Welcome back to this story and its final chapter. Thanks for sticking around and I hope you'll enjoy their journey to happiness. Please note the change of rating! ;)

Before the kiss could turn intimate once more, Clarke opened her door and pulled Lexa along over the threshold. She separated her lips from hers and spun them around, before shutting out the world. When she turned back she was overwhelmed at the intensity of the green eyes. Her heart skipped a beat at the display of want and need and her brain short-circuited and any thought of talking about their situation left her mind. She pushed herself into Lexa and wrapped her lips once more around plump ones, kissing her desperately and deeply.

"Clarke…" Lexa started to articulate a thought she hadn't finished formulating in her brain and ended with breathing the name over and over like a mantra into the blonde's mouth. They broke out of their kiss-induced trance and just stared at each other. Green sent reassurance and blue asked for consent, which was given by a slight nod and a soft smile. Clarke took Lexa's hands into hers and led her up the stairs to her apartment. They stopped in between, needing to convince each other that this wasn't a dream with desperate kisses and eager hands. This was reality. They were both in the same spot at the same time.

Clarke pushed the brunette onto her bed and followed her a second later to reconnect their bodies. This time neither hesitated. Hands impatiently wandered under shirts and pulled offending clothing off, leaving them a quivering naked mass of limbs. Nails scratched urgently over soft, smooth skin, and teeth sank into the vast expense of sensitive flesh.

Lexa licked down Clarke's neck, over her collarbone and reached stiff nipples, she had caressed with her hands. She sucked one into her warm mouth and moaned loudly at the feeling of it. Clarke threw back her head and grinded down hard against the waist she was straddling. The brunette quickly reversed their positions and pushed Clarke roughly onto the mattress, lifted her impatient hands above her head and pinned them down. The blonde groaned and pushed her hips up in search of any kind of friction. Lexa gave in and settled her leg against the blonde's centre letting her rub along her thigh for a moment. Her senses were in overdrive. Clarke's sounds drove her positively crazy and it felt impossible to stay away any longer from the centre of her sole attention which was calling out to her, pulling her in like a dog on a leash. Lexa descended down Clarke's body, licking, biting, sucking along the way until she reached her goal and she dove in with an enthusiasm she had never felt before. If she couldn't taste her right this instance, Lexa was positive she'd explode in frustration.

"Fuuuck…" Clarke cried out when Lexa's tongue licked through her and her body jolted into the brunette's mouth wanting more. She didn't mind one bit, when she took her clit between her lips and pressed down softly, making Clarke let out another string of profanities. Lexa watched the writhing woman beneath her in awe, moving in pleasure against her mouth and tongue. She closed her eyes and deeply inhaled the scent, eager to memorize it for eternity. She moved her tongue down to Clarke's entrance and circled the opening teasingly, drinking in the gush of liquid and growled possessively. She licked back up and suckled on her, before she moved her arm, making her hand slowly wander up Clarke's leg, scratching her short nails along until she reached where she was wanted. When Lexa entered her, Clarke gasped and mewled at the sensation. Her fingers worked her up and over in a matter of minutes and she came hard with an intensity that left her breathless and speechless for a moment.

Lexa watched her from her spot between her legs after licking her clean. She felt connected in a weird sense of belonging although her and Clarke hadn't seen each other in a long time. She felt content and happy and it overwhelmed her. She suppressed a sob, but Clarke felt the harsh swallowing against her sensitive skin and looked down.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She rasped, voice even deeper than normal in her post orgasmic bliss and Lexa shuddered at the sound. She looked up and shook her head as a replacement of a verbal response. Clarke watched her unconvinced and after a moment she pulled at her, indicating she wanted her higher up. Lexa followed her direction and lied softly down on top of her, before kissing her deeply. Although she didn't know what caused her to well up, Clarke didn't feel any reason to believe Lexa didn't want to be here anymore in the way she reciprocated her kisses. She assumed she was just as consumed by the explosion of feelings and emotions as Clarke herself was.

Lexa felt her move underneath her and tried to break the kiss to see what she was doing, but Clarke wouldn't let her. Instead, she intensified her ministrations with her tongue and Lexa felt another wave of arousal hitting her body, making her impossibly wetter. One movement later and Lexa understood the saying 'I'll make you see stars'. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she felt herself spasm around Clarke's fingers, drawing her effectively deeper inside. She didn't feel the slightest bit embarrassed when she came within seconds and collapsed unceremoniously on top of Clarke, who wrapped her arms around the lithe frame and held her close.

They stayed like that for a while. Lexa breathing in the unique fragrance, a mix of warmth and serenity spiced with a soft note of sweat and laced by a notion of vanilla. It was a perfect combination and so fitting for the blonde, who kept stroking lazy circles on Lexa's back, up and down and left and right, lulling her into the state between awake and asleep.

Calmness had replaced the frantic need to touch each other and explore what they had missed all these months. All they craved at the moment was the feeling of the other close without an inch of space between their skins. Connected from head to toe.

"I'm sorry." Lexa heard her whispering and lifted her head to look into endless blue.

"I'm sorry too." She replied sincerely, losing her grip on this world and feeling herself slipping into the ocean. They kept looking at each other; eyes wandering over every facial feature and lingering at lips.

"How long do I have you?" Clarke mumbled.

"I have to be back on the ship for the dinner shift, but we don't leave until 10 pm." She replied and kissed her gently.

Clarke nodded with a small smile and moved Lexa slowly off of her to grab the thin bed sheet to cover them. They rested on their sides facing each other, legs a tangled chaos, fingers intertwined, eyes not once leaving their counterpart. They had so many questions, so many 'whys', but neither voiced them out loud. Neither wanted to disturb the tranquillity they had fallen into after the longing had been somewhat stilled.

"I've missed you so much." Lexa said after a long moment of shared glances and smiles. "God I missed your eyes the most." She breathed softly.

"My eyes? Really?" Clarke winked at her and wiggled her eyebrows in jest.

"Well…" Lexa started and blushed deeply. "I'm trying to be romantic here."

Clarke laughed gently and pushed a few strands of loose hair behind the brunette's ear, before she murmured. "I've missed you too and it nearly killed me when I thought you were with her."

Lexa squinted her eyes at the admission and pushed herself slightly up, resting her head on her arm. "Why did you think that?"

"I saw you with her at the harbour."

"You saw me and you didn't talk to me?"

"You were with her."

They locked gazes once more; jade eyes jumped from one sky to the other and back. She saw hurt and pain in them and felt her heart break a little at the emotions.

"I was never with her or interested in her. We're friends. She helped me going on instead of giving up."

"She fancied you. What happened?"

"You happened." Lexa shrugged and sat up completely, raking a hand through her hair, before styling it into a loose bun.

"Wait a second." Clarke shot up when Lexa lifted her arms and reached out to touch the inside of her left arm. "I saw this in Chrissy's folder." She traced the words inked beautifully into Lexa's skin.

"I had it done three weeks ago." Lexa eyes went big. "Don't tell me you know her."

"She's a customer of my gallery. I created some paintings for her."

"Nooooo…" Lexa drawled. "The one with the woman and the heart is yours?"

Clarke nodded, surprised Lexa had seen it and remembered the specifics. "It's a long story." She offered. "Looks like we were supposed to meet again. Betty was right, fate is a funny thing." Clarke pulled her down again.

"I can't believe you were that close. I wish I had seen you. I wish I could have talked to you. I wish we hadn't lost so much time." Lexa shook her head in frustration.

"I'm sorry I drew the wrong conclusion, but you never reached out and I really thought, you had moved on."

"Well, after you left without a goodbye, I thought you weren't interested. It took me until your review to be brave enough to send you an email. It was returned as undeliverable though."

"I quit my job and moved here."

The absurdity of all the obstacles in their path let them look at each other in astonishment.

When Clarke opened her mouth, Lexa stopped her with a finger against her lips. "Can we talk about something else? This misunderstanding and its consequences makes me angry."

"We don't have to talk at all." The blonde replied with a cheeky grin and Lexa returned the gesture and captured the mouth once more in a passionate embrace of her lips.

This time they explored each other slowly and sensually, making love in the most honest and sincere way they ever had loved someone. Gentle hands wandered over curves and stroked along muscles, which contracted under soft touches. They took their time, pushing the other over the edge and in the quietness of Clarke's apartment the whispered admission of feelings felt like closure and beginning all at once.

"Where do we go from here?" Clarke asked quietly and Lexa looked at her with a sad smile.

"I don't want to leave."

"I know."

"We can manage. I'll be back every two to three weeks. I can take vacation. You can come to San Juan when I'm off between cruises." Lexa rattled off.

"You think we can do this?"

"I'm so in love with you, I can't give up on you. I want us to try." Lexa kissed her, pouring her love into the motion, leaving Clarke breathless.

"I'm madly in love with you too." She managed after a moment and let her lips take over and tell what she can't with words.

"Do you want to eat something?" Clarke asked when Lexa's stomach announced its presence.

"I just did."

Clarke slapped her playfully and rolled her eyes.

"In all honesty, I can't remember the last time I had food. I was so nervous." Lexa admitted.

"Ok. Let's get something then." Clarke stood up and put her shorts and shirt back on, not bothering with any underwear for the time being. Lexa followed her shortly after.

"So, I assume seeing each other at the harbour has Betty written all over it?" The blonde asked over her shoulder. Lexa had dropped down on a chair at a little kitchen table, watching her preparing sandwiches.

"She came up with the whole idea actually. I didn't know you were here."

"Yeah, after I came back to the States, I didn't really know what to do with myself. I loathed my job, but I had nothing else to distract me from missing you and wondering if we'd ever get another opportunity. I didn't know how to get in contact with you. Even Betty had no means."

"What are the odds that she's one of the owners of the ship company?" Lexa said in amusement.

"Right?" Clarke looked at her with a baffled expression. "Anyway…" She continued. "She saw my paintings, asked me to create the original heart painting, the one in the parlour is based on, and after all that she offered me the loan to set up my gallery."

"How come you ended up in Aruba of all places?"

"Honest answer?" Clarke asked and blushed.

"Yes please."

"Well, I felt a connection to this town I haven't felt elsewhere and I had tried once to be an artist and had failed terribly at that back home. The prospect to start over in the same place made me uncomfortable and doubtful of the success. Another part of my decision to open one here, was the fact that you would be here regularly and I hoped I could catch you on one of these stopovers."

"God…" Lexa breathed out. "I really, really wish you had made yourself known the time you came down to the harbour."

"Believe me, me too." Clarke snorted and placed a plate in front of Lexa. "I'm sorry I have nothing fancier to offer, but I'm not a star cook." She winked.

"It's fine Clarke. I'll cook for you the next time I'm here."

"Mmm, Lexa Woods, my private Chef."

"Thank god you're not a critic anymore. Otherwise it'd be very awkward." Lexa joked.

"I learned my lesson. I'll never underrate your talent in any room of the house ever again."

They finished the snack talking about the past months. Lexa confirmed she had been at Clarke's old workplace and the blonde told her a more detailed version of how she'd ended up on the island.

Their time ran out and before they realised they had to get ready and dressed for the world.

"Wanna shower with me?" Clarke asked suggestively.

"Hell yes."

They didn't quite make it to the shower before they were once more a naked, writhing mess against each other, only stabilized by a wall.

"We really need to get going." Lexa panted after a moment of regaining their senses, licking off sweat from Clarke's neck.

"Then stop doing what you're doing. I can't think straight with your mouth on me." Clarke huffed just as breathless.

"Well, I'd hope straight isn't at all what you think with my mouth on you." Lexa laughed, but stepped back lifting her hands above her head in an 'I'm innocent' gesture.

They showered, unable to keep their hands off each other, but their touches remained innocent. They got dressed again and left the house shortly after. Lexa intertwined their hands, wanting to stay in physical contact with Clarke. The blonde squeezed her fingers conveying her thanks for the small gesture and held onto her newly found girlfriend with a bright smile.

"I almost forgot." Lexa laughed at herself, when they rounded the last corner and the harbour was in sight. "Can I please have your mobile number?"

Clarke joined in her laughter and held out her other hand for Lexa to give her the phone. The blonde typed in her information and sent herself a message. "Don't think I wouldn't have asked for it." She teased.

"I really hope to hear from you as often as possible." Lexa replied quietly.

"I'm going to miss you so much. I don't know what's worse now. Not being with you and missing you or being in a relationship with you and missing you." Clarke sighed.

"I don't know either, but I promise to get on your nerves all the time. You probably won't miss me much." Lexa tried to lighten the mood.


When they crossed the road before the harbour area opened up, Clarke spotted Betty with three other women sitting in the café she was supposed to go with her in the morning. She felt bad for not having thought of her earlier, but it had been her fault, if she threw Lexa into Clarke's arms. Octavia, Raven and to Clarke's surprise Costia shared her table in the shade of the awning laughing with the older woman. Raven spotted them walking over and lifted her arms in a cheerful gesture.

"Woohoo, the lovebirds have finally returned to reality to join us mere mortals." She yelled. The rest of the group looked over as well and Clarke and Lexa blushed, realising the others knew what they had been doing the last couple of hours.

"You sound jealous." Lexa said instead of a greeting, when Clarke leaned down to hug Betty.

"Oh please… I can have sex whenever I want. You're the one who'll be jealous soon." Raven pointed out, but hugged Clarke when she stopped next to her. "Hi."

"True." Lexa said and pulled two chairs over to settle at the table before she had to start her shift. Clarke said hello to Octavia in the same manner and finally turned to face Costia.

"I'm sorry for putting you in a weird situation." She apologized to the bartender and held out a hand in greeting.

"It's alright. No harm done." Costia assured her with a casual shrug and pulled her into an embrace, but letting her go quickly. Clarke settled next to her girlfriend and linked their hands together once more.

"Ok, Clarke. You've got to tell me one thing." Raven addressed her over the table. "Why the hell do you have no social media? What kind of person in the 21st century are you?"

"What do you mean? I have facebook, tumblr, twitter and instagram." Clarke counted with her fingers, slightly confused.

"Not with your name though." Raven pouted.

"Yeah, we searched the whole world wide web for you." Lexa added.

"No, my private accounts are not under my real name. That was reserved for my job as a critic. I wanted to preserve my privacy."

"Oh that makes sense." Raven and Lexa shared a glance.

After five minutes 'Blue Sky' was friends with everyone at the table and had changed her status to 'in a relationship'. They shook their heads when Clarke and Lexa told them they had been so close to meeting the past months, but kept missing each other.

"You guys were really unlucky."

"Well, better late than never..." Lexa shared a smile with Clarke, but sighed almost immediately. "This, however, does not apply to my job. I have to go." She looked around the group. "You guys staying?"

"Yeah… what are your plans? We're not leaving until late." Octavia looked at Clarke.

"If you don't have to work, we could have some dinner as well?" She turned to Lexa. "Will you be able to say goodbye?"

"I'll have my right hand finish the nightly duties. I'll meet you latest by nine."

"Keep me posted?"

"Promise. I love you." Lexa leaned over and kissed her sweetly.

"Mmm…" Clarke moaned a little in surprise. She didn't expect Lexa to be so affectionate in public. "I love you too."

"You guys are sickeningly cute." Raven grumbled with a big grin.

"Shut up. I've waited four months to do this so I'll bloody well kiss my girlfriend, whenever I can." Lexa huffed out and left one more kiss on Clarke's forehead. "See you in a little while."

"See you."

Clarke watched her walking towards the ship and disappearing inside the open loading dock. She turned back to the rest and blushed. "What?"

"You look happy."

"Of course I'm happy, and thankful." She looked at Betty. "Thank you for meddling once more."

"That sounds so negative. I only wanted you happy."

"I know. I'm glad you did. I would not have come down to the harbour ever again without you clearing up the misunderstanding."

"Yeah, speaking of that." Costia shuffled in her seat. "You don't have to worry about anything. Lexa is one hundred percent addicted to you."

"Thank you for saying that." Clarke felt weird sitting and listening to the woman she'd thought had stolen her happiness.

"We're only friends and I'd like to be your friend too, if you let me."

"You haven't done anything wrong Costia."

"I know and I'm glad you know that too." She smiled.

"So, after this is out of the way, how do you guys wanna make it work?" Octavia asked the one question all of them where thinking since Lexa had left for her shift.

Clarke sighed. "I'm not sure. We're trying to be together as often as possible."

"So… long distance?"


"You are officially exclusive though?"



"So how the hell did you end up on this island?" Raven wondered after a moment of silence, changing the topic.

Clarke laughed and started to talk about her last couple of months.

The time flew by and before Clarke really comprehended she had to say goodbye to Lexa. The Chef had met up with them as promised and they shared a few more sentimental words, but they could not stop the time from getting away from them.

"I can't believe after finding you, I have to leave you again." Lexa mumbled into blonde tresses, holding Clarke close.

"I can't believe after being with you, I have to let you go." She breathed against the brunette's neck.

"I'll call you as soon as I can." Lexa promised and shifted the woman in her arms to look at her.

"I'll be waiting for you." She whispered and melted their lips together, underlining the seriousness of her words. She's not only waiting for the call, she'd wait forever for her to come back.

"I love you." Lexa said between kisses.

"I love you too." Clarke murmured against the lips she knew she'd miss the instant they were gone. "Be safe." She raked her hands through Lexa's hair slightly scratching the skin.

"I promise." Lexa closed her eyes at the ministrations and a tear fell down her cheek. "I'll miss you madly."

"I already miss you."

The last signal for boarding sounded loudly through the night and they sighed deeply. They walked to the bridge, hand in hand and Lexa leaned over one last time and placed a soft kiss on trembling lips, before starting the hardest walk ever. Clarke held onto her hand until she couldn't anymore and the limb fell emptily against her side. The evening air was still warm, but the blonde shivered. Lexa walked backwards up the bridge, eyes still fixed on Clarke's and she mouthed 'I love you' once more. When she stepped on board, she was welcomed by Raven and Octavia; Costia had started her night shift in the club. The couple wrapped their arms around the brunette and watched Betty taking Clarke into her arms as well. They waved as long as they could, but half an hour later, the ship was gone and left a huge gaping hole in Clarke's heart.

"Come on. Let's go and relax with a nice glass of wine and talk about it." Betty offered and the blonde nodded numbly.

It had been two days since they had seen each other in person. Forty-eight hours since their lips had touched and their hands had caressed each other's bodies. Clarke was beyond helpless at the feelings invading her mind. She wasn't used to missing someone to the extent of physical pain. She craved every inch of Lexa, she longed for any kind of touch from the brunette. Before she had to leave again, Betty had encouraged her to convert her temporary heartbreak into art and Clarke was really trying, but all she had managed so far was staring at an empty canvas and feeling numb and hurt at the same time. With Betty gone, she couldn't even force herself to wash and eat.

Lexa didn't cope much better, but she had a demanding job which occupied her mind. If she hadn't been a master of shutting Clarke out prior to their 'epiphanical' meeting, she'd figured she'd be a crying puddle.

They had talked to each other as often as Lexa could get away from her kitchen, and the sound of their voices soothed the emptiness the forced separation had thrown them in, but both knew it wasn't enough.

Thankfully, the Adventure of the Seas docked back in San Juan and Lexa had three days off. She wasn't sure Clarke knew her schedule well enough already and was aware of the upcoming downtime. She hadn't asked and Lexa hadn't told her. If possible, she wanted to surprise her, even though it had not really been too long.

As soon as she was off duty she went to the airport and bought a return ticket from San Juan to Oranjestad. She was lucky; the one flight each day had seats left and didn't cost a fortune. Though, Lexa would have paid anything to be able to be with Clarke. She had to run to catch the plane and only managed to send a text to the blonde, hoping it was enough.

Lexa (13:35): Hi Clarke. I'm about to catch the next flight to Oranjestad. Will land around 15:30. Pick me up? :)

She stumbled onto the little aircraft and relaxed once she sat down in her seat. Her phone vibrated in her pocket and she knew who was calling.

"Hi there." She said flirtatiously.

"Are you seriously on your way here?" The husky voice sounded breathy and Lexa clenched her thighs together. She was convinced this would always be a major turn on for her.

"I am. I hope you don't have plans."

Clarke laughed. "Are you really coming back?" She sounded incredibly happy and Lexa couldn't wait to kiss her.

"Yes, I'm really coming back to you."

"Wow, this is an awesome surprise."

"I have to cut you off now, I'm sorry for the short notice."

"Don't be. I'm… I can't wait to see you."

"Me neither. I love you."

"I love you so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you…" Clarke laughed once more and Lexa couldn't help but swoon.

"Don't thank me; I'm doing it out of selfish reasons. I need to be with you."

"Ok, be safe and I'll see you real soon." She let out a yell of joy.

"Will do. See you soon."

"You're crazy, I love you baby."

Lexa laughed and returned the sentiment before hanging up. She felt fuzzy and warm at the term of endearment Clarke had used for the first time.

The ninety minutes had passed by in a blur. She hadn't slept well the past two days and the knowledge she'd see her soon, had lulled Lexa into a slight slumber. When she'd been woken by a flight attendant she'd felt the excitement return and the butterflies running amok inside her belly. Now, she was positively vibrating.

The airport was tiny compared to San Juan and Lexa didn't take long to find her way back to the loving arms of her girlfriend. She saw her standing in a beautiful summer dress, hair loose and slightly moving by the flow of the air conditioning. She took her breath away. Lexa grinned when Clarke spotted her. The blonde's face lit up and she ran towards her and jumped into her arms. Lexa caught her with ease and held her close, revelling in the protective feeling of Clarke's legs around her waist.

"God, I missed you so fucking much." She said and kissed her desperately.

"I still can't believe you're here." Clarke broke their kiss to look at her. "Fuck, you're gorgeous." Lexa blushed at the admission and let Clarke softly slide down to the ground.

"Get used to it, babe." She laughed and linked their hands together. "How long will you stay?"

"I have to be back in two days, we're leaving the day after and I have to check on the purchases."

"Yay." Clarke exclaimed when they exited the airport building into the heat that was Aruba. "It's not long, but we'll make the best out of it." She wiggled her eyebrows.

"I didn't come for a booty call." Lexa grinned.

"No?" Clarke pretended to be shocked.

"Not primarily." Lexa teased.

"But as well?"

"Have you seen yourself?"

They laughed and teased each other all the way back into town. They could have chosen a car or even the bus, but it was a nice walk along the coast and neither felt ready to share the other with strangers.

They passed by the coffee shop and stopped to enjoy a drink in the shade. Clarke told her she had a business meeting later in the evening she couldn't afford to shift, but wanted Lexa to come along.

"I don't want to intrude on your gallery meeting. I'll just wait at home."

Clarke didn't comment how the one syllable word filled the cracks in her soul and flushed the emptiness in her mind with warm love. She wasn't sure it had been a colloquial slip up or if she really thought of here as home.

"It's a follow up meeting and we could go get dinner afterwards."

"Or I'll go and get food and cook for us."

"You're off work; I don't want you to feel obliged to provide dinner."

Lexa raised an eyebrow at that. "First of all, I don't feel obliged to do anything. I love cooking, with or without a pay cheque. Secondly, I love you, and I promised the last time." She closed the short distance and kissed Clarke's cheek lovingly. "So let me cook for us."

Clarke sighed, but nodded. "Ok, but I'll help with the shopping. I didn't expect you and the fridge is still empty."


"Don't look at me like that. I wasn't in the mood to eat."

"Babe, you need to take care of yourself. I need to know that you're feeding yourself properly." They gazed at each other for a few moments, before Lexa continued. "I can deal with the separation, as long as I know you're ok."

"Fine." Clarke agreed. "I'm sorry; I just didn't feel like doing much at all when you left."

"You can't stop living whenever we're not together."

"I get that."

"Do you really?"

"Please, stop worrying. I promise I'll take care of me from now on." She smiled softly to emphasize her promise and take off Lexa's worry.

"I'll always worry; it comes naturally for people I love." Lexa said quietly and marvelled at the bright smile which took over Clarke's features.

"You know, you're perfect." The blonde sighed a moment later.

Lexa just shrugged uncomfortably. She meant what she'd said. Thinking of someone and wondering if they were doing ok was part of being in love for her.

They stayed quiet for another moment, watching each other, drinking in the person they had become to each other. "Shall we go and get the food?" Clarke broke the silence with a gentle smile and a lingering hand on the brunette's own.

They left and Clarke led the two of them to the nearest grocery market and Lexa's whole demeanour changed when she saw the variety of food. Clarke smirked and told her to roam free and promised she'd follow her.

Clarke had left Lexa unwillingly and under protest. She really didn't want to be apart from her at all. At the end she let herself be pushed out of the house with a lot of kisses, a promise for more and the perspective of a candle light dinner on her balcony.

Lexa went into the blonde's kitchen and busied herself with creating an unforgettable first date dinner. She wasn't a particular romantic person, but she wanted to make this evening special for Clarke.

She was just about to finish up, when she heard the key in the lock and loud groan in the hall. "Mmmm, that smells divine."

"I should hope so." Lexa laughed and walked towards her, taking off the handbag and pulling her into her arms. "Successful?" She asked, placing a kiss on smiling lips.

"Yes. I finally convinced them to go with my colour palate."


"They want me to create a mural in their restaurant and we had two previous meetings where my suggestions and ideas weren't accepted."


"You're biased."

"Do you want to relax first or are you hungry enough to eat?"

"Food!" Clarke exclaimed and clapped her hands. "I'm starving."

"Good, well go through and I'll be with you in a minute."

Clarke grinned and walked on bare feet through her living room and onto her balcony, which was covered in candles bathing it in a soft glow. She settled at her kitchen table, Lexa had carried out to make the dinner possible and waited. She couldn't believe her life had taken such a drastic turn in events. Merely four days ago, she was heartbroken and never would have thought she'd ever see Lexa again and then in a matter of a day, everything changed and here she was being pampered by her very own star cook girlfriend. 'What are the odds,' she thought when Lexa stepped over the threshold and placed two exceptionally beautifully decorated plates down.

"Wow." Clarke breathed in amazement. "I feel the itch to take a picture of this."

"Well…" Lexa grinned. "I can only encourage you to do so, to make sure you know how awesome Woods food can be." She winked cheekily and brushed her fingers over Clarke's hand.

"I'll make you a deal." The blonde drawled. "You stop bringing up the past and I'll promise to be your biggest fan." She waited a second to gauge Lexa's reaction, who laughed softly at her words. "How does that sound? Deal?"

"Deal, but for the record..." Lexa leaned over and kissed her. "I don't hate our story. I think if we ever look back, it's a funny way to find each other."

"If your 'looking back' is in a million years, I agree."

"I just think it must have been hilarious for an onlooker to see the events which led us here."

"Hilarious?" Clarke deadpanned. "I'd rather describe them as frustrating, devastating, mind-numbing, hair-pulling, awfully exasperating, but feel free to go with hilarious."

They shared another smile, before Lexa gestured for Clarke to start eating. "I don't want it to get cold."

"It looks delicious baby, thank you."

There it was again, the term of endearment and it made the butterflies explode all over again. Lexa watched her trying the dinner and mentally patted herself on the back for the look of complete pleasure on Clarke's face.

'Worth a million years working in the kitchen." She thought.

They had enjoyed the evening outside on the balcony with a glass of wine each and small talk until Clarke had cleared the table and dragged Lexa back inside and onto the couch.

"Even though…" She said in her raspy voice. "You didn't come to come..." She winked cheekily. "I want you to." She climbed on top of Lexa and grinded her hips suggestively.

"Oh my god…" Lexa exhaled, overwhelmed by the sensation and experience. "Fuck…" She whispered when Clarke took off her shirt and bra and leaned back in her lap. One of Lexa's hands stayed firmly pressed to the small of the blonde's back to make sure she wouldn't fall off, the other, however, roamed freely over the vast expense of creamy white skin and rose nipples quickly to stiffen under the brunette's ministrations. "You're so stunning." She murmured against the hot skin under her mouth before dragging her tongue over skin covered in goose bumps. "Mmmm…" She moaned when Clarke's scent filled her brain and switched off any thoughts other than wanting to make love to her. She pushed herself to the edge of the seat and quickly reversed their position, roughly placing Clarke onto her back on the couch and climbing on top of her. The blonde moaned out obscenely at the display of power and control and pushed her hips desperately against Lexa's, who didn't wait a second longer to strip her off her clothes and take her the moment she had access.

Clarke soared off the couch and pushed deeper onto Lexa. "Shiiiit…" She panted. "Fuck you're so good at that."

Lexa laughed at the comment, but the laughter stopped abruptly and was replaced with pure awe when she watched Clarke falling apart for her.

The blonde returned the favour as eagerly and competent as Lexa, before they fell exhaustedly onto the floor, cuddling into each other. They listened quietly to each other's exaggerated breathing, whilst staying as connected as they could. There was no need for communication; their heartbeats did all the talking for the moment. The silence stretched on and Clarke wondered if Lexa had fallen asleep, when she moved to look at the blonde with questioning eyes, sensing she wanted to say something. Clarke bit her lip, contemplating whether she should say what was on her mind or ignore the matter longer. She exhaled loudly when she had decided, and shifted in Lexa's embrace to have a better look at her. "Shall we talk about the future?" She whispered.

Instead of an immediate answer the brunette studied her girlfriend. The subject of future had never been a bother to her. She was successfully living in the here and now, but Clarke was right. They had to talk about it. Lexa just wasn't sure she was prepared for it. "I don't know." She mumbled evasively.

"You don't know if you want to talk about it or you're unsure of your future?"


Clarke sighed. "We at least need to figure out how we're going to go on." Lexa nodded, but remained silent and Clarke continued. "I can't leave Aruba. I've just established the gallery and it starts to be profitable."

"I don't want you to leave." That was a given fact to Lexa. Whatever, Clarke and her were or would become to be, she never wanted her to change her life solely for Lexa's sake. "You're the one settled." She said after a moment.

"You feel unsettled in your life?"

"No, I mean as in you have a home and business tied to the place. I'm working for a company without having a real home because I'm more moving around than being in one place."

"Do you enjoy it?"

"Up until now, I never questioned my decision to start working for a ship company. It is adventurous and never gets boring."

"But?" Clarke prodded when Lexa didn't indicate she would go on.

"But, I haven't had a reason to be somewhere when I signed the contract."

"You do now?" Her voice was hopeful and Lexa smiled a little strained at the notion that Clarke seemed to still be oblivious about how much she loved her.

"I do."

"Could you see yourself living here?"

"Actually yes."

"Yes?" Clarke was slightly out of breath at the idea of Lexa living with her on the island. "Like seriously yes?"

"Yes." Lexa laughed. "One day I could totally live here."

"Oh my god." Clarke squealed in excitement. "I can't wait for that day to come."

"Me neither." Lexa leaned over and kissed her deeply. "It won't be soon though." She dampened the mood. "We have to figure if you and I are working out."

"I know."

"You ok with that?"

"It takes as long as it takes."

"I love you so much."

"I love you too."

From: Clarke Griffin

To: Lexa Woods

Subject: I miss you


Hope your day has been better than mine. I had to cancel the contract with the restaurant as they didn't want to pay the money we had agreed on. The owner is American and he clearly thought he could take us islanders to the cleaners. Can you imagine, he told me to do the mural for half the price and he wouldn't even pay for the material? He said it's already more than enough money for that kind of work.

God, I hate privileged assholes who think they own the world.

Anyway, I'm half glad I don't have to be at the place for a month, but I could have needed the money.

Oh well, how's your day been?

I miss you awfully.

Can't wait to hear your voice again? I don't like it when you're too busy to have a private life. ;-)

Ok, call me soon.

I love you,


Her phone rang in the middle of the night and Clarke shot up in shock, panicking for a moment when she saw the caller's ID.

"Lex? What's wrong? Are you ok?" She burst out instead of a greeting.

"Clarke… mmmm… I've missed your voice." She answered sleepily. Clarke checked the time, and put her on speaker.

"Have you been working up until now?" She asked worriedly.



"I had an idea and wanted to see if I could pull it off. Ray was the guinea pig…" She yawned loudly. "Sorry… I'm exhausted."

"Oh baby…" Clarke smiled warmly at the tired voice of her girlfriend.

"I'm ok. I'll get some sleep, but I wanted to talk to you." Another yawn disrupted her. "I'm sorry about the mural." She added when she could speak again.

"Me too. What have you been working on with Raven?"

"Oh… Been playing with different culinary experiences."

"Fusion cuisine?"

"Mmm, I tend to forget you know what I'm talking about." She murmured.

"Only the terminology." Clarke laughed quietly.

"I miss you." It sounded as Lexa was almost asleep and Clarke melted at the thought that Lexa was utterly exhausted, but still wanted to talk to her. They'd been going strong for the past weeks; they'd made it work so far.

"Sleep Lex. Call me when you wake up."

"Only have the evening shift tomorrow. Wanna spend the morning with me?"

"I know and yes please."

"Ok baby…"

"Sleep well. I love you."

"I love you too. Till tomorrow."

Before Lexa could hang up she was asleep and Clarke listened to her breathing. It was soothing and comforting. It had happened before, and without exclusion she felt closer to her. It was almost like if she were next to her, if Clarke closed her eyes. Almost.

"I'm so in love with you." She whispered after a while and disconnected the call. Her last mobile bill had been horrendous. She sighed and snuggled into her blanket and was quickly asleep as well.

From: Lexa Woods

To: Clarke Griffin

Subject: I'm sorry

My love,

I've got some bad news for us. I tried calling, but then I remembered you're with customers.

Anyway, I got the notice that I'll be working on another ship. I'll be off to Europe until they find someone else to replace the Chef position. I don't know how long that will take.

I'm so sorry.

Call me when you read this.

I love you.

"Why do you have to go? Can't they find someone else?"

"I'm sorry Clarke. Without bragging, but I'm the best they have and the cruise in Europe is danger to be cancelled for sure if they don't increase the quality of it."

"I kinda hate that you're a decorated cook at the moment."

"I know. Me too."

"Will we be ok?"

"I promise. We'll make it work."

From: Clarke Griffin

To: Lexa Woods

Subject: Re:Re:Re: I'm sorry

It's been a month!

I miss you so fucking much!

I'm sorry for crying the other night and I'm sorry for saying I'm sorry. I know you don't want to hear that. I just can't help myself. I don't want to put more pressure on you, I want to be the rock for you, but all I seem to do is make it worse.

Betty called me the other day to let me know she'll be coming to Aruba within the month. I look forward to it. She's been such a great friend.

Raven and O called me too. They'll be landing here later today. I'm going to spend the day with them.

Have you heard anything for when you can come back here?

I love you so.


Lexa (12:45): Baby, I miss you the same. It's a great experience here in Europe, but I wish you were with me.

Clarke (15:56): Where are you at the moment?

Lexa (15:57): Spain. You ok?

Clarke (16:00): I've never been. Is it any good?

Lexa (16:01): It's beautiful. I'll send you some pics. Hold on.

Lexa (16:01): Picture 1

Lexa (16:03): Picture 2

Lexa (16:04): Picture 3

Clarke (16:05): Wow, inspirational.

Lexa (16:05): How are you?

Clarke (16:08): I'm ok. You?

Lexa (16:08): Yeah.

Clarke (16:08): Any news?

Lexa (16:15): None. I'm sorry.

Clarke (16:15): Don't be. It's not your fault. I know you'd be here in a heartbeat if you could.

Lexa (16:15): I promise this will have an end.

Lexa (16:23): Clarke?

Clarke (16:25): You keep saying that…

Lexa (16:25): Can I call you?

Clarke (16:30): Incoming call

"Baby." Lexa cooed immediately after picking up her phone. "I'm sorry."

"I know... I'm sorry I'm just down."

"Did something else happen?"

Clarke heard rustling and shuffling on the other end and furrowed her brow. "Do you have time to talk?"

Lexa sighed, before the sound of a door clicking into its lock replaced the sound. "I don't have much time, but I needed to hear your voice."

"I'm just sorry for myself I guess. You have that awesome chance and all I'm doing is complaining because you don't get to come and see me. I'm an awful girlfriend."

"You're not." She answered short-clipped and lame. She loved Clarke endlessly, but she had a stressful day and it felt difficult to serve her girlfriend's insecurities.

"That means you think I am." Clarke huffed out.

"I just said you're not." Lexa answered annoyed.


"You're clearly in a bad mood. What happened?" Lexa tried once more, not wanting the conversation to end in a fight.

"Nothing happened."

"You don't want to talk about it?"

"I don't want to talk with you. I want to be with you." It sounded as if Clarke was pouting.

"Ok. I can't change the circumstances at the moment."

"Do you miss me?"

"More than you could ever know."

"Do you love me?"

"Form the bottom of my heart until infinity." Lexa heard her giggling and smiled in relief. "You sure, you're ok?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry for picking a fight. I just miss you so much."

"Are we ok?"


"Ok." Clarke heard the door open someone talking with Lexa in hushed voices. "I've got to go." Her girlfriend informed her. "I'll call you later?"

"Ok. Stay safe. I love you."

"I love you too."

From: Clarke Griffin

To: Lexa Woods

Subject: Fucking finally


I can't believe you're coming home. That's awesome. I wish I could reach you. I hate not being able to hear your beautiful voice whenever I need to. Make sure you're back in civilisation soon.

Also, send me your flight details. Can't wait!

Best day ever!

From: Lexa Woods

To: Clarke Griffin

Subject: Re: Fucking finally

Great subject babe!

I know right? I can't wait either. It's only two more weeks here, before I can fly back. The new chef is great. She has been quick in getting accustomed to everything. Quite talented as well.

I'll send you the details asap.

Love you so.


Clarke (22:15): She?

Lexa (23:56): Huh?

Clarke (23:56): You conveniently forgot to tell me the new Chef is female?

Lexa (23:58): Are you jealous?

Lexa (0:05): Clarke?

Lexa (0:10): Babe?

Lexa (0:20): Ok… seems you are, but you have absolutely no reason to be. I love you. She's not my type.

Clarke (0:25): Not your type? Would you fuck her if she was?

Lexa (0:25): Really? Are you seriously asking me this?

Clarke (0:32): Yes I'm seriously asking you this.

Lexa (0:35): Wow, do you trust me, Clarke?

Clarke (0:35): You're avoiding the question.

Lexa (0:35): I don't want to fight with you.

Clarke (0:36): You still haven't answered my question. So I take it you would. That's great.

Lexa (0:36): No, I wouldn't sleep with her. First of all, this is a professional relationship. Secondly, I'm happily taken.

Clarke (0:36): You sure?

Lexa (0:37): I'm sure about both points, not sure I'll be happily taken much longer if you don't trust me one bit.

Clarke (0:40): Are you breaking up with me?

Lexa (0:44): Oh my god, Clarke. Please. I love you. Stop jumping to conclusions.

Clarke (0:44): Sorry

Lexa (0:50): Just for future reference. I'm not breaking up with you and I still love you endlessly.

Clarke (1:05): Why haven't you told me about her?

Lexa (1:05): I didn't think it mattered. I'm with you and I'm happy.

Clarke (1:06): Ok. Fuck. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to blow up on you.

Lexa (1:10): Let's talk about it tomorrow. It's late for you.

Clarke (1:12): Are you mad?

Lexa (1:15): Sad you're not trusting me enough, but not mad.

Clarke (1:15): I love you. I'm sorry.

Lexa (1:16): I love you too. Rest well.

From: Clarke Griffin

To: Lexa Woods

Subject: SORRY


I couldn't sleep. I don't know why I accused you. I feel so removed from you and I'm jealous of everyone who can be with you, talk to you, see you and spend time with you. I know I shouldn't, but I can't stop me from doing so.

It took us so long to find a way back to each other and now we're separated once more. I think, I can't really handle this, but I know I shouldn't have blamed you. I know this. I promise I trust you. I do. I hope you trust me too that I'm telling you the truth.

I love you.

When Clarke woke up she felt like shit. It wasn't the first time she had been jealous, but it was the first time she had lashed out and had hurt Lexa. She crawled out of her bed and stepped into the kitchen. It was lunchtime; she hadn't been able to fall asleep for a long time.

She was just about to prepare something to eat, when her phone rang.

"Yeah?" She answered the call absentmindedly, still strung up on her horrid behaviour towards Lexa.

"I do trust you." Lexa said without greeting.

"Babe." Clarke breathed out heavily. "I -"

"I'm not mad for you being jealous. It's a reassurance of sorts that you indeed love me." She interrupted the blonde. "But you really don't have to be."

They stayed silent for a moment. Lexa's night shift had just ended and she leaned against the railing watching the Mediterranean landscape passing by.

"How long?" Clarke's voice called her back to reality, and although she had spaced out she knew what she was referring to.

"Ten days and counting."

Clarke just sighed.

"Do you want to give up?" Lexa asked in a quiet, vulnerable voice.

"Lexa." Clarke straightened up alarmed. "No."

"I know it's hard babe, but it's hard for both of us. You're not in it on your own."

"You're right." She sighed once more and slid down onto the kitchen floor. "You're right."

"It's been the longest time of us being apart."

"You promise."

"Yes." It sounded convincing and both smiled unbeknownst to the other.

"I'm so excited to have you home."

"I can't wait."

They shared a bit more news and Clarke told her about her work, before Lexa settled in for the night.

Clarke (11:26): Babe! The restaurant I was supposed to decorate is on the market!

Lexa (11:35): Calm down. What?

Clarke (11:36): Remember me telling you about the wall mural and the American douchebag who wouldn't pay me the agreed money?

Lexa (11:40): Oh yes. It's on the market?

Clarke paced the airport building from one side to the other. Today was the day she had been waiting for eight whole weeks. Two long months without Lexa and she was ready to shackle her down and keep her forever attached to her hip. The mere thought of her leaving in a few days to go back to the Adventures of the Seas saddened her and made her angry at the same time.

She was so deeply immerged in her thoughts that she missed the announcement of the landing of Lexa's flight. She was still pacing, with her back to the exit, when two strong arms stopped her and engulfed her tightly into an embrace.

"Are you contemplating running away?" Lexa's soft voice asked against the tender skin on her neck and she shivered at the sensation. She only shook her head, unable to talk and twisted in her arms to connect their lips the moment she could reach them. They kissed deeply, reassuringly. Although they had been apart for longer since knowing each other, the fact that they hadn't been in a relationship back then had made the split almost bearable compared to now. They didn't care for the world around them. The need was overwhelming to stay connected with their lips locked and tongues intertwined, stroking and caressing the other.

They broke apart when they needed to breathe, but they stayed close, inhaling each other's air.

"You can't believe how much I've missed you." Clarke eventually offered weakly, stroking Lexa's cheek lovingly.

"Probably as much as I've missed you." She replied quietly, a tear rolled down and was wiped away by Clarke's tender fingers.

"Are you ok?" She asked nervously.

"Yes, just so grateful to be with you finally."

"Come on. Let's get you home."

They spent the rest of the day in bed. Reconnecting on all levels they had missed and craved, before Lexa convinced Clarke to get up to eat proper food.

"So, I called the agency for a viewing of the restaurant." Clarke said nonchalantly between bites.

Lexa coughed in surprise. "You did what?"

"Well, I figured it wouldn't hurt if we had a look at it…" She shrugged the intense gaze off of her and smiled.

"And why would you do that?" It sounded more amused than anything. She had an idea where this conversation might lead.

"It's always a good idea to invest in promising businesses." Clarke said evasively.

"There's no business in the premises at the moment."

"But there could be."

"What kind of business are you thinking?"

Clarke rolled her eyes at her for playing stupid. She could see Lexa knew where she was going with this, but she played along. "Well, the island is covered in restaurants of all different kinds of cuisine, but none is a high profile, star decorated one. I think people would dig that."

"Sounds like you've done some research. Let's hear it." She grinned now.

"Ok, well I thought you could open a place which offers all sorts of food, especially now with your European cuisine, and on top of that I thought we could offer special nights like… one night we could do a 'eat in the dark' dinner experience and one night could be a 'prepare your dinner yourself with help' evening. I don't know… what?" Clarke stopped talking and watched Lexa grinning like a fool.

"That sounds amazing." She states simply.

"Just ideas…"

"You're stunning."

"Thanks… you do know why I do all of this, right?"

Lexa nodded and stood up and walked towards her. "I do and I want that too. The past two months have been awful."

"Even if this works out, you still have to stay employed with the shipping company another few months, so we won't rush anything."

"Baby, I don't feel rushed at all. I want to be with you forever…" Clarke's eyes widened at the admission.

"You know that already?"

"You're my missing puzzle piece. Yes, I do know. Don't be scared."

"I'm not. I'm relieved, because I feel the same."

Dear Ms Woods,

We are happy to send you the agreement for sale of business on Caya Ing. Roland H. Lacle 12, Oranjestad, Aruba.

Please sign all exemplars and send them back to the given address. Once the payment has come through, we will be happy to meet up again and hand over the keys.

We're looking forward to a healthy and prosperous business relationship.

Yours sincerely,

Sotheby's International Realty

It had been another three months before Lexa boarded her flight to Aruba without a return ticket.

She had taken a great risk in order to open her very own restaurant, but with Clarke and Betty as emotional and financial support, she was willing to jump out of her comfort zone.

Since they started dating, Clarke hadn't missed one flight to come and pick her up. No matter how busy the artist was she'd always been there. Today was no exclusion. Lexa walked into her open arms with a huge grin on her face.

"Welcome forever." Clarke exclaimed loudly and kissed her deeply. "Your stuff arrived this morning. Are you sure this is all there is?"

They linked their hands and started walking towards the taxis as Lexa carried all her clothes she had in her cabin on board.

"Yes, I am. Contrary to the public opinion of women, I actually don't need much stuff to be happy."

"Yeah I realised. Five pairs of shoes? I hope you got more in there." She pointed to the bags on the trolley.

"Be happy the shoe rack is yours."

They arrived quickly at Clarke's apartment, which would be transformed into their shared home.

"I left the fridge empty, cos I know how much you like going shopping." Clarke teased when she stepped over the threshold.

"Yeah… some things never change. You're just too lazy to cook for yourself. I'm surprised you survived without me." Lexa teased back with a wink.

"You better take care of me then." Clarke stated in a husky voice and walked further into the flat, swaying her hips suggestively.

"Oh I will." Lexa laughed and swept her off her feet to carry her into their bedroom. "I will." She repeated softly before pulling her in for a passionate kiss.

The end…

And this is my spot to once more say thank you to all your kind reviews and feedback. It's been awesome and I look forward to more in the coming year. I'll update the story 'Love at First Flight' within the next days. Promise. Thanks again.