(A/N: Back once again with a new one LOL. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Lots going on here but I hope it's entertaining. LOL. Happy Reading!)

"Harder To Breathe"

A loud ping on her phone, woke Olivia up; from an otherwise restless sleep. She'd just closed her eyes about an thirty minutes ago. Looking over at her phone; she saw that it was about two o'clock in the morning. Olivia always had a hard time sleeping, but when Fitz came into her life, her nights were no longer restless as they had once been. She slept better beside him, he was a calming presence to her. But he was at the office late tonight. Plus Edison was home. Which was a rarity in itself. Normally she wouldn't care. They didn't even sleep in the same bed anymore. But since he knew Fitz was back in her life; he'd become increasingly more paranoid that she was going to file for divorce, and leave him soon. (Which really wasn't a lie.) Therefore if he was at home and she wasn't; he'd most likely have his P.I. out spying on her. She rolled her eyes in frustration, as she thought about this toxic relationship they called a marriage. She wanted out! But she just had to be patient. Though with Fitz back in her life, patience was not something she was good at when it came to being free to finally just be with him.

After grabbing her phone off her nightstand; she and unlocked it, to see who was trying to reach her. She grinned as she saw the message flash across her screen. Her patience was finally paying off. She thought as she got up from the bed quickly. She threw on some jeans and a t-shirt. She'd heard Edison come upstairs about forty-five minutes ago. No doubt he was asleep in one of their guest bedrooms by now. Olivia grabbed her purse and keys. Then she walked down the stairs as quietly as she could. Afterwards she walked out of the front door, to her car so that she could meet the person who had messaged her. She turned on her car and pulled out of her garage onto the street. She was so giddy with excitement that she didn't even notice her husband staring at her driving off, out of the window from the second floor. She drove to rock creek park and parked right behind a car outside of the parks entrance. She turned off her car, got out and locked it. Then she slipped into the passenger's side of a 2018 Chevrolet Malibu.

"Sorry if I woke you," said the person on the drivers side. Olivia waved off the notion.

"I wasn't sleeping anyway. What's up?" Olivia asked eager to get to the reason for this meeting. The person said nothing. They just handed Olivia a manilla envelope. She opened it and took out some incriminating photos of her husband. Pictures that proved that he was being unfaithful to her. Unlike any other wife who would have been devastated at seeing such filth. She smiled wickedly. "I fucking knew it! I knew he'd slip up again!" squealed Olivia excitedly.

It was no secret to Olivia, that Edison was cheating on her, and had been since they'd gotten married five years ago. Though it took her awhile to come to that conclusion. But Edison being the paranoid asshole that he was, had always been very careful, and calculated about the moves he made. Olivia was never able to get proof of his philandering. She'd had voice recordings of their fights. Something she did once she found out he was having her followed. But still, he would never mention anyone he was cheating with by name or even admit to the fact that he was cheating at all. He only laughed at her accusations. She even took to hiring a private investigator of her own. But that P.I. hadn't been able to find any circumstantial evidence. Luckily for her, the new source she'd gotten was better than any regular old P.I.

"I have these on a USB also." Her informant told her. "Sorry I couldn't get them to you sooner, somebody hacked our system." Olivia shook her head, and smiled gratefully at her companion.

"Don't worry about it; you've done more than enough. I should finally be able to leave him now," said Olivia letting out an exasperated sigh. "Thanks Quinn." Quinn nodded. "Did you ever figure out who was hacking you guys?" Quinn shrugged.

"I have an idea, but I need to be absolutely sure before I take it to Fitz."

"You haven't told him about any this have you?" asked Olivia referring to their little meetings, as she looked through the photos once again.

Quinn had been looking into Edison for a few weeks now. Every since Fitz and Olivia reunited. Liv didn't want to go to Quinn at first, But Fitz spoke highly about her background in Intelligence. And always raved about her brilliance when they'd served in the Navy together years ago. Olivia knew that if anybody could find proof of Edison's extracurricular activities, it was Quinn. But she didn't want Fitz to know that she'd asked Quinn to look into Edison for her. Quinn had a sketchy background and had been in trouble with the law for hacking, while she was serving in the Navy. Fitz took care of her situation, but urged Quinn to keep a low profile.

So she did, for the most part anyway. He wouldn't be happy about her working for Olivia. Considering that the last time someone tried to go up against Edison Davis or his family, they ended up locked away in prison for an undetermined amount of years, without the possibility of parole. But Quinn knew what she was taking on by doing this; and she owed Fitz her life. She saw how happy, just being with Olivia made him, and also how much of a mess he was without her. If she could help her boss get Olivia back into his life permanently then she'd do it, no matter what. Quinn could never repay him for what he'd done for her, but she could at least try to help him get back the love of his life.

"No Fitz doesn't know anything. And he won't. I've been very discreet. But there's something else you should know." Olivia looked over at Quinn taking in the seriousness of her tone. And she gave her, her undivided attention.

"What's that?"

"I think someone else is looking into you. And it has nothing to do with your husband." Olivia raised a curious eyebrow at this new information.

"What do you mean?" Quinn looked out the window into the night.

"I think the person that hacked our system has something to do with you." Olivia's eyes widened in shock at this revelation. Quinn continued. "But I'm not entirely sure. I just have a strong feeling." She looked back over at Olivia. "Just be careful okay. I know you want to leave Edison and I told you, I'll help you do that. But you need to be more cautious, and aware of your surroundings," she advised. "It only takes one misstep before all of this could come crumbling down around you. You could lose everything you've worked so hard for. And Fitz would never forgive himself if that happened. You know he'd take all the blame. That's why he walked away from you in the first place."

Olivia sighed impatiently, and fought the urge to roll her eyes. She knew all of this already. She hated that everyone felt like they had to keep reminding her.

"I know Quinn. I know. I'll be more careful. Okay," she promised. Quinn gave her a slight nod; satisfied with her answer for now. "I should get going." said Olivia looking down at her watch, it was almost three in the morning. "Thank you Quinn. You have no idea how much this means to me." Olivia's voice was soft and sincere. Quinn nodded. But Olivia was wrong. She knew how much this meant to Olivia because she could see how happy Fitz had been since Liv came back into his life. And she'd seen on the news, how much more productive Olivia had been at work since she had Fitz back in hers.

"I'll contact you when I have more information," said Quinn glancing over at Olivia, who nodded.

"Okay. Thanks again." Olivia opened the door and got ready to step out of the car when Quinn said.

"I like you Olivia, but don't hurt my boss again." Olivia looked back at her seriously and said.

"I won't."

Marcus walked into The Palms restaurant in downtown D.C. to meet his boyfriend Alex for lunch. They were finally on speaking terms again. That night he'd had to come home early from the office; he finally broke down, and apologized. Then he begged Alex for forgiveness. He didn't want to seem like he wasn't proud of Alex, or interested in how he was doing at his job. He just hated the very ground Edison Davis walked on. Marcus was almost disbarred because of Edison and his crazy ass family! And if it weren't for Fitz, he would've been. But that wasn't Alex's fault. Marcus had mentioned to his boyfriend that he'd worked for Davis & Davis, shortly before working for Fitz. But he hadn't told Alex exactly why he left. Or what went down between him and Edison, that made him wish the ground would just swallow that asshole up whole.

Marcus didn't want to talk about that low point in his life. He'd met Alex a few months after he began working with Fitz, and he just wanted to put the past behind him. Alex was still in law school when they met, but he was very smart and capable. Marcus wasn't surprised that the all of the top law firms in D.C. wanted Alex to come work for them. But he'd hoped that by having so many options; Alex wouldn't choose to work for Davis & Davis. But he did, and just like that Edison Davis was back into his life. Though indirectly. But Marcus had to get over that if he wanted things with Alex to get back to work. Which he definitely did.

He smiled as he saw Alex. He walked over to him. Alex stood up and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Then they both sat down at the table. The waiter came over to take their order. Once he was gone, Alex spoke.

"So how are things going at the office today?" he asked.

Marcus sighed deeply. They'd been working hard to try and find a solution on Senator Shaw's case for more than a few weeks now. But Amanda Tanner was not letting up. Marcus suspected that if she really wanted to come clean with their affair, and ruin Jacob's career; she would have done that by now. There was something else she wanted. They just didn't know what it was. But Marcus felt like he had an idea.

"It's going," he chuckled slightly. "We just have no idea what the hell she wants and it's driving everyone crazy. But Fitz is meeting with her today, so hopefully he'll get some much needed answers." Alex nodded and placed his hand on top of Marcus's sympathetically.

"I'm sure you guys will figure it out."

Marcus smiled. "Thanks babe. So how are things going for you at the firm."

Alex smiled brightly, a little taken aback. Marcus did promise to show more of an interest in Alex's work after they'd made up, but he hadn't so far. This was definitely a much welcomed changed.

"Things are going great actually." Alex spoke excitedly. "I've been assigned to my very first case! I'm taking second chair." Marcus smiled.

"That's great!" Alex nodded. "So who's your first chair?" he asked curiously.

The waiter brought their food back before Alex could answer. They both thanked their waiter, who nodded and left shortly after letting them know that he'd be back to check on them. Marcus cut into his steak and took a bite. It was delicious. Alex cut up his salad and responded to Marcus's earlier question, just as Marcus took a sip of his red wine.

"Edison Davis." Marcus choked slightly on his wine; and coughed a bit; while trying to clear his throat. Alex looked over at him concerned.

"Are you ok?" Marcus coughed a bit more, and cleared his throat again before speaking.

"I'm fine." He took another sip before speaking. "Did...did you say Edison Davis?" he asked in slight disbelief and partial anger?

"Yeah, honey isn't this great!" he exclaimed. "For my very first case, I'll be working with one of their senior partners who just so happens to be taking over the firm in a few months. Edison is one of their best prosecutors! Can you imagine how much I'll get to learn from him." Marcus frowned.

"Yeah I can imagine," he mumbled.

Alex took in his expression and felt a little down. He sincerely thought that Marcus would be truly happy for him. Knowing that he still wasn't hurt.

"What's the problem now Marcus?" he asked. Now he was past feeling sad. At this moment he was just very annoyed. Marcus sighed.

"Nothing I just, it's just…" Marcus stammered. He didn't know how to answer this question without possibly having to reveal what happened to him at D&D in the past. He chose his words carefully before he spoke next. "I've heard bad things about Edison Davis. I just want you to be careful, okay." Alex smiled, feeling slightly relieved.

"Marcus I'm a big boy, I can handle myself. But I promise you I'll be careful okay."

Marcus still looked a little unsure and shook his head. "Just...if he ever makes you feel uncomfortable you'll tell me right?" he asked?

Alex was confused by his suggestion and question but nodded all the same. "Of course."

Marcus nodded seemingly satisfied with this answer, but he was still a little skeptical. He hadn't forgotten what happened to him while working at that horrible place. And he'd be damned if he let them try to drag someone else down that he cared about deeply.

Fitz tapped his foot on the floor impatiently. Amanda Tanner was really becoming a pain in the ass. He had no idea what she wanted from Jacob, yet she was still trying to sabotage his career. To what end? He thought silently.

"But Amanda, you're not giving me anything to go on. What do you want out of this? Is it money? A jump start to your political career? Another job? What. Do. You. Want?" He asked again for what felt like the millionth time. She just looked down at her hands, and shook her head. Fitz frowned. "Why is it so important for you to ruin Jacob's career? He asked her. She was sitting across from him in his office, staring out the window seemingly withdrawn from this conversation. They'd been going back and forth for the last thirty minutes, and he still hadn't gotten any straight answers from her.

"It's not about ruining him or his career Mr. Grant." She said finally looking in his eyes. "I don't want anything from him." She looked away from him again, and Fitz fought the urge to groan out in frustration. After a few moments of silence Fitz spoke up again; asking a question that had been on his mind since he took this case.

"Are you in love with him?"

Amanda glanced at him with watery eyes, but quickly looked away. His question left unanswered. But he didn't need hear her say it. Her face said it all. Fitz sat back in his chair and studied her carefully. Amanda Tanner was a twenty-eight year old beauty queen from Dallas Texas. Her father was world-renowned business tycoon, billionaire Hollis Doyle. He made his money off of oil. He was worth about two billion dollars. He'd built his company from the ground up and turned over a profit of at least seventy-five million per year. He was a great business man, but a shitty father. Amanda's mom divorced him by the time she was three, taking some of his money with her. When Amanda was eleven her mother died in a car crash. She was sent back to Dallas to live with her father.

Hollis was less than attentive to her, but he always made sure she went to the best schools and had the best education that money could buy. Amanda graduated top of her class from her private school and from Yale undergrad and law schools respectively. He may not have been a constant presence in her life, but he made sure that she'd never have to want for anything. Money couldn't replace a father though. Amanda found comfort in the arms of several different boys while in high school and college.

She slowed down in her social life while in law school. But once she came to D.C. she began sleeping with some of the inner circle of some of D.C.'s top politicians. Which is how she ended up with Jacob Shaw in the first place. She'd taken a job as an aide in his office after a rather nasty, but private split with a congressman from her home state of Texas. Seemed like she'd been targeting politicians since she came to D.C. But only Democrats, her father is a well known Republican backer.

Maybe she did it to get back at Daddy for being absent all that time. Or maybe Hollis was the one putting her up to it. Fitz didn't know. What he did know was that she was hiding something important. She looked to be on the verge of tears since she got here an hour ago. Whatever it was that was bothering her, seemed to be eating her up inside. Fitz looked at her curiously. Silently trying to will her to speak. It worked after a moment. Amanda took a deep breath and looked Fitz in the eyes as she spoke. But he was not prepared for what she said next.

"I'm pregnant."

Everyone, but Stephen was back from lunch by one o'clock that afternoon. Fitz had informed them of everything. They were all shocked, and Fitz had been on the phone trying to reach Jacob since Amanda left an hour rest of the team was now looking into Amanda's past hookups trying to determine whether or not someone else could possibly be the father. So far they hit a brick wall. Alyssa called for a coffee break about five minutes ago and she and Marcus were heading back to the conference room from the kitchen with coffee. Suddenly, the elevators dinged signaling that someone was coming to their floor. They paused briefly to see who it was.

Republican Senate Majority Leader, Mellie Montgomery stepped out of the elevator looking every bit as classy as her professional title. All the team members present looked at her in awe. Of course they were used to getting high profile clients. But the FGA members who'd been there for a while, knew who she was. Or more specifically who she was to Fitz. They also knew that she hadn't been by in a very long time. Marcus who wasn't really into politics and also hadn't been working there as long as the rest of them, looked confused by everyone else's reactions.

"Good afternoon everyone." Mellie's voice was kind and soft as she spoke, looking each of them in the eyes as she did. "I'm Mellie, an old friend of Fitzgerald's. Is he in his office by any chance?" she asked politely. Alyssa nodded smirking as she did so. She'd thought the boss was getting laid, she didn't know it was his former flame though.

"Straight through there," she told her. Mellie nodded in return, and smiled at her in thanks. Then she made her way to his office. Quinn who'd stepped out to see who was coming, quietly slipped back into her office quickly. She definitely had more hacking to do now.

"Who was that?" asked Marcus? Alyssa turned her smirk to him.

"Senate Majority Leader Melody Montgomery from the state of North Carolina." Marcus rolled his eyes.

"I know that. I mean how does she know Fitz?" he asked.

"They dated for like five years. She's his ex-fiance." Alyssa responded. Marcus's eyes widened in shock.

"Shaw you fucking bastard, call me back! It's urgent!"

Fitz slammed his office phone down with a huff. Amanda Tanner had just dropped this huge fucking bomb on them, that would not only ruin Jacob's career; but it'd possibly get him disowned by his whole family. And now that asshole wasn't answering the damn phone. Fitz fell back in his chair with a frustrated sigh. He closed his eyes and placed his hands on the top of his head, thinking. What the hell were they going to do. Jacob was screwed no matter what.

"Is this a bad time?" Fitz eyes snapped open as he heard that familiar voice.

"Mellie, what are you doing here?" he asked. Mellie laughed nervously.

"Not the reaction I was hoping for."

Fitz shook his head, gathering his thoughts. He stood up from behind his desk, and walked over to her. Then he gave her a hug. She hugged him back, holding on just a bit too long. When they pulled away he asked her to sit down. She did and he sat beside her in an armchair.

"So what's up. Tired of the Capitol already," he joked. She smiled and shook her head.

"No I just...Well it was nice seeing you the other night. Um. I guess I was just wondering...hoping rather that you'd want to maybe go out to dinner and catch up. It'd be nice hanging out with an old friend."

Fitz coughed, but covered it up by letting out a nervous chuckle. He didn't want to hurt her feelings, but he didn't want to lead her on either. He knew that Mellie showing up was a bold statement. She wanted to see if they could possibly reconcile. But they broke up for a reason. Plus his heart belonged to someone else now, regardless of their current situation. He was in love with Olivia Pope and he knew that there was no way possible that he could ever love someone even half as much as he loved her. But when he looked at Mellie and saw all of the hope shining in her eyes he felt bad.

"Can I check my calendar and get back to you?" he asked? It wasn't a yes, but it wasn't a no either. She knew he was super busy, since practically all of the elite in D.C. came to him when they had problems; which was always more often than not. He saw Mellie smile happily as she processed this information.

"Sure." He smiled back at her. But he knew that she'd look to cash in on his raincheck soon. Mellie was a determined woman. Once she set her sights on something she didn't stop until she got it.

Olivia and Abby were heading out of the Capitol for the day. So far they'd been very productive today. Even the senate majority leader seemed to be in better spirits as she led the Senate meetings that afternoon.

"What time did you want to go over the new legislation Senator Grant proposed tomorrow?" asked Abby. Olivia shrugged.

"We should have some time in the morning as long as nothing serious comes up." Abby nodded. They were rounding a corner, heading towards the exit. She was about to say something else, when they heard Senator Mellie Montgomery speaking to Senator Susan Ross.

"I didn't think he'd actually agree, but he did Susan. Oh it's wonderful." Susan nodded grinning at her friend.

"I'm happy for you Mel, you deserve someone good in your life. He's political royalty. Not too mention handsome. That Fitzgerald Grant the Third is quite the looker," said Susan nudging Mellie playfully. Mellie laughed and waved her off.

"It's not just about his looks Susan. Yes, Fitz is quite handsome,and his family is more well known than the Kennedy's; but he's so much more than that," said Mellie with stars in her eyes. Hearing her talk about him this way was making Olivia feel sick.

"Of course, when are you going out again?" asked Susan. Mellie shrugged, but smiled.

"Actually I think I'll surprise him for lunch sometime next week. He's been really busy, we barely had thirty minutes alone to talk while I was there today."

Susan nodded. "That's a splendid idea. I'm sure he'll appreciate it. Plus it'll show him that you're serious about trying to make it work this time."

"Of course I'm serious. Fitz doesn't know it yet, but I very much plan to be back in his life and have him back in mine as soon as possible. Who knows, maybe this time we can actually get married like we were supposed to three years ago." Susan squealed with joy.

"I better be a bridesmaid." Mellie chuckled.

"Oh Susan you're too much." She said as they began walking off.

Abby looked over at Olivia nervously. Liv looked like all of her lunch was about to come up at any moment. They'd heard the whole conversation, much to her dismay. Abby had totally forgotten that Fitz and Mellie used to be an item. After seeing him and Olivia together, it was kind of hard to picture him being with anyone else. Olivia for her part, had gone from feeling sick, to now boiling over with anger. She'd been texting Fitz all day. He had not once mentioned seeing Mellie today. Not once! Olivia balled up her fist and shook with anger. Abby placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, but Olivia immediately shrugged her off.

"I'm fine," she said through tight lips. Then she squared her shoulders, and took off walking quickly, her heels clicking mercilessly on the marble floor of the capitol.

"Where are you going?" Abby called after her. Olivia didn't answer her, but it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out either, thought Abby; rolling her eyes.

Fitz was nursing a glass of scotch at his office. Jacob had finally called him back. But after thinking it over; Fitz realized that this information would be better told in person. So he set up a meeting with his team and Jacob at the office for eight o'clock tomorrow morning. Jacob was going to lose his shit when Fitz broke the news to him. He told the team to go home about an hour ago, so they could rest up for what was sure to be one hell of a busy day tomorrow. So far they hadn't had any luck in finding anyone else that could possibly be the father. It seemed like she cut everyone else off when she starting seeing Jacob. Stephen had been out earlier interviewing some of her close friends. He felt like he had a lead on something, but he wasn't entirely confident in his source. Fitz told him that they could talk about it in the morning. He was exhausted. Between handling this case, and Mellie's impromptu visit today. He was at a loss for what to do. He still hadn't told Olivia about it. Boy was he dreading that conversation.

She honestly had nothing to worry about. Since she came into his life he hadn't even been able to look at another woman, let alone try and start a relationship with one. But he knew she wouldn't see it that way. He let out an exasperated sigh, and finished off the contents of his glass. He was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't hear someone getting off the elevator. But he did hear the tell-tale click of her heels as she came into the office. He got up from his desk just in time as she walked inside.

She stood in front of him, anger radiating off of her body. She had on a navy blue suit with a blazer and matching pencil skirt, a white blouse, and black and white Versace pumps. Her hair was bone straight and she wore a soft touch of makeup on her gorgeous face. Damn she looked good. He thought, feeling his arousal springing to life. Olivia crossed her arms over her chest and looked at him pointedly. Fitz raised a curious eyebrow.

"Hello to you too," he greeted. Olivia glared at him.

"Mellie Montgomery!" she hissed.

Fitz sighed heavily, wishing he'd had a chance to pour himself another drink now. He knew they worked at the capitol together, but he knew that they were far from gossip buddies. How the hell did she find out about Mellie seeing him already?

"Liv…" he started flatly, because he knew it was pointless. She interrupted him as soon as he tried.

"Seriously Fitz! I thought we were on the same page. What am I not enough for you! You have to go and hook up with your ex-fiance!" she spat. Fitz, put his hand over his eyes and groaned. He did not want to deal with this right now. But she kept on going. "Oh, you didn't think I would find out because she hates me right! Well I did asshole!" Fitz shook his head, looking her in her eyes.

"You don't know what you're talking about." Fitz spoke calmly, but on the inside he was starting to get irritated.

"Oh really!" she scoffed angrily. "Because she's telling anyone at the capitol who will listen, about the two of you getting back together!" She knew she was over exaggerating a bit, but she couldn't help it. She was hurt.

"What?" he asked in disbelief. "We're not getting back together Liv, she just stoppe…" She cut him off again.

"Really! Because she sure as hell thinks so!" Fitz walked around his desk quickly, and stood directly in front of her. He was tired of being cut off.

"If you would just listen to me for one second, then I could explain to you that yes; Mellie stopped by today, and she asked me to go out with her; but I never said yes."

Olivia continued to glare at him. She knew Fitz too well. He was mister nice guy. It was one of the reasons she fell for him in the first place. But it was also his kryptonite when he wasn't careful. Plus there was no way that Mellie would be that excited if he had turned her down.

"But you didn't say no either. Did you!" Fitz sighed again, confirming what she thought. "Seriously Fitz!" She looked more hurt than angry by this notion, but Fitz shook his head, feeling even more frustrated.

"What the hell do you expect me to do Liv? Tell her that I'm seeing someone. Well how the hell would I explain that huh?" he asked rhetorically. "Sorry Mellie, I can't go out with you because my married ex-girlfriend is now my current married girlfriend. Oh but don't worry she's getting divorced. I just don't know when or if that's even going to happen!"

"What the hell do you mean if!" she yelled. "I'm getting a fucking divorce Fitz! I told you that!" Fitz remained silent. He was doubting her. Doubting them, which made her even more upset. "You know what," she said throwing up her hands in surrender. She was not going to argue with him anymore. "You need to decide what you want." She backed away from him and started for his door. He quickly snapped out of his daze, seeing his whole future flash before his eyes.

"Stop walking." Olivia ignored him and continued towards his door. "Stop walking!" he said more firmly. She froze in place and turned to face him; scowling as she did so. "Don't walk away from me." He tried to sound commanding, but his voice broke and it sounded more like he was pleading with her.

"Don't give up on me!" she countered angrily.

She moved closer to him invading his personal space. He sucked in a sharp breath, trying to maintain his self control. But he could barely hang onto it when she was around. They stared at each other for a long time. Each waiting for the other to make the first move. The tension in the room grew thick, as their stare down continued. She needed to know that he was all in. If she was going to have to give up everything for him she would, no hesitation. But she would be damned if she was doing this all alone. She couldn't keep going back and forth with him. It hurt too much when he left her the last time.

His stare was hard and angry. She blew into his life like a hurricane destroying everything in her path. Ruining him for anyone else. It would be easier to just end this thing for good and maybe give it another go with Mellie. That would be the simple solution. But he didn't want simple or easy. He wanted painful, devastating, extraordinary, life-changing love. And dammit that's what he was going to have. He closed the distance between them and kissed her hard. Taking her face in his hands, forcing his tongue in her mouth. The kiss was a pleasant surprise for her. The shear force of the kiss; catching her off guard and rendering her speechless. A feat only Fitz could accomplish.

She wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him closer. Their tongues battled for dominance and he spun them around until she felt her butt hit the edge of his desk. He quickly lifted her onto his desk, never breaking their kiss. He rubbed his erection against her center. She moaned in his mouth, completely over taken by the very presence of him. She unbuckled his belt and took the button loose and unzipped him. She reached her hand inside of his pants and grabbed his stiff bar of arousal in her small hand. He hissed in her mouth at the contact. He ran his rough hands up her soft thighs, pushing her tight skirt up to her hips as he did. She pushed his pants over his hips letting them fall to the floor. His ass was covered by his dress shirt and suit jacket. She still held his arousal in her hand and guided him towards her center.

Once his tip touched her wet swollen lower lips, he lost it completely. He thrust inside her quickly filling her to the brim. She tore her lips from his and yelled out his name. He bit the side of her neck to keep himself from moaning loudly. He continued to thrust in and out of her until he could feel her walls clenching around him.

"Fuck! Fitz...Right there...Right there!" she begged and he continued drilling into her like there was no tomorrow. A few moments later she came hard, he followed shortly afterwards, spilling his seed inside of her.

"Mine…" he groaned out, as he climaxed. She took his face in her hands and brought his lips to hers and kissed him softly. They were a sweaty, satisfied mess. And neither of them would have it any other way. As their heart rates slowed down back to normal, she pecked him on the lips softly again. When they broke apart she looked him in the eyes and said.

"I'm yours always, and you're mine." He nodded kissing her again.

Neither of them noticed the blinking red light on the book self in the corner of his office recording their every move.

Huck was on his way to a huge payday. He spent almost a week on deciphering the video he'd given to Jake not too long ago. It was now seventy-five percent clear and he could easily make out who was in that video with Senator Pope. And it definitely wasn't her husband. He felt his heart swell with joy as he thought about all of the bills he could pay and all of the debt he could settle. He'd set up a meeting with Jake Ballard two days from now. That's all he would need to have a completely clear video. In two days his life would finally change for the better. He sighed in relief. But he did feel a small pang of guilt at the thought of possibly ruining someone's career for money. But he needed this money desperately, that reason alone justified his actions in his mind.

He was heading back to his car after going to Best Buy to grab software he would need to clear up the video. He parked on a dark street near an alley. Huck unlocked his car door with his key fob, and was about to get into his vehicle; when he felt the cold metal barrel of a nine millimeter handgun pressing into the back of his head. He quickly placed his hands above his head and dropped the bag from Best Buy in the process. He was about to try and offer his wallet in exchange for his life when a cold female voice asked.

"Why are you looking into Olivia Pope?"

(A/N: Damn that was a lot LOL. So Quinn is Olivia's source. Girl Power! LOL. Marcus is on edge. Amanda dropped a huge bomb. Mellie wants back into Fitz's life. Olivia is fighting for her and Fitz. And someone just pulled a gun on Huck! LOL it's Quinn in case you didn't know. LOL. But that'll be followed up in the next chapter. Speaking of which. Next chapter Quinn tries to get answers out of Huck. As if she already didn't scare him Shitless LOL. Fitz breaks the pregnancy news to Jacob. Edison and Alex began working together. Fitz goes to the White House to have lunch with his mom. And Olivia presses forward with her plans for her divorce. Phew! LOL Till next time and as always R&R. Thanks for reading ;-)