Dear readers, please read this,

I started this fic because I created this really weird scenario in my head that I thought was really interesting. I couldn't find anything similar so I ended up thinking about constantly and expanding it in my head. It got to a point where I really just wanted someone to write this but both of this fandoms don't participate much in kink memes and I didn't know where to put this idea at.

In the end my friend told me to give in and write and I did. I wrote some and thought it was interesting enough to to post. If you liked the idea feel free to use it anyway you want to write another fic or whatever. But PLEASE at least mention on your fic that mine was the original idea. And most importantly, TELL ME ABOUT YOURS PLEASE, I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO READ IT.


Also: not native English speaker, if there are mistakes please don't be an ass about it. The same goes for little errors in cannon and stuff, tell me and if it doesn't mess up the fic I'll fix it ok?


What if Draco was a veela and Harry his intended mate?

So Draco did what he thought best and just protected Harry from a distance? All the while mantaining appearances. Helping in little things and always by the shadows. Being a spy that passed information on to Snape who then passed it on farther. Sending Dobby. Failing at tasks from the Dark Lord when possible, and getting punished for it?

What if Draco wouldn't kill Dumbledore because he knew that would hurt Harry and stall out the war?

And then, after the war, he was put on trial under veritaserum and explained everything?

What if Harry ended up being friends with Draco, appreciating him but never completing the mating bond. Still marrying Ginny and having kids.

When another war broke out, ten years latter, and Harry talked to Death and found out he would end up living forever? And after he told Draco, the man accepted it, comforted him and promised to find a way to stay with him trough it all?

What if they actually found a way to do that? By Draco being reincarnated into baby after baby, that slowly gained back their memories of being Draco? And if Harry carried on his role as MOD and chose to be reincarnated alongside Draco a bunch of times?

And if at the war someone tried to kill Harry's family, Draco protected them and ended up dying?

What if Harry had gotten to know a loyal, strong, honest, loving Draco as a friend to the very end of Draco's first life?


Hand seals made, chakra correctly molded, focus, enough chakra... Why the fuck didn't the seal work?!

Minato, with great effort and pain may he add, dislodges himself and Kushina from the kyuubi, takes Naruto, uses a hiraishin tag and transports the three of them to a little bit away from the huge beast.

He lays Kushina on the ground, carefully. She has blood all over and a hunted look on her face. Some people die with a smile, but none of them get to keep it in death, the muscles slacken and all dead just look very, well, dead.

He leaves Kushina and moves beside the Kyuubi with little Naruto. Quickly the fourth Hokage manages to perform the shiki fuujin again. He feels bitter pain in leaving his child alone and with such a big burden, but most of all he is relieved, there won't be any more deaths tonight.

Kushina's is more than enough for a tragedy.

There is the little mistery of the masked man, but he doesn't have enough time to do anything about it, and so he focus his chakra, like he has a thousand times before, and calls up the seal he has never actually used successfully. Second time is the charm, they say.

What happens next is, well, it's nothing. Minato tries again and, nothing happens. Like, really. Nothing. At all! ?

The kyuubi is trashing and minato is NOT panicking, 'cause this was supposed to be over already, and Kushina is dead dead dead.

Naruto is fussing in his arms, cold and fourth Hokage puts containment seals on and around the kyubii, with the help of the hiraishin speed, and in the end he is atop the bijuu. It's still spreading so much chakra it's ridiculous.

Minato is the Hokage and he is figuring out an alternative, he takes a big breath to shout out orders because fuck! Him and his child are on top of a giant fucking chakra monster being controlled by a unknown sharingan user, and his shinobi, his fucking PEOPLE are below and he needs to-! And KUSHINA IS DEAD and -!

There is no way to explain what happens next, if not by stating it plainly: a four year old appears out of nowhere, being held by a semi-translucent shinigami, with tiny hands fisted in the beings clothes and a thumb in his small, innocent, little, bow mouth.

The kid is solid and attention catching in the arms of the white, faded out shinigami with an oni mask, a small sword and beads around his neck.

For a quarter of a second everything stops, Minato looks at the two.

The shinigami and the child look back.

A quarter of a second is a death sentence in such situations and in a flash Minato has backed up and his tight hold on Naruto becomes even tighter. The Shinigami seems to be made of nothing and the child looks and feels normal to him but than again, being made of nothing can be a huge avantage in a fight, like the masked man has shown him tonight and Minato is very aware of his open chest wound, his depleted chakra and etc. This is such a nightmare.

Minato takes a peak at Naruto, his SON, Naruto. So loved by him and Kushina from the very start of its existence and he will be left alone after tonight. Because Kushina is dead and he will soon be too.

He loves his village but he knows it's sad being an orphan, even if you don't show it. Even if you are positive and dream big, and in the end you can actually get everything you ever wanted, the memory of not having anyone trully yours doesn't fade.

He knows Naruto will probably not be adopted by any shinobi family, that could truly understand his burden, because those people or that clan would gain a person with too great a power and that would never pass with the council and clans. And if Naruto gets adopted by a civilian family they will never understand his burden, not really.

Still, he hopes a great and loving civilian family gets chosen for his little hero, he trusts Hiruzen and sensei to protect his child.

Seeing the Shinigami the blond cannot ignore the fact this is not proceeding as he had believed. He knew about the seal and how it worked, at least he thought he did until this moment.

In that split second he thinks about the description of the seal, it says it takes a soul, and seal's whatever into said soul, he thought it would be the callers, but it wasn't actually, explicitly, stated so on the seal's description. It was only written so on the historical and theoretical part of the text. Maybe the Shinigami wants to use this child's soul? Minato would never let that happen.

By this point Hiruzen-Sama is next to him ready to attack again and his shinobi are close by, waiting orders.

The kyuubi is stone still and it looks at the child also, it does not go unnoticed by any of the shinobi.

They all stand tense, waiting for a queue from the strange dual.