Hey guys! This is my second Amourshipping fanfic, hope you guys like it! ^^

The spring rain gently ticked down on the young travellers' rain capes. The sun did its very best to break through, but the light grey clouds stubbornly blocked its way. The temperature had significantly dropped since the group had left their previous destination. They were now on their way to Snowbelle city, a snow-covered place that lay beyond the swamp of route 19 in Kalos.

"Yahoo!" Bonnie squealed as she splashed down into a muddy puddle with her rubber boots. "Look Clemont! The water comes all the way up to my hair if I just jump hard enough!"

"Bonnie, please stop that! You're getting even more soaked then you already were!" her older brother reacts, panicking as he already jumps forward to pick up his pigtailed sister and held her above the ground.

"Not fair." she says pouting as she crossed her tiny arms, "just let me have some fun in this bad weather, wouldya?"

"I just don't want you to get sick," Clemont says with a sigh.

Behind them, their friends can't hold back a laugh; the blonde siblings always managed to end up in situations like these.

Serena couldn't help but look at the black haired boy next to her, who seemed to have the most fun of them all. Seeing him laugh like that made her feel a strange kind of happiness. She didn't know why, but his seemingly eternal optimism always brightened her mood like nothing else. Other people always had a hard time trying to cheer her up.

But even one smile from him could illuminate her motivation to go on. Like the sun breaking through after a storm.

Just like that, the first rays of light succeeded in breaking through the thin clouds. The rain was still lingering but not pouring down like it had before.

The new light gave all of them a better look of what lay before them; an almost drowned wetland valley could be seen in the distance, a trusty hanging bridge crossing it.

As the clouds started to part, allowing the sun to shine all the way through, the light was broken into 7 colours by each remaining raindrop that fell down.

Everybody gazed upon the beautiful phenomenon that adorned the grey blue sky as they took off their hoods.

"A rainbow, a rainbow!" Bonnie yelled as she excitedly jumped up and down.

Ash took a few steps forward, followed by his yellow friend who climbed all the way up to his shoulder.

"This does bring back memories, doesn't it buddy?" He asked, still gazing at the sky.

"Pi-ka!" His most trusted Pokémon replied in a way that only can be described as agreeing.

Serena wondered what they were talking about, but before she even thought about asking him, Bonnie had already ran up to them and pulled on Ash's jacket.

"Do you want to tell the story?" Bonnie asked as she looked up to him and Pikachu with her big, blue eyes.

"Eh?" The young trainer said as he looked down upon the blonde girl.

"Pleaseee?" She said as she tried to widen her eyes even more.

"Okay I will," he said with a laugh, "it's not a long story though."

He turned his head to the left, where his electric friend balanced on his shoulder. He scratched its chin.

"When I just got Pikachu and started off on our journey, we really couldn't get along. He wouldn't listen to a thing I said and shocked me just for fun."

"He still does that, doesn't he?" Bonnie giggled, remembering the first encounter she had with Ash and Pikachu.

"Bonnie, don't interrupt people, that's rude." Clemont preached towards his little sister.

"It's okay," the raven haired trainer said with a smile, "where was I? Oh yeah; during a storm, Pikachu was attacked by a flock of Spearow, and when I was driving him to the Pokémon center, I fell off my bike. The Spearow returned and tried to attack Pikachu once more. I jumped in front of him to protect him, but he jumped from the ground to my shoulder and leaped right into the flock. He released such an extremely powerful thunderbolt attack, that we were knocked out by it as well. When we woke up, the rain stopped and the sun broke through. The first thing we saw was a giant flying, gold like Pokémon, followed by the most awesome rainbow ever!"

"Oh wow! "Bonnie said as her lower jaw had dropped in awe. "Do you think that Pokémon made this rainbow as well?"

Ash exchanged looks with Clemont who stood behind his little sister and suggestively nodded his head.

"Yeah I think so!" The trainer grinned.

"That's so cool!" Bonnie squealed. "Will I ever see it too? What does it sound like?"

Just as Ash was about to answer, the group was disturbed by an echoing scream that sent shivers down their spines.

"W-was that the Pokémon?" The little blonde girl asked Serena, behind who she was hiding now.

"I-I have no idea." Serena answered in a hushed voice, still recovering from the jumpscare that the scream had caused them.

She looked over to the boys who didn't seem to wonder at all.

"It's a person!" Clemont yelled, "Something must be going on! It's coming from the direction of the bridge!"

"Let's go then!" Ash already had started running down to the edge of the valley in the distance, "They might be in big trouble!"

I hope you guys liked this first chapter ^^ It won't be a very long fanfic, probably around 3 chapters :)

Special thanks to purimpopoie on tumblr for revising and correcting my grammar!