I don't own anything. All rights go to their respective owners.

High School AU: Meeting Hades

Zelena Mills is wicked. A fact everyone knows. Zelena Mills is a wicked one. Evil, a nasty piece of work. If you want to be cool and popular at Storybrooke High you do not make friends. Or even any contact with Zelena Mills and woe betide those who do!

The only people who don't hate Zelena and actually have some respect for her, unlike the rest of the school who treat her like she's some kind of monster and her family who are even worse! Are Emma Swan and her boyfriend Killian Jones. Now Zelena would never call them her friends, yet they are the closest thing she has to actual friends. However, Emma and Killian are together and having to hang around them makes Zelena feel a lot like the third wheel!

"Ohh bloody hell!" Zelena murmurs, feeling slightly nauseated at the make out scene between Emma and Killian in front of her. She'd say something to their faces. She has at many of an occasion but they have literally been letting her sit with them at their table at lunch time and it's either that then go back to eating in the toilets. Alone. Not that she doesn't like being alone, she loves being alone more then anything but there is something about eating alone Zelena just hates. Even at home she eats with her family, whom hate her most of the time! So despite the awkward moments. Incredibly awkward moments actually. Zelena wouldn't trade them. Ever.

Zelena's last lesson of the day is science. She honestly hates it. Really hates it with a passion. The only hilights being the moments when she once created a formula that singed the fur off her classmate Dorothy Gale's dog Dodo. Or was it Toto? Who cares! Zelena thinks to herself. Wondering if she should 'accidentally' knock dye onto Dorothy's girlfriend. Ruby. Both of them have tormented her actually their whole group, including Mulan and Merida have, why shouldn't she be allowed to get her revenge?

Looking down at her books, Zelena ignores all the whispering around her. It's so obvious they are talking about her. Just grow up! She thinks as she turns a page. Ready to turn around and show them just how wicked she can really be! She ignores those feelings though. It would only bring trouble and more misery to her.

Getting out of her seat to collect more books once their teacher has left the room, she walks with her head held high. She never tries to cower away from the haters. Instead she faces them with confidence and attitude. Except when she returns to her chair and is about to sit it is pulled out from underneath her. Causing her to fall over and hit her head on the desk.

"WHO DID THAT?" She snaps, enraged as she tries to get to her feet. "COME ON THEN? FACE ME!" She snarls as she grabs the desk for support only to be pushed over onto the floor again.

"Watch your step witch. It's slippy around these parts." The voice of her arch enemy Dorothy call cattily to a series of chuckles from the rest of her class. All backing Dorothy. Zelena excepts her to say something else as she prepares her defense. Yet before either of them can speak the teacher waltzes back in. Ignoring the fact that Zelena is on the floor. Ohh yes! Even the teachers hate her! She rolls her eyes in frustration, her head bloody killing her! She scrambles to get to her feet. Yet a hand wraps around her arm, pulling her to her feet. She yanks it away quickly. Who dares to touch her? Why would someone help her up? Emma and Killian are in another class. She wonders angrily as she looks up at the person who helped her up. Blonde hair and bright blue eyes stares her in the face. She recognizes the face as someone who sits in the back of some of her classes. She doesn't know his name. She doesn't really know many people's names at school. Only faces. As since the entire population of the school, minus two people, take great joy in making her life a living hell!

"Are you alright?" He whispers quietly. He talked to her! He dared talk to her? Has Dorothy put him up to this? Zelena wonders to herself as quickly takes her seat.

"I'm fine. What's it to you?" She replies sharply.

"Passing by to get more books. Thought I'd ask the question, considering the fact. You've got one of the books I need." He shrugs boredly. His response makes Zelena want to smirk. Using a kind gesture to steal from her. She notices, realizing that he already has her book!

"Give me that back!" She snaps angrily.

"Your not using it right now." He retorts, she folds her arms.

"I am in fact!" She growls.

"No you're actually not. You're talking to me." He smirks craftily. Zelena falls silent, trying to think of a really cruel comeback. Nothing! She gets absolutely bloody nothing! Who the hell is this person? She wonders as he starts to head back to his desk. No. She thinks, her hands clenching into fists. No one steals from Zelena Mills and gets away with it!

He turns back before she can get there though.

"You know. If you're so in need of this particular book. You could always come and sit beside me?" He smirks. Zelena's blood boils. She gives him a filthy look. About to give him a piece of her mind when the teacher barks at her.

"Zelena Mills! Back to your seat!" She commands her. Zelena returns after a few moments and a threatened detention. In the corner of her eye though she sees that boy. Waving her book around triumphantly. This has got to be some kind of joke! It has to be!

Home time couldn't have arrived fast enough! She ensures that she is out of that door the moment the bell rings. She storms to her car. Ignoring the continuous whispers and the pieces of paper that are thrown at her hair as she makes her way to her car.

Once inside she opens her lunch box, pulling out the ice pack she keeps in there to keep her food cold, placing it against her sore head. Which she had hit when Dorothy pushed her off her seat. A tear escapes her eye. A tear that she very hastily wipes away. Zelena Mills never cries. That's one of the things she is most strongest about. Crying. She doesn't like it and she doesn't do it, however there are moments when things get a little too much for her and the tears threaten to spill! A sudden knock on her car window startles her, making her drop her ice pack. She turns toward the source of the shock. Ready to unleash merry hell on the one poor unfortunate soul who dares to knock and subsequently startle! Zelena. Her rage intensifies when she discovers the person to be the boy who stole her book! She rolls down the window.

"What in hell are you doing? What do you want from me? Here to steal my car this time?" She snaps angrily. He chuckles at her sudden outburst.

"I actually have a car of my own. Unlike your book. I do not require it." He smiles before producing her book from his bag. Zelena's eyes widen in surprise as he passes it to her.

"What. What are you doing?" She whispers.

"Returning your property. I only needed to borrow it! If you had come and sat with me it wouldn't have even left your possession!" He smirks at her wickedly.

"I prefer to sit alone." She retorts.

"I can tell and for your information. I was genuinely curious about your well being after you we're unkindly pushed from your stool." He informs her. Zelena raises her eyebrow, only to wince at the pain in her head and bends down to pick up the ice pack again. She realises that he's still standing outside her car.

"What!" She says sharply, patience thin.

"You're hurt." He comments before moving around to the other side of her car, opening the unlocked door, sliding in beside Zelena.

"What the hell are you doing! When did I say you could get into my car?" She protests.

"You hit your head on that desk. You shouldn't even be driving." He comments, snatching the ice pack from Zelena's hands.

"Ohh bloody hell! Anything else of mine you want to steal from me today? I don't know what you know about me but do know. If you cross me I will make your life here extremely unpleasant and…" Zelena falls silent as he rests the ice pack back over her injury, reaching the sorest part that she couldn't reach before on her own. What the hell is going on? She wonders. This has to be a set up. This has got to be some kind of cruel, very cruel joke.

"I'll drive you home. I'm not about to let you drive yourself like this." He says after a few moments. Zelena laughs.

"I can drive myself home thank you very much! No one drives my car but me!" She says defiantly. He smiles at her, before looking at her with a cold, almost dead. Icy glare.

"I'll drive you home. Zelena." He says her name for the first time. How does he know her name? She wonders. This is a prank, a joke. No doubt about it, but hell! Her head really does throb!

He drives her home. Yes she lets him drive her car. Not wanting to admit that she is very grateful for the lift. He was probably right. She couldn't have driven in her position. However, she does make his life hell during the journey there. Threatening to have him murdered unless he parked her car at least a road away from her house. Not wanting to have to explain that to her family!

"I'll see you tomorrow then. Zelena." He smirks as he says her name. She nods curtly, as she starts to head down the road.

"Hades. My name is Hades. Not that you asked." He calls to her. Now she has a name for the book thief, yet surprisingly decent driver of her car. Hades… Zelena smirks slightly as she disappears around a street corner. Hades is a mystery. A mystery that she knows won't be long before she forgets completely as doubts, once he realises more about her they'll never speak to one another again.

The next day of school is much like the day before except as Zelena walks away from another uncomfortable lunchtime of having to watch Emma and Killian make out again! Hades appears by a locker.

"You know theirs always a spare seat beside me available. Maybe this time." He shoots a glance at Emma and Killian, still passionately making out at Emma's locker!

"You'll accept my offer." He murmurs, moving closer toward her.

"See you in science. Not sure if I have all the correct books today." He mutters in here ear before disappearing down a corridor, leaving Zelena standing there and for the first time in forever. Zelena stands there and smiles…

Authors Note: Thank you so much for reading the first one shot I created for my collection. I have never written for Zades before as my OTP is Captain Swan, which is why Emma and Killian do appear in these one shots. but I do really, really love Hades and Zelena's relationship and I hated what they had Zelena do to Hades! As Hades has literally been the best new character the show has had for ages! I may continue with this AU in another connecting one shot. Please tell me what you think. I accept requests for one shots. Thank you again for reading xxxxxxxxxxxxx