Hey, humans! If you are a human, anyway.
So, this is my Nalu story, set in the "real world" and it is set in a high school. This has language and crude references in it, so choose wisely if you really wish to read this, lmao.

I stare into a foggy mirror, lightly tapping my lip as blood oozes from a small cut. It's beginning to bother me after a few minutes of attempted ignorance. I let out a sigh, lifting some Neosporin from a drawer and smear a dab onto the wound. I set the small, yellow-and-green tube onto the smooth counter-top. I look over my face for any more wounds, spotting a scratch slicing through my right eyebrow and a few bruises here and there. I spread a bit of Neosporin and put a BandAid on the scratch and then set it back onto the counter-top. I roll up my sleeves to my elbows, wincing at the sight of scars, new and old. Trails of blood run down my arms as I stare at them, so I grab the green and yellow bottle and some BandAids, beginning to tend to them. I smirk to myself. If I put BandAids over every wound I've had, I'd be a walking BandAid. I've locked the bathroom door incase my father invades once again. It's sad to be deathly terrified of your own father.

Tomorrow, I muse. Tomorrow I go to a new school, Fairy Tail High. Why it's called "Fairy Tail", I don't know. All I know is that I'm reluctant to set even one foot into another school. It'll always be the same. Everyone will avoid me and I'll be moved to yet another school. I wince at the stinging in my arms. Ever since Mama died, my dad has been a mean, abusive drunk who gives me a beating every fucking day. I'm slowly losing the will to live.

My old high school, Sabertooth High, they all treated me like I was a piece of shit. When I walked past people in the hallways, they would whisper: "Look at that anorexic bitch."
"More like anorexic slut."
And then they'd laugh.

I can't help being this skinny. My dad hardly feeds me and if I even try to sneak food, he beats me. I've gotten kind of used to the bullying and the hunger, so it's a dull pain. I have mentally prepared myself for verbal abuse at the new school.

"Lucy, I know you're in there, so come on out! Or I'll break down this door."

I recognize my dad's harsh voice with a flinch. His words are slurred together, telling me he's drunk again. I shudder with fear. I slide the Neosporin and BandAids back into the drawer, and unlock the door. With a deep breath, I step out, staring directly into my father's cold, half-dead eyes. He grabs my wrist and drags me into the kitchen, slapping my cheek with all the force he can muster. I let out a soft cry, cupping my hand over my cheek. He grins cruelly, his blue eyes glinting like ice. I don't meet his gaze, pain searing through my arm as he grips tighter. "Don't lock the door on your daddy," he slurs, laughing unsteadily. I yank my hand away, running back into my room and locking my door. I slide the wooden bar over it so that he can't get in at all. I know that seems to be over-the-top, but when your dad's able to do anything he likes with you while he's drinking, I bet you'd do the same thing.

I sit down on my bed and rub my wrist. My face throbs dully with pain, but I'm used to that. Hot tears well in my eyes but I don't cry. Don't you cry, I tell myself. Not you.

I hear his racious cries as I dress for bed, slipping into my bed with a long exhale. I close my eyes tightly, shutting out any noise by putting on some earbuds, listening to music.

The feeling of buzzing against my chest wakes me and I sit up with a start. I look down and it's my phone's alarm going off. I slide the 'dismiss' tab and it stops the obnoxious buzzing. I look at the time. 5:21 A.M. Perfect timing. I yawn, pretty much fully awake, and hurry out of the room into the restroom. My dad sleeps in really late, so morning is always my refuge. I brush my teeth and use the restroom, rushing back into my room. I change into the school's uniform: a white blazer with the school's symbol on it, a black skirt that reaches halfway above my knees. White stockings and black dress shoes finish it off. The shirt doesn't fit me too well, giving my skinny size. I wear a belt around my waist to help keep the skirt up as well. I nearly forget the black tie that goes with the blazer, so I hastily fasten it on. I put on makeup to cover my scars, but I can't seem to cover the scar across my eyebrow. My frown, but ignore it. I fasten my blonde hair into a low, loose ponytail, and grab my bag and books. I stuff my phone into my bag and silently leave the mansion of a house, breathing out in relief. I made it out with no problem.

I begin my trek to Fairy Tail High. Thanks to my daily walk around the city of Fiore, I know exactly where it is. I also know where every other school is. I hum quietly to myself as I continue towards the high school. I'm not looking forward to it, but it's my only freedom from my father.

And suddenly, someone rams into me and I'm flat on the ground.

I blink once and then two times, looking upwards and grabbing some of the books that were scattered around me. I feel hot anger boil in my veins, and I look around haughtily. "Watch where you going, whoever you are!" I notice a body sprawled out before me, a dazed look in his onyx eyes. Suddenly he leaps up, glaring and pointing at me. "Dammit, Gray! I was about to beat you!" My expression becomes confused. My name's not Gray, and I was never racing him...

It occured to me to turn around. A guy with either black or navy hair that falls over his eyes stood with his arms folded across his chest was staring at the guy behind me. "Well, it's your fault, Natsu, that you ran into this chick." I turn back around, studying this Natsu fellow. He wore a beanie, and I think I see a few strands of salmon-pink hair sticking out. Pink?! He scratches the back of his head apologetically. "Whoops, sorry." He reaches down and picks up a few books for me and hands them back. I nod my thanks, and begin walking off. My face was burning for some reason; maybe because some male didn't call her a slut or bitch for once. It occures to me that they were wearing the same uniform as I, except they had navy pants on.

"Hey, wait! What's you're name?"

I hesitate, one part of me telling me to keep going and ignore him. But instead, I turn. "Lucy. I'm going now." I've never been the social type.

"I'm Natsu, and that's Gray! Hope to see you sometime in class!"

I blush deeper. Someone actually wanted to see me again. Maybe this school won't be so bad... I push away the thought. They could be faking. I can't trust anyone there until I've seen enough. I pick up my pace as the high school comes into view. I take in a breath, nervousness flowing through my body. I brace myself for more body bullies and more as I enter the building.