Author's Note: Hey guys! I'm back with another Shamy fanfiction story! So, like many a shipper I'm sure, I couldn't help but imagine Sheldon giving Amy a massage after episode 23 so I just had to write it! This is essentially my take on what happened ( the time limit need not apply...)

I hope you guys enjoy! This is a 3-part series and part 2 will be posted in a few days!

"Amy!" Sheldon scolded as he paused their movie for the third time that night, "What is the matter with you?"

"Nothing," she winced and scrunched her nose, "Nothing…" she arched her back against the leather couch and this time, a loud groan echoed through the living room causing Sheldon to jump up ever so slightly.

"Don't give me 'nothing!'" Sheldon twisted in his seat on the couch to study her as she writhed and stretched in an attempt to pop or loosen whatever pained her in her back, but clearly to no avail, "you're hurt."

Reaching one hand behind herself to reach at the knot in her muscles, she used her free hand to wave dismissively, "No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are." Sheldon countered and he scooted himself closer before reaching out to press his large hand on her forearm to still her, "no woman of mine goes through her day in pain."

"Sheldon," Amy began as she stood from the couch. She walked over to the kitchen as she continued, "I'm fine, it's just a little knot," she explained before bending down and gasping as intense pain shot up her entire back that made her freeze, "Ach!"

"Oh! Amy..." On instinct, Sheldon went to her and helped ease her back upright with one hand firmly on her back and the other on her shoulder, "What on Earth did you do to your back?!"

Amy opened her mouth to speak, but Sheldon didn't let her before he declared, "Come," while leading her to his bedroom. Once there, Sheldon flicked on the lights and guided her to sit on the edge of his bed.

"Sheldon-" she tried to fight him, truly she did. She knew he had good intentions, but she didn't want to make him uncomfortable in any way. However, the sharp edge of the pain kept her from moving too much away from his touch as he… began unbuttoning her cardigan?! "Sheldon, what are you-"

"Shush…" Sheldon silenced before gently peeling the cardigan away from her body and folding it neatly to be placed on his dresser. When he went back to her, he then began to open her blouse and just as carefully removed that until she was in nothing but her bra from the waist up. "Lie down."


"On your stomach," he coaxed, his voice soft and quiet, "lie down on your stomach."

Amy didn't argue and did as she was told slowly as to not injure her back any further. For a few years now, she imagined herself in Sheldon's bed… Except under much different circumstances. She nestled her face into his pillow and took a deep inhale. The sheets smelled of his talcum powder and shampoo, a combination that left her weak at the knees and it distracted her from the pain.

However, her relaxation was short lived when she felt Sheldon straddle her hips and she nearly jumped at the unfamiliar weight of her boyfriend. "Relax," he seemed to have noticed her sudden tension, "I'm just going to give you a back massage…"

"O-Oh…" Amy took another deep breath, "Okay…"

Her eyes fluttered shut as she tried to relax and she heard Sheldon exhale and felt the heat from his hands as they hovered just above her skin, "Let me know if I hurt you," he whispered before his fingers began to gently knead and press into the muscles of her back. Starting at her shoulder blades, Sheldon's thumbs traced along her spine and travelled down to the small of her back, before pressing the heels back upward.

"Where does it hurt the most?"

"Mm," Amy moaned, already feeling the effects of his ministrations, "approximate or precise location?"

"Precise, if you can," his voice was unrushed and soft and Amy could barely make it out.

"Between T9 and T12."

"Alright," his hands travelled down her back to the area she had specified and once Sheldon's thumbs pressed down, there was a loud, almost unsettling pop before Amy winced and fell limp in relief.

"Oh-hhhh, yea-aah…" Amy hummed against his pillow, "that's it…" his thumbs continued to knead, "that's the spot right there…"

"Dear God, woman!" Sheldon huffed in surprise as he increased the pressure, "What did you do?"

"I," she moaned, "may have," another moan as he softened the knot in her back, "tried to lift a 45 pound box at work yesterday…"

"Amy," Sheldon uttered, his hands stopped, "I would have helped if you had asked."

She shrugged, "I didn't want to bug you."

His hands slid down her back to the sides of her waist, "You wouldn't have…"

"It's fine," Amy sighed, "what's done is done. I learned my lesson. No more picking up boxes."

"It's not fine."


"Amy," Sheldon said sternly, "it's not fine. You shouldn't have to worry about bugging me… I would have helped you. I'm not Penny with her Nebraska man hands, but I could have easily picked that box up for you" he sighed, "I'm still not very good at this boyfriend," he paused so he could think of the right word, but failed, "..thing… I'm sorry..."

Frowning, Amy slowly twisted herself while still being under Sheldon's weight and he adjusted until she was lying on her back and he was in her lap. She rarely saw Sheldon so vulnerable looking. His eyes were averted away from her and his lips were turned down into a deep frown that made him look more aged than he truly was. He was never one to point out his own flaws and the fact that he had just done so without any prompting made her heart ache.

"You aren't a bad boyfriend, Sheldon."

"I'm certainly not the best."

Amy shrugged, "I'm not the best girlfriend."

"I beg to differ," Sheldon argued, "I've never had a girlfriend prior to you, but even if I had, it wouldn't take a genius to know that no one would have tolerated me for as long as you have. All of our friends made that clear when we broke-"

"Don't." Amy reached a hand out to tentatively touch his cheek which felt slightly scratchy from his barely-there stubble, "Don't say tolerate. Don't talk about the break-up"


"No." Amy cut him off, "I care about you, more than words can express. I do not tolerate you, I love you."

She saw his lips stretch into a smile, "I love you too, Peach." He requited before pressing his face deeper into the palm of her hand.


"Mm-hm." Sheldon confirmed, "They're one of my favorite fruits… soft and sweet. That and Princess Peach is stronger than she looks; you remind me of her." A deep rose blush painted itself on Amy's cheeks. Her first pet name. And it wasn't Flaky! She took a deep breath inward and could only beam at him; she had been rendered speechless by him, which had only happened once before- when he had declared his love for her.

They stayed like that for a minute or two before Amy pulled her hand away and shyly cleared her throat. "Thank you," Amy whispered to him, "for the massage."

Sheldon nodded, "Are you ready to watch the movie?" Sheldon asked and Amy stretched to test out how her back was feeling. She was sore, which was to be expected, but the pain had entirely melted away. As she was about to answer, she was interrupted by her own yawn and her body suddenly felt heavy.

"Hm," Amy breathed as she turned her head to nuzzle his pillow once again, "I'd rather stay here and sleep." She mumbled, though she was almost positive that Sheldon would decline her offer.

"We can do that." Sheldon gingerly lifted himself off of her and Amy didn't have time to process his answer before he commanded, "but first, sit up."

"I don't wanna…" Amy muttered playfully and Sheldon let out a soft chuckle.

"Suit yourself, you can rest in your uncomfortable, wiry brazziere that you always complain about after a long day at work." He bantered.

Sheldon and his flawless logic… Amy surrendered before sitting up and allowing Sheldon to remove her bra. In her periphery, she saw Sheldon steal a glance at her bare breasts and did her best not to smile with pride.

"Wear this," he instructed as he slid his graphic t-shirt off of his body to hand to her, "would you like to remove your skirt and tights?"

Once Amy pulled his shirt over her, she couldn't help but tease him a little, "You know, if you want to see me naked, all you have to do is ask."

His room was now dead silent and Amy's cheeks turned a deep red and her stomach tightened in fear that she may have overstepped her bounds. She watched as Sheldon's chest expanded before his tongue ran across his lower lip with temptation.

"Alright then. Can I see you naked?"

To be continued...

I hope you guys enjoyed part 1! As always reviews, follows and favorites are always appreciated!