I really enjoyed that last chapter and here is another one I will find interesting. After this we have a meeting with the shifters and a Draco and Hermione moment. Also Suzululu4moe had a couple questions so I will post her comment and answer the questions for anybody.

Just because they don't eat humans doesn't mean they won't kill if threatened. She only has human reaction speed... In her rant while she was out of breath one of them could have rammed into her or chuck their cell phone at her windpipe before she even spoke a spell.

A= Well Hermione releases a strong aura so their instincts tell them to back down as she is a superior animal. Also everyone knows about her relation to the police chief and it wouldn't be a good idea to kill his niece. Also they don't know what she is so they wouldn't attack thinking they are out skilled for fear of death.

But aren't seers magical? So why wouldn't Alice be able to see her future? She had the gift when she was human right?

A= Well when she was human she was in a mental hospital for having like a sixth sense kind of thing but her vision power got increased when she got turned. Also seers and vampires are magical but you know how she can't see the shifters even though they are magical because she has to have some sort of a connection to the magical source either human as she was human or vampire as that is what she is now. Good question so I double checked my facts with the book.

Hope this helped and please review.

Edward POV

After that… interesting meeting we headed back home. We ran through the woods at high speed but I still couldn't get her face out of my head. We rushed upstairs and all stood still, not needing to physically vent our anger at the current predicament. I thought for a moment just watching as the air twirled and the dust danced. My thoughts would not stray from the brunette who had not only blatantly threatened us but had become more mysterious the more questions she answered.

"What are we going to do?" I had to ask the question that was undoubtedly on everyone's mind. This was a problem; she was a problem.

"Kill her. I know she is powerful but a vampire is quicker and stronger than her. Not only that but we outnumber her. 7 to 1. She goes away and all our problems are solved. Boom." The statement makes sense but it drives a knife through my heart, for some reason I couldn't imagine myself hurting her.

"We can't. I have seen our future and she's in it. Its fuzzy sort of like the wolves but she is definitely part human because I can make out the form of her even without seeing her features clearly. She is part of our future." Alice chimes in being the first to argue.

"Futures change. How do we know because of this one vision that we can trust her? She knows everything about us and we know nothing about her." Rosalie is quick to show her distrust of Hermione which ickles me, weird. Odd. Jasper quickly joins his mate soon obviously sensing the tensions rising.

While the family is arguing, my thoughts turn to a brown eyed girl. I think about all the information I have learned about her. She is really pretty and obviously very muscular but still underweight for a girl of her age, her eyes are beautiful but haunted surrounded in dark bags that could give us a run for the money, her natural tan gives her away as human and obviously spending a lot of time in the sun which is odd considering she is English. Her parents were murdered and she has many scars so has probably had an extremely traumatic experience, well at least one. Her paranoid tendencies of glancing round the room seem to hint that she has either been attacked or was awaiting an attack. Her posture reminded me of a soldier. That's it.

"What wars have recently occurred?" I say. Silence invades the room from my rather peculiar question and I feel six pairs of amber eyes searching me.

"None that I know of." Carlisle said looking at me curiously.

"That's it. WE find the war she was in and we figure out what she is. She's not going to kill us and we are not going to kill her. We are going to become friends. Just trust me." I say quickly leaving the glare and confused looks being sent my way.

My thoughts were spinning at full speed. Oh Hermione Granger we are going to figure you out.


I hold the letter in my hand as I walk through Diagon Alley as I head to Olivanders. The letter is simple enough, nothing extremely worrying but the underlying message screams the oddity of the circumstances. The letter is crinkled from my fist curling and my knuckles going white from the undue pressure. I flatten it out with my hand shaking in nervousness.

Dear Miss Granger,

We recently received a Malfoy, Draco and he has been asking for your prescence. He is unable to write at this time and has become quite stressed wondering about your whereabouts and as you at the moment have no documented address, we have passed this letter onto the Minister and should arrive ASAP. In conclusion, we are asking for your company at St. Mungo's on behalf of Mr. Malfoy.

Kind Regards,

Healer Mathews

7th November

As I reread it the feelings of dread have settled into my bones. It doesn't say anything too worrying but it implies two main things, Draco is injured in such a manner that he is unable to write but also that this letter was sent two weeks ago. I hurry into Olivanders, rushing at the news. Nod at Olivander and step straight into his floo and depart to St. Mungo's.

After the war Olivanders shop had been destroyed but as I had recently come into a shocking amount of wealth from the numerous wills and from death eaters' vaults being emptied into mine you could say I had some spare money. I spent a lot of the rebuilding of Hogwarts with some new improvements, for example there is a new Snape dungeon for where the potions master used to resign and also a wall of portraits of remembrance for all who had fought for the greater good. I also gave a lot of money to rebuilding the wizarding world with all the places that had been destroyed because of their resistance. One of these places were Olivanders, ho in turn allowed me to use his floo whenever I needed.

I rushed into St. Mungo's, ignoring the shocked glances from patients and other visitors. I get to the desk quickly to see a plump witch with a kind face sitting there she looks up at me and stares for a while. I take the moment of pause to introduce myself, "Hi, my name is Hermione Granger and I am here to see Draco Malfoy."

She looks even more shocked when I confirm my identity. "Yes, yes of course. I will show you to his room." I nod and she starts walking sensing my tenseness as my finger taps on the pocket of my jeans. I follow her into a room and gasp when I enter.

There lying on a bed with a black eye, one arm and a leg wrapped in a cast, and bandages around his waist is a, paler than normal, Draco Malfoy.

"Drake, what happened?" I say emotionlessly. I'm cracking again and again and soon I won't be able to be fixed. You can fix something which is broken but not if I have buried the pieces.

"OH Granger, I am fine. I actually look quite good like this, a kind of badass really." He says with his typical smirk. He doesn't even seem fazed unlike that letter made him sound anxious and frantic.

"What happened?" I ask this question somberly bringing him back to the seriousness of the situation. His smirk darkens turning into a scowl. He looks up and meets my eyes. He tries to smile but his face breaks into a grimace. It is one of the saddest things to see yet another person burdened by a sadness too great for someone this young. I feel myself closing off.

"Bellatrix. She came and tried to find you. She left a rather lovely message for you. It says I'm coming. Mya she won't stop. She'll never stop and I don't know what to do." I have never seen Draco look so defeated. So broken down. I sit on his bed next to a bottle of skelegrow.

What do I do? Isn't that a question and a half. The war is over, I'm broken and ye that doesn't seem enough. I have lost everything and yet she tries to take things from me that I no longer own. My innocence. Hers. My goodness. Hers. My fear. Her. My life. Hers. I might not be dead but sure as hell Hermione Granger is and I feel she has been for a long time.

But Draco. Oh Draco, he is still there. Clinging onto the threads of his personality. Staying strong, strong for me. He is Draco Malfoy. The only constant I have left. The only thing still tethering me to this earth. He understands me and he tries oh how he tries to help me. He is him. I can't lose him.

Draco was the one who saved us when we were in Malfoy manner searching for Hocruxes. All of us. He couldn't stand the sight of it and he finally disobeyed his father and saved us. Afterwards he stayed on the run with us even though he was so broken. Harry and Ron didn't get tit thinking he had finally come to his sense but it wasn't that. He lived in a house of fear, being made to do more terrible things then I did. He was so broken and I wasn't. So I fixed him up and we became friends.

In the final battle he killed Lucius. His father. That night after we had both lost so much we drank away our grief with bottles of firewhiskey spewing dark secrets within us to each other. We were both so angry with the world that night we sparked a friendship. Then he began to heal and so did I with the help of my parents. Then the incident and I was lost forever, closed from the outside world. But he didn't he was still whole, or well nearly whole and I couldn't lose him. Not yet. So I made a decision.

"You're coming to live with me." I say loudly breaking the silence.