Author's note: This was my submission for the Everlark Fic Exchange Springtime Edition 2016. I chose the prompt "Modern AU. Peeta has a life-threatening heart condition and is in dire need of a new heart. Katniss just lost her sister in a terrible car accident. Their paths cross when Prim's heart is donated to Peeta, just in time as his condition goes from bad to worse and all hope seems lost. Once recovered, Peeta is determined to meet the family of the girl whose heart saved his life, never expecting to find love along the way. 3 [submitted by Anonymous]"

Much thanks to my bestie writingbutunpublished for looking over this several times and listening to me drone on and on about all my works. The title comes from the Evanescence song My Immortal, which really fits the story. When I originally picked this prompt, I thought about the movie Return to Me, but then it took a large turn. I still kept a line from the movie in here, so if you know it see if you can spot it.

Part two coming very soon!

Katniss stopped outside of the new bakery everyone had been raving about. It had started going up a few months before when she was still trying to get back to regular life. The extra people weren't a pleasant sight when all she wanted to do was stay in bed instead of facing anyone. Work was hard enough, even with Gale there.

She walked in and stopped at the sight of a beautifully decorated cake, small and round with orange tiger lilies all down the side. Prim loved orange tiger lilies. And it was just a few days from her birthday.

Katniss swallowed hard to keep the tears from falling, covering her mouth to hold back the cry she hated letting go in public.

"How can I help you?" A young man asked from behind the counter. His blue eyes sparkled with kindness to match his welcoming smile.

She pointed to the cake. "I'd like that cake, please." Not that I need it.

"Sure." He pulled it out and smiled as he reached for a box. "Special occasion?"

"My sister's birthday." She whispered, a rogue tear fell from her eye.

"I can write a message on it." He offered. Taking a look at her face he added, "No extra charge."

Katniss wiped at the tears falling freely and shook her head. "No, thank you." This was a bad idea.

Looking a bit awkward, the young man took a napkin off the top of the display case and handed it over. "Are you okay, miss?"

She shook her head. "I don't need the cake." She turned and walked home as quickly as she could, weaving in and out of the crowd.

Peeta tried to follow the sad young woman, but she was quickly swallowed by the sea of people on their way to work.

What had made her so sad? He asked himself as he continued to search for her. And why had he felt an odd connection the moment he set eyes on her. The mention of her sister's birthday, it made his heart flutter. His birthday was soon, too. And he'd decorated that cake with the orange tiger lilies because they were his favorite flower in his favorite color.

Delly stepped out the front door. "Is something wrong, Peeta?"

"No." He turned and stepped back into the store. "Nothing." Whatever it was, it didn't hurt.

Looking in the mirror after his shower was a daily reminder that Peeta was alive because someone else was dead. It hurt him to think that way. Someone had lost a family member so that he could remain with his loved ones.

Peeta had been close with his father and brothers, even before his mother left them when Peeta was still small. His father did all he could, even recruiting his three sons to work at the family bakery from a very young age. Peeta had jumped at the chance to run the new store across town when his father mentioned expanding. He had even scouted out the perfect location.

Walking along the street felt so right for a reason he couldn't explain. And the little storefront that he picked out had the perfect space for a modest kitchen in the back for four ovens and a workspace for cake decoration. The apartment above was an added bonus. He could finally move out of his father's house and away from his constant worry.

The sad woman was still on Peeta's mind as he finished cleaning up the decoration room. Delly dealt with the store front and Annie cleaned up the ovens. A new hire, a young girl named Posy who helped out a couple hours after school, swept and mopped all the back rooms and watched the others intently.

"Posy?" Peeta motioned her over. "Tomorrow still okay for you?"

She nodded. "Absolutely!"

Peeta chuckled. "Your enthusiasm won't last once you have to handle the crowds. Saturdays are really busy." He gave her a hard look. "I expect you here at seven."

"I can be here earlier if you need me to." Posy said anxiously.

Peeta grinned. "We can handle it. Thank you. You deserve a bit of a break."

"Well, you open at five. Are you sure you don't need me earlier?"

"Seven." He said once more, patting her shoulder. "And you're done for today, so clock out and head home."

She nodded and sat the mop and bucket back in the closet and headed toward the front.

"Make sure you take the last of the croissants for your family." He called after her.

Delly stepped in to bid him farewell a few minutes later. "Display cases all fingerprint and noseprint free." She announced.

"Yay!" Peeta said as he finished the last of the organization. "Have any Friday night plans?"

She shook her head. "Netflix and pizza."

"Sounds like my plans." Annie said, leaning against the door frame. "Since my boss is stealing my boyfriend away for the evening."

Peeta chuckled. "Your boyfriend is stealing me. I would love Netflix and Pizza." He yawned and stretched his back.

"Finnick just thinks you need a girlfriend." Annie pointed at his chest. "That's held you back too long."

He shrugged. "Whatever you guys say." He waved his hands. "You two get out of here." He followed both women to the front door and locked it behind them before he made his way up to his apartment.

It was a small studio. The only door other than the one to the stairs led to the bathroom. Peeta's bed was behind a wall created by some bookshelves Finnick had made for him.

Peeta pulled aside the curtain that separated his sleeping space from the rest of the apartment and rummaged in the antique wardrobe for an outfit. Finnick was bringing him to a bar to "scope out chicks." It was his first big night out after his heart transplant.

Peeta stood in front of the bathroom mirror as he had every day for a year and stared at the scar running the length of his chest. He pressed his hand over his beating heart. Someone else was born with it, but he would die with it. That thought pained him more than anything he'd ever experienced before or after the transplant. He knew it would be the case, but he was never prepared for it.

His phone rang, breaking him out of his thoughts and he saw Finnick's name pop up.

"I'm downstairs." Finnick said by way of greeting. "Get your sexy ass dressed and down here so I can get you laid. Finally."

Peeta sighed. "I'm on my way." He pulled on his shirt and headed out.

Katniss stared at the calendar. Prim's birthday was marked clearly. Katniss had written it down out of habit and immediately regretted it. And now, so many months later, she still did.

She took out her phone and opened the contacts. There were only three: Gale, Madge, and Gale's mother. It took her nearly the entire year to remove Prim's number. She'd only done it the week before when she called it and a man picked up. For so many months after Prim's death, Katniss called to listen to her voicemail. She was the one who paid the bill and it took a while for her to finally give up the contract on her sister's phone. She hadn't minded because it meant she could hear the young woman's chipper voice whenever she wanted.

She tapped on Gale's number, the tears already falling again. A whole year of crying at the worst times still made her wonder how a body produced that many tears.

"Hey, Catnip." Gale said gently when he answered. He always seemed to know how she was feeling before she even spoke. He knew the days of the year as well as her. "What's up?"

"Gale, I…" She started sobbing, her hand over her mouth to try to muffle her voice.

"Need me to come over?" He asked.

"Please." She cried.

"I'll be there in ten minutes."

The line went dead and she curled up on the couch as her body trembled with her emotion. It had been a full year since the accident that had taken Prim away. The night of a million beeping and whirring machines that kept the aspiring doctor alive until Katniss finally brought herself to sign the paperwork that let Prim save a few more lives with her organs.

She didn't hear the door open. But she felt the arms come around her and hold her. Strong, familiar arms that held her that night as she cried in very much the same way. Gale was her rock through all of this. His wife Madge was more than understanding. Madge had no siblings of her own, but marrying into the Hawthorne family allowed her to experience it. Losing any of her siblings-in-law would have been just as devastating.

Katniss finally calmed and sat silently pressed against her best friend's chest.

"You're okay now." He said softly.

She shook her head and pressed her eyes into his shoulder for several breaths before she finally pulled away.

"Her birthday is in two days. She was just two days away from twenty-five and she was gone." She choked on another sob. "It's not fair."

"I know." He smoothed his hand over her hair. "Believe me, I know."

She sat back and wiped at her eyes. She picked up a piece of paper from her coffee table. "I've been getting letters. From the people who got her organs." She covered her mouth and shook her head. "It's so strange saying that."

Gale took the paper she held out and opened it. "This is from the man who got her heart."

"Yes." She said softly.

He read as Katniss wiped her eyes and nose. He asked, "What are you going to do?"

"About what?" She stood and retrieved a new box of tissues.

"He said he 'could never be grateful enough' for the new life he has. 'If I could ever pay you back I would.' Offered to bake you a lifetime supply of cookies or breads."

She gave him an odd look.

"What?" Gale asked.

She shook her head. "Nothing. I doubt I could ever take him up on that offer. It's all anonymous."

"I'm sure you could find out if you really wanted." He handed the letter back. "He's pretty long-winded. That letter is three pages."

"He talks about his life." She folded it. "He grew up in a bakery, but never got to do much because of his heart condition." She sighed and decided to change the subject. "I almost bought a birthday cake for her today. But then I burst into tears and ran out of the bakery."

He rubbed her back. "We should throw a party for her. Celebrate her life."

She nodded. "I think she would like that."

He kissed her temple. "Do you need me to stay? I can call Madge."

She thought a moment and then asked, "Can I come home with you? I think Madge and your girls would like that more."

He smiled. "Pack a bag. I'll call my wife." He took out his phone. "And I'll drive you."

Katniss stepped into her bedroom and started blindly throwing things into her overnight bag as she listened to Gale talking to Madge. From Gale's end of the conversation, it didn't sound like much convincing was needed.

On the ride, she curled into the passenger seat of Gale's truck and cried quietly. Occasionally he patted her leg. He was the only one she ever let see her cry.

Finnick threw back his third tequila shot while Peeta continued to nurse his first beer. Finnick slammed the shot glass down on the bar and requested another just as his eye caught a pretty redhead saunter past.

He nudged Peeta. "Go talk to her."

After giving her a cursory glance, Peeta shook his head. "Not my type."

"Neither were the last five girls I pointed out." Finnick said in exasperation. "What exactly is your type?"

Peeta shrugged. "Not that." He finished the last sip of his beer and asked, "Can we just go?"

Finnick heaved a sigh. "When are you going to give it up? You can't be the thirty year old virgin."

"You know, it's not as uncommon as you think." Peeta pulled out his wallet and slipped a few bills across the bar. "And I don't need sex to be fulfilled. I have my own bakery now. My own place. And I can walk from here to your car without needing two breaks. I can feel my heart beating in my chest."

Finnick waved his hand, a disgruntled look on his face. "You need someone. You're even more boring now and you could be getting all the tail if you would unclench."

"I'm unclenched." Peeta argued.

"Far from it." Finnick finished his beer, the second one in the short hour they'd been out.

Peeta let out a sigh. "Those must have been some strong shots because you've moved into rude drunk. I'm taking you home so Annie can deal with you." He hauled his friend to his feet and out the door.

At Finnick's house, Peeta walked the other man up to his door. He knew Finnick would have made it well enough, but he really wanted to talk to Annie. The pair had been friends for a short time, but Peeta was a little closer to her than Finnick.

Annie handed her boyfriend a glass of water and shoved him down on the couch. One look at Peeta had her pulling him into a warm embrace.

"What a celebration, huh?" She said.

Peeta patted her back. "I guess." He sat down on the chair next to the couch with a sigh. "I sent a letter."

"A letter?" Annie asked, draping herself over Finnick's lap.

"The family of the donor. You know, 'Sorry your relative is dead, but I'm alive and well.'" Peeta rubbed his face. "It felt right at the time, but what a shitty reminder."

Annie nodded sympathetically. "Yeah."

"And your boyfriend there thinks I need a girl. What I really need is to live the life I didn't get until last year."

"Yeah." Annie said. "Want to stay here tonight?"

Peeta shook his head. "Bakery opens bright and early at five. Have to be up at four to get dough started." He hauled himself up and hugged his friends once more. "Thanks anyway, Finnick." He said as he pounded the other man on the back.

"We'll find you someone, Peet." Finnick slurred. Then he made a face. "Annie, I'm going soft. Already drunk. I only had four shots."

"Of tequila." Peeta said and shook his head. "Go to bed." He made his way home and undressed, standing in front of the bathroom mirror once more to trace the length of the scar on his chest.

And as he stood there, tears came. Grateful tears for the life he regained. But also sad tears for the life lost. He didn't even know the family, but he knew the pain it must have caused. All those tears his father shed as they sat to plan Peeta's funeral in the hospital so that Peeta could have a say. It could have been Peeta's fate.

He pulled a tee-shirt over his head and went to bed, curled up under his blanket as he cried himself to sleep.

Peeta worked hard for a while alone before Annie and Delly arrived along with a couple other bakers. The first two hours of the day were hectic. He barely registered Posy's arrival as he waved her toward the front of the bakery to help Delly fill orders.

When things finally started calming down, Peeta allowed Delly to take a break while he took over up front.

Posy's phone went off and she quickly turned it on silent. "Sorry about that. My oldest brother."

Peeta shrugged. "You could answer if you need to. We're slowing down enough."

"It's fine. I'll call him back on my break." She leaned over the counter to smile at a little girl who had pressed her face close to the cookie display. "Which one's your favorite?" She asked.

"Chocolate chip." She said shyly.

Peeta reached into the case and pulled one out. "If it's okay with your mom, you can have one for free."

Her mother nodded gratefully and encouraged the girl to reach up and take the offered treat.

"Aunt Posy!" Another girl called from the door.

"Must have been what my brother called about." Posy said. She finished the transaction and then turned to Peeta. "Do you mind if I…?" She indicated the girl who had called her "Aunt Posy" and a smaller girl peeking around their mother's hand.

"Go for it." Peeta said. "Time for your break anyway."

"Thank you." Posy skipped around the counter and swung the older girl up into her arms. She talked with the woman after greeting the shy girl.

And then he saw the woman from the day before. The one who cried over the cake and then fled. Posy spoke with her and hugged her warmly before leading the women toward the counter. "Peeta, this is my sister-in-law Madge and my nieces Jenna and Katy." She indicated the other sad woman second. "And this is Katniss. They were hoping to get a cake."

"For your sister?" Peeta asked the woman Posy had introduced as Katniss.

She nodded and swallowed back tears.

"Come over here and we'll talk about it." He said with a gentle voice. "Posy, will you get Annie to help here?"

"Sure thing, boss." She walked away quickly, weaving in and out of the crowd.

Peeta asked the two girls. "You want a cookie?"

The older girl, Jenna, looked up to her mother and said, "Can we?"

"Um, sure." Madge said. "How much?"

"On the house. I always make too much." He leaned down and asked, "Chocolate chip, sugar, snickerdoodle?"

The smaller girl giggled. "Funny word."

Peeta grinned. "But yummy cookie."

"I'll take one of those." Jenna pointed at a chocolate chip cookie.

Peeta retrieved the cookie and handed it over. "You want the same as your sister?" He asked Katy.

The girl shook her head. "Sticker noodle."

Peeta chuckled and retrieved a cookie. "Snickerdoodles are my favorite." He handed it over and then waved the group to a table in the back of the shop, taking a clipboard off the wall. "So first things first, when do you need the cake?"

"Tomorrow." Madge said, clearly taking charge of the situation. "If at all possible. It doesn't have to be anything fancy."

Peeta nodded. "I could probably whip something up." He made a note and looked up to ask what flavor. It was then that he noticed Katniss looking from the form to his face. Her eyes drifted down and he noticed that the neck of his tee-shirt was just wide enough to show the tip of his scar. He pulled it up and asked the rest of his questions.

They asked for a vanilla cake with vanilla frosting. Strawberries and whipped cream would fill the layers and it would say nothing, but Peeta promised some primroses cascading over one side of the round cake.

"And you really can do that by tomorrow?" Katniss asked.

Peeta looked into her sad eyes and gave her an encouraging smile. "Even if I have to stay up all night."

She nodded and looked toward Madge. "Can you finish this? I need some air." She stood before her friend could make a response and hurried from the building.

Madge gave her back a sympathetic look and then turned back to Peeta, stroking her youngest daughter's hair. "It's a little rough on her. My husband suggested this party for her sister. She died last year."

"Oh." Peeta looked down at his notes and then back up. "This will be the best cake I've ever made. And I'm not charging you."

"No, you can't do that." Madge said quickly. "You've got a lot of work ahead of you."

Peeta swallowed. "I had a weak heart all my life. And I think about death all the time. Mine and others. Especially the person who gave me their heart." He placed his hand on his chest. "I want to help how I can."

"Thank you." Madge said, tears welling up in her eyes. "As long as you're sure."

"I am. I promised the family that it would be how I'd repay my debt if I ever met them."

Madge nodded. "Posy can probably bring it after work tomorrow."

Peeta nodded. "Sure. I'll talk to her."

They finalized the order and Madge ushered her daughters outside.

Katniss sat and heard the conversations around her, but she didn't really comprehend any of it. The year before she'd marked the day in tears alone in her bed, curled up in a ball feeling hopeless. She woke up today not wanting to be around anyone, but feeling obligated because everyone had put aside so much time and effort in such a short time.

Posy showed up after her shift at the bakery smelling of sugar and yeast and smiling sadly as she presented the cake. There were primroses all over the cake, not just on the side.

"Peeta said he worked all night on it to make it perfect." Posy informed Katniss as the older woman looked on.

"It's beautiful." Katniss sighed, her throat tightening.

Madge told Hazelle, "He didn't charge for it and then he went even farther that the original design."

"Didn't charge?" Gale asked. "That's no way to do business."

Madge shrugged. "He gave some big story about a heart transplant and making a promise to his donor's family about repaying them."

Katniss whipped her head up at that. "What did he say?"

Madge gave her an odd look, taking in her behavior as part of the grieving process. "He wanted to repay the family of the donor by baking things for them. Said he thought a lot about death because of his illness."

Katniss dug around in her pocket and produced the letter. "Where is the form he filled out?" She unfolded the paper on the table. "I thought it looked familiar while he was writing."

Posy handed over a sheet of paper. Everyone looked at Katniss as though she'd gone mad. And maybe she had, but she had to know. She had to know where her sister's heart still beat.

"It looks the same." Katniss mumbled. She slid them over to Gale. "Don't they?"

Gale shrugged. "I don't know, Catnip."

"Posy? Madge? Someone tell me I'm not wrong." Katniss pleaded.

Jenna climbed up onto the chair and looked over the papers. "You aren't wrong, Aunt Katniss." She said.

Katniss kissed her temple. The girl was five and smart, but she just wanted to make Katniss happy. "Thanks, Jen."

The girl pointed to each of the papers. "That P is the same as this P." She looked up. "Like in my books to find the ones that match."

Everyone leaned over the papers once more to examine them.

Gale smoothed his hand over his daughter's head, a proud smile on his face. "It does look a lot alike." He agreed.

Katniss grabbed up the paper and headed out the door.

"Where are you going?" Madge asked.

"I have to ask." Katniss hurried out to her car.

Gale ran out after her. "Damnit, Katniss, now is not the time."

"It's the only time." She opened her car door. "If I wait until tomorrow, I'll chicken out and I need to know."

He held open the door. "Come on, Catnip. Think. This isn't you."

"It is today." She pulled the door free from his grasp and slammed it, backing out of the driveway quickly.

She stopped outside the back of the bakery and pounded on the door, begging for an answer.

Peeta opened the door with a bewildered look on his face. "Katniss, right?"

Katniss shoved the letter in his face. "Did you write this?" She demanded.

He took the paper from her, wonder on his face. He looked over the words, pressing his hand to his heart. When he finally looked up, she could see tears glistening in his eyes. "I am so sorry." He handed the paper back. "I know that won't ease your pain, but it's all I can offer."

She shook her head and folded the paper back up. Slipping it into her pocket, she said, "I'm glad it went to someone who appreciates it." Her eyes drifted to his chest. "She was going to be a doctor. She was in the top ten percent of her class and she cared about everyone that came across her path."

Peeta nodded. "Is there anything I can do?"

Katniss shook her head. "Just take care of yourself." She turned and walked away.

"Hey, Katniss." He called.

She turned. "Yeah?"

"If you want to talk, I'm always here." He offered kindly.

She nodded. "Thank you." She got in her car and drove back to Gale's house with tears streaming down her face.