A quick little drabble based on the video of the guy and sleeping beauty at Disney Land. Hope you enjoy my mid exam creative o

Emma Swan loved her job at Disney World in Florida.
A) Because it's Florida which means gorgeous sun and only an hour or so to the beach, and B) well, even more so than the weather, Emma delighted in the way little girls and boys faces (and even some teenagers, though they'd deny it) would simply light up every time they laid eyes on her in her full princess style get up. They would gasp in awe before turning to reveal this latest wonderful discovery to their parents who would respond to match their kids excitement and then ever so slowly approach her, gazing up with pure bedazzlement in their eyes.
Emma liked talking to them all, but she had a special fondness for the kids who would behind their parents legs, or those who stood at the back of the group, especially the ones she recognized by the looks in their eyes as fellow orphans and foster kids, not wanting to upset their new families. It was at these times when she loved to crouch down to their level and coax even the shyest individual into having a hug or a picture with her.
It made her happy to make them happy.

Not only did she have a great time with the kids who flooded through every day, but she had the support of her colleagues, the other characters around the park. She shared a house on the edge of Orlando with Mary-Margaret who was the parks Snow White, Ruby who plays Little Red Riding Hood and manages their photography and Elsa who played...well Elsa (Emma's almost certain that the film was based on her.) The four girls making the commute out every day before park gates open to get Disney-ed up and heading their own separate ways to find their counterparts.
It was the way it had been almost every day for the past three years until...

"What do you mean I'm not being Rapunzel?!" Emma shouted at Regina (the Princesses manager) who looked thoroughly unimpressed.
"Take it down an octave Tangled. I know Rapunzel is your spirit animal or whatever, but Aurora is off sick today and her replacement can't make it in. You already have the blonde hair to be Sleeping Beauty and are the only one who can get into Aurora's costume."
Emma was silently cursing Aurora for coming down with whatever bug had come over her. She wanted to be the badass princess, not the one who slept for one-hundred years.
"Well who's gonna play Rapunzel if not me?" she inquired.
"I've called in a few favors," Regina replied cooly, "Will Scarlett's girlfriend Ana said she'll do it."
"But Ana's a bitch!"
"Miss Swan," her manager suddenly snapped, "If you wish to keep your job here, you will do as I say or else pack your bags and go. I don't have time to be dealing with stroppy princesses. Now, are you going to grow up and put the costume on, or shall I have Leroy escort you out?"
"What was that?"
"I said, I will put the costume on."
Regina glared for a moment before breaking into her trademark smirk.
"Was that so hard?"
Emma chose to ignore her and went about collecting Aurora's gear and heading to the changing rooms, but before she closed the door Regina called out;
"Oh and Miss Swan, Walsh's replacement will be arriving at some point today so don't be late for dinner this evening."
"Wait What?"


Okay, so maybe playing Sleeping Beauty wasn't all that bad; Emma thought to herself as another kid skipped back to their parents with a signed autograph and kiss to their cheek. The only terrible part about it was that she had to wear character shoes whereas usually she would be bare foot. The little ones, and not so little ones, still looked at her as if she was freaking Leonardo DiCaprio or something, so hey, she could manage a low heel for the day.
Philip was incredibly courteous, helping her navigate the slightly upturned pave stones on the route that he obviously knew well, being one of the older members of the cast; and as the sun began to peak in the sky and Emma started to miss her considerably lighter purple dress, he found her a nice bit of shade under a tree.

They attracted quite the crowd of passers by who too were seeking out a cool spot and were perfectly content to watch the Disney princess dazzle the children who were queueing up to greet her. She had just passed a young boy onto Philip, who was now discussing the correct manner in which to slay a magical dragon, so when she turned to meet the next visitor at eye-level, she was surprised and a little horrified to have her nose collide with a man's crotch.
Reeling back with a blush covering her cheeks she said, still in character, "I am so sorry sir, usually the visitors to this part of the woods are far shorter and I wasn't expecting to come face-to-crotch with your...nether regions."

She knew she was babbling and could hear the crowd tittering in the background, praying to any god out there that her moment of shame hadn't been caught on film. It was once she'd managed to shut down her own mouth that she finally looked up to meet the man's gaze, and hell that would have been enough to halt her mid sentence.
He was smiling dazzlingly down at her, so widely that she could pick out the dimples in his cheeks that weren't hidden under the layer of tantalizing scruff that adorned his jaw line. Her sight was drawn to his ears, which she noticed were tinged pink, as he scratched nervously behind them. But it was the eyes that truly captivated her. They were some unidentifiable shade of blue like the ocean as it came to rest after a storm, and currently they were piercing into her own, making the breath in her throat catch and her heart do a strange little flutter.

"That's quite alright milady," of course he has an accent, as if the man couldn't get more attractive, "I'm afraid I misjudged the distance between us resulting in such...uh...close proximity."
Breath Emma, breath; she tried to remind herself as one of his gesticulating hands grazed the skin of her fingers.
"Consider it forgotten, now what may I do for you?" Ever the professional, no way would she let Regina fire her on the same grounds as Walsh (the pervert flirt of lonely single mothers and way under age teenage girls) for something that was entirely an accident.
"I was actually wondering, that is if your Prince agrees, whether or not I could trouble your Highness for a dance?"
"A dance?" She spluttered, that was a new one.
"Aye a dance; I mean how many men can claim to have danced with a fully fledged Princess."

She was blushing again she knew it. She was also sorely tempted to tell him no, that she didn't dance and maybe he should try Cinderella; but he'd peaked the crowds interest and, she would never admit to it, but there was just something in his eyes that made her carefully reach out her hand to place in his upturned palm.
"A dance it is," she announced, "Although, it seems as if we are a bit short on music."
"Not to worry your Highness, I believe I have that covered."

He tugged her closer with his hand on the small of her back, before starting to waltz them in a small circle. They'd made perhaps two rotations when he began to sing.

I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you, that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
And I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem
But if I know you, I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream.

The crowd whooped and clapped, once his song finished.
The man dipped into a low bow whilst raising her hand to his lips and brushing a soft kiss across her knuckles.
"Thank you, for a wonderful dance my lady, I pray that we will meet again, although for now I fear the little ones have been waiting long enough. Until the next time my beauty."
With one last kiss to her hand, he raised back to his full height and began to back away, not taking his eyes off her. Yet Emma couldn't complain as she was doing the exact same until she felt the tug on her sleeve that indicated somebody new wanted her attention. She turned to smile at the brunette girl in her Beauty and the Beast costume, but chanced one last glance up to meet the eyes of the mysterious stranger, locking momentarily onto those baby blues before he was swallowed up by the tide of tourists.


She was a little embarrassed to admit that she spent the rest of the day checking around in case she caught sight of her dark haired prince. Obviously word had spread through-out the cast (probably thanks to Philip) so that by the time she met with the girls for lunch, they were all dying to know about her Once Upon A Dream Guy.
Maybe she gushed, maybe she didn't, maybe she threw a bread roll at David a.k.a Prince Charming when he snorted at her graphic description, only tossing her a somewhat knowing wink in return (that confused the hell out of her.) Mary-Margaret was positively squealing at the end, bouncing out of her seat over the fact that Emma had met a 'gorgeous man who she would marry and have twenty kids with.' Part of Emma squirmed at the thought of pushing twenty humans out of her, part of her thought yeah right keep dreaming sister, but funnily enough, an even larger part called out I wish.

Pushing all thoughts aside for the time being, Emma focused the rest of the day on her job of making kids lives light up for a day. It wasn't easy to forget him though because she'd occasionally pass by her colleagues some of whom claimed to have made a sighting of the man. Even worse was when Regina came and congratulated her on a job well done, discretely passing her phone over so Emma could see the video of her and the guy dancing, that was now getting dozens of hits all across the internet.
"There's even a tag on twitter to #Find Beauty's Prince." She informed her with a secretive smirk that reminded her of David from lunch.

It was utterly insane she thought, to see how many people were now invested on her, an actress playing a princess in a theme park, finding the mystery guy who had swept her off her feet, almost literally. Visitors began asking if she knew who he was and one little girl cried because she thought Sleeping Beauty was breaking up with Philip (that was a hard one to deal with.)
By the time she was finished for the day, Emma was utterly exhausted and completely ready to hang up her tiara in favour of her trusty frying pan. She was about to begin pealing off her costume when Ruby appeared.
"New Flynn Rider is here, Regina wants you in with the rest of us now."
"But I-"
"Trust me Ems, you're not gonna want to miss this."

Heaving an overly dramatic sigh, Emma dragged herself into the cast lounge, having pride in the small rebellion of kicking off her heels.
"Ah Miss Swan," said Regina when she arrived in the room, "Thank you for joining us. I'd very much like you to meet your new counter-part, Killian Jones."
Her boss stepped aside and Emma gasped, "You," she whispered, as standing behind Regina was none other than tall dark and handsome himself.
"Aye it's me, and it's you," he replied in his lilting accent grinning down at her, before a cloud of confusion washed over his features. "I thought I was being hired to play Flynn Rider, I don't see how my counter part would be Sleeping Beauty."
"I usually play Rapunzel but Aurora was sick so I-" Emma trailed off getting lost in his eyes like some teenage girl with her first crush.

A throat clearing brought her back to her senses, "I was going to a chemistry test to see if the two of you would work well together, however, considering your new viral status, that seems somewhat irrelevant. But on that note, I do need a picture of the two of you for the Twitter page. As you know Disney is all about happy endings and this will be excellent publicity. Now stand over there and look ridiculously happy."
Emma wanted to protest that it wasn't that easy, but glancing up at Killian who was still smiling (although a tad shyly) she took him by the hand to stand by the wall Regina pointed to.
"It is truly wonderful to see you again Miss Swan," he said.
"Emma," she replied, "My name is Emma Killian, you don't have to keep up with this formality."
"Emma it is then. A beautiful name for a beautiful woman." There she goes blushing again. "I look forward to working with you Swan, although if I recall correctly, Rapunzel has a bit of a violent streak. I would be eternally grateful if you would refrain from tying he up...unless it's in the good way."

It was the quirk of his eyebrow that set Emma bursting into laughter, in time for Regina to capture the image and upload it to there Twitter.
"Perfect. Mr Jones, be here at five am sharp tomorrow so we can brief you, Miss Swan you will be back as Rapunzel again and Mr Nolan, thank you for recommending your friend to us, I'm sure he will be a wonderful edition to our cast.
Son of a bitch.


Exactly a year after they first met when Killian danced with her under a tree in Disney World, Emma Swan found herself standing on a parade float waving to the hollering crowds. She thought Killian was right beside her as I see the light began to play, but instead he had his back to her and was fiddling with something in his hand.
When Flynn's verse came, he turned to look her in the eyes and raised a mic to sing;

All those days chasing down a daydream
All those years living in a blur
All that time never truly seeing
Things, the way they were
Now she's here shining in the starlight
Now she's here suddenly I know
If she's here it's crystal clear
I'm where I'm meant to go

And at last I see the light
And it's like the fog has lifted
And at last I see the light
And it's like the sky is new

And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once everything is different
Now that I see you

Now that I see you

Emma wiped the tears from her eyes as the streets filled with the roars of approval.
Screw it, she thought, grabbing her boyfriend by the lapels of his leather vest and crushing their lips together making the people on the streets and on the floats go even wilder.
Emma Swan loved her job, she just didn't know how much more she would love it with the ring around her finger that was hidden in her soon be fiancés (later that night to be specific) jacket pocket in the home they shared together.