On The Issue Of:


Ara was about to kick her boyfriend in the balls if he didn't stop taking bites of her steak. And THEN, he acts cute about it. Stupid adorable boyfriend.

I'm aliiiiive.

And back with a drabble series!

I know what you're thinking…

"Lunar's making a Elsword x Ara?!" "Lunar's making another drabble series?!"

All I have to say is…. Blame Xetton.

~Le Classes (For the whole story) ~

Ara: Sakra Devanam

Elsword: Lord Knight

Aisha: Dimension Witch

Rena: Wind Sneaker

Raven: Blade Master

Chung: Tactical Trooper

Eve (She won't be used much.): Code Nemesis

Add: Diabolic Esper

Ara went to the bathroom.

A large chunk of steak was gone.

She went to go check on Raven, the guy got sick.

A bigger chunk of steak was gone.

She washed Add's neko jacket.


Ara had to breathe evenly, and calmly look at her redhead boyfriend. "Elsword... Did you take my steak?"

He kissed her on the cheek. "I luv yoooouuuuu."

"Yes or no?"

"Luuuuuuuuuuv- OW, AISHA!"

"DON'T BE TRICKED BY HIM, MY FRIEND!" The magician shrieked, dropping another piano on the knight. "EAT YOUR STEAK, YOU HAVE BEEN SAVED BY MAGICAL GIRL AISHA~~~" She transported away.

"I didn't need to be saved…." Ara turned around and saw that her steak was all gone. "ELSWORD!"

And that's how Elsword ended up chased by a steak deprived Ara.

It's short, I know…But having drabbles means I can be lazy!

See y'all! If you have a request, review it, or PM me!