Disclaimer: All characters in this chapter belongs to Cassandra Clare except for the ones I have made up.


Bell Tower Park, Bronx, New York City, New York, U.S.A

June 1953

Raphael holds her tighter around the waist and whispers into her ear, "I will never fade away from you. Violet I promise you that!"

Violet lifts her head from his shoulder and moves her head towards his. Raphael's eyes lock on her lips as they move as they move closer to his own. He closes the distance between them and a sensation of heat she hasn't felt in decades suddenly envelopes her. Violet's lips are soft but firm still not willing to open up completely to Raphael. Her scent was intoxicating, a mixture of nicotine from cigarettes, peppermint and something unusually sweet. Wishing he could spend the remainder of his eternal life in this moment. After what feels like an eternity, their lips separate and Raphael pulls Violet into another tight embrace, her head tucked under his chin. He leaned back slightly and uses one hand to gently push her chin up so he could look into her deep violet coloured eyes. He presses his forehead into hers as he looks into her eyes.

"I've been waiting to do that again for a while now," Raphael whispers into her ear.

Violet gave a small laugh at his confession, "don't get all emotional on me now; don't want your clan finding out how much of a softy you really are."

Violet withdraws from their embrace and stands up with Raphael, "so what's this problem you needed help with."

"It can wait 'til tomorrow, today is your day off. Violet," Raphael replies. As Violet moves closer to Raphael a gust of wind knocks Violet off of her feet and flat on to her back. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her neck. "You okay, Vi?" Raphael asked as he helped her up, embracing her and pressing his forehead against hers once again.

"Yeah?" Violet says unsure of herself, a chill rushes down her spine, she shivers.

"I thought it was supposed to be summer, fuck it's freezing," Violet presses herself harder into Raphael's chest.

"Vi, its cold, but not that cold," Raphael said, suddenly noticing her forehead was scorching, he moves back replacing his forehead with is hand. "Violet! You're burning up."

"Stop it Raphael, I'm perfectly -" Violet started but all of a sudden she dropped out of Raphael's grasp landing on her knees and hands, curling into a ball, she screams in immense pain gripping her head.

"Violet -" Raphael tries to help her up. "Get Magnus!" Violetta screeches at Raphael, "get Magnus now!"

"I can't leave you behind, Violet." Raphael growls as he picks her up moving one of his arms under his legs and another arm under her armpits. "Do you think you can make it to Magnus' loft?"

-Magnus' Loft-


"Magnus!" Raphael kicks open the door to Magnus' loft with Violet in his arms.

The door slams against the wall as Raphael rushes into the living room. He lays her down gently, Violet starts to shake violently, as her eyes shut tight in pain. Raphael presses his lips softly to her flaming forehead.

"Magnus, where are you?" Raphael yells into the silence of the loft.

Magnus emerges into the living room, dressed in a rose coloured shirt and brown trousers. "What happened?" Magnus says rolling his shirt sleeves to expose his bare forearms.

Raphael steps out of the Warlock's way and stood at the end of the sofa, at her head. "We were at Bell Tower Park in Bronx, there was a gust of wind, and she fell onto the ground. As soon as she stood up, her temperature went through the roof. She just started shaking like this in the past couple minutes." Raphael replied to Magnus with more emotion than Magnus thought Raphael could possibly ever produce.

As Magnus inspect Violet for any wounds or evidence that might be useful as to why she was acting this way. As he searched her neck, he noticed a small injection site from where a needle had been stabbed into her skin, he muttered some words in Latin and a small white light appeared in his hand. Magnus runs the light of her extremely pale skin and it reveals a sliver substance flowing slowly through the veins in her neck.

Violet began to shake more violently than she was before. Magnus closed his hand in a fist and the white light disappeared, a black bruise begun to appear from the injection site and it slowly began to spread across her neck.

"Raphael! Hold her still while I go get my spell book." Magnus said panicked.

Magnus quickly got up from his knees and rushed into one of the locked rooms in his loft.

Violet began to lose consciousness as her shaking got worse, Magnus quickly hurried back to Violet's side, corners of her vision were turning black.

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