Tony knew that water was one of his triggers. He's gotten used to it, but not to the point that he could go completely under. That's why Tony decided to stand in the three foot deep water instead of "training" with Steve, Clint, and Natasha. He wasn't sitting in one of the chairs with Bruce because he decided that he might as well be in the pool.

The question that kept running through Tony's head was 'How in the hell did I get in this situation?'

During the first tour he made sure to overlook the pool that somehow got in the plans without him knowing. Apparently, after the incident, Clint had decided to wonder around the tower and he had miraculously come across the pool. What great luck Tony had.

He came out of his musing when he noticed that Clint was swimming over to him.

"Why don't you come join us? Or are you too afraid old man?" Clint asked with a smirk.

"First of all, I'm not that much older than you and second, I'm fine relaxing over here. No splashing and such. Also, I'm going to get out here soon. Fine tune some stuff in the lab," Tony replied.

"Oh, come on old man. At least get your head a bit wet."

"I'm good, Barton." when Tony finished replying he noticed that Clint had disappeared.

The next thing he knew was that Clint was holding him in a headlock. He knew what happened next, but Clint wouldn't, would he?"

"Clint don't," Tony said as he was being brought closer to the water. "Clint, stop. I'm serious, sto-"Tony was cut off there as her was plunged into the water.

Suddenly he wasn't in the pool in Avengers Tower anymore. He was back in that cave in Afghanistan being plunged into the water so that they could get as many secrets as they could.

He started to thrash around to try to get the enemy off of him. When he came up he said as loudly as he could, "You're not getting any information out of me! I won't tell you anything, so you'll anything, so you'll have to kill me!"