Chapter One.

When I was seven, I didn't really understand what was happening, nor did I have the emotion within me to feel scared, to be angry but to be compliant and follow my mother. I didn't grow up showered in money, in gold and silks wrapping around my body. You had to work for what you had, and although we had nothing to show for the work I was given the lesson that nothing is given to you for free, not without a price. When we entered the Russian Palace as help, I just knew it as way of life for myself. That helping those born into society at the top of the chain was normal.

I remember the first day I started as a lady to her royal majesty Queen Olena Belikova. I was the youngest obviously at the age of 7, but in the pickings the queen herself took me into her line of maids to serve her of Russia's Royal Family, it was also the first time I had been separated from my mother as she was picked to serve the kitchen staff. I had never felt fear until this day. But through the hardships I can remember in the homes of the wealthy of other familys, this had to be the one family, the least expected, with the least hardship.

Im not sure what gave me this opportunity, but being the youngest help to Queen Olena Belikova, I was given the simple tasks of folding her linen, her silks and even engaging in conversation with her while she painted. She was a magnificent artist I admired her work for hours on end some days. As I was her confidant at the age of 7 , she became mine as well. And the day my mother died, one year later, she also made sure that I was properly cared for. You could also say I was favoured. She returned the love that my mother could no longer give me.

Although I was close to Olena, I did not happen to see much of the other member of the family. She told me about her daughters, two of whom were married into Royal Families of, other countries. Sonya, was married to the King of Germany, and Karolina to the King of France. She also had her youngest daughter Princess Viktoria Belikova –whom was only a toddler at this age. I, 8 now, her daughter only 3. She was the cutest, but usually taken care of by wet nurses, and nannies as she was always being educated and molded into Russia's youngest Princess. She also had one son, whom I had never seen before. Prince Dimitri. Olean was very fond of him, always speaking highly of him with a beaming smile on her face.

I remember sitting there folding her cleaned sheets while she painted a scenery from her window. Her words flying out more than eighty miles an hour. He was coming home from Siberia, after 3 years training with their military. She was ecstatic.

"Roza, I haven't seen him since he was twelve. He is fifteen now, will be turning sixteen in this coming fall. You must help me prepare for his arrival in the next coming days my darling." She turned around and smiled at me.

"Of course my Queen." I returned the smile, only to listen to her talk about his highness, how well he excelled in his studies and how much he reminded her of her late husband, King Alexander, Tsar of Russia.

A year after their latest child, Viktoria, had been born, King Alexander had pneumonia take over him, and ultimately the illness had won. I remember her talking to me about it, her grief stricken face still put in place. But a small, sad smile replacing it as she talked about the memories, and the love they shared. She truly loved her husband. I could only hope that I would share the same love when I was older. Of course that was many years from now as I was only 8 at the moment, and currently help within the walls of the Royal Palace, who would want to love me.

"My dear, it is late, you have worked hard today- please go and rest we have much to prepare in the next days for Dimitri's arrival. You are going to absolutely love him dear." And in that moment I had no idea that later down the road her exaggeration would become literal.

The day he arrived in St Petersburg was a gong show. Everyone was everywhere. Things and more that I could not name were being set up. People bustling all around. I was in charge of cleaning his royal highness room and today, the morning of his arrival so that it was tidy, and clean for him.

Just finishing up his bed, I knew I was running late, I knew that I must be out of the chambers before he was to come in, for no girl and boy should be in the chambers ESPECIALLY if Dimitri was in here, and myself the help. Smiling, I tucked the last corner of the sheet under the bed, smoothed the top and placed the last pillow in the center. The deep burgundy and golds staring at me. The clicking of the door handle startling me I gaped towards the door watching a figure step in.

I was too slow. Taking my hands and placing them in front of me and bowing my head I stood beside the bed looking at the floor.

"Welcome home your highness, please forgive me, for I was too slow In my duties today." Biting my lower lip I closed my eyes not wanting to meet my punishment. Slowly, his foot steps approached me until they stood right in front of me and stopped. Making me open my eyes and peak.

There he stood. Right in front of me and eye level, kneeling in front of me! He was a handsome young man, and his smile wouldn't let my gaze fall.

"Miss, you may lift your head." I nodded slightly and raised my head, pulling my shoulders back. Looking up and putting a small smile on my face as the prince himself looked around his room. I remember feeling most proud as I watched his face in amazement.

"Did you clean my chambers?" Giving a quick nod his smile grew. "How old are you ? You must be to young to be within the cleaners." He took a seat on his desk chair, propping his arm on his desk, leaning his head on.

" I am eight Prince Dimitri. I am within the Queens help, I am simply lending an extra pair of hands, but please excuse me as I am already not supposed to be in here." I gave a small nod and he as well.

"Very well you may leave, but just know I might have to have you again, before you leave will you tell me your name?" His face full of humour.

Before taking another step towards the door I looked over my shoulder. " Its Rosemarie, but everyone calls me Rose."

Shutting the doors quickly, I heard a silent " Roza.. " Rolling from his mouth. It was the first time I ever met the prince, and felt my heart flutter at the age of 8. Was that even possible? Never did I know that at the age of 18, ten years later, would I be having a secret relationship with Prince Dimitri Belikov of Russia.


Okay, third times a charm right? Please review this and tell me what you think. Im working really hard to have the next chapter up in the next couple of days YAY. This story will be rated M for I have broadened my writing skills I hope. Hope you all keep reading!
