Chapter One: Leaving

I don't own Harry Potter or Vampire Diaries. Although like many others I wish I did. Lol

I am currently looking for someone to write this story with me. I need someone who is willing to go though each chapter and put there own ideas into. My stories turn out to be more outlines without details that need to make it an amazing story.. Please if you are inserted in helping send me a message, I am open to all ideas about how to go about this story…

Summary: Pandora (Female Harry Potter) has won the war but the price was to high she has lost all her friends, and family. She can't stand to be in the wizarding world any more to much pain and loss. Deciding to travel the world one she runs into Klaus on one of her stops. They are different sides to the same coin. He's dark, she's light. This will be around the time before Haley slept which means they won't be sleeping together.

Pandora walked across the bridge over looking Hogwarts School. She had just vanquished Voldemort, and for the first time in her life felt free. She looked at the school that she once called home for 5 years of her life. She no longer felt piece like she once did. Many of her friends and people she considered family had died in the war. She sat down heavily signing and for the first time broke down crying for all those who died in her life. Her mother, father, godfather, Hermione, Ron, Fred, George, Collin, so many people died.

She couldn't believe how innocent she had once been about the war. She like her friends truly believed they would all make it out of the war without losing anyone. They had been so young. Not yet understanding the true mean of war. Though the war Pandora learned many lessons that previously she wouldn't have truly understood before. She had changed many ways over the last three years. Some of it for the better and some of it for the worse. Pandora shook her head, the world of magic had suffered a big blow, a whole generation practically whipped out. It would take many years for the same world to recover. "If only they had listened her to warning soon then many be some of this could have been avoided." She signed

After sitting there for a few hours getting her emotions under control she stood up looking at Hogwarts for a final time before disappearing ending up in Diagon Ally. She no longer wanted to stay in the world she once loved so much. She needed to away to heal and move on with her life. As she walked into the bank many goblins stared at her. Knowing that she had to talk with someone about the damaged her and her friends created when the escaped after stealing the horcrex. She walked up to the teller.

"I wish to speak with the account manager of the Potter and Black accounts please." She said in a whisper not wanting to gain too much attention from the wizard and witches around her. The goblin looked down on her before nodding, waving his hand at another goblin.

"Lady Potter-Black wishes to speak to her account mangers." Said the goblin to the other. The other goblin nodded beckoning for Pandora to follow him. She nodded and began to follow the goblin through the side doors down the long corridor. After a few minutes of walking they turned to a huge set of double doors. Pausing the goblin knocked at the door waiting until they hear "Enter." The goblin opened the door and allowed Pandora to enter before turning around and leaving. Pandora who had never spoken with her account manger looked around the huge room with aw. There were many weapons and other magical objects. Before going to the chair that was in front of the desk.

"Lady Potter-Black, I have been waiting almost a year for you to visit to claim your vaults, My name is Groton and I am the account manger of both the Potter and the Black estates. Please have a seat we have many things to cover today." Groton said before sitting back down in his chair.

"Please call me Pandora, and thank you." She said finally sitting down in the seat.

"Very well Lady… I mean Pandora let us begin." He said grabbing two files on his desk. "First we must speak about the damages done to the bank cause by your escape. We already know about why you broken into the vault. We are thankful that you got the item in question out of our bank and destroyed. Charges won't be brought on you for the break in but payment must be made to repair damages done." He said looking at her.

"Yes, I agree, what ever it cost please take it out of my vaults." She said looking at him. Willing to pay whatever the cost were for the damages. She didn't want to piss of the goblin nation. Groton looked at her and nodding while pulling out paper for her to sign.

"Please sign these papers, they will authorize us to take the money from the Potter main vault." He said, putting the papers and quill in front of her. Taking the papers in her hands she quickly read through them before nodding and signing the paper and handing them back. He nodded and signed the papers as well. "That problem is solved now it's time to break down the Potter and Black estates and then we will be finished." He said bring the folders in front of her to see. Over the next two hours he took her through the Potter and Black estate and to say it was mastiff was an under statement. She was completely blown away. When it was all done she explain to her account manger that she wished to leave the wizarding world for a time and would need identification, birth certift, as well as a way to access her money without having to make withdraws from the bank.

After yet another hour of filling out forms and paying for the items requested she was on her way out. She felt truly free for the first time in many years. She had the goblins already book her a flight to leave Britain. Her first stop was going to be Germany. Hermione once told her of some of the beautiful sites there, and they spoke of going there after the war a trip for the three of them to get away together. So to honor her once best friends she decided to go and see all that Hermione had talked about.

Please review all comments are welcome..