It's one of the longest weeks of Elena's life but at least she gets to escape sometimes as she continues writing and working. Elijah does not get that, he's constantly subjected to talks about the state of the country. Elijah's only third in line for the throne, Elena wonders how awful it is for Freya. At night, Elijah enters their room and melts on whatever surface he can. Sometimes that's the ornate bed and other times it's the couch, and she moves her laptop so his head can rest in her lap. There are times they talk when he's like this, but she always waits until he does. Sometimes, he just needs silence and Elena can't fault him for that.

"Are you packed? We leave tomorrow." He murmurs.

"Yup. Are you sure we have to go? Will Freya be okay?" Elena asks and he nods as she sits next to him on their bed.

"She's still mourning but she'll be a capable leader. She doesn't need us as a distraction. We'll have to be back for the coronation in a few months though." Elijah reminds her and she sighs.

"When we get home, we're going to wear sweatpants and binge watch and pretend to be normal people." Elena says and he makes a noise of agreement.

They make their rounds to say goodbye to his family before they go. Elijah loves them, he does, but they drive him insane.

"Let's just stay in and never leave." He suggests as they enter their apartment.

"Sounds good in theory, not so good in practice." Elena tells him and he sighs.

"I hate it when you're right." He complains and it's nice to see her Elijah, all relaxed and mortal. There were moments in his home country that he looked powerful-untouchable-inhuman. Elijah's just a man after all. Her man, her future husband and hers to drink coffee with in the morning and steal blankets from.

"We haven't watched that Netflix original yet." Elena tells Elijah and he nods in approval as they change into comfortable clothes.

"I love you." He says and she smiles.

They're back to normal, at least for a while.