A quick A/N answering some of the reviewer's questions. (Will be incorporated into Chapter 2 when and if I post that.)

CasualFictionWriter23: Yep! And then everyone freaks out.

CKo2: Abyssals, such as Wo-class here, are the antagonists of Kantai Collection. They also have a spooky as bleep aesthetic that I can not get enough of. What they actually are depends more or less entirely on who you ask. "Corrupted shipgirl" is probably a pretty decent bet, however.

A bunch of people asking who this Wo is: I'm currently leaning towards it being an Essex, but so far, her specific identity hasn't come up at all. This may very well change in the future.

Shipping: Yamaprise is a fine, reliable ship, yes. However, it does not feature here. The other fic basically just uses Yamato for the summon-X premise instead of Wo.