This will me 3 to 4 chapters long. I have written half of the next chapter and will most likely post the entire story by the end of next week. ALSO Please like my facebook page www,Facebook,com/RainbowFez. I already posted a contest on there. If no one enters than I'll have to cancel it. PM me for any questions.


Chase has his eyes closed, almost asleep in the afternoon sun. The shade of the oak tree allowed him a cool and shady place to nap. There were no sounds of crashing and shouting or laughing and joking, all the sounds that assaulted his ears every second he was at home.


The soft breeze blew the smells of spring flowers and cut grass around him, lulling him even deeper into unconsciousness. It was so peaceful here, miles away from his home, relaxing at the edge of the forest preserve and just out of earshot of the park.


He was almost asleep when a new smell wafted in the breeze. He almost missed it through a combination of overwhelming spring smells and his descent into sleep. But he had been trained to notice and analyze every aspect of his surroundings, even when he wasn't on a mission. It smelled like soap and lavender shampoo. The smells of one's cleaning products never truly left them. IT was just out or reach of the normal human nose.


Chase didn't move from where he was, keeping his eyes closed as if he hadn't noticed the onlooker. Opening he senses even further he could hear soft breathing and a steady heartbeat. Either this person was an extremely well trained assassin or no threat at all. The cotton and denned scent suggested he was wearing jeans and some tea shirt so he wasn't an assassin.


That sound made Chase pause. He knew that sound. "Why are you taking pictures of me?" Chase spoke aloud, sitting up from relaxed position. He glanced in the direction the sound had come from. A boy about his age dressed in jeans and a red and black striped hoodie was kneeling next to a tree, a camera in his hands.

"Oh!" He exclaimed jumping up, causing his hood to fall, and revealing silky brown hair. "Oh sorry" He said softly. Chase pulled stood up, stretching the kink in his back. He couldn't help the small catlike purr that escaped his mouth. Once his arms fell back down he advanced on the boy.

"Who are you and why are you taking pictures of me?" Chase demanded. The amber eyed boy glanced back and forth before settling back on Chase who had stopped several feet away.

"I'm a photographer" He explained in a slightly less timid voice. "I like to take pictures of people. I'm not a stalker. You just looked good with the leaves casting green shadows on your body. You face was so peaceful and it just looked like a perfect picture. I can show you if you want" The boy offered, holding out his camera. Chase eyes it before hesitantly taking it from his hand.

There were seven pictures of him from different points of view. It surprised Chase that it really did look like a good professional picture. It also surprised him to see himself like this. It might have just been the shadows but the creases that normally formed in his forehead and under his eyes were gone. The scowl that normally graced his lips was equally missing.

"And you thought it was ok to just take pictures of me?" Chase asked, slightly less angry than before. The boy shrugged.

"It's not the first time I've taken pictures of you." He replied, causing Chase's eyes to turn to slits. The creases and scowl had returned the moment he had woken but were even more noticeable now.

"Excuse me?" Chase said slowly.

"Oh… well, I take pictures of lots of people. Just look through the camera. I'm not stalking you or anything. You just are an amazingly artistic person. You can be so emotional. I've never captured the kind of joy sparkling in your eyes before or the anger that is so evident but hidden at the same time. In the right lighting or situations you are one of my best models." He rambled.

Chase flipped through the camera rapid fire, too fast for a normal human to comprehend. Sure enough he saw several reoccurring faces, prominently himself, a senior at his school, three small children, an old man and a middle-aged woman with a baby girl. It was both creepy and surprisingly beautiful.

Chase knew art. He knew a little bit of everything. It's the perks of being able to access the internet with his mind. IT made boring classes a lot more interesting. And what he could tell were these photos were amazing and this was even before Photoshop. The colors in many were vibrant and each scene evoked some form of emotion. It was equally as good as many professionals with photos in galleries.

"This it creepy" Chase decided to say." eyes no longer slits but still suspicious. It never hurt to be suspicious. After Marcus he'd learned that people aren't always who they seem. The brown haired boy looked uncomfortable. Something told Chase this wasn't the first time that was said to him. "But" Chase added slowly. "These are very good pictures."

"Thanks" The boys replied happily, a smile crossing his face. Chase handed back the camera. He'd considered deleting the photos of himself but there were only a few which probably meant the boy already had others on his computer or even on the internet.

"What do you do with these photos?" Chase asked, frowning deeply. Another surprised expression appeared on the other boy's face.

"Nothing" He repeated. "Well I have them on my computer but I don't give them to people anything and I wouldn't unless someone gave me permission.

"Fine" Chase told him. "What's your name?"

"Austin." He replied. Chase nodded.

"Last name?"


"Austin Hill?" Chase asked.

"But everyone calls me Pic" Austin added, blushing. Chase raised and eyebrow.

"Cuz of the camera?"

"Yea" Austin replied. Chase looked at his feet. This was pretty weird. He barely recognized this boy. Austin Hill, he knew that name. He was in English with him. He'd never spoken once and sat so far back in the room Chase never even thought of him. The boy was basically invisible.

"I'd like to see the rest of the photos of me." Chase demanded, using his team leader voice. He wasn't going to risk anything that hinted at his bionics being found.

"Oh." Pic gaped. "Yes sure. No one ever asked to see my photos before. Not even my mom" he added softly enough that Chase wouldn't have head without his enhanced hearing. "my laptop's at home. We could either go there or… or I could bring it back here or we I can bring it to your place or something" he blushed again.

"I'll come to your house" Chase answered. Pic nodded, glassing from Chase to his camera.

"What?" Chase asked. If Pic's cheeks had been red before they were tomatoes now.

"You… I… About a week ago I saw your brother pull your shirt over your head. I didn't realize you were so… toned? Could I get a picture of you running with your shirt off?" Pic stuttered.

"No" Chase choked out. Ok the guy was back to a nine on the creepy scale.

"O-ok" He stuttered. "My house isn't far. It's actually a block away from the park. That's how I saw you." He stated, shoving his hands in his hoodie pockets and taking off at a quick pace.

End of Part 1

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