Eijirou glances at Katsuki out of the corner of his eyes, a frown tugging on his lips. Katsuki yawns and doesn't notice, his feet dragging themselves forward. A cold gust of wind tears through the street and Katsuki stops to shiver. Eijirou waits for him a few paces ahead, his gaze never leaving his friend's.

"The hell? Keep walking," Katsuki slurs, another yawn stretching his mouth wide open. Eijirou rolls his eyes as the other boy strides over to him. He rubs his gloveless fingers together, breathing on them to warm them. Katsuki sneers half-heartedly at the sight.

"Didn't know it'd be so cold today," he comments, hunching in on himself. He's a bit underdressed for the weather in his sweater but his home isn't too far from Yuuei so he's not too worried. Katsuki, on the other hand, is practically twice his original size in a giant parka and mittens. Eijirou would try to at least nab his mittens from him but Katsuki seems to need them more than he does.

"Kacchan gets weaker in the winter," Izuku had told him in passing, just before they left Yuuei, "so he needs to conserve his strength. I'm surprised he wanted to hang out with you, he never leaves his house when it gets this cold."

Eijirou sighs and shakes his head. Katsuki is a stubborn asshole, that's for sure. He could have said no to this, but in true Bakugou Katsuki fashion, he screamed about it a bit before stomping away, leaving Eijirou to puzzle out that he had said yes.

"Don't you ever look at the weather report before leaving? Dumbass," Katsuki berates tiredly. His eyes are drooping and it's never been more clear to anyone before that he is exhausted. A twinge of guilt stings Eijirou's chest and he takes a moment to gnaw on his lips.

"Nah, a real man rolls with the punches," he replies. Katsuki snorts, which brings a small smile to Eijirou's face.

"Where is your place anyway? It's fucking cold out here," he says. Eijirou gestures towards one of the bigger, nice-looking houses across the street.

"Right there. Come on, I'm starving!"

Eijirou jolts in shock as something heavy falls onto him, interrupting his concentration. He closes his red 3DS and turns his head to the side, hair nearly obscuring his line of vision. He sucks in a sharp breath and stiffens before slowly relaxing. Katsuki, unaware, shifts in his sleep. His mouth droops downward, a thin trail of drool escaping onto Eijirou's shoulder.

'Oh my god he's asleep!' Eijirou thinks, his heart starting to pick up in rhythm. Heat floods his cheeks and he can't breathe quite properly because Bakugou Katsuki is asleep on his shoulder. Eijirou frantically looks away, feeling embarrassed for some reason. He should definitely wake Katsuki up, yes, that is what he should do.

Slowly, his eyes turn back towards Katsuki. He scans the sleeping teenager curiously, a dopey grin forming on his lips at the frown on Katsuki's. Other people relax when they sleep, but apparently Katsuki is still just as unpleasant unconscious as he is awake. Eijirou's shoulders relax and he gently repositions Katsuki so that he is lying on his chest instead of his hard shoulder. Katsuki snorts in his sleep, mumbling curse words and threats against Eijirou. He laughs silently at that, his heart thumping unevenly as his name slips past the other's lips.

(Is it so weird that Eijirou really, really wants to kiss Katsuki? He doesn't really think so, but it'd be a little weird considering that Katsuki is asleep.)

(He settles for stroking Katsuki's unruly mane of spikes, hands gentle as a kitten's breathing.)

(Eventually, Katsuki loses his scowl and shifts closer, nearly killing Eijirou of a heart attack.)

(He nearly does kill Eijirou when he wakes up, too.)

More gay boys doing things. Asked for a suggestion on tumblr and got this cute lil prompt. Pls enjoy it! Also this site really does need a Kirishima filter hahahaha