The small women shifted uncomfortably in her seat. The cabin shuttered as the landing gear descended from the undercarriage of the plane. The other passengers were finishing up gathering their in flight items, no one payed attention to the women flying alone. She was off the plane the second the doors opened and the flight attendant released her row. Margo Sweeney moved through the airport as fast as she could go without drawing attention to herself. She passed the baggage claim without stopping. Margo didn't have luggage; she had left home to fast. The only thing this women brought half way around the world with her was a couple changes of clothes, a five-thousand-dollar camera, and a couple hundred in cash all packed tightly into a blue backpack. Margo weaved her way out of the crowed and to the parking lot beside the small airport. At the back of the parking lot was a plain white van with blacked out windows. Most women would avoid this sort of vehicle at all cost but not bold Margo Sweeney. She knocked on the driver's side window with pale knuckles. The van rocked as someone shifted around in the back. The rear doors swung open with a rusty creek and a willowy man jumped out.

"Glad you got here safe doll face" the man said in a thick Irish accent. "Nice to finally meet you in person"

"Thank you Mathew" Margo said watching the Irish man walk around the van to the passenger side. Mathew was a longtime friend of Margo's despite this being their first in-person meeting. They had meet over the internet nearly six years prior to the day and discussed their work with each other.

"No need to thank me Hun" Mathew said waving an absent hand at the women. Mathew had a trash bag in hand and was cleaning empty food containers of the front seat of the van. "Sorry 'bout the mess, I've been driving a lot lately. You know how work can be" Margo nodded in understanding. When she could she would just drive from job site to job site. If she could she would spend her entire life that way. Margo took a moment to look over her friend. Mathew Warren, age twenty-eight originally from Carlingford, Ireland. They shared an interest in all things old and lost and both worked as independent archaeologists. Mathew looked different in person then when Margo usually shall him in a little low-definition window on her computer screen. His hair was a lighter blond than she had expected but is was pulled into his signature high bun. Margo had never seen his locks worn down so she could only guess at its length. Mathew's eyes were a dark brown with flecks of hazel around the void black irises. He was thin and tall with high cheek bones and pale skin. A large arrow head hung around his neck on a length of worn hemp cord. Margo realized she was staring and averted her eyes down to her dirty hiking boots. Mathew tied the trash bag and tossed into the back of the van then moved around to get into the driver's side. Margo climbed up into the now clean seat and pulled the door closed with a heavy thud. She sat her backpack between her knees and clicked her seat belt into place. Mathew pulled the keys out of his jean pockets with a rattle. The key chain was packed with trinkets from all the countries he had traveled to; a tiny replica of Big Ben, a gold coin with the Great wall etched into it, he even had tiny sombrero. The engine started with a stuttering whine before giving in and turning over.

"So can I ask why you came half-way across the world on such short notice" Mathew asked inquisitively with a subtle tilt of his head in my direction. Margo chewed her lip contemplating her answer before turning her body to face her friend.

"You know how we talked about the Nordic holy grounds in the Scandinavian mountain range?" Margo asked.

"Yes, but you said you couldn't come to Norway due to your responsibilities in the states" Mathew said pulling the van out of the airport parking lot. Margo looked to the back of the van to see a mattress covered in cameras and computer equipment.

"Is this your home base or something?" Margo asked looking back to Mathew. He gave her a sideways glance as if he was trying to gauge her reaction to his set up.

"Yeah, I like to be well equipped when I arrive on a site" Mathew said "Are you avoiding my question?"

"No" Margo said quickly. She fiddled with the frayed end of her hoodie sleeves and kept her eye's on the road.

"It's not that I don't mind you being here, I'm actually happy to finally meet you; it's just how sudden you showed up. Did something happen that I should worry about?" Mathew asked. The emotion in his voice made Margo's heart ache. She felt a sense of comfort at the care he showed.

"It's just that I wanted to do this, it was time I did this. I've wanted to make this journey for a long time" Margo explained. The Nordic people had always been a topic of interest for Margo. She loved the stories of battle and the inventions that the Vikings crafted. The culture was brutal but beautiful. The arts and music carried the Nordic people's stories through the centuries and made Margo feel for them. The Holy ground she was seeking was one of the only ruins that were untouched by man. For all anyone knew the place couldn't even exist. The lore told of a Holy ground filled with relics of the fallen Vikings. It was said to be full of riches and art pieces never seen by modern man. Margo wanted to be the first person to uncover these treasures and bring a greater light into the Nordic Vikings culture.

"Alright then, I guess I can't just let you go by yourself. I might not be a Viking expert, but who can turn down the chance to be the first person to uncover a lost holy ground" Mathew said offering me a genuine smile. Margo smiled at her friend and reached over to lay a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you Mathew, this means a lot to me" She said, the appreciation for his words showing in her voice.

"I thought you had long hair" Mathew noted offhandedly. Margo instinctively reached up to touch the choppy ends of her auburn locks.

"I cut it" Margo admitted "It was getting in the way of my work"

"Well I like it; you can see more of your face like this" Mathew said with a side smile. Margo smiled back to him then leaned her head against the cool glass window.

The pair drove in comfortable silence for a little over an hour before turning onto a dirt road.

"Almost there" Mathew said. Margo picked her head up off the window and looked to the sky. They had left the city behind half an hour ago, this far out you could see the stars dusted across the sky as night fell. She shifted in her seat in an attempt the wake her sleeping legs. Mathew yawned heavily causing Margo to yawn in return. He surprised her by turning off the road and into an empty field.

"You live in a field?" Margo asked curiously.

Mathew nodded "It gives me my privacy considering I've never been that much of a people person"

"Well I'm honored to be allowed the privilege of visiting your secret domicile" Margo said with a small laugh. Mathew smiled at her and chuckled back. Margo caught site of a trailer parked in the field along with a large camping tent.

"Fancy" She commented. They parked behind the camper and climbed out of the van slowly.

"My ass is asleep" Mathew commented.

"What exactly so you want me to do with that information?" Margo asked with a smile on her lips. Another yawn cracked across Mathews face as they made their way around the side of the camper to the front door. The door was painted a bright blue and apparently left unlocked as Mathew was able to just push it open. He flicked on a light just inside the door illuminating the inside of the small trailer. Across from the door was a table stacked with papers and a map of the surrounding area hung over it. To the left was a kitchenette that looked to be rarely used. To the right a couch and passed that was a closed door she assumed to be the bathroom and another that led to a bed room. Margo hung her bag on the empty hook next to the door and moved to stand next to Mathew in the small room

"The couch pulls out into a bed. It Isn't the comfiest thing in the world but it's the best I can do short notice. If you don't like it, you can have my bed" Mathew explained.

"The couch is just fine" Margo said quickly. She wasn't going to let him give up his bed for her. The couch couldn't be worse than all the floors she had slept on in her life.

"Alright sorry to check out on you so soon, but I'm exhausted and gonna head to bed" Mathew said whilst stretching his arms over his head.

"Yeah I understand, I'm exhausted too. That was a long flight" Margo said around a yawn. Mathew nodded his head before pulling Margo into a hug. She was a little shocked at his openness but excepted the hug never less. The top of Margo's head only reached the underside of Mathews chin so she settled with wrapping her arms around his thin waist and resting her forehead on his chest. The gesture only lasted a couple seconds but the comfort from the gesture made Margo warm and fuzzy. The two separated and Mathew gave a smile down to his friend. He walked into his bedroom and returned a minute later with a large quilt and a pillow. He sat them on the end of the couch before removing the couch cushions and pulling out the bed hidden inside. It was only a twin sized bed but Margo's exhausted mind wanted nothing more than to lay down and sleep for days. Mathew went back into his room calling his good night's over his shoulder. The door to his room shut and she could hear him settle into his bed. Margo spread the quilt over the bed and tossed the pillow to the head. She unzipped her bag and dug out a pair of sweats to wear as pajamas. Margo turned her back to the bedroom door before pulling her hoodie over her head and slid her jeans down her legs. She stumbled slightly as she kicked off her boots and pushed them under the bed. She pulled on the sweats and settled into the bed after turning off the light. Margo shifted onto her left side and tucked an arm under the pillow. She lay in the silence and gazed out the window at the stars. Her mind buzzed with restless thoughts.

"What is this?" Yelled a man's voice. Rage dripped from every syllable. Margo felt a fearful shiver slid down her spine. A man walked into the living room as if he was on a war path. The man held an envelope in his hand and shook it in front of Margo's pale face.

"I planned on telling you over dinner" She said in a small voice. Her fingers fiddled with the hem of her skirt; it was far too short for her liking but he insisted she wore it.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? Why would you plan a trip without asking permission first? I told you to let go of your stupid dreams. I told you that you were staying home for now on. No more traveling, your staying here with me!" The man's voice rattled the windows in the living room. Margo pushed herself farther back into her spot on the couch as her advanced on her.

"Please stop" Margo pleaded throwing her arms over her face in fear. A heavy fist slammed into the side of her head making stars explode in front of her eyes. A sob racked Margo's small body. Thick fingers wrapped around a chunk of her hair and gave a sharp tug. Margo screamed and scratched at the man's forearm. He released her hair and slapped her across the face with all his strength. She shrieked like a banshee and kicked her bare feet into his chest. The man stumbled away.

"You whore" He ragged regaining his balance and charging at her. Margo jumped up from the couch and vaulted over the back. Her bare feet slapped on the polished wood floors as she ran to the kitchen to get the phone. If she called the police they would save her, Margo thought. The man chased her, gaining on her in a few strides.

"Please stop" Margo screamed pulling the phone off the kitchen wall. Arms wrapped tightly around her waist and slammed her against the wall. The phone fell from her hands and crashed down on the hard kitchen tile. The man threw her against the kitchen island, pain exploding in her right hip. She scrambled away on shaky legs, hands reaching out for anything to use against him. The man rounded the island at her just as her small hand found the handle of a butcher's knife. The following minutes Margo couldn't recall. The next thing she could remembered was the gagging of the man as he lay in a pool of his blood, the knife sticking out of his throat. Margo collapsed onto her knees next to his dying body.

"Oh god!" She screamed. Panic flooded her veins turning them to ice.

"oh god, I'm sorry" She wept The man's eyes were full of shock and then nothing at all. The gagging stopped and he was gone. Margo sobbed her body shaking with the emotions running through her. Her tears fell on his blank face. Margo stayed crouched next to the dead man for an hour before she collected herself and rose on quivering legs. She walked up the stairs to the master bathroom and washed the man's blood off of her body in the shower. She dried her hair and applied a thick layer of makeup on her battered face. Margo pulled on a clean pair of jeans and a hoodie and gathered up a bag of clothes and her camera. She slowly made her way down the stairs, past the kitchen, and collected the envelope from where it had been dropped on the living room floor. As she made her way out the door Margo didn't look back. She didn't once look back at the house as she pulled out of the driveway and drove to the airport. She spoke calmly to the receptionist women as her ticket was checked and her name confirmed. While she waited for her plane to board she quickly chopped her hair short in the women's bathroom. She had always preferred her hair short but the dead man she had left behind demanded she grow it out. It was liberating to shove handfuls of her long hair into the trash without worrying about being punished. Margo never had a second thought as she boarded the plane headed across the world. At that moment she decided that if she was going to one day be arrested for her actions she might as well live her dream one last time, live out one last adventure.

Margo shifted onto her sore right hip, the pain grounding her thoughts. The man could no longer hurt her but a creeping fear still resided in her chest. The damaged he had done would be carried for the rest of Margo's life but she refused to let it define her. Her eye's burned with unshed tears as she closed them. The blanket was pulled up to her nose and Margo Sweeney slept in peace for the first time in five years.