Hello everyone. So, I after reading several different fan fics, I came up with this one and decided, "Well what the heck, I'll try it.". Anyway, at the moment I'm testing the waters, so I would love to hear what you all think. In the mean time, sit back and enjoy.

(Southern Nevada, USA: Area 51)

The soldier watched a group of teenagers through his binoculars. When he was first assigned to base security, he couldn't wait to see what was truly inside the mysterious Air Force base. However, instead he was assigned to perimeter duty, which typically meant spending the day in a hot cramped humvee with an M4 and a set of binoculars staring out into the endless desert. His sole job was to watch for intruders. Five years and not one person had hopped the fence. Because of that he usually ended up just driving or sipping on a soda and watching desperate tourists try and get a glimpse at the base.

Watching the group leave, he set the binoculars down and rubbed his eyes.

Happiness and fun for everyone, he thought with a sigh as he put the humvee into gear.

Driving… or rather bouncing… down the two track road, he kept a careful eye on the perimeter. While the job was relatively boring, he had run into the occasional interesting item. Both of the natural world and of the base's extensive history. Between that and the occasional observer, he had just enough to keep himself alert.

As he rounded the top of a small hill, a streak in the sky caught his eye.

What the hell? he thought as it came his way.

He watched as it shot right over his humvee, and buried itself a mile and a half back and to the south toward the base. Getting over his surprise, he flipped the humvee around as he raced to the crash site.

Reaching for his radio he called it in, "This is Charlie 1 to command. I sighted an unknown object about a half mile southeast of my location. Moving to investigate."

"Roger. Charlie 2 and Charlie 3 will converge on the sight. Report when needed," crackled a reply.


With that he set the radio down and focused on driving. Laying into the throttle as much as he dared, he reached the sight in less than two minutes.

As he came up, he spotted movement in the blackened crater. Acting on experience, the man jumped out of the humvee, rifle shouldered. Using his door as cover, he waited for it to make the first move. After five seconds, human sized black bot with a round head and hanging legs, shot up before coming to a hover.

Not sure what to say, he stuck to the script, "Stop or I'll shoot."

Seeming to hear him, the bot swung away and to the left. Dropping to the back of the humvee for a shot, he fired off two rounds. Both pinged off the side.

The response was instantaneous as four blue lasers cut through the humvee like a knife through hot butter. Startled, he stumbled back, emptying his magazine into the bot. Each bounced off the armor, except one that cut through the eye killing the bot. At that moment, two other humvees came rolling up to the scene. Hopping out of the first humvee, the guard let out a whistle.

"I'd say we have a problem," he stated as he stared at the holes in the humvee.

(Jedi Temple: four weeks later)

Six weeks ago something had shifted in the force. Almost everyone was having visions. They varied slightly but, they were all tainted with the darkside. However, after a while they were able to determine that it was the same planet, but at different times. Some were of marching droids, behind a blood red sky. Others of cities being destroyed and people fleeing, fear saturating the air. While others were of times that were seemingly in the past- soldiers directing and sometimes shoving people into railcars, men rushing into a battle only to be shredded by slug throwers of some kind seconds later. The scenes were always different, as were the time periods, but they were always of war. As time had passed the visions became more and more graphic, and disturbing. Despite all of the darkness, there seemed to be a glimmer of hope. It was like the force was whispering that they must venture into the darkness to find the light. However, the problem was that they didn't know where the planet in question was. That is, until now.

So, here the Jedi council stood, staring at the map of the galaxy as Admiral Yularen and Anakin gave their report.

"As you all know, Grievous has been reaching out into wild space, more and more in an attempt to flank the Republic. To counter we've been deploying probe droids, to find what systems are of importance, and act accordingly. We believe we found one, in more ways than one," Anakin started.

"What exactly do you mean by 'more ways than one,'" Mace Windu asked.

"Well, master, our probes brought back some interesting intel. I'm transmitting the video now," he answered.

With that, Obi Wan reached forward and pressed a few buttons on the holotable. He was awarded with a Republic seal, before a video came up. There was some fuzziness as the probe began coming on line. As audio came up, they could hear the crunch of gravel followed by a door opening. The visual came up on a four wheeled vehicle of some sort. Crouched behind the door, was a fully armored soldier with a weapon in hand.

The camera shifted as the probe lifted off and steadied itself.

"Stop or I'll shoot," demanded the soldier.

At this, the probe retreated, putting the vehicle between itself and the person. However, the person soon appeared around back. This time there was two loud bangs as the bullets slammed into the side of the probe. At this point the probe, determining him a threat, opened fire. However, to Obi Wan's surprise, it didn't kill the man. Startled the soldier jumped back, firing several rounds into the head of the droid.

After a couple seconds, the probe fell dead and the video ended.

As Anakin and the Admiral took the holovid's place, it was Mace Windu that spoke first.

"That was quite the aggressive response from the soldier."

"Yes. I had the clone in control not kill him, based on the planet's location. I feel we may need to make some friends, and having blood on our hands won't help in the matter," Anakin replied.

"I see," Obi Wan interjected, having had his question answered.

"Do you know why he was so aggressive?" Asked Master Koth.

"Yes. It landed inside the perimeter of a military base- more specifically one that specializes in highly classified projects," Anakin answered.

"Interesting this is. However, more you have, yes?" added Master Yoda.

"Yes Master," Anakin replied, "I will turn it over to the Admiral for the first part though."

With a nod to the Admiral, Anakin stepped back.

"Generals," he acknowledged, "After the probe droid, we deployed a stealth ship to gather intel on the planet. What we found was that the planet was very unique. The life sensors were off the charts, with humans being the sentient race. Considering their advancement, they should be branching out to at least some of the nearby planets, but there was no evidence of that yet. Nor is there a central government. The planet is divided up into over a hundred different smaller countries with their own governments. Many of them have their own customs and dialects to."

This was surprising to everyone there. While it was common to have a divided planet. This was a very high number of territories.

"What about attempts to unite them?" asked Obi Wan.

"The closest thing to that is the 'UN' also known as the 'United Nations'. However, they only are their to help defuse international issues, not actually govern," the Admiral answered, "Do to time I have sent a copy of the findings to the temple. That is all."

"Our thanks, Admiral," concluded Yoda.

With a nod, Anakin stepped forward as the Admiral left the shot.

Not waiting for anyone, Anakin started, "I went with the stealth ship. The planet is no stronger in the force than any other. However, it does hold a dark undercurrent."

"What do you mean?" asked Master Plo Koon.

"The force signature is that of one that has seen a lot of death and destruction. It isn't that of a Sith or Sith related. I think it's safe to assume that it comes from its rather violent past," Anakin answered.

"Interesting. However, not what caught your attention that is," Yoda pressed.

"Yes Master, I strongly believe this planet is the one from the visions," Anakin stated.

This caught everyone's attention.

"Are you sure?" Obi Wan pressed.

"Yes. I found several of the landmarks that matched those from from the visions," he stated confidently.

"Interesting. Investigate this we shall," Yoda declared.

There were several nods of agreement from around the room.

"Yes, but there's a complication," Anakin countered as he pulled up a tactical map of the area, "They're right in Grievous's path. I'd give them no more than a month or two before Grievous strikes, and given their weapons, these humans won't have a chance on their own."

"Visit this planet you shall. Help these people you will," Yoda ordered.

"With all due respect, Grievous's force is way too big to take on by ourselves," Anakin spoke up.

"Between Durge and Admiral Trench, we don't have much to spare at the moment," commented Master Koth.

There was a moment of silence as several masters reluctantly nodded in agreement. They were stretched thin.

"I will go," Obi Wan finally spoke up.

"Master Kenobi. Your men have barely had enough to refill their ranks from the last battle, and the fleet isn't totally done dealing with their wounds. I don't like this any more than the next person, but our best option is to try to pick him up when he re enters Republic space," Spoke up Master Windu.

With that the debate started. No one liked the situation, but several, lead by Mace Windu and Plo Koon, felt that there was nothing they could do. Anakin silently listened, his anger growing more and more.

Finally he burst out at the two, "Perhaps you two would like to personally explain that to the, roughly, 7,300,000,000 you're talking about leaving for dead? Besides, I don't think you want his fleet reaching the Republic."

Caught off guard by Anakin's outburst, the room fell silent. Mace Windu went to tell him to stay out of it, but was stopped by Yoda.

"No. Right, Skywalker is. To this system, we must send reinforcements. Little time there is, and answers we need," Yoda answered, "No better than the Separatists we are, if turn a blind eye, we do."

Seeing the Grand Master speak up was enough to sway the room. Slowly, the Masters agreed with the proposal.

"I will go ahead with Anakin and see about dealing with the necessary diplomacy. Commander Cody and the rest of the fleet can link up when they are ready," Obi Wan stated.

"Very well, and may the force be with you," Master Koth concluded.

Upon leaving the Temple, Obi Wan caught a transport ship to Anakin's fleet. Sitting down, he began reading the info that Anakin had sent. In an attempt to understand the situation that he was walking into, Obi Wan tried reading up on the recent history. Seeing the amount of information, he settled for reading up on the UN.

To say the planet- Earth as it was known- had a history was an understatement. Obi Wan quickly noticed a pattern of almost unending war, in some region or another. This all came to a climax as he read of the World Wars. As he was reading, he began to understand what was going on in some of the visions. The UN had its roots in the end of the first World War, however, it's predecessor didn't last long before the rise of Hitler brought it to an end. After the war the current UN was formed.

As he read of the wars, Obi Wan quickly began to understand why it was so fragmented. The whole planet was a powder keg of differing ideas and fierce independence. Tag on religious fanaticism and he quickly understood why the planet had ripped itself apart twice, and had never fully recovered. The only good thing, it seemed was that Obi Wan held no doubt of the skill of the militaries he would be dealing with.

Unfortunately, the fact that there was no central government was going to make this process a lot longer and harder than he would like.

Well, at least they're trying to put the past behind them, he thought as he continued reading.