NOTICE: Due to how Swampy thinks that this fic isn't really that decent, it will be remade. So hopefully it will be better than the past shit that has been uploaded. Because seriously, Swampy did a piss poor job of writing this fic out. Just reading the terrible summary makes Swampy cringe.

Honestly, Swampy hopes that it will be better. Some things will change, some things won't change whatsoever. But it will hopefully be uh, better.

The previous chapters will be deleted and Chapter One (which will be like Ch. 1, 2, 3, 4 combined) will be uploaded hopefully by next week (Sunday perhaps?). School has been a thorn shoved up Swampy's foot and it was just the past week and a half adjusting to it given how the United States has this two month summer break making everything Swampy learned already down the fucking toilet.

The chapter would be finished earlier. but anxiety and depression pretty much kicks Swampy in the face.

Enough rambling. Sorry for this slight inconvenience and hopefully it will be better than the shit Swampy posted.

This notice will be taken off in like a day if Swampy doesn't forget.

See ya later (or not).