Hey guys, Gamer here to give you guys some updates on what I'm doing currently. Firstly, I just want you guys to know that, after reading my last chapter, I've decided to rewrite it and fix a huge problem I didn't originally notice, so expect to see that getting updated in the future.

Also, I just wanna let you guys know that I'm gonna be halting progress on Sword Art for a while. The reason being that I accepted a challenge while reading through some fanfic's. I haven't started it just yet but it's gonna be a RWBY/Pokemon cross over challenge. If you guys want the specifics I have the challenge saved in my favorite stories so you guys can check it out and maybe do it yourselves if you wanna, its the one titled The Ancient Nightmare of Remnant Challenge . I also decided to write up a little bit of the prologue to the story, so if you guys feel like giving it a read, I'll leave it at the bottom.

Any ways guys, I wanna thank you all for all the support and criticism, it really means a lot to me. If you have any story advice or ideas, please let me know, because I write these stories for you guys. I already have an idea for a new Pokemon story I came up with, so I'm really excited to see how that starts out when I get it ready. Alright, I think I've rambled enough for today, so, see you guys. Peace!

It was late, the towering plants of the forest casting long shadows in the growing dusk. The area was silent, with only the wind to disturb the vibrantly green leaves on the trees above and the occasional splash from a nearby stream. The shadows continued to grow, slowly becoming darker. One shadow in particular seemed to be darker than the rest as it splayed across the ground, standing just above the shadow of the tallest tree in the grove.

The owner of the shadow glanced down at the forest floor, scanning for any immediate threats. The creature stood atop the highest branch on long, pointed legs. The creatures body was covered in what appeared to be fur that seemed to be a dark, moldy grey and was shaped to look like a short dress, and a ring of red around the base of its neck. From the beings' shoulder sprouted long strands of fur that waved in the wind, and on the top of its head sprung a long tuft of white fur that seemed to imitate fog as it fluttered behind it, and swept down to cover one of the creatures bright blue eyes that darted from shadow to shadow. The creature almost looked like some sort of monster parents would tell their children about to get them to sleep.

As the shadowy creature watched the surrounding area, he saw a flash of light, followed by an object flying through the spot where it had stood a second before. "Tsk." The young woman who had been hiding in the brush below slowly rose, resting her personal weapon, a long silver compound bow, on her shoulder. She looked around, trying to see where her target had disappeared to, but unable to spot it in the surrounding darkness. Suddenly, without any warning, she spun around, just able to fire off one arrow before she was struck by a blast of foul wind that made her head spin. The Huntress collided with a tree in her fall back to the ground causing her to slump to her knees. As her vision began to fade, she watched as her prey darted away, out of her reach once again.

Thanks for reading this guys! If you guys want to see the rest, I plan to upload the first chapter in the following week or two. Any ways, as always, you guys are awesome, see you later. Peace!