a pinky promise and a kiss to finish.

After graduating with the class of '12, both of them applied for UCLA where Beca would major in music with an emphasis in Business since that always looks good on a resume when applying for jobs and as for Stacie, she would ruin her life with the pick of majoring in biophysics. And with Stacie's ropes her family had with basically growing up and knowing the college's dean from way back, they breezed right in.

Well, almost breezed right in.

Warren, Beca's father, wasn't always the most supportive with Beca's music-as he would always say what she wanted to do wasn't a real profession and more so a hobby than anything-though, he did start paying more attention to Beca once she began to get noticed. Asshole.

Her mom however, before she died when Beca was just entering her sophomore year of highschool, just knew she was going to do something big in the music industry. She loved how her daughter was so fascinated by beats and could tell by just looking at the way her fingers would work so incredibly fast across a DJ deck she bought for her at Christmas that she was special. That she had a special gift, a gift of a musician's ear that would only take her above and beyond.

"No matter what get's in your way Beca-whether it's the harsh comments about what rubbish your music is, the people who want to drag you down and don't want you to succeed and even the people that are jealous of your skills. Don't let them break you down. You have so much talent in one body it's almost terrifying, especially when you make it to the big leagues and all that talent will transform into a threat as things become more competitive than ever before. But Beca, never give up. Jump and tackle every obstacle in your way and follow your dreams no matter what."

This is the one thing Beca remembers the most about her mom, and whenever she feels like giving up; or simply just surrendering to her father, these words, her mother's words, get repeated through her head and when that happens, there is absolutely no way she is bowing down.

That leaves us to today. The start of Beca's and Stacie's senior year of college where they are setting up their new apartment off campus that the both of them have been saving up with the summer jobs they had previously. Beca pulls up to the parking space that specifically is label 8C-which is also the number of their newly owned and very first California apartment together.

"This place is even sweeter than the first time we checked it out at the end of last year Becs." Stacie admires with a sparkle in her eye the lightly tan and charcoal gray walls that seemed to be smoothed out clay and the endless amount of planted palm trees surrounding the railings that enter into the apartments.

Beca takes the key out of her ignition, nodding her head to agree because Stacie is right. The place is absolutely beautiful and it almost puts her into shock when she concludes that one of these luxurious apartments is under their name.

Her own name.

It's strange but the feeling is indescribable and it makes her feel like an adult. A proud adult that is actually getting by in life but it's also scary in a way. It's just one step closer to her future and there's still many doubts, just like any other, whether she can make it or not.

Stacie seems to be rambling about something regarding the pool and Beca thinks she heard the taller girl say something about christening the place by skinny dipping but doesn't know for sure since her focus was wrapped deep in her thoughts.

"You down?" Stacie is staring at her with hopeful eyes that have a tint of mischievousness layering them and Beca doesn't want to just come out and say she wasn't exactly listening to a single word Stacie was saying so instead, she nods her head, agreeing to whatever nonsense Stacie was planning for them which can only go two ways.

Bad or extremely bad

"Sweet!" Stacie claps excitedly with an anxious grin and moves ridiculously fast out of the car to start grabbing boxes from the back. Beca is almost positive majority of them are clothes and heels. Girl has a mall as a closet. "Let's hurry up and get unpacked so I have time to get ready. You know the hunter doesn't like to wait for anyone."

Beca knows Stacie is referring to her womanhood when she says 'the hunter' and it leaves her stunned in the driver's seat, under a parking garage as she watches the taller girl skip up the stairs with her hands full of large boxes.

And God what did Beca just agree to?

Unpacking roughly only takes them a couple of hours-surprisingly with the amount of useless shit they both had combined. And since before they got there, Stacie's brother and friends from his fraternity helped move in all the furniture Beca and Stacie picked out from a Ikea department nearby, that cut their process by like half.

Go Omega Sigma Tau or like... whatever.

Beca agrees to take the room with less windows since Stacie loved the view of the city and had a bigger walk in closet; Beca just hated the amount of brightness that shines through when she is trying to sleep (sleeping till noon everyday isn't a crime) and didn't have as large of outfit options compared to Stacie. The only thing Beca really cared about was a big enough area for her equipment and a room that she would be able to listen to music without disturbing neighbors or anyone else in the apartment.

She organizes everything around her room to the way she likes it, her turntables, laptop, desk speakers other fancy technology she has spent a life savings on and decides to help Stacie unbox kitchen supplies downstairs to finish up the place.

Turns out, Beca agreed to a night out in Los Angeles since they're officially moved into their apartment and in Stacie's words, "about to be domesticated as fuck," so it's destined to get shit faced before classes-which start on Monday, two days from now. Beca is actually relieved when she see's her friend starting to curl her hair and begins to get dressed in tonight's choice of outfit because if she was being honest, she really didn't want to skinny dip in the pool, not knowing who was watching them. So that was some weight lifted off her shoulders.

She begins to get ready as well, dressed in her daily ripped skinny jeans and flannel to match before the both of them headed out for a night's worth of adventures that have endless possibilities of how it could turn out. The club they ended up deciding on was an all time favorite of theirs-where majority of the time spent at UCLA took place when cramming for finals became too much and they needed some sort of stress reliever pronto before endless equations and essays would be the death of them.

Many people from school were there tonight coincidentally, including Amy who was a close friend to the girls as well as, Cynthia Rose. They all met their freshman year during orientation and Beca couldn't help but be highly fascinated with Amy's blunt personality and headstrong self esteem. For Christ sakes, the girl called herself Fat Amy for the hell of it as if it were written on her birth certificate. Who wouldn't want to be friends with a girl like that? Also, Beca is almost certain that Cynthia Rose and Stacie had some sort of fling in the past that only gets denied when asking about it. At least it wasn't awkward between the two of them and actually, whatever it was that they did, (Beca will never know) bonded them closer than they ever have before and they act as if nothing even happened.

Luke, a buddy Beca met through an internship at UCLA's radio station and turns out was also a big fan of Beca's music was there at the club as well. He even gave her the stage to play some of her newest music for everyone in the club to listen to and of course, Beca agreed with not even a twist to her arm. Performing was electrifying. Like the vein in her arm was just shot up with a gallon of adrenaline that physically made it feel like her heart was seconds away from bursting out of her chest. Performing for the cheering fans around town, from school, close friends like Stacie, Cynthia and Amy while they danced like they've never danced before. It was what she lived for and something that made her feel-just for the moment- that she actually made it.

The night ended far too soon-not what their livers were saying- as the club's door shut at around two o'clock in the morning, but Beca couldn't help but feel a wave of relief as she thought about how great she was going to sleep tonight under her apartment's new roof. Plus, she doesn't have anything to do tomorrow so she can literally spend the day relaxing in her bed, eating junk food until she feels sick, even binge watch TV shows on Netflix till the sun goes down and that thought right there is the one that's most exciting to her. How sad it that?

She says her goodbyes to Amy and Cynthia-well kinda Amy. She is pretty drunk and is barely standing up straight so as for as a proper goodbye, she settles on a few slurred words that sound like plain gibberish and wave off her friends as they get into a called taxi. She watches Stacie talk to some guy that she isn't really familiar with but knows he attends the same school. Stacie on the other hand though, is very familiar with the random guy, especially his mouth as they play tongue hockey in a creepy alleyway until Stacie leaves the boy in the dust with a wave over her shoulder and he is staring cold into the distance.

"You ready to go?" Despite her previous actions, Stacie seems to be well balanced and someone who doesn't actually look like she just got done participating in a heavy make out session with some guy as she throws her arm around Beca's shoulder to start walking back to their apartment.

Beca only rolls her eyes with a smile because Stacie talks all this nonsense about sex and how much she loves sex but does she actually take part in it? No, and that's one thing Beca loves about Stacie. There's no question to how unbelievably hot Stacie is and if Beca had a body similar to Stacie's, she'd be hitting everything in sight. But Stacie, she has respect for herself and would never just go home with random guys and have sex with them. She'll tease, dance provocatively with them, maybe even make out with the guy but as far as sex? Hard pass. Sleazy ain't cute let alone a smart thing to do.

And Stacie is all about being smart.

They make it to the apartment pretty late when Beca discovers that Stacie has actually had a lot more alcohol than her body can handle when she smells the tequila radiating from her pores. Beca stumbles inside the dark room, not so gracefully, carrying the dead weight Stacie in her arms after unlocking the door and drags her into the girl's room so she could get some much needed rest.

She digs through the bathroom's cabinet-things still being a little disorganized, and pours some ibuprofen into the palm of her hand when she finally finds the bottle to set up Stacie's hangover cure on the top of the girl's table next to her bed so she has it in the morning. One thing Beca doesn't want to deal with and has learned in the past that a hungover Stacie is like worse than Godzilla, Hitler and a whining baby put together.

After making sure Stacie changed into proper sleeping clothes, brushed her teeth and took out her contacts, Beca finds her friend passed out, face first in her pillows with rumbled vibration that only turns out to be Stacie snoring. She shakes her head with a laugh as she sees a pool of drool slipping from the corner of the sleeping girl's mouth before flipping off the light and closing the door.

As tired as she was when she left the club, she now for the life of her can't seem to fall asleep. She decides that trying to fall asleep is pretty much pointless at this time with the new sudden burst of energy she now has so, she heads to her desk and flips open her laptop.

Maybe checking social media for a bit will put her to bed and if that doesn't, she can finish up her latest mix.

Beca is tempted to pull an all nighter as she finishes her mix at roughly around five in the morning and doesn't want her sleeping schedule to get messed up if she goes to sleep now and hibernates all day. What a waste that would be. Sleeping all day when she can set up more furniture around the apartment or do literally anything that is more productive than taking a day long snooze like she's nocturnal.

She makes sure to save a copy of her mix into a folder labeled under her music before she uploads it to her YouTube channel. Once it's done uploading on the meter, she labels the song 'Titanium/Bulletproof Mashup' and copies all her links to her Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram into the description below. These were two very catchy songs and having a talent for picking out matching beats per minute, she knew instantly they'd mash perfectly together.

A green flag appears at the top of the page, notifying Beca that her video was posted successfully and when she sees the confirmation, she decides that some caffeine is much needed if she was planning on staying up all night and in the fridge downstairs she has endless amounts of red bulls that are calling her name.

The walk down the stairs to get to the kitchen is exhausting by itself, almost enough to cause Beca to not even move from her spot in her room. Who in the right mind built an apartment with two levels? Fighting her laziness, she opens the fridge and takes out a can of Red Bull before walking back up to her room. Cranking open the tab, Beca takes a long and heavy gulp that burns her throat on the way down but is refreshing when the sting fades. She flops onto her bed and immediately grabs her phone to read the list of notifications flashing through her lit screen.

Almost five minutes after uploading her song, she already receives a handful of likes and sweet comments to go with it. She is surprised at how many people were actually up at this time of night-well morning- and figures that her song wouldn't really be noticed until the morning. But being wrong, the song was blowing up and blowing up fast.

She clicks out of YouTube for a bit and starts to check up on her other accounts, Facebook isn't anything but game invites from friends and oh look, Warren shared another post of Beca's music onto his page.

"This is amazing, Beca. I'm so very proud of you. Everyone, check out this new song!"

How pathetic. Beca thinks as she reads her dad's repost on his wall and fights the urge to block him so he doesn't see how successful she has become throughout the years. And why did he feel the need to repost everything that she has done?

She hasn't talked to him since she booked her plane ticket for Los Angeles when she was moving out here for college so why did he think they are on good terms? Where was he when no one knew about her music huh? Oh, that's right, nowhere because he didn't believe in her.

She chooses to exit out of Facebook since she was getting angrier by the second seeing her father's profile and hurries to click on Instagram. Here, there isn't anything interesting really or stuff she hasn't already liked so it doesn't last for long until she is switching again and this time, she switches over to Tumblr. Here is were she likes to post her music first, not only because of her large and increasing fan base but also, she is friends with a lot of people on this site and trusts them for their honest opinions.

Nothing but positive reviews so far flood her dash and inbox, it only being like four since it's still pretty early but still, it's kinda awesome to read all the kind words.

Just as she was getting ready to shut off her device while her phone went off with notifications, maybe watch some TV and just end up falling asleep since the Red Bull was doing absolutely nothing, she sees a little number 1 pop up on her laptop, just above the mail icon as she is getting up to grab her remote.

Usually she doesn't get a lot of personal messages through Tumblr, usually she just gets a lot of reblogs and likes so this catches her since it's still a time before the sun rises. Who is literally up this early? Sitting down in her computer chair, she clicks on her inbox which soon opens up to a briefly short message written from a girl under the username 'Bella4lyfe'.

Hi! You totes probably get like a bazzzzillionnn of messages everyday with being the great DJ you truly are but, I couldn't stop myself when I heard your new recent mix. First off, IT'S AMAZING! And I like, just downloaded it from your page so I could add it to my ipod-which is filled with basically all of your others for when I work out. Maybe that's a little creepy and I'm almost certain that I was the first one to download it once I got the notification that you uploaded something new. What's also creepy is that I set up notifications on multiple profiles of your's and that I'm here writing this, informing you about it currently… just like….forget I said anything at all.

Anyways! I just wanted to say that I'm a really big fan of yours, have been since your Pussycat Dolls and Nsync mashup you made like a wayyy long time ago! That was pretty much my anthem throughout high school :)

I really look forward to hearing some more of your brilliant music and I hope you have a wonderful day!


Chloe Beale.

"Oh wow," Beca can tell by the message that already this girl is full of excitement and already has a mouth on her.

Not in a bad way, of course. Not at all. A way that Beca isn't really too familiar with as she is either by herself majority of the time or with Stacie, who for the most part is pretty laid back and chill. This behavior though sparks curiosity for some reason in Beca and leaves her wanting more. She hears from a lot of her fans all the time. Why and what about this Chloe girl is so different from the rest of them? Is it because it showed how big a fan she really was when she commented on Beca's very first mashup? She shakes her head in the memory as she remembers how awful the mash up turned out to be compared to the ones she makes now. The tracks were obviously cut rough and the bassline was whack.

Thank God for experience and how she got better and better every year.

Is it because of her bubbling personality that practically oozed out of Beca's laptop screen and dripped down onto her keyboard? She honestly doesn't know why this girl is so intriguing yet, Beca doesn't even know her. But the best way to learn about someone is to creep-which is where Beca found herself moments later as she clicked onto the girl's profile next to the sent message.

Almost immediately after loading, Beca's eyes get bombarded with an unholy amount of puppies on her blog as well as a bunch of other pictures that scream girly. All the pink font of her page is almost too bright to even read so Beca doesn't even try and instead, looks at the photos set up in a collage. They often say you can judge a person by their Tumblr reblogs and if that were true, Chloe would be an all around animal lover who enjoys to spend her time raving with every color glow stick possible while occasionally singing in some acapella group called the Bellas.

That explains the username now.

Beca has enough and honestly just wants to see a picture of what the girl look like since she couldn't really see in her Tumblr pic. She closes out of Tumblr, not before she follows the girl first and clicks over to Instagram, knowing there would be endless amounts of photos on this girl.

So she hopes.

She also prays that her profile isn't private either. Thank you Instagram for making stalking on people literally impossible without following them first. And though that wouldn't be a problem since Beca one, already followed Chloe of Tumblr and two, follows a lot of her fans anyways, she still just wanted to see all the photos first before clicking on the follow button. Luckily for her, Chloe's profile isn't private and has almost a thousand photos for Beca to scroll down.

Well first, besides her obvious love for photography, Beca is slapped sideways, upside down, all around in every direction at how ridiculously beautiful this girl truly is. With her long, fiery red hair, a smile that could light up the darkest room and God, don't even get Beca started about how blue her eyes are.

It hurt Beca's chest staring at something that looked so alluring. Honestly, how could one person look this amazing in almost everything that she wears? Whether it was a photo of Chloe in pajamas, hair up in a messy bun, glasses and eating ice cream from a container, captioning the picture, 'lazy day,' or a simple selfie with perfect lighting, her hair in loose curls and her big blue eyes staring deep into the camera, Chloe is absolutely jaw dropping.

Her description reads,

"Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just breathe, and have faith that everything will work out for the best."

Beca should've expected a life quote similar to this one with the information she already picked up from Chloe's Tumblr page. Also the amount of different emojis that absolutely make no sense at all when describing this quote.

She scrolls almost down to the end of Chloe's photos when she realizes that she needs to stop this instant before she starts to feel like she is now the creepy one. As she flicks her way back to the top, a single photo stops her mid scroll when she sees Chloe in a bikini at some beach with her friends. Having a teenage boy's mindset and eyes that clearly see a good amount of cleavage, Beca doesn't even flinch with clicking on the certain photo.

When the photo uploads, Beca admires how great of shape Chloe seemed to be in. It was obvious that the girl took great care of her body and her abs, quads and biceps were highlighted to prove that observation correct. Her eyes gravitates to a new area, most specifically Chloe's bikini top and clears her throat nervously when she catches that she has been staring at that area for a solid five minutes.

Feeling dirty and sort of pervy-though Chloe wouldn't have uploaded it in the first place if she doesn't want anyone staring- Beca has no other choice but to follow Chloe on Instagram as well. The blue quickly turns to green as it shows that Beca Mitchell is now following this girl.

With the new anticipation that floods Beca's insides for some unknown reason, she fights the urge to maybe message Chloe back on Tumblr but the sudden nerves start to surface once she thinks about what to type. Does she DM her or does she post on her wall? Beca hovers more to the messaging rather than a simple post that could mean anything.

The blinking cursor on a blank message hypnotizes Beca when she stares, lip in between her teeth as her eyebrows are furrowed and seriously, all she has to type is a thank you. Thanks for supporting her music and get on with her life. But no. She is overthinking this whole idea like she does for everything else in her life.

Time ticks away as Beca contemplates what to respond with and after all that hard thinking, she settles on three simple words.

Saturday August 20, 5:34 AM

B: Hey, what's up?

What was she in middle school? God, after all that time thinking about the right thing to say, she decides on, 'hey what's up?" She is pathetic, and tries to search for any possible way to cancel the message before it's sent out to the redhead. But with no cancel button for dumbasses, the message was sent.

She slams her laptop shut, embarrassed at how she was acting and slams her back down into her pile of pillows on her bed. A loud 'thump' echoed the room with a few strangled huffs as Beca retrieves her cell phone from the nightstand.

Maybe if she listens to some soothing music online, she can doze herself off to sleep so she can forget about this whole Chloe incident that just previously happened.

As she unrolls the cord from her beats and plugs it into her phone, she feels a vibration through her hand and sees that it is from Chloe. She first notes how quickly the girl responded. Second she notes that it literally only took three minutes before she got a response. Beca was almost certain that she wouldn't hear from her until later today and hoped that she would at least have some time to regain herself after the stunt she just pulled. She also feels a wave of relief as she sees Chloe's name light up on her message board and that she didn't scare the girl away with her awkwardness.

She continues to plug in her headphones and hits shuffle on her music library before opening Chloe's message. It will at least distract her for the conversation she is about to have, crossing her fingers that it is a long one.

C: Omg….omg omg omg! Wow….hey! :D I'm pretty sure I'm hyperventilating but I'm not sure…..

B: Why would you be doing such a thing? Should I call 911 or….?

C: Because maybe the one and only Beca Mitchell just DM'd me! Is this a spam?

B: No it is not a spam and really, I'm just a regular person like you

C: Oh yeah sure, a regular person who just happens to be an amazing artist! As far as I can remember, I can't even make a video on snapchat properly let alone create this masterpiece on a laptop like you can so no, you're not a regular person like me

B: Thank you but you're too sweet. I'm just someone who stumbled upon a gorgeous girl and couldn't for the life of them get away without responding back.

B: Oh God, that sounded way too cheesy. Forget I sent that...

C: So you don't think I'm gorgeous? :( I'm a little sad now.

B: No no! You're definitely gorgeous that's for sure. Probably the prettiest girl I've ever seen.

B: Not that I'm only messaging you to get at you, that's not the case at all.

B: ...Shit this is awkward.

C: Don't worry lol I'm totally just busting your buttons :) Thank you though for the compliment :)

C: So, was that the only reason why you messaged me or was there something else?

C: Not to sound rude or anything! I just, you have a lot of followers and probably get a lot of messages from fans all the time so why me? I am flattered though.

B: Well first I wanted to say thanks for the feedback on my song I just posted. Then I don't know really. Maybe just like talk...or whatever. Get to know each other.

B: And for followers, I've seen your Instagram Ms. Popular so that excuse doesn't work.

C: Stalking me already? ;)

B: Definitely not

C: Surrrreeee ;) but duh. All your songs are amazing but this one, has to be my favorite :)

C: So what, you wanna play twenty questions like we are back in high school? ;) What better way of getting to know each other than twenty questions.

B: Uhh sure. I think I know how this game works.

C: It's twenty questions, what's not to get? Lol You ask a question and the other person answers then, you have to answer your own question.

B: Okay okay I get it haha. You go first.

C: Nice try ;) I suggested the icebreaker now you get to start it.

C: It was YOUR idea to get to know each other now wasn't it? ;)

B: Okay fine. Why do you use so many emojis?

C: Tsk, I expected a better question than that coming from you….

C: And to answer your question, it adds emotion to a text, something you clearly lack…. ;)

B: :-)

B: :-D

B: :-(

B: ;-)

B: Is that better? :-) :-) :-)

C: Sarcasm already and I barely even know you? Ballsy Ms. Mitchell ;)

B: You'll soon learn that sarcasm is basically my middle name.

B: Which reminds me, your turn.

B: Ms. Beale…

C: When is your birthday and how old are you?

B: November 5th and 23

C: July 22 and just turned 27 :)

B: Happy late birthday!

B: I saw some pictures you posted from school, what did you major in?

C: Thank you! :)

C: And I majored in music education and got my bachelor's degree until I student taught for a year and went off to get my masters, which I'm still currently working on :)

B: Oh wow, that's pretty neat. Congrats

B: I'm majoring in music as well here at UCLA and hope to be able to get my sounds out to record companies so I can find an internship.

C: Oh you'll be heard in no time. And if not, screw them. Your music totes rocks! :)

B: Thanks Chloe :-)

C: What's your favorite color?

C:Besides black since that's basically all you wear ;)

B: Whoa. Look who is stalking now?

B: And blue to answer your question.

C: NOT stalking but simply just observing ;) mine is green!

B: Cool. Speaking of blue, I didn't mention how pretty your eyes are.

C: Well Beca, I could go on an endless list of things to compliment you on but I'm sure, you wouldn't want to hear nor have the time :) As for eyes, mine don't even come close to yours.

B: Ha! Yeah right. Have you looked in a mirror?

C: Have YOU? Clearly not since we are having this discussion!

C: Totally random question but, you said you go to UCLA in California right? What time is it there?

B: Uhh currently almost seven in the morning. Wow, we have been talking for almost an hour.

B: What time is it for you?

C: Down in Georgia its almost nine now and what on earth are you doing up so early?! When I saw that you posted your new song I couldn't believe it was posted so late.

B: Georgia? Gross. Is it hot? and I can ask you the same question, Beale.

C: Ten in the morning is not early! Lol and yes it's super hot! But it's cooling down as it comes closer to fall :)

B: Way too early for me that's for sure.

C: Well we are about to change that real soon :)

C: I honestly hate to do this but I have to go to class right now :( I can give you my cell phone number and we can text? Totally up to you. I just think it would be easier to communicate since we have a total of…. fifteen more questions to ask :)

B: Leaving me already? Yeah that's fine. Just give me yours and I'll just reply so you have mine

C: Cool! 678-xxx-xxxx

C: I'll text you after I'm done with this class okay?

B: Sounds good. Have a good day Chloe.

B: :-)

C: You too! Get some sleep you owl ;)

A smile smile breaks through Beca's mouth as she stares at her screen while she types in Chloe's number into her contacts. She sends a message to give the redhead her's and connects her phone back into the charger.

With almost an hour of constant chatting, her battery almost went dry and it was a different feeling that Beca felt. Never was she big on texting and definitely wasn't big on texting complete strangers but Chloe, she couldn't help but feel all giddy inside as the time talking to her flew by.

What does this mean? Beca thinks to herself, smile never once fading off her face as she situates herself underneath her blankets. Sleep is no question now as she feels her eyes drooping heavy and a big yawn makes itself present. Chloe was also another thing that strangely was ringing through her thoughts as well and maybe, just maybe, if she went to sleep for a couple hours, she'd wake up to a message from the one person who she just can't seem to get off her mind right now.

Maybe this is the start to something new.