edited 5-23-20016,

This is my first fan fiction since 2003. I would like to think I've become wiser since then. Is the grammar bad? Most likely. Is there spelling errors ? Most likely a few. I'm writing and editing everything on a $20.00 disposable phone from Wall- Mart. I'm open to all reviews good and bad. Reviews help with fixing the problems. I'm old school so I can handle criticism with no butt hurt. So with that being said, read on my friends.


Hancock knew he was in shit deep trouble. He knew he shouldn't have left GoodNeighbor but he did. He was taking one of his mind clearing mayoral walks to remind him of who he was while Nora was gone being a General for the Minutemen and then helping Nick with some case at Diamond city before coming back home to GoodNeighbor.

The walk was good at first. Just one of those pick a direction and walk kind of walks. He had randomly chose to go south. He wasn't far from GoodNeighbor but was far enough away that the trouble he was in probably could cost him his life.


A bullet in his arm and no stimpacks. Normally he wouldn't leave with out a stash of chems, his gun and ammo, but this was a spur of the moment walk and he had left everything on the coffee table by his couch back at the state house.

The walk had been going smooth. He didn't plan on going too far as he had finally decided to visit the newly remodeled combat zone. He heard that it had been converted into lounge with a stage for people to perform at.

It wasn't until he got to the ally between Westwood residences and the Plank walk that the group of fucking raiders had jumped him. Thankfully he had his knife on him and was able to leave a few raiders bleeding on the ground before one of the cock fuckers had shot him.

Now he had a damn bullet in his arm. Hancock was bleeding, sober and pissed, and the raiders were now hunting him down like a … he almost laughed at the fucking thought of it.. a feral ghoul. He needed to hide somewhere.

Hancock ran by the gunner encampment in the theater district and laughed as he knew that would be a bad place to hide. They pushed him further south to the bridge overpass and Hancock had hoped there was a place near by to hide.

That was when Hancock saw a small building called Joe's Spuckies. It wasn't boarded up and looked like a promising place to hide.

Hancock ignored the pulsating pain in his arm and ran for it. Normally he wouldn't run from raiders but these ones were unnaturally well organized and armed very well.

Hancock ran for the back counter to duck and hide behind. He smiled when he saw a hatch. At least if there were ghouls down there they would leave him alone since ghouls don't attack other ghouls. Just as Hancock was opening the hatch door he could hear the raiders yelling and taunting him outside the building.

"Don't be scared we won't hurt you too much ha ha ha" one raider taunted as he tapped the broken end of a large pipe on the hood of an old broke down car. The fuckers were trying to draw him out. If he was a feral ghoul, that might have worked.

"Here ghoulie ghoulie come out and play." A female raider screamed out as Hancock heard her cock her gun getting ready to shoot him if he came out.

It took everything John Hancock had to keep his mouth shut and to hold back the insults he wanted to shout back at them. If he had his fucking gun they wouldn't be so fucking happy about chasing him. With that thought Hancock descended into the unknown. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. He was a ghoul after all, so seeing in the dark was not an issue. Hancock realized this must be a hidden speakeasy from the early pre-war prohibition period, he had read about them in a history book Daisy had left in his office.

When his eyes were adjusted better to the light, a horrific smell hit him like a brick wall. Hancock nearly threw up.

Dead raiders with all kinds of bullet holes were laying around. By the smell and looks of there decayed bodies, they had been dead for a long while now. Hancock looked up as he could hear foot steps above him as the raiders made it into Joe's Spuckies. It would only be a matter of moments before they found the fucking hatch.

Hancock quickly ran across the rotting bodies. He ran past a small stage where a skeleton that decayed long ago lay. He went around a corner and down a tunnel looking for an ideal spot to hide in. Hancock continued to run around a few turns and down some steps next to a huge pipe. He rounded a corner and saw what appeared to be a dead end but noticed the button panel on the wall and an open door that led to a dark room. Hancock still had the knife that he used so long ago to make an example out of Finn with. He had done that front of Nora and the rest of the town as an example. You don't fuck with mayor Hancock or the town laws.

Hancock heard the raiders whooping and hollering from way down the tunnel where he first came in at. With out a second thought Hancock held the knife in front of him as he plunged into the darkness of the room.

In the dark his ghoul eyes readjusted and he could see a terminal on a table by the door. Hancock poked at the keyboard hoping it was in standby mode and not encrypted. With a gentle hum it flicked on.




Hancock clicked on LOCK DOOR. With a loud crash and clicking of some serious locks a large door swung shut and locked it's self in place. Hancock smiled knowing it would take the raiders damn near forever to figure out how to open that.

Then the smile faded when the thought that he could be trapped there crossed his mind. With a shake of his head to clear his dark thoughts Hancock looked back at the terminal and clicked POWER ON. Hancock had to close his eyes for a moment to keep them from hurting as dim fluorescent lights flicked on in the room.

When Hancock opened his eyes he saw he was in some kind of pre-war bunker. There in the middle of the floor was a well dressed rotting ghoul that was riddled with bullet holes in his head and body. Damn, whoever shot him had some serious rage issues towards the dead ghoul. One shot would have been enough. He had been shot so many damn times there was no face left only a bloody mess of what was once a head.

Hancock looked around the room. He saw a bed, a desk, a dresser and a few other pieces of nice pre-war furniture. There was a small kitchenette lining the wall across from the bed.

Hancock rummaged around the room hoping to find something , anything. He had luck on his side, he found a stimpack, a bottle of moonshine, an inhaler of Jet and a box of what he read as stogies. Hancock didn't care what they were. They looked like cigars and a good smoke was something he needed.

Hancock took off his coat and rolled up his bloody shirt sleeve. He sat on the edge of the bed and poured some of the moonshine over his knife to sterilize it. Hancock then took a deep swig of the shine to help dull the pain he was about to put himself in. Damn, this shit tasted better and way smoother then Babrov's moonshine.

He took a long deep breath from the Jet inhaler and then quickly used his knife to dig the bullet out of his arm so the stimpack wouldn't seal it into his arm.

As soon as he heard the bullet clink to the floor he stabbed the stimpack into his arm and sighed as it hissed and the pain in his arm faded into nothing.

Hancock watched his arm heal in amusement as his skin immediately started to cover the hole. He could feel a tingling sensation in his arm as his muscles were being knit back together by whatever substance the stimpack contained. Hancock rolled his shirt back down. He was going to have to sew it and clean it if he got back to the state house. Hancock grabbed His red coat and put it back on.

Hancock picked up a stogie and the silver lighter. Hancock was getting ready to light the stogie when the damn lighter slipped from his bloodied fingers.

Hancock watched as the lighter hit the floor then bounced under the bed. "Fuck!" Hancock yelled as he got off the bed and had to bend down to get under it.

Hancock saw a glowing red button.

With great curiosity Hancock had to pull the bed away from the wall to get a better look at it. Hancock knelt down and reached for the glowing button. He hesitated for a moment wondering what might happen if he pushed the red button.

"Aw fuck it." Hancock exclaimed aloud as he slammed his fist down on it.

With a loud click a doorway opened up behind where the bed headboard had been. Hancock had to finish pulling the bed away from the wall to have full access to the now open door. Hancock took a deep breath and let it out as he figured what the hell and walked through the door.

He was amazed to find a clean medical like room. In the dim fluorescent light he saw a large chamber like machine on the back wall that was covered in frost. Hancock knew what it was immediately. He remembered having to help Nora , Nick , and Dance carry Nora's husband from one. They carried him out of the vault so the man could have a proper burial after Nora took down the institute.

Hancock slowly walked up to the cryo pod and had to wipe a layer of frost off the glass with his scarred and calloused hand. What he saw made him jump like he had been zapped by a bad power wire.

There was a beautiful naked woman with ebony black hair, she looked as if she was sleeping. She reminded Hancock of an old porcelain doll his mother had when he was just a boy. Her skin was so pale it looked like porcelain and her lips were as red as blood. She appeared to be in her late 20's to early 30's. Before he could take in anymore of her beauty a warning beep begun to go off. Hancock looked at the terminal that was attached to the pod.




With out hesitation Hancock clicked on the option to reanimate her. He had to take a step back as the pod let out a loud his and the door swung out then up.

For a few brief moments she stood there motionless, skin glittering with frost in the dimly lit room. She looked like a porcelain angel that glittered without wings. Then with a click the IV that was attached to her arm started to pump clear fluid into her.

Hancock watched in amazement as her pale skin took on a more lively color as her blood begun to flow again through her veins.

The frost melted quickly away with thin wisps of fog floating from her skin. Hancock had to remind him self to not stare at her perfect breasts as they started to rise and fall with each breath.

Then her eyes fluttered open as she suddenly pitched foreword trying to take her first steps out of the cryo pod. Hancock had to catch her by placing his warm hands on her shoulders as she fell out of the pod face first.

She took a few ragged breathes of air and coughed as her lungs were filled with warm air.

With a shocked gasp at the touch of his warm hands she looked up to see Hancock's deep black eyes. Her eyes made chills go up and down Hancock's spine. They were a brilliant amber, the most profound color of amber he had ever seen anyone's eyes to be.

"Eddie?" She asked in a voice that was soft, sounded innocent and haunting.