Hello everyone :) I originally had planned to release this story once it was fully finished, but I wanted everyone to know that I am DEFINITELY writing a part 2 (complete story) to this 2-shot. The requests were high and I couldn't let my readers down so here is a sneak preview to PROVE to you all that there is INDEED a story in the works! Please be patient as for with my new career my hours are crazy and my body is trying to get use to a different type of exhaustion so updates may be slower than usual but it doesn't mean I am not writing. I just wanna finish as many chapters as I can before getting you all hooked so I can satisfy rather than have you all impatient. Enjoy! Xoxo. P.S. I'm still deciding if will separately post this story or if I will keep posting it here since I know a lot of you have notification alerts. Suggestions are welcomed in the PM.

Masquerade Event Continued...

"Larry? Larry Jiles, this is the FBI." Derek announced.

JJ and him had ran through the front door of an abandoned building, straight up the stairs, and down to the end of the hall in attempt to arrest this unsub.

"Go away! If you get any closer I'll shoot!" The unsub yelled as he hid behind the semi opened door to the bathroom.

Derek didn't lower his gun nor did he stop creeping towards the door with JJ right behind him. They heard what the unsub said and they didn't doubt his words one bit. But they had a job to do and they weren't going to let this man get away and be off the hook.

"I'm warning you!" The unsub spat in a threatening tone once he heard the squeak of the old wooden floorboard.

"Okay okay," Derek said as he put his hands up in surrender in front of him. "I'll drop my gun, if you agree to come out from behind that door."

The unsub laughed with no amusement. "Yeah, like I'd fall for that one!" He snarled. "Get outta here boy, I don't wanna have to hurt you."

"Jiles think about this man, your wife, your kids. Do you really want them to have to attend a funeral or would you rather them be allowed visitation rights to see your sorry ass in prison."

The unsub growled and began hitting his head against the bathroom door. He was an unstable murderer who hadn't taken his meds in six days. His emotions were on high and his schizophrenia had escalated into a Milwaukee killing spree on random victims who crossed his path.

"Stupid! Just stupid! I didn't want any of this to happen, but they told me to do it!"

"Who Jiles?"

"The people! They won't stop talking. They won't go away!"

Derek had a slight understanding of what Jiles meant, and wanted to feel bad for the guy, but it didn't stop the fact that this unsub had killed innocent people and needed to be held accountable for his actions.

"Jiles, If you let me, I can make them stop talking and go away."

The unsub crackled a laugh. "Lies. You're all liars. My wife said the same thing and she was only able to keep them away for a couple of years, but they're back."

"I'm not your wife, man. I have higher authority and can get you to a place where they'll take care of you and make sure you receive the proper medical attention you need."

When Derek didn't get a response, he continued. "Come on man, you're sick! You need help! Let us help you. Let me help you."

JJ watched as Derek lowered his gun to the floor, making sure it hit the wood loudly so the unsub could hear it.

"Your hear that man? I dropped my gun. Im un armed, may I come in?"

"Derek!" JJ whispered harshly, upset that her partner actually put his gun down. They both knew what this unsub was capable of, especially in the mental state he currently was in.

Was Morgan crazy?

Derek creeped slowly into the ajar door with his hands up. Jiles sat huddled into a corner on the bathroom floor crying quietly.

"I need you to drop the gun and surrender. Its over man."

Larry sniffled and sat his gun down on the floor.

Derek visibly relaxed and JJ rushed in to throw cuffs on the unsub.

The case was finally coming to a close and the excited thought of going home clouded Derek's mind of proper procedure.

As JJ, and now Rossi lifted Jiles off the floor and went to walk him out the door, Derek had forgotten to kick the gun away from the unsub. Jiles somehow managed to trip which left enough time for him to secretly scoop up the gun.

"Yeah Hotch, we got him, we're on our way out right n-"

Derek didnt get to finish his last word as a gunshot rang out over the ear piece.

"Agent down!" JJ yelled into the mic as she let go of the unsub and went to check on her partner.

Rossi man handled the unsub nearly throwing him down the staircase making sure he felt pain for hurting one of theirs before he reached the cop car that would see him to the nearest prison where he later will be sentenced to life.

"Hang in there Derek." JJ spoke softly as she applied pressure to where Derek had been shot.


A few hours later the team walked up the stairs one by one to board the BAU Jet.

"Nice work agents." Hotch said to his team as he greeted them at the door of the BAU jet.

Derek held onto his bandaged side and tried to hide the pain from his facial expression but was failing miserably.

JJ sat in front of Hotch and stared out of the window waiting for the jet to lift off. They had rules to not profile one another but Hotch couldn't help but to notice his agents behavior.

"Don't do that to yourself. It's not your fault." He said after awhile.

JJ turned her attention to her boss and tucked her hair behind her ears, leaning forward. "I know. But still, I didn't exactly make the situation safe for my partner."

"Morgan is fine. What will upset him though, is to know that you're blaming yourself." Hotch nodded and sat back in his seat ending their brief discussion.

After awhile, JJ turned in her seat and starred out the window again at the murky black sky.

"How's that ab?" Reid asked as he took a seat in front of Derek.

Derek went to chuckle at doctor Reid's joke, but it turned into a grunt of discomfort once his body shook. "Could be worse, I guess. The nurse said the bullet only grazed me."

Rossi picked up his cup of coffee and headed out to the seating area of the plane. Morgan locked eyes with him for a short moment and he couldn't help but to roll his eyes. The black man had been bugging him about "The Maid" ever since they saw each other later that day at work.

Rossi took a seat away from Morgan, but to his avail, Derek got up and came over to sit across from him anyway.

The men sat in a comfortable silence for awhile as their jet glided across the night sky back to the city they all called home in Quantico Virginia.

"You know, I'm sure Savannah is worried about you. Have you talked to her?"

Morgan gave him a side eye before turning his attention to what was outside his window.

"Hopefully she's been at work... and is still there." He mumbled.

Rossi smirked in amusement, aware that his friend and his wife weren't on the best of terms. They're relationship was a little on the rocky side and Rossi understood the lows of a marriage all too well.

"Well, I guess you're still not ready to talk so I'll just go back to sit over there." Morgan said in a mono tone as he got up and walked over to a seat that wasn't accompanied by anyone.

Rossi shrugged, "It wasn't like I invited you over here in the first place." He said nonchalantly before sipping his coffee.

Derek waved him off and plopped down on the leather seat reclining it back so he could get more comfortable. He closed his eyes and settled as vivid images of The Maid voluptuous naked body crashed into his mind.

If he weren't half conscious of his whereabouts a moan or heavy breathing would have escaped his lips but a mischievous smirk graced his face instead followed by a readjustment in his seat as the front of his pants were becoming tight.

Emily who was sitting in her own corner of the jet plane peered over the top of her book and noticed Morgans 'dream like' behavior.

Curious to what the hell was on his mind, she noticed him -in his opinion- discreetly lay a blanket on top of his lap so he could cover his boner that was now very visible.

Making a face of disgust, Emily scrunched up her nose and quietly giggled before returning to her book.


"Morgan I'm-"

"JJ. I'm fine, really. It was a mistake on my half. Everything's okay." He squeezed her shoulder as they exited the plane.

The blonde sighed and nodded her head 'okay' before continuing the walk towards the building.

"Wanna grab a drink Morgan?" Rossi asked in attempt to ease the growing tension between them.

"Nah, I think I better be heading home. You know, the 'wife'." He made air quotes.

"Good boy." Rossi smirked.

Derek was about to flip Rossi off when Reid swooped in between them and picked up his go bag slinging it over his shoulder.

"I'll help."

"Thanks pretty boy."

Pulling into the driveway of his two story home, Derek felt a bit of relief when he didn't spot his wife's car in the driveway. The house is dark and appears to be vacant, which once upon a time made him feel lonely, but now a days it brought a piece of peace.

He got out of truck slowly and pushed the door closed with his butt, then headed to the front door with his keys ready in his hand.

Kicking the door closed behind him, Derek nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw the sudden flicker of a candle that had been lit in the shadows.

"Jesus Sav..." he breathed.

"Sorry." She whispered, gliding over to him. "It's a blackout on our street. Nobody has power."

He nodded and slowly put his go bag down in the chair.

"Where were you Derek? Where have you been?" She started. "You haven't answered any of my calls, you had me worried sick!"

He stared out past her at nothing in particular. He wasn't in the mood to argue right now. All he wanted to do was get some sleep.

"Are you even listening to me?"

"Baby-" His voice was cut short as he accidentally bumped his side against the chair. He reached for his wound quickly, doubling over in pain.

"Oh my god babe, have you been hurt?" Savannah reacted, bringing the candle close to see the damage.

"We had a case. I was shot. Nothing serious."

"Nothing serious!?" Her voice went up an octave. "Honey you could have been killed."

"I'm aware." He said flatly. "But I wasn't. It's just a flesh wound. It'll heal in a couple of days."

Savannah shook her head and sighed as she wrapped an arm around her husband's good side and began waking him towards the stairs. She was a doctor at the local hospital, and a doctor at home when her husband needed it. She knew he more than likely didn't listen to the doctors orders of taking his meds. So if they both wanted to get a good night sleep, it was up to her to get them to sleep.


The beeping sound of the hospital monitors echoed in the room once Penelope stepped inside. She closed the door behind her and inhaled a deep breath before turning back around to face the sleeping boy who laid in the hospital bed. She walked over to him and leaned down to gently place a kiss upon his cheek.

In her mind the boy reacted with a quick squint of the eyes as if he could actually feel her touch.

Her heart fluttered with hope.

"Nurse." She called out after re opening the door and peeking into the hallway.

"Hello Penelope, what can I do for you?"

"How is he?" She asked with desperation.

When the nurse merely frowned, she gave Penelope's shoulders a squeeze and walked into the room to check the patients clipboard.

"He's doing the same. No changes have been noted at all Ms. Garcia, I'm sorry to say."

Sighing in disappointment, Penelope drug a chair over to sit next to the boy and she placed her hand in his intertwining their fingers. Raising it up to give the back of his hand a kiss she soon let go and reached into her purple bag, pulling out a book.

"Brown bear brown bear what do you see? I see an elephant looking at me..." she began to read out loud.

The nurse smiled softly at the bond between the two, and made an exit from the room quietly, shutting the door behind her so they could have privacy.