And here's the second chapter. I honestly don't have anything to say, so without wasting any time let's get on with the story.


Twisted Fate

"Look buddy, either buy something or get lost! I don't need you touching everything with those grubby hands of yours!"

A small crowd had begun to gather as soon as the old man who owned the fruit stall started yelling at the young man who was calmly inspecting one of the old man's apples.

"Now hold your horses old timer. I gotta make sure that I'm not wasting my hard earned money on rotten fruit."

There was some slight murmuring from the crowd as the stall owners face went redder than most of his products at the young man's statement.

"Are you saying that I'm selling rotten fruit?"

"Maybe, maybe not. But you can't be too careful, there's always someone out there waiting to rob you blind."

While the older man stared daggers at the disrespectful man across from him, the younger of the two sniffed the apple in his hand and tossed it high into the air before catching it again. After a moment of silence Twisted fate smirked and looked at the man from under the brim of his hat.

"Well what do ya know? Seems like your one of the good ones, but I must apologize. It would seem that, during my inspection, I lost my appetite."

With that Twisted fate lobbed the apple toward the older man who was standing slack jawed at the strangers' change of heart. He barely managed to catch the apple in both hands before his eye began to twitch erratically and the apple was crushed in his grip.

"Don't you even think of coming back to my stall ever again you runt!"

Twisted fate placed one hand in his coat pocket as he lazily raised his other hand in a mock goodbye while he made his way down the street. When he was out of sight from both the crowd and the old man Twisted fate pulled an apple out of his coat pocket and took a bite. It wasn't even hard to get the fruit into his pocket; it was easy to get the old man riled up enough to cause a commotion and gather people for his trick to work. If he had tried it with just the two of them then the chances of him getting spotted by some random passerby was large, but with everyone watching the two of them it was child's play to get them focused on something even more interesting, the apple. After all it was more than likely that most of the audience had purchased something from the geezer, and there wouldn't be a single person who wouldn't want to know if what they were buying was bad.

At the moment when he had tossed the apple into the air and pulled all of their attention to that one point, he had chosen that time to grab another apple from the stall and shove it into his pocket. He took another bite of the fruit and smirked, until another thought entered his mind and he frowned.

'I'd still like to know how I ended up in the middle of nowhere.'

After getting 'killed' by Hecarim Twisted Fate had awoken in the middle of some random forest, not the first time he'd done that but seeing as how he hadn't been drinking the night before it left a lot to be curious about. After regaining his sense he had walked around for a while to try and figure out where exactly he was, that was when he stumbled across the village. Taking another bite of his apple Twisted Fate turned a corner and continued to make his way through the village and glanced at the people passing him by.

'Guess I'm somewhere in Ionia, don't know why the people always dress so funny over here.'

Twisted Fate took one more bite of his apple before throwing it to the side when he was sure nobody was looking. The last thing he needed was someone yelling at him for littering. He tucked his other hand into his coat pocket and looked toward the sky before letting loose a sigh.

'You'd think that the summoners at the institute would be kind enough to pick me up or at least send an apology.'

After a moment of thought Twisted Fate shrugged his shoulders and started walking again. It wasn't like he had anywhere important to be, hell staying in some backwater Ionian village for a while seemed like a pretty good way for him to cool his head and plan out his next move.

'I remember hearing about a new bank in Piltover, maybe I should pay it a visit…'

While lost in thought Twisted Fate didn't notice the sound of footsteps falling in line behind him until they were directly beside him. It was nothing to be too concerned about until he felt someone clapping their hand onto his shoulder, hard.

"How about we take a walk?"

It was a gruff voice that reeked of smoke. Twisted Fate spun his head, half expecting to see the familiar face of Graves. But ended up coming face to face with a bald man with crooked yellow teeth.

'Well, that's a face only a mother could love. If she was blind.'

Twisted Fate took quick stock of his position and had to stop himself from rolling his eyes at the outdated tactic. There were a grand total of five men surrounding him, two on each of his sides and three standing behind him. Then there was the man holding his shoulder, the grip actually served two purposes; the first was that it gave the illusion of familiarity to outsiders, while the second was to hold him in place if he chose to flee. It was a trick he'd seen dozens of small time gangs use to get some quick cash. The group of men steered him down a nearby alley and when they were deep enough in the man holding his shoulder gave him a rough shove which ended up with him against a wall. Yellow teeth, the apparent leader, gave him a grin before leaning against a nearby wall.

"Alright pal since you're new here I'll explain it nice and slow. See we're interested in the good of the community and lately the community hasn't been able to make ends meet so we're kindly asking for all of your lien as a donation."

There was silence in the air and one of the men threw his had back and howled with laughter.

"I think the guy's too scared to do anything Birch."

The leader frowned and stared at Twisted Fate, who wasn't making eye contact with any of the men in the alley. Instead he was digesting everything in front of him in order to come up with a plan of action.

'Five men, three have swords, one has an axe, one has a gun. No time to vanish, talking won't work, looks I'm gonna half to deal with this now. Stun the gun and go from there.'

"Hey! Fork over your lien while I'm asking nice pal!"

Snapping back to reality, Twisted Fate put both hands in the air in a pacifying gesture and offered something akin to a sincere smile.

"Gentlemen, while I have enjoyed our time together I'm afraid I'm going to have to say farewell."

There was silence in the alley as the five men stared daggers at Twisted Fate, the leader pulled his sword out and pointed it at Twisted Fate's throat.

"Do I look like some type of clown to you punk?"

"You? A clown? I'd say you look more like the back end of a horse."

There was a snicker from one of the men behind Birch who spun around to see who it was. In that moment Twisted Fate slid a yellow card out of his sleeve and threw it at the man with the gun in his belt. As soon as it hit him the man's limbs locked up and he fell backwards, the four remaining men stood shocked at what they just saw and before they could react a red card slammed into the man with the axe, exploding and sending him flying backwards out of the alley. The three men who remained finally jumped into action, the leader acted first by taking a swing at Twisted Fate, which he dodged by rolling under it. He sent a fist into the jaw of the leader and then planted his boot into his chest. Twisted Fate was by no means a talented hand-to-hand fighter, but after working with Malcolm Graves for a few years, you pick up a few tricks.

Both of the other members of the gang came at him at the same time, it was almost too easy. They both raised their swords high with the intent to bring them down onto him. However Twisted Fate reacted by throwing a red card between the two of them where it promptly exploded, slamming the two of them into the nearby walls. Pleased with himself at a job well done Twisted Fate was about to leave the alley when he heard a groan behind him. He turned around to see the leader holding his gut while trying to sit himself up against the wall.

"You're dead, you hear me? Do you know who we are? You don't get to walk around Kuchinashi and disrespect us like that!"

Offering a smirk Twisted Fate kneeled down in front of the man and tipped his hat.

"From what I've seen, your group ain't exactly the most intimidating bunch around."

The chuckle started out deep in Birch's throat before building to the point where he couldn't hold it and he started to laugh in an almost hysterical manner.

"Try saying that after you've met my boss, there's not a person around who's more terrifying than him. And do you wanna know why?"

Taking Twisted Fate's smirk as interest Birch continued.

"My boss used to be a Hunter and he'll kill you without a thought."


Birch's eyes nearly shot out of his head.

"What do you mean 'so'? My boss used to be a Hunter, what don't you get about that?"

Twisted Fate quirked his eyebrow at the man's confusion before he answered.

"Why exactly should it matter to me if your boss used to be a hunter? It's not like I haven't dealt with worse."

Cold sweat formed on Birch's brow as he processed what he had just been told.

'A man who dealt with worse than a Hunter? What could be worse than a Hunter? Who the hell is this guy?'

"Now if we're done here I have some urgent business to take care of."

Birch watched as the man tipped his hat and made his way out of the alley, all while stepping over the bodies of his men. After the stranger left the alley Birch tried and failed to stand up as the pain in his stomach proved to be too much.

'Maybe sitting here for a while wouldn't be such a bad thing.'

Birch leaned his head back until he felt the cool brick against his skin and slowly felt his eyes close.


'Kuchinashi… never heard of this place before. And why was that guy going on about his boss being a former hunter? Who cares if the guy knows how to hunt wild animals, I fought giant armored bears and pirate kings.'

It was while Twisted Fate was thinking about his earlier talk with the man in the alley that he stopped dead in his tracks.

'What was it he was asking for again? All of my lion, no that's not right. Was it lien? What in Runeterra is lien?'

Twisted Fate let go of an uneasy breath while he was thinking.

'Lien… was he talking about my money? I could have sworn Ionians called their coin something else. So what could he be talking about?'

He didn't like not knowing things, that wasn't how he worked. Being ignorant of something was the first step to getting yourself killed. With a quick look around Twisted Fate made the decision to walk back to the alley.


And there we go; I would very quickly like to say sorry about how long this took. It was supposed to be out a while ago but sadly College has been really busy and then there's my job. I'm trying to get better at updating in a timely manner but sometimes life just doesn't want you to have nice things. Anyway the next chapter will hopefully be up a lot sooner, speaking of which between Braum and Lee Sin who do you guys want to see next. I look forward to hearing what you think and as always please review and tell me what you liked, where I can get better and your overall thoughts, till next time.