"And with that ladies and gentleman, we end the third quarter with the Talon Terrors leading OWU's Heroes with a whopping 14 point lead."

The crowd all seemed to harmonize with one another as fan after fan boo'ed towards the commentator's box. It wasn't the poor sap stuck up their's fault the home team was getting crushed, but being the one who had to constantly reminded a rowdy crowd that they were getting their asses handed to them on the final playoff game of season left anyone with a target on their back.

A few spectators were even going as far as to throw popcorn and trash at whoever was stuck behind the glass.

Hana had tried to join in the fray, but Pharah was quick to yank her back down by the collar of her purple jacket.

"None of that. Its already bad enough right now without you hurling an open Mt. Dew across the stands."

The younger girl huffed a visible breath out into the cold end of fall air before moving to sit back down and recap her soda.

A firm pout in place as she crossed her arms.

"It would have looked awesome."

Fareeha kept her gaze focused ahead.

"False. It would have probably ended up hitting someone who'd be pissed off and come down here to kick your ass."

Hana snorted before elbowing the taller girl in her side.

"Chill out, you act like you and Trace wouldn't totally come back me in a fight."

Despite keeping a hawklike eye on Angela, who was talking with Zarya and Mei away from the other cheerleaders on the field, Fareeha couldn't help the small chuckle of amusement that broke past her lips.

"And what makes you so sure of that?"

"Cause you looovvveee me."

"Not as far as I can kick you."

Hana threw her now empty soda bottle at Pharah's head. To which the latter dodged with almost laughable ease.

"Liar. You nearly took off that loser's head last week when he shouldered McCree."

"Jesse's practically family, of course I'd protect HIM in a fight. Ang too, but dorky gremlins are another story."

An almost betrayed look overcame Hana's face as she viciously began to slap at Pharah's shoulder. To which the taller brunette snickered.

"You said you would never speak about that again!"

"Baby pictures of you savagely tearing apart an entire bag of chips tend to keep me humored for a long while. Forgive me for lying."

huffed the bangs out if her face before crossing her arms.

"I never should have let my mother friend any of you on facebook...traitor."


Hana stuck her tongue out.

"Whatever. Oxton, you would back me in a fight right?"

Lena, who had been preoccupied with watching Winston and Gerard get chewed out by the football coach towards the right half of the bench, turned at the sound of her name.

"What's that?"

The Korean girl rolled her eyes before snapping her fingers directly in front of the other's face.

"Earth to Oxton. Stop ogling the cheerleaders and tune in."

Hana's lips tugged upwards as she pulled her winter coat tighter around herself. Her and Pharah were more than comfortably dressed for the freezing end of fall near winter air, but Lena only had her usual brown flight jacket wrapped loosely across her shoulders.

It had practically been on the bleachers more so then the thin girl's form all night. How in god's name she wasn't dying of hypothermia was anyone's guess.

"Im not ogling anyone! I would never!"

"Yeah right, and Pharah totally comes to these games to watch actual football and not stare at Mercy's ass in uniform all night."

Fareeha's entire face flushed bright scarlet as she finally tore her gaze away from her girlfriend and moved to clamp a hand over Hana's mouth.

"WE ARE IN PUBLIC! Can you not just shout tha- CHRIST!? Did you just lick my hand?!"

Pharah tore her palm off of the younger girl's face as though she had been burned. Staring in shock between Lena's wide eyes and Hana's triumphant face. Suddenly the smaller two burst into laughter at the Egyptian's outraged look.

Should there ever be an acceptable time to kill her moronic roommates, it would have been then.

But revenge always seemed to have to wait because suddenly a new voice called out from the distance.

"Guys! Hey over here!"

Genji Shimada was helping push a small stranger in a wheelchair up the farther most ramp by the edge of the bleachers.

The young seemingly asian man had a friendly smile on his face, as he calmly waved ahead to the girls. His hair was barely visible because of how closely it was cut to his head and there was a heavy looking yellow and red blanket laid across his lap and chair.

What caught all of the girls' attention though was Genji's favorite green jacket wrapped firmly around the other man's shoulders. Seemingly to protect him from the cold, despite the multiple layers.

In an instant, Lena was on her feet and half way across the stands to assist the duo. Pharah and quickly following behind.

"Genj! Need a hand?"

The younger Shimada waved the offer off as he slung one of his arms around Tracer's shoulder.

"It's all good. Guys, this is Zenyatta. He's the transfer I met last semester that I was telling you about."

"Greetings! It's lovely to finally meet you all!"

Hana smiled a bit in remembrance as she waggled her eyebrows.

"The one from Nepal you couldn't stop gushing about?"

Genji shot her a small glare past Zenyatta's shoulder, to which the smaller girl and Tracer both laughed.

"Yeah, he moved to the states with his brothers and is gonna be rooming with Lucio and I as of this week."

Pharah gave a low whistle as she moved to cross her arms knowingly.

Genji, despite being an absolute sweetheart 99% of the time, had always been a playboy at heart. His record for broken hearts of both the male and female students he had attended high school with was practically legendary given their family's fortune.

Yet ever since the "accident" at the start of his first year at OU, he had been all but a complete reclusive to anyone who he had not been friends with before hand. He wouldn't let just anyone move in to his dorm room. Lucio alone had taken a year of friendship to convince.

It was blatantly clear that the Japanese boy was crushing hard at the moment. Whether or not he realized as much yet was unknown.

It was cute really.

Pharah gave the wheelchair bound man a soft smile before placing her hands together with familiar ease and bending her head down in a small bow.

"Namastē ,tapā'īṁ bhēṭna yasakō rāmrō"

(Hello, It's nice to finally meet you)

Everyone's heads nearly snapped with how quickly they all turned to peer over at Fareeha

Zenyatta on the other hand had an almost unfairly adorable smile on his face.

"Tapā'īṁ nēpālī bōlna?"

(You speak Nepali?)

The Egyptian woman nodded.

"Hō. Ma javāna hum̐dā mērō āmā dhērai varṣa kō lāgi tyahām̐ taināta thiyō"

(Yes. My mother was stationed there for several years when I was young.)

The younger man's face seemed to light up even more so as he bowed his head once before giving Pharah's hand a kind shake.

"Pyārā! Malā'ī āśā cha hāmī asala mitra huna sakcha. Genji malā'ī tapā'īṁ sabai rāmrō kurāharū tara kēhī bhannubhayō cha!"

(Lovely! I hope we can be good friends then. Genji has told me nothing but good things about you all!"

Pharah laughed at that before returning to english once more and nodding her head towards the spiky haired boy.

"Im sure he did, always a charmer."

Zenyatta chuckled a bit as Genji's face went bright red. Lena covered her laugh with a cough quickly before patting the youngest Shimada's shoulder in sympathy.

"Now you know how I felt when she spoke french to Willow after our third date."

gave the taller woman a questioning look.

"Exactly how many languages do you even speak?"

"Five if you count english."

Genji, who was still a little slack jawed, shook his head once before continuing on his trek of pushing his new roommate's chair up towards the edge of the stands.

"That's impressive, I'll give you that. You feel like teaching me some?"

"Of course. Anything for the young lovers."

The Japanese boy slapped Pharah's side once before ducking back to avoid her retailiation. Luckily Zenyatta had been too engrossed in watching the football game's hyper active school section to notice.

After a few moments of readjusting towards the handicapped section of the stands, the group sat together once more.

Zenyatta smiled at the field with astonishment. Only to be drawn over towards the cheerleaders acrobatic stunts with an shocked look.

"Forgive me for asking, but is the girl over there your girlfriend, Lena? I believe Genji showed me a picture of you and her once."

Everyone remained stone still for a solid ten seconds before each burst into fits of hysterics.

Genji was practically bent over with laughter while Pharah and clung onto each other's arms for support. Lena nearly had chocked on her drink once the realization had set in.

After wiping away a stray tear in her eye, the british woman gave the poor confused looking transfer a smile.

"Sorry love, nothing wrong with your question. That there's #44's gal, Amelie."

The Nepal man seemed puzzled for a minute before peering back at the cheerleaders and then looking back at brunette with a quizzical look.

"She is not the one you date then?"

"Nope, youre thinkin of her twin sister. A right definition of polar opposite if they're has ever been one."

A small aha moment seemed to clear over Zenyatta's face before he gave a sheepish smile and bow of his head."

"My apologies then."

"Oi, nothing to apologize for! People only can ever tell the difference by the way they act anyhow."


"For example, Willow would probably rather kill a man then be caught dead in a cheer uniform. Despite how many times we're all sure Tracer begged her to."

A firm slap upside her head caused the younger sophomore to send a nearly fatal glare at Lena, who pretened to see nothing at all.

"What Hana means is, my girl aint much for the peppy stuff like Amelie is. Her and Gerard, the line backer there to the left, have been dating since high school. They met at a charity fundraiser."

Zenyatta seemed to smile at this as an almost calm aura overcame his body.

"That sounds wonderful! Did you and Willow meet at the same function?"

Pharah chocked on nothing but the cold night air as she began to muffle her laughter into her jacket sleeve.

Lena kept her smile as bright as the stadium lights despite the nearly impossible to see blush that stained her freckled cheeks.

"We met in a hospital just outside of Gibraltar actually. I had been in intensive care for months because my heart didn't quite tick right. Willow on the other hand had gotten into a scuffle with some punks that mistook her for Amelie. The buggers were trying to get back at Gerard for this or that and accidentally knocked Willow through the ice at a nearby lake. Nearly froze to death she did, her skin was all blue and cold, like a popsicle."

The horrified look that crossed the young Nepal man's face made Lena wave her hands quickly.

"She was fine, love! Just took awhile to recover was all, she wasn't even that upset about it really. If anything the whole thing pissed her off because the nerves in her right arm and legs were a bit damaged. Nothing a little PT couldn't help, and hey it made us roomies for nearly a 6 month!"

"Would have been longer had Lena not jumped her in bed and traumatized a nurse who walked in on them going at it."

The many shades of red Tracer was able to turn in such a short amount of time had Pharah and Genji clutching onto their sides with laughter.

While Hana merely nodded at Zenyatta's face as with a "yup this is how it always goes" look. The poor boy was nearly as red as Lena.

"Oi! There's no need to bring all that up! We were both fine and we apologized to the nurse."

"Before or after she bleached her eyes?"

Hana high fived Pharah with a grin before a sudden tap at her shoulder made her turn around.

By the edge of the bleachers stood a small girl with a nervous grin on her face. She was clutching onto a piece of paper with one hand while the other hung desperately onto what Hana could only assume was the girl's her mother's.

"I'm so sorry to interrupt you all, but you wouldn't happen to be Ms. Song would you?"

Tracer, who praised all the gods for taking the focus off of her, gave a small whoop of cheer as Hana rubbed at the back of her neck. Suddenly caught off guard.

"Yeah that's me um, are you guys fans?"

The young girl's entire face lit up as she excitedly moved her crumbled paper away from her chest to reveal that she was wearing a pink top with the pro gamer's emblem dead center.

"I- I'm a really big fan! I've seen all your competitions an-and we had a hero contest in school, a-and I wrote bout you and how I wanted to be the best at games too cause I can't run cause my- my Papa says my lungs arent all that good, but my teacher said my paper was really good! I wanted to get your autograph so I can show my class!"

The mother was smiling softly at the excited way her daughter spoke, while Hana herself seemed to positively melt despite the cold night air.

"Well I can't be sending my number 1 fan back with just some piece of paper."

In one fluid motion, had reached back into the book bag by her feet, and pulled out one of her, MANY, personalized handhelds.

She quickly popped out the chip with her memory card inside and turned the pink cover over to sign the back with the girl's black marker.

"Every pro's gotta start somewhere. Just make sure you stay in school and keep practicing okay?"

The little girl nearly fell back when Hana had held out the small handheld for her to take. Suddenly the young girl tore herself away from her mother's hand and hugged 's sitting form.


"Any time kiddo. You keep doing what makes you happy, and you'll always be winning."

Eventually the mother, after giving her own flood of thanks and praise, along with several pictures of the two giving peace signs, was able to get her daughter back onto the ground and lead them both away. Each smiling brightly at one another in excited chatter.

Hana turned back to see all of her friends looking at her with shit eater grins.


Tracer chuckled and wiped a mock tear from her eye.

"Super star and closeted sweetheart. Brings a tear to my eye."

"Shove it, fish an chips."

Pharah gave a snort of laughter before bending to ruffle the young gamer's hair.

"That was way too sweet. You probably just made their whole year."

Genji was all but beaming as he nodded his head.

"You're such a softie. I can't believe you gave her your portable. That was the cutest thing I've ever seen."

Zenyatta gave a light laugh at Hana as she tried to swat away at Pharah's hand while also get Lena to stop laughing.

The Nepal transfer then turned back to Genji.

"I take it that Ms. Song here is somewhat famous?"

"Somewhat? Try iconic in the gaming world. Before she transferred here she was ranked as THE pro gamer to face in any competition."

Lena nodded her agreement as she noogied the top of the smaller brunette's head. Her voice taking on an almost poetic tone.

"We here at Overwatch Uni can't begin to express our gratefulness that THE choose our institution to attend to further her education. The Dean was practically played on repeat saying that for 6 months after Hana arrived. The paparazzi nearly drove one of our professors to drop his tenure!"

Everyone gave a laugh at the memory, as Hana struggled to release her head from Tracer's hold. Her hair probably was close to a tumble weed by now.

"LET ME GO! Lena you're so annoying!"

"Im just so proud of you! Ms. Song, how do you manage to balance stardom with our institution's crushing everyday demands? Does the ungodly amount of soda ya drink truly help?"

"I swear to god I will call Willow right now!"

Tracer gave a mock gasp as she ruffled up the brunette's hair even more.

"Ooo! Is that suppose to scare me?"

"It certainly should, Chérie."

Every head turned at once to peer over to where Willow Lacroix herself stood. Her high ponytail, black peacoat, and heels gave her an air of impossibly powerful beauty.

To many they would see the small smile on her lips and tone in her voice as nothing more than borderline amusement. But Lena knew that particular look too well. There was a warning. It was one of promise, of interest and honestly if translates fully "I had a really good day and now I'm in the mood remember that for later hon hon hon".

But that all could wait till they were back in the cozy safety of their apartment. Whether they ended up against the actual bed, door, wall, counter, or floor though was anyone's guess.

The small brunette wasted no time in hopping from her seat to all but throw her arms around the other woman. Willow didn't budge in the slightest upon impact and simply moved her own arms around Tracer's waist to return the gesture.

"There ya are! What kept ya so long, love?"

"Madame Amari required my help grading a few left over essays from last week. Sorry to have kept you waiting, mon petite pup."

Pharah snickered at the nickname, but otherwise gave an understanding nod of her head at the mention of her mother. For as decorated and in control the senior Amari had been during the war, you didn't just teach three high performance classes at the nation's top university without sometimes getting a little held back by the work load.

No one could outmatch Willow though when it came to Ana picking a suitable TA.

The Lacroix was practically her protégée, and Pharah couldn't have been happier for the distraction. Willow served as a nearly god sent conversation flip for every time her mother's desired to know if she and Mercy were having any problems, being safe, considered marriage, etc.

Speaking of which, Pharah turned her head just far enough to see that Angela was cheering along with all of the other cheerleader wildly. The camera replayed an impressive side tackle of Morrison to Talon's quarterback Gabe, giving the Heroes, it appeared, one final turnover.

The score had, at some point during all the hustle and bustle become tied, and now OWU seemed to be looking up in terms of getting the next field goal.

The other's seemed to notice as well because Hana was practically jumping out of her seat to join in with the crowds excited hollering. Genji chuckled once before also joining in and handing Zenyatta a loose rally towel to wave. To which the smaller man did adorably if that was even possible.

"I trust that this means we are doing well?"

Lena cheered once, bouncing on the tips of her toes as she hooted along with her friends.

"Damn right! We get this kick and we are going right through to the finals, mate!"

Willow shook her head fondly before sitting at the last available spot next to Zenyatta. Already clearly disinterested with the game despite the electricity in the air.

"Don't worry, I don't understand any of it either."

The small Nepal man gave a chuckle before raising his rally towel with a small swing.

"It is nice to not be alone then in my confusion. It is quite amazing though to see everyone so excited."

Willow's eyes briefly drifted over to where Tracer had Hana on her back. The two had gotten closer to the stand's railing and were now screaming for the team to allow Lucio to "kick the damn ball already".

The pale woman smiled softly before moving to sneak a quick picture of her girlfriend's laughing face. Luckily enough, her camera also managed to catch the exact moment that carefree excitement turned into unadulterated joy over seeing the game ball sail straight down the center of the opposing team's posts.

"Yes, I suppose it is."