Thank you kindly for the reviews! I loved the suggestion for a magical baby and a sequel. For some reason I can't click on the reviews or reply so please forgive me and take this as my sincerest thanks. I could read them on e-mail but not on the site. Magical baby sequel coming soon! 😘

Emma stood alone at the grave of Hook with tears prickling her eyes. Everyone else was over at Robin's funeral and she felt guilty that nobody was there to see him off. He had given his life helping to find Hades' weakness and the whole town was over at Robin's grave making out he was the hero. It wasn't fair. She felt guilty that her love for him hadn't been strong enough, even with the ambrosia, to share her heart and resurrect him. Everything had been for nothing. Regina had lost her soul mate because of Emma's refusal to let go of Hook. Some saviour she was. It was Emma's fault that her and Regina would never be happy, never have the love that came so easily to the rest of the townspeople. She hated herself for being so stupid and irresponsible.

Emma felt a hand on her shoulder. She hadn't heard anyone approaching and she tensed up, afraid to turn around and be seen crying.

"It's not your fault Emma." Regina squeezed her shoulder a little harder seeing that she had refused to turn around. "Anyone would have done the same thing. We all supported you knowing the risks. I'm the one who told Zelena to give Hades a chance."

Emma turned around to face Regina. They were both exhausted from crying and had red rims around their eyes. Emma scrunched up her face in frustration and said in a sigh,

"Regina, don't do that! It just proves how much you have changed that you wanted to believe the best in someone. How are you even talking to me now? I've destroyed your happy ending yet again and he's never coming back. He is dead because of my irresponsibility and hot headedness. You deserve love, hell, you need it." She let a single tear trickle down her face and she dropped her eyes to the ground, unable to stand inflicting more pain upon this amazing woman.

Regina was obviously hurting and there was a part of her, deep down if she was really honest, that did want to blame Emma. It would be so easy for her to revert back to her evil ways. She wanted people to suffer as much as she was right now, but she knew it wouldn't resolve anything. It would just prove that she was unworthy of love.

"I have love Emma. I have Henry and Roland. He's an orphan and he needs me. That's my happy, tragic ending. Villains don't get real happy endings, Emma. I have to take what joy I can while I have it." Regina gave Emma a pleading smile, willing her to stop blaming herself.
"I know you are hurting. You too have lost your love. We need to help each other get through this, one day at a time. What good will it do Henry to have both his mothers miserable and broken?"

Emma knew Regina was right. She knew that, despite the pain, anger and guilt, she needed to be the strong one. She couldn't understand why Regina wasn't blaming her when everyone else in the town was treating her like a ticking time bomb. Robin Hood was well loved and, poor Roland, orphaned from both his parents at such a young age. The tears swelled in her eyes. She had made orphans of both Roland and Zelena's baby. If she had only let Hook go to his death peacefully and not followed him into the underworld, at least those children would have a father, and Regina would have her love. That would have been enough. This she felt now, this torment, was more than she could take. She slumped to the floor shuddering uncontrollably. Regina quickly got down to her level and tried to comfort her. It was no use. Emma was hysterical. Regina put both arms around the crying woman, flicked her wrist and enveloped the two of them in purple smoke.

When the smoke cleared, Emma realised thay were in Regina's living room. She still couldn't control herself, almost passing out from hyperventilating. Regina had never seen her like this and it scared her. She made a chamomile tea with three sugars for her blonde friend to try and calm her nerves. Emma couldn't stop her hands from shaking to take the cup, so Regina held it gently against her lips and helped her to take the first few sips.

"I know, I know," Regina soothed as Emma's breathing began to hitch less with each sip. She rubbed circles into her back and made calming noises. It occured to Regina for the first time, she had probably never had anyone sooth her as a child and a pang of guilt flooded her realising that she herself was the reason why. If she hadn't cast the curse, baby Emma Charming would have grown up with a loving mother and father in the enchanted forest. Regina's own eyes pricked again. Oh, how their lives were intertwined. How they had hurt and saved and fought and comforted each other. There was no escaping their pasts. They both had to move forward and try to stop this cycle of pain.

After what seemed like an eternity, Emma caught herself and tried to pull her barriers back up. "I'm sorry Regina. I don't know what happened there. I just couldn't hold myself together." She shot up, slightly embarrassed at showing her vunerability in such an uncouth way and apologised again.

"Emma, it's fine, honestly. You are carrying so much, I'm surprised that you haven't broken sooner. Nobody is capable of surpressing all emotions, not even the Saviour." Regina was saying the right things but the smile didn't reach her eyes. Emma felt that, if anything, Regina should have been the one in a fit on the floor with Emma comforting her. It was strange, this calmness that Regina was exhuding. Especially considering everything she had been put through. She could see how lucky Henry was growing up with such a poised woman as a mother. Emma never doubted that Regina was a strong woman. She just hadn't realised she was able to put aside her own hurts to comfort someone else. The only other person Emma had seen her do that for was Henry.