It was their birthday. Wanda took a deep breath, and then hugged the picture close. She missed him so much; her heart felt like it was splintering.

She lit the candle on the dresser, then set then the picture down next to it. Pietro's smiling face was illuminated by the candlelight.

She heard a knock on her door. Wiping tears off her face, Wanda walked to the door, and opened it to see Bucky. He stood awkwardly, like usual, his hands holding something behind his back.

"Happy birthday," he said softly. How had he even known? She smiled.

"Thank you," she whispered. His face flushed.

"I- Um, I- Oh, damn it." He leaned forward and kissed her. She took a step back, and then did something she had wanted to do since she was a little girl. She jumped, and he caught her, managing to keep hold of the plate of cookies he had brought.

Natasha grabbed Wanda in a hug that nearly killed her.

"I am so happy for you!" She cried.

Wanda smiled and let herself be crushed, because really, she missed having an elder sibling. Though if Pietro was here, he might kill Bucky. Literally.

Wanda buried her face in the Black Widows chest and giggled.

Steve listened joyfully as Bucky quietly explained what had happened.

Though he was tempted to exclaim how adorable they were, he decided on a different approach.

"Good job, man," he said proudly. Then, being the idiots they were, they high fived.

"How did he react?" Wanda wondered. She and Bucky were sitting on the roof. Not technically allowed, but it wasn't like there were any signs saying you absolutely could not be up there.

"He almost cried of happiness,'' Bucky said, the corners of his mouth turning up ever so slightly. "It was adorable.'' Wanda smiled and leaned against his left arm. Most people tried not to look at it, their eyes avoiding his arm at all costs. But Wanda loved his arm. She loved every inch of him.

Suddenly, there was an angry shout from below.

"Hey!'' someone yelled. "Get off the damn roof!" Wanda looked at the man, and then the sign next to him. In big black letters, it said, stay off roof! Clear as day. She made a face, and Bucky scooped her up, and jumped. She waved at the man, who seemed to realize then just who he was yelling at.

"Sorry!" she cried. They landed on the ground gracefully thanks to Wanda's power, and got their asses out of there.

Author's Note: The end. I hope you all enjoyed Cookies. Thank you for reading!