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After Olivia and Fitz left the bunker, Fitz headed to the Oval Office to call Leo on a secured phone line while Olivia went up to the Residence. Instead of going to her room, she went to Fitz's bedroom. It was almost 6AM when Olivia checked the time on her cell phone. She needed to call Quinn to give her an update.

While sitting on the sofa and using her burner cell phone, Olivia called Quinn. Quinn immediately answered the phone.

"What's the latest, Liv?" Quinn asked eagerly.

As Olivia recapped the clean-up plan with Quinn, she turned on the TV to find out if the media picked up on the story about the shooting. When the TV screen showed an image of an early morning news broadcast, she could see the "BREAKING NEWS" caption on the bottom of the screen and a photo of Jake on the corner of the screen. Underneath the caption, the headline ticker read "NSA Director-Republic Party VP Candidate Jake Ballard Dead" which were followed by a series of headline tickers - the shooting on the campaign trip, death of her father, Jake in a gunfight with Secret Service, FBI investigating the incident, Mellie and the campaign team returning to DC. After seeing the TV news had the story, she turned off the TV.

When Olivia finished speaking, Quinn asked, "Is there anything you need Charlie and me to do now?"

"Not right now but I'm going need to issue a public statement about my father later. We'll do that at OPA. I'm going to leave the White House through the underground tunnel. We can rendezvous and then head over to OPA."

"Ok. Just call me when you want to head over to OPA. By the way, Charlie has the package from Cyrus. He'll bring it with him when we meet up later."

With the latest crisis, Olivia had forgotten about the "favor" she asked from Cyrus. She thought she was going to use the information in the envelope to help her resign as Mellie's campaign manager. However, at this point, her taking any actions to officially resign would have to wait.

"All right. Thanks. I'll keep you posted on any new developments," said Olivia before she ended the call.

As Olivia was setting the phone down on the coffee table, Fitz entered the bedroom. After he sat down next to Olivia on the sofa, Fitz rested his back against the sofa cushion as he stretched out his long legs.

Were you able to talk with Leo?"

"Yeah. Abby was right about Leo being up. As we were talking on the phone, he told me the first TV news reports are coming out as he was watching the TV."

"I've already seen it."

"He'll be coming in later to meet," said Fitz as he closed his eyes to rest.

Olivia sensed how tired Fitz was since he only had a few hours of sleep before getting called to the CIA. "Fitz, why don't you have a catnap before you have start to start publicly deal with the shooting as well as running the country?" suggested Olivia.

"I will if you will," responded Fitz in a slightly flirty tone with his eyes opened.

Olivia chuckled slightly and shook her head at Fitz's incorrigibility. "All right, mister. I will," replied Olivia as stood up and extended her good hand for Fitz to take. After taking her hand, the two of them walked over to the bed. While Fitz stripped down to his shorts, Olivia went through the process of removing her broken arm out the sling before taking off her clothes and putting back on the short sleeve casual shirt Fitz had given to her wear last night. After setting her broken casted arm back in the sling, she and Fitz settled into a bed for a 30-minute nap.

Thirty minutes later, both Olivia and Fitz awakened from their catnap feeling somewhat refreshed and rejuvenated. Even though both secretly wished they could sleep some more but knew they couldn't because they were in crisis mode.

When Fitz headed to the bathroom to take his shower so he could start his day, Olivia was putting on her clothes so she could return to her bedroom so she could shower. Just when she opened the bedroom door, Olivia saw Karen standing outside looking upset. Seeing Karen outside Fitz's bedroom surprised Olivia and she didn't know if Karen was upset to see her leaving her father's bedroom.

"Karen…" said Olivia as she struggled to find words.

Karen seeing Olivia about to come of out her father's bedroom gave her a sense of relief as words tumbled of out her mouth. "Olivia, my friends have been messaging me. They said there was a shooting in Alaska…"

Olivia realizing Karen's distraught was because of the shooting said, "Your mom is safe, Karen. Unfortunately, Jake was a casualty." Olivia didn't want to say anything to Karen about Rowan being the other casualty.

"Why don't you come inside?" said Olivia as she gestured for Karen to come inside the bedroom. While they walked to the sitting area, Olivia said, "Your dad is taking a shower now. He hasn't had much sleep since getting the call from your mother about the shooting."

"Did you talk to her?" asked Karen as the two of them sat down on the sofa.

"Yes. When she called, she wanted to talk to your father and me at same time," replied Olivia. "Since your mom was safe, we didn't think there was a need to wake you up during the middle of night to tell you. Are you angry?"


Karen and Olivia's attention shifted when they saw Fitz, wearing a bathrobe and his hair damp from the shower, entered into the bedroom. Fitz was surprised to see Karen in her pajamas in his bedroom. He was about to ask Karen if something was wrong when Olivia said, "Karen found out about the shooting from her friends on text messaging, Fitz."

Fitz was wondering if he made a parental faux pas by not telling Karen about the shooting right after talking with Leo on the phone. Neither he nor Olivia had considered the possibility of teenagers on summer vacation being awake before 8AM. "I'm sorry for not telling you sooner," said Fitz as he sat down on next to Karen on the sofa.

"It's ok, Dad," said Karen in a reassuring voice. "My friends' messages just said there was a shooting in Alaska involving Mom's campaign trip. They didn't tell me Mom was ok which had me thinking the worst. But I should have known if something did happen to Mom, you would have told me once you found out."

"Your mother's agents did their jobs in keeping her safe when the shooting was taking place."

"What happened?"

Fitz proceeded to tell Karen the sequence of events related to the shooting without going into details on the reason for the fight that lead up to Jake shooting Rowan. When Karen heard Jake shot Rowan, her shock was observed through her facial expression. After Fitz finished telling the story, Karen said to Olivia, "I'm sorry about your dad, Olivia." Even though Karen hadn't liked Rowan, she knew Rowan was still Olivia's father and needed to be respectful.

"Thank you, Karen." Even though Olivia wasn't feeling grief for her father's death, she didn't want to dismiss Karen's sympathy since Karen didn't know the true extent of Rowan's destructive actions, which included the murder of her older brother Jerry.

"Karen, the rest of your mother's campaign trip been cancelled. She, Huck, and Marcus are flying home today," said Fitz.

"With Jake dead, what's going to happen with Mom's campaign?"

"She's continuing on with the campaign but there are things we need to figure out because of Jake's death, like finding a replacement candidate. She is also getting help in dealing with the media because of the shooting," replied Fitz.

"Ok. I'm glad she is getting help in dealing with the mess."

Fitz then said, "Karen, there is going to be a lot of media attention. I don't know how long the media is going to be focused on this story…"

"I understand, Dad." Karen knew Fitz was preparing her for the possibility of 24/7 coverage of Mellie and the latest "setback" to her campaign until another story came along. Also knowing her father had a long busy day ahead, she said, "I'm going to head back to my room now. You need to start work soon."

"I have to do the morning press briefing about the shooting and Jake's death but I'll try to come back up to the Residence to have breakfast later."

"Ok, Dad," said Karen before she gave him a kiss on the cheek. She then got up from the sofa and left the bedroom leaving Olivia and Fitz together.

Watching Karen and Fitz together made Olivia misty eyed. Fitz saw Olivia with her tears in her eyes and asked, "Are you ok, Livie?" He was concerned Olivia was experiencing a delayed grief response.

"I'm fine, Fitz," replied Olivia in an unconvincing firm voice. She broke down slightly as she said "It just that it was never that for my father and me."

"I know," said Fitz as moved closer on the sofa to hold Olivia. Both he and Olivia had the common link of having fathers who on the outward appearance of being successful men but lacked a moral core and the capability or capacity to be good fathers. As he held her, Fitz said, "Whatever you need, I'll be here for you, Livie. You can count on that."

"I know," said Olivia. After they separated from their embrace, Olivia said, "You need to get dress and meet up with Abby and Ethan before the press briefing. I'm going to head to my room to shower and change. Hopefully, you can have breakfast with the kids and me. I'll need to issue a statement about my father. I'm going to do that at OPA with Quinn and Charlie helping me."

"Ok," responded Fitz. Fitz knew it was better for Olivia to give her statement from her office rather than doing at the White House. There was no immediate need to give the media the fodder about Olivia living at the White House.

"A separate matter, Fitz. Teddy had a bad dream last night. He dreamt you got shot by my father or by one of my father's men. He was pretty upset and Jenn couldn't calm him down. I stayed with him until he fell back asleep."

Hearing Olivia being so maternal with Teddy was a piece of news that brightened Fitz's mood as he was dealing with the shooting. "Thanks, Livie. I'll talk with Teddy later about it." He paused before saying, "We should let him know Mellie is coming home today without going into too much detail about what has happened."

"Yeah," said Olivia before leaving Fitz's bedroom so he could get dressed.

After Fitz got dressed, he wanted to check on Teddy after hearing about Teddy's bad dream. He had planned to peek in Teddy's bedroom to make sure Teddy was sleeping soundly but when he peered into the room, Teddy opened his eyes and saw him.

"Daddy, you're here!" said Teddy excitedly as he sat up in bed.

Fitz walked into room and sat down on the bed so he could give Teddy a reassuring hug. After they separated from their hug, Fitz said, "Olivia told me you had a bad dream."

"I did. The bad men shot you," said Teddy in a somber voice.

"Everything is ok, Teddy. The bad men are gone."

"You promise?"

"I promise," replied Fitz with a big reassuring smile. "Also, Mommy is coming home today."

"Will I go to Mommy's home today?"

"Maybe. Mommy and I will talk about it when she comes here later," replied Fitz. "It's still early. Why don't you sleep some more? I need to go to work but I'll try to have breakfast with you, Karen, and Olivia."

"Ok, Daddy. I love you."

"I love you, too," said Fitz with a smile as he helped Teddy get settled back into bed and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

After leaving Teddy's bedroom, Fitz headed down to the Oval to wait for Abby and Ethan to give him a draft copy of the press briefing about Jake's death. While Fitz was waiting, he got a phone call from Victoria letting him know the plane bringing Mellie, Huck, and Marcus plus Rowan's and Jake's bodies back in DC was in the air before they proceeded to go over responses to possible questions the press corps would have about the shooting.

"Fitzgerald, you'll need to be prepared to answer questions about Rowan. Since Rowan was Olivia's father and she was your ex-girlfriend…"

"I understand," responded Fitz in a somber voice. In Fitz's mind, he could already imagine the press asking him if he had met Rowan when he had been dating Olivia.

"Victoria, speaking of Rowan, his cover as a Smithsonian curator…"

"No need to worry, Fitzgerald. Rowan's cover as a Smithsonian curator is all the press is going find out about him. Any connection to the CIA and B6-13 has been eliminated."

"Good. Thank you, Victoria."

"Your welcome, Fitzgerald," said Victoria. She paused for a moment before asking, "How is Olivia doing?"

"She's fine." Fitz didn't know how to say Olivia wasn't grieving for her father's death. "She's going to be issuing a public statement about Rowan's death later on at her office."

"All right. In the perfect world, we would have hidden Rowan's involvement with the campaign…"

"I know and Olivia understands why we are doing this."

At that moment, Abby and Ethan entered into the Oval Office and approached the Resolute Desk. Seeing them enter into the Oval, Fitz ended his call with Victoria. He then turned his attention to Abby and Ethan and Abby handed him the draft of the public statement that she and Ethan prepared for Fitz to deliver at the press briefing.

"Thank you," said Fitz as he took the draft.

After reading the draft and penciling in revisions and edits that were more in sync with his speaking style, Fitz got up from his chair with the statement in his hand and said, "All right. It's time to face the wolves." The three of them headed out of the Oval to the press briefing room.

While Ethan thought Fitz's comment was meant as a joke, albeit on the dark side, Abby knew there was more than an element of truth to Fitz's comment when the media would find out Olivia was living with Fitz at the White House. For Fitz, he had said out loud what he was thinking since neither Ethan nor Abby knew he and Olivia were getting back together, and the media would be no less merciless than the last time in covering their relationship, especially in the backdrop of a presidential campaign scandal.