
Chapter 5 : Ill Fated Operations


"So how far is this pilgrimage going anyways?" asked Tidus as he walked alongside Wakka. The SeeD Trainee and Blitzball player lagged behind the rest of the group, mainly to talk to Wakka who had taken a liking to the teenager.

"A Summoner goes from temple to temple, praying to the Fayth. Each temple has her obtaining an Aeon, to prepare herself for the Final Summoning. From here, the Mi'hen Highroad, we travel to Djose Temple. After that, through the Moonflow to Guadosalam. Across the Thunder Plains we go, to Macalania Temple. From there, to Beville to pray at the Temple of Beville. Then, to the Calm Lands, up through Mount Gagazet and into Zanarkand where the Final Aeon sleeps." answered Wakka. "It's straight forward, but there's a lot of trials to get through ya?"

"That's a long way to walk. Couldn't we get like cycles or something to ride on?" Wakka looked at Tidus like he had grown another head.

"Use Machina to travel? They're outlawed for a reason! What would people say, if Yuna travelled on a fleet of Machina?" Wakka looked like he was about to burst but shook his head. "Aw well. Oh hey, I got something for ya. It's not much, but I wanted to give it to you."

Reaching into his pack, Wakka drew a glowing watery sword. Bubbles seemed to rise and pop up from it. "That is the sword you gave Chappu," Lulu observed.

"Ya. Figured I would bring it along, in case I needed it." Wakka handed it to Tidus and Tidus checked the balance of the weapon. "How is it?"

"It's light," said Tidus. "Good construction." Tidus gave it a few experimental swings and cleaved through a nearby plant. "Sharp and good balance too."

"Was going to wait until we stopped for the night, but I thought you might need it." said Wakka. "That longsword of yours looks kinda flimsy."

"Standard issue, and no, it is not flimsy," Tidus shot back, but he was smiling. "Thanks, Wakka."

"Aw stop, you're making me blush." Wakka said, rubbing the back of his head.

"If you two are finished talking, we have fiends on the road to deal with," said Auron as he unsheathed his sword. A large armored monster, a Bunyip stomped into view, with a pair of Buers flying overhead. The Bunyip charged the group as they scattered.

Tidus brought down his new sword but the blade did minor damage. "Argh," he grunted, narrowly dodging the tackle of the Bunyip fiend. "Hey, anyone got something that'll cut through this thing?"

"Little busy here!" Wakka called, throwing his Blitzball to knock a Buer out of the air.

Squall, who had unsheathed his Gunblade, slashed at the Bunyip, and pulled the trigger. The bullet charged the blade with explosive energy as it cut through the fiend with a minor detonation. "There we go," Squall said calmly as the fiend burst into pyreflies. He shouldered the weapon, almost causally. The experience in his new stance made him look more like Auron in his fighting style.

Selphie knocked another Buer out of the air as Kimahri finished it off with a strike of his new Halberd. "No problem," said Selphie.

Auron suddenly turned around and cleaved another Bunyip in half. "Watch the back."

"There seem to be more fiends on the road today," Lulu remarked as she casually blasted a Condor out of the air. "I wonder why?"

"It gives us a workout I guess," Zell remarked, killing a Mi'hen Fang with a tremendous spin kick.

Irvine pulled a knife out of his boot and drove it into the skull of an approaching Mi'hen Fang. "They're numerous but plentiful."

"Why aren't you shooting?" Rikku asked as she mugged a Dual Horn, sidestepping an attack. The Dual Horn was then besieged by Squall and Auron simultaneously as Kimahri delt the finishing blow by Lanceting it's lifeforce out. The Ronso then turned and spat fire at the closest three Buers.

Irvine stabbed his knife into the skull of a Mi'hen Fang that decided to take a bite out of his arm. He held his bleeding arm in pain. "I seem to get yelled at whenever I shoot," he mouthed, being silenced from the Mi'hen Fang.

Yuna cast Esuna and Cure on Irvine. "It is all right," she said. "You can shoot if you need to. Are you out of bullets?"

Irvine checked his coat. "I have a lot of ammo. Just not a lot of special Ammo. Heads up!" In a swift motion, he pulled out his shining rifle and blasted three Buers out of the air. They exploded immediately into pyreflies.

"Nice shot!" Tidus exclaimed. He was then hit from behind. Grunting in pain, the grinning face of a Bomb stared back at him. "Hiya!" Tidus said, bringing his sword down in a cleaving slash that ripped the Bomb apart in a single blow. "Booya!"

Auron flashed into an Overdrive as he leapt up and stabbed his sword into the ground. Fire erupted from underneath the remaining monsters, killing them with ease. Getting up, he planted the end of the blade into the ground, adjusting his sunglasses. "That's how it's done."

"And Auron shows us all up," Tidus joked.

Selphie checked behind them and raised an eyebrow. "You ever notice that the road just flies by when you're killing monsters?"

"We were occupied," Lulu replied with a shake of her head. Her long braids swung back into place, resting upon the small of her back. "It can't be expected to remember how far we travel while fighting fiends."

Soon, the group arrived at a large statue of a man with a giant sword in his hands. An elderly man stood before the statue, admiring it's craftsmanship. The man turned and smiled. "Ah, Lady Summoner Yuna. A pleasure to meet you."

Yuna and the man made the sign of prayer. "I am Maechen, a scholar. I have studied the old and new world of Spira for ages. And are these your guardians? Quite the crowd I see." The elderly scholar turned to Auron and Squall. "Sir Auron, Sir Squall, so good it is to see you again!"

"Maechen, a pleasure as always," Squall said, inclining his head in respect.

"I remember when I met these two on their pilgrimage with Lord Braska." said Maechen. "Ah yes, young, powerful, loyal to their Summoner, and friends to each other. Tell me, how is Sir Jecht fairing?"

"Can't say," said Auron. "Haven't seen him in ten years."

Tidus knew where Jecht was. What he had become. He longed to tell someone, but Auron told him not to tell anyone about Jecht.

"Alas, such a pity," said Maechen. "Well Lady Yuna, I must be taking up time. I will see you again soon." The elderly man smiled, rested his hand on the Sphere beside him and vanished.

Zell blinked. "Where'd he go?"

"He travelled by Sphere," Lulu explained. "Spheres are interconnected throughout Spira. Resting your hand on one, and acessing your next destination will bring you there. Most people use them to travel about to hard to get to places, such as Macalania Temple which is far in the frozen areas. The most frequent users of Spheres are the Blitzball Players. If they are far away, they can make a game, as long as they are close to a Sphere. It also acts as a viewscreen for games, so people anywhere can watch a game going on."

"These Spheres are Travel Spheres," said Yuna, dusting off her skirt. "I am not sure how it works, but Rin, the propriator of the Travel Agencies has hooked up a transporter system that allows one to transport themselves back and forth across Spira instantly."

"They're one of the machina that people use daily," said Wakka. "I don't mind em, they recharge your strength for free and you can travel, but it's just not how it's usually done, ya?"

"That's handy," said Tidus. He folded his arms in thought. "Back home, we have Com Points where we can call other people. They're just starting to release the Transport Points so we can call reinforcements or escape from a dangerous situation." Tidus then frowned. "Wait. If we can travel through Spheres, can't we go to Zanarkand instantly?"

Yuna shook her head. "There is no Sphere at Zanarkand. At least from what I have been told. Otherwise, summoners would travel through Sphere to each location, rather than learning on the road about their strengths and weaknesses."

The day wore on as they walked along the long Mi'hen Highroad. Once or twice, a scattered group of fiends would attack the group, but were easily dispatched in part of Squall and Auron, who took the lead with the occasional showboating from the rest of the guys in the group.

Cresting the hill, the sun had begun to set and there were people gathered around a brightly colored building bearing the sign reading "Rin's Travel Agency" on the top of the building. "We rest here for the night," said Auron firmly.

"WHA?" Exclaimed Wakka loudly. "This is an Al Bhed shop! No way am I going to sleep in any Al Bhed shop!"

"And what's wrong with Al Bhed Shops?" demanded Rikku hotly.

"Well, they're... they're Al Bhed!" Wakka reasoned. But the others did not look impressed at his words though some of them agreed more silently.

Rikku pouted. "You're just a pig-headed meanie!"

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Wakka would have pressed his arguement further but Tidus grasped his arm.

"Hey, no sence getting worked up about this, Wakka. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion." said Tidus. Wakka just made a huffing sound but relented his persistant arguement.

"Argh," added Wakka eloquently a second afterwards. "I'm still not going in there though."

"Fine," remarked Squall. He and Auron turned towards the door and marched right on inside. "Stay out in the cold. There's a tent in the packs somewhere."

As Wakka sputtered, Irvine turned to him and patted him on the back. "Hey man, it's all right. I'll let you hold my gun." he half-mocked.

Wakka turned a purple color and began chasing Irvine around the area, shouting obscenities. Selphie took to the chase, presumably on Irvine's side, but Rikku took Wakka's in a running and shouting match that looked more fun than anything else.

"Boys will be boys," Lulu remarked, shaking her head. She then turned to Yuna who was shivering slightly. Arching an eyebrow, she said, "A bit chilly isn't it for that outfit, Yuna?"

"I'm fine," Yuna said, teeth starting to chatter. Her lips were looking a bit blue from the chill winds that were coming off of the Spira Coast.

"Hey, we'd better get you inside," said Tidus, leading her towards Rin's shop. "It's not good to get sick at any time. Especially not on a journey."

"He's right," Zell said. "Potions and Curative Magic can't get rid of the common cold."

Kimahri grunted in agreement and Lulu just helped the girl into the Travel Agency.


"Sir Auron. I see you are well."

Auron looked over his cup of steaming liquid at the propriator of the shop. Rin was a handsome man with long blonde hair. His goggles which were normally used in Al Bhed culture to shield their eyes from dust and wind of the harsh sands of Bikanel Island, was pushed to the top of his head. They also usually hid the spiraled green eyes many, if not all Al Bhed sported, although Rin was the most famous Al Bhed in Spira, due to his Travel Agencies. He wore bright yellow and had a friendly smile on his face. "The last time I saw you, Sir Squall was tending to you in my Travel Agency. How is the old injury?"

"Well enough," replied Auron. "It's been a long time, and the scar has healed. I thank you for the medical aid."

"There is no need. I would have done it for any man who had saved my Chocobos from being eaten ten years ago." Rin nodded his head to Squall. "Sir Squall. I see you have aged well."

"At times, it feels like I'm older than I should be," remarked Squall dryly but there was a ghost of a smile on his face. "Sit down Rin. Have a drink."

"Alas, I cannot," said Rin, taking a moment to uncork a flask from his side and take a long drink of something. From the tangy smell, Squall and Auron figured it was that Power Drink that the Al Bhed sustained themselves on in the Desert when they got lost. "I have much work to do before the night sets in. There is reports of yet another Chocobo Eater on the Mi'hen Highroad."

"Another one? It seems like they pop up everywhere." said Squall.

"Yes. Well, I must be off. I will see you later, Sir Auron, Sir Squall." Rin bowed politely as he walked away. The door shut with a low click.

"So, you know that guy, huh?" asked Tidus. He had long since given up trying to drag Wakka into the Travel Agency, and let him deal with Irvine in his own way.

"Rin. A propriator of Al Bhed Travel Agencies across Spira. They provide free lodging in exchange for purchasing goods such as Potions and Phoenix Downs." answered Auron. He took a sip of his drink and added, "We met him many times on our journey with Braska. Jecht liked him."

Tidus made a sound but leaned back on the chair he was sitting on. "I guess my old man actually did something right this time."

"If you can say that," remarked Squall. "He was loud, barbaric, even by my standards...." A mischevious glint appeared in the Gunblader's eyes. "And he drove Auron absolutely nuts."

Auron made his own rude sound but sipped his drink. Tidus laughed and shook his head. "That's my old man."

The door then opened as Zell walked into the room. He looked cold and was strangely wet, but otherwise, relatively well off. Slumping into a chair, he took a cup of what Tidus presumed was coffee and slugged it down without pause. "Cold out?" Tidus remarked, smirking.

"Not really," said Zell, taking another refill to the amazement of the Al Bhed Shopkeeper, her expression amazed at how he could drink coffee. "But when you get into a mock game of 'Lets Kill Irvine', that evolves into 'lets toss each other into the Spira Sea', it can get rather cold."

Squall chuckled. "A whole new timeframe and you're still acting like a kid."

Zell shrugged. "Hey, a guy has gotta cope with this. Speaking of which Squall, have you figured out how far in the future we are?"

"From my calculations, at least three thousand years, maybe even four thousand. Auron and I have done some time jumping and it seems that there are several major eras of time." Squall pulled out a small notebook that seemed to have various markings around it. "The time we come from, is what is known now as at least twenty-five years in the past. For ease sake, we'll call it Old Past. Right now, we're in the Present, which seems to be a nexus point in time. I have no doubt that Rinoa and Quistis will show up sometime soon, if not have been about for ages." Squall's eyes darkened at the thought of Rinoa out there without him, but due to their bond as Knight and Sorceress, she should not have appeared more than 10 years before he did.

"So there's Old Past and Present. What's New Past?" asked Tidus. "With any luck, we can go home, right?"

Auron nodded. "Travelling back and forth through time is quite easy. You know what I speak."

Tidus blanched. "What? You mean we have to...?"

"Yes." answered Auron.

Tidus groaned and slumped back in his chair. "Okay then. So getting back into what we know, we have Old Past and Present. What's New Past?'

"There are four other major eras. Mid Past, which is Zanarkand, the one you know and grew up in Tidus. But there is New Past which is approximately one thousand years before today. During that time, there was a war between what was Esthar and Galbadia known as the 1000 year Machina War. There's some messy stuff there that I won't go into, but suffice to say it, that war ended Zanarkand and rose Yevon to power." Squall checked his notes again. "During the time between Mid Past and New Past, people soon gave their lives to become Fayths and produced Aeons."

"Aeons are those things like Guardian Forces, right? The ones Yuna is trying to get?" asked Tidus.

"Yes," answered Auron. "Summoners pray to the Fayth to recieve an aeon from the spirit of the person, who then relinquishes it to them." He then motioned to Squall to continue.

"In any case, the Near Future is another section. Those events are still obscure to us, and even what we saw there did not make sence." said Squall.

Zell looked confused. "But how can you NOT tell what is going on?"

"Well, there is quite a stir afterwards, and knowing the whole story can make one try to change the future." Answered Squall. "But the Late Future is the most important. That is the time after Ultimecia, when the world is being rebuilt. As far as we can tell, it has been enshrouded in highly dense mist of some type. We have not been able to find out the whole story."

"So, the question remaining; do we tell the others?"

"Selphie and Irvine, yes. The natives do not need to know this," Auron said, finishing his drink that was now cold.

"What about you, Auron? You're a native." pointed out Tidus.

"I have seen more than the normal resident of Spira. There are some things, that keeps me from classifying myself as a normal resident."

The scarred man got up and picked up his sword. "I am going to bed." He then strode to the room but paused at the door. "I have heard that Squall snores. I suggest getting as much as rest as you can." Auron then vanished beyond the door, much to the amusment of the two teenagers and the older SeeD who rubbed his scar in annoyance.


"Brr... it's cold."

"It's your own fault you big meanie," replied Rikku. She was dressed back in her peach and green outfit, goggles around her neck. Her new outfit, what little there was of it, was hanging out to dry on a helpfully provided clothesline.

Lulu and Yuna were absent from the small group around the fire. Lulu had brought Yuna into the Travel Agency to sleep and warm up, while Irvine, Wakka, Selphie and Rikku dried off their clothing. Irvine sported a double shiner on one eye as he deemed to peek on the two girls while changing, citing, "I heard a fiend."

Wakka grumbled to himself, dressed in his pants only. He then sneezed, despite the warm air that had deemed to begin blowing across the Spira Coast. His half shirt uniform hung on the line, as well as Irvine's chaps and shirt. Irvine's coat was thankfully spared from the water attacks.

Rikku and Selphie looked rather perturbed at having their new outfits all wet. Thankfully, with the sport of Blitzball reigning champion across Spira, most clothing was designed to function under water.

Wakka sneezed again. "Bah, I never get this cold. It's your own fault for tackling me into the sea."

"You were trying to push Irvine into the ocean," pointed out Selphie, annoyed.

"Him? He's like a Chocobo. All poke, no bite." taunted Irvine.

Wakka barked a laugh. "That's what you think. Chocobos are fierce fighters, ya? Once, as a kid, me and my brudda Chappu, we once provoked a Chocobo back on Besaid Island. They have quite the magical skill, being able to cast Choco Meteo down on us. We ran all the way back to the village. Serra taunted us for weeks before trying her luck with that same Chocobo, ya? She lost too."

Wakka poked the fire, flames leaping into the sky. "Chappu... looks so much like Tidus. Or is it the other way around?"

"Who knows?" said Irvine, shrugging his shoulders. "I'm sure it'll explain everything sooner or later."

Wakka shook his head. "The resemblance is uncanny though. When I first saw him, I was about to exclaim 'Chappu!'. But I know that won't happen. He's in the Farplane. Has been for a year or so now."

Rikku hugged her knees to her chest. "It's hard, loosing someone you love. Sure I still have my pop and Brother, but it's not the same without my mom."

"Sin?" inquired Selphie.

Rikku nodded. "Yeah. Sin got my mom's boat. It was the same boat that Yunie's mom was on as well."

"Why would they be travelling together? Or was it co-incidence?" asked Irvine, holding his hat over the flames to dry the water from the material of the hat.

"Yunie and I are cousins," replied Rikku. "We haven't seen much of each other really. Not since Luca anyways."

Wakka shrugged. "Well, at least you're with her now, ya? No sense getting beat up about things."

"It's cold," Selphie said in the silence that followed.

"That is is," said a voice from behind them. The voice was deep and belonged to a man in red who stood behind the four.

The four looked up, Selphie and Rikku looking behind them. A quartet of people stood behind them. They were a motley group, but looked rather friendly. "Can we share the fire?" asked the first guy, a man with blonde hair and an eyepatch.

"Gippal! Of course!" Rikku scooted over and let the four crowd around the flames.

"The fire feels good," said the second. He had white hair and was dressed mostly in green. At his side was a staff but the way his coat was worn, he sported a firearm. "Where are my manners? I am Baralai. This is Gippal, as the young girl knows, and Nooj and Paine."

The other two looked a bit quiet. Nooj was a man with long brown hair in a high ponytail and he carried a gun which seemed to be his only weapon. The woman, Paine, held a sphere camera in her hands and was filming everyone in the light of night. She waved a bit before returning to her filming.

"How do you do," said Nooj. He then looked them over and recognition dawned in his eyes. "Ah, you are the guardians of Lady Yuna, are you not?"

"Yep!" said Rikku. "I'm Rikku, this is Selphie, Wakka and Irvine."

"Hey, so it IS Cid's Girl!" Gippal mused Rikku's hair and she grumbled, ducking out of the way.

"I have a name!" Rikku whined.

"Hey, aren't you Nooj of the Crusaders?" asked Wakka. "Nooj the Undying?"

Nooj nodded slightly. "That is what they call me."

Gippal smirked and punched Nooj on the shoulder. "Hey, c'mon Nooj, lighten up."

"I am just cold," replied Nooj.

"Well don't get too cold. Don't want Nooj the Deathseeker to die of the cold, now would we?" mocked Gippal.

Nooj gave him a look but otherwise returned his attention to the flames. Selphie looked puzzled. "What's a Deathseeker?"

"One who seeks their own death," replied Nooj after a moment of uneasy silence.

"Man, why would you wanna do that?" Irvine asked. "It's good that you're alive, right?"

"Maybe." was Nooj's reply.

Paine sighed. "Nooj has been like this since we've met him."

"Oh yeah, where are you guys going?" asked Selphie.

"We're going to Operation Mi'hen," replied Baralai, his voice even and calm. "We are supposed to help the Operations there against Sin. It is part of our training."

"Training?" asked Rikku.

Baralai seemed a bit tight lipped after his little slip. Gippal sighed. "It's no secret. There's a joint Crusader/Al Bhed operation on the Mi'hen Highroad. Since I'm an Al Bhed and Nooj was a Crusader, we're mostly there as moral support since we're training to become part of the Crimson Squad."

"A operation. To defeat Sin?" Rikku said, eyes wide.

At the nods, Wakka gaped. "But... only Summoners can defeat Sin. Right?"

"There's... a Machina there. One that's powerful to destroy Sin," said Gippal. "The Al Bhed salvaged it around the Baaj area, at about the same time that we found the Airship. After some preliminary test fires in the Bikanel Island areas, we've determined that it has enough power to blow away at least most of Sin, leaving it crippled."

"And forcing it into hibernation," Irvine said, nodding his head. "Good plan."

"I don't like it," said Wakka grumpily. "It's against the teachings. The Al Bhed providing Machina for use, and the Crusaders playing along?"

"The Al Bhed wanna save Spira too," reasoned Gippal. "If it doesn't work, we won't need to try again until we get another weapon later on."

"But if it does work, we will be able to stop Spira without the Summoners dying for it." said Nooj. He had a faraway expression when he spoke about death. It sent a collective shiver through everyone's spines.

Before Wakka could protest, the door opened up to Rin's Travel Agency, revealing Tidus and Zell. "Hey guys, c'mon in. There's supper on the table." called out Tidus. "Oh, who's your friends?"

"Want to join us for supper?" asked Selphie, getting up and grabbing her clothing off the line. "It's gotta be better than anything you can catch on the road."

Nooj shook his head, earing protests from Baralai and Gippal, the latter loud and the former a bit subdued. Paine giggled a bit before saying, "Sorry everyone. We'll have to pass. We have to get to Mushroom Rock before midnight. We have a briefing there."

The four left, dissapearing into the darkness of Mi'hen Highroad. As the four piled into the Travel Agency, Rikku had this strange feeling that she would see those four again sometime.


"Yuna, are you awake?"

Yuna moaned and sat up, rubbing her eyes. "Yes, I'm up." she called out.

The door swung open and Lulu walked in, making tisking sounds. "Still in bed. Everyone is waiting for you, Yuna. Here is your kimono."

Yuna dressed hurridly as Lulu combed the girl's shorter brown hair and tying the bow on her back. "There. Here is your staff. Let us be off."

The pair entered the main room where they found most of the men browsing through Al Bhed Primers, trying to learn the language. Rikku looked rather amused at the textbook Al Bhed they were spouting, mostly insults and macho posings. "Morning Yunie," Rikku and Selphie chorused as the group assembled in the room.

"Good morning everyone," Yuna said. "Shall we be off?"

"Yes, but first, we must deal with a little problem outside." replied Auron, walking in the door.

"What kind of problem?" asked Tidus.

"Chocobo Eater Problem," replied Squall, folding his arms. "They're everywhere."

Tidus laughed. "How big could a Chocobo Eater get?" He was then pulled outside by Auron who pointed out the massive Eater who was standing near the edge of the cliff, holding a fully grown chocobo in it's massive hand. Tidus swallowed. "Shit. Yeah, that'd do it."

"Then lets kick it's ass!" Zell crowed, pulling on his gloves and doing a warm up stretch before getting into a fighting stance."

"Wait," Squall said. "Lets see what the others are made of."

It quickly became apparent that Auron was the strategist behind the fighting. As Yuna stood near the back casting healing spells on people who suffered injuries from the Chocobo Eater's hard punches and ramming attacks, Kimahri and Auron did the most damage, slicing into the skin of the Eater. Tidus' Brotherhood did minimal damage, but managed to make the already created wounds deeper.

Lulu also contributed to the fight by casting Fire magic into the wounds, burning and cauterizing them, but she also kept burning other parts of the Eater.

Rikku hung back, but when there was a clear shot, she pulled out a Grenade and tossed it into the Eater's face after Wakka stunned it with a heavy throw of his Blitzball. Obviously all the Blitzing that he did made him rather strong indeed as hard flesh and bone was snapped under the attacks.

"They're not bad," Irvine said. He had his gun out and slung over his shoulder in case they needed help. Likewise, Selphie had her old nunchucks in hand and Zell was cracking his knuckles. Squall came out of a scan spell and nodded to himself.

"As I thought. They're weak against fire."

"So the four elements apply here too eh?" Fire, Ice, Water and Lightning?" said Selphie.

"Yes. There's some enemies that are harder to defeat if you do not cast specific magic on them." replied Squall. He then winced as Auron was bashed into unconciousness and was pulled out of the way by Rikku who searched her pockets for a Phoenix Down. "Auron's getting sloppy. Either that, or he's holding back. Again."

"Probably holding back," replied Zell. "He must be letting the others learn to fight their own battles."

Irvine nodded. Then, a flash of light emitted from Yuna and he said, "Whoop, Yuna's summoning."

The whole entire group retreated to where the ones from the past were standing. Tidus was panting and sported a few bruises. "I don't see why we have to get out of the way."

Yuna had completed the summoning and a massive red furred and horned creature set her down. It roared loudly and stared casting fire magic and tossing meteors at the enemy. "What kinda Aeon is that?" asked Tidus.

"Ifrit," replied Lulu, catching her breath. She pulled an Ether out of her pack and drank it down, replenishing her magical strength. "When a Summoner summons an Aeon, everyone around her must pull back in case someone on your party gets hit."

"Good plan." Selphie winced as Ifrit nearly went down but cast fire on itself to heal. "I think someone should help her."

"You're right. But that thing is still too big," replied Wakka. "What can we do?"

"I think it's time to teach you Summoning, Wakka," said Zell with a grin.

When Wakka ran up behind Yuna and held out his hands, Yuna wondered to herself if he was trying to cast a spell when she knew that Wakka wasn't a Black Mage, and he definately did not have those abilities on his part of the Sphere Grid that they carried around. Suddenly, energy flared around him and he called out, "Carbunckle!"

A little green creature popped out of a hole and leapt out. It's jewel glowed and it cast a glowing reflective barrier around Yuna and Ifrit as well as Wakka. "Wakka, what..?" Yuna asked but Ifrit pushed them both out of the way as it cast Firaga on the fiend. The Eater howled angrily but cast a Thundaga spell on Ifrit. At that moment, the barrier flashed and the thunder bolt slammed down on the Eater's head, making it's head explode.

The Chocobo Eater collapsed and it vanished into pyreflies.

Yuna dismissed Ifrit and turned to Wakka. "What did you do, Wakka?" she asked, amazed. "Was that another Guardian Force?"

Wakka grinned. "Ya, I forgot I had it in my head all this time." Wakka tapped his forehead. "Zell thought I should use it."

"If the whole situation is finished, we should get going. It is not far to Mushroom Rock Road," replied Auron. He looked a bit battered, but that was the price you paid from being careless.


"And we stock stock stock, stock again," sang Tidus as he dodged, drew magic from the nearest Fiend and slashed it down.

"Are you quite finished?" asked Rikku. "We've been doing nothing but calling fiends to us and you do that wierd glowing sucky thing."

"Don't rush the uber stocking," replied Zell with a smirk. He jumped over a Bunyip and drew more magic from it.

"We're all empty," replied Selphie as she drew once more. "How many do you have, Irvine?"

"I'm nearly full of Cura," replied Irvine. "And Fira. Squall?"

Squall dodged, drew, and slashed another fiend into oblivion. "Just finished stocking Thundara."

"Sweet, I'm just done with Haste and Watera and Blizzara," put in Zell. "Selphie?"

"All done!"

Tidus cleaved a wolf fiend in two and drew from the remaining four. "I'm done too. Okay, lets go." He then flashed into a quick overdrive, slashing all four one after another.

"Finally," said Rikku, sitting down on the ground, exhausted from drawing all the time.

"Seriously, what were we supposed to do?" asked Selphie. "The meanie at the entrance won't let us in."

Rikku sighed and rubbed her forehead. "I suppose." She then scowled. "So are Guardian Forces supposed to give you a headache?"

"Not usually," said Selphie, sitting down on the grass next to the Al Bhed. "But we didn't have much to spare lately, considering Wakka and Lulu have one as well. You have Alexander which is a pretty powerful Guardian Force. His power might be giving you a headache. You should draw as well to balance out his power adding to your attack and defence."

Rikku backhanded a fiend that was sneaking up on them and drew. "I got it. After watching you guys all the time, it's pretty easy to pick up."

The girls looked over at Lulu who was drawing casually while Wakka seemed to be struggling. Tidus was literally making fun of his opponents by dancing around while Yuna had decided to draw as well. She had Diablos which would be normally grumpy but she seemed to enjoy his presence. Auron stood in one place and held out his hand, drawing constantly in a manner that would seem to be almost reckless or old hat for him. They didn't see Squall giving him a Guardian Force, but it was a general concencus that he was given either Bahamut or Eden.

"Are you quite done," asked Dona who they had met at the entrance of the Mushroom Rock Road. "You are all acting like children with new toys." She was standing around with her guardian Barthello. Barthello had asked Auron for a handshake and nearly fainted when Squall offered his hand too. She didn't say it, but the way they drew Fiends to them was nothing short of unnerving. And without a Lure Bracer too.

Selphie removed the ability to draw fiends to them and soon, the fiends were dispatched. Wakka grumbled but said, "I guess we're done for now."

"Impressive show." said a voice. Everyone turned and there stood Maester Seymour Guado. He nodded to the people he passed who made the sign of prayer before stopping at Yuna who was looking a bit flustered. "Lady Yuna. An impressive display of abilities. May I ask how you do it?"

"I'm afraid it is a trade secret, Your Grace," Yuna said, bowing. "It is an.. old family secret."

"Ah, I see." Seymour then paused, looking at the area around him. "Do you wish to go to the Temple at Djose?"

"Yes, Your Grace," Yuna said.

"Very well." Seymour went up to the gateman and said a few things to him. The gateman nodded and motioned for Yuna and her Guardians to travel through. Tidus leaned over to Zell and said, "I really don't like him."

"You and me both," replied Zell.

"Hey, none of that talk, ya?" hissed Wakka. "It's bad enough you can't keep a dirty look off your face whenever you see Maester Seymour, Tidus. Especially when he speaks to Yuna."

"Wha?" Tidus went red. "I do not!"

"That look you had was so territorial, I thought you'd leap on him and start chewing on him like a crazed Fiend," put in Auron in his bland tones.

Tidus grumbled but walked along. But stopped short, almost slamming into Kimahri. "What's up?"

"We have stopped," replied Kimahri in his low rumble.

"Lady Yuna, I am Lucil, Captian of the Chocobo Knights," said a woman at the front of the party. She was dressed in a purple outfit and beside her was a Chocobo. "I was to inform you that you are expected at the Command Center."

"The Command Center?" Yuna asked curiously.

"Yes," Lucil said. "It would not be safe to travel Mushroom Rock Road so close to Operation Mi'hen's opening manuvers. For your safety, Lady Summoner, we wish to have you at the Center."

"That is fine," replied Yuna, speaking for the group. "Lead the way please."

As the group travelled the rocky path towards the Command Center, Wakka looked around, visibly disturbed at the amount of Machina that littered the area. Reaching an old machina lift, they were brought upwards to the higher battlements where before them stood a group of massive and aged cannons.

Tidus whistled. "Man, do those things look old. I wonder if they'll shoot right."

Wakka wasn't listening as he stalked up to one of the cannons and spat out, "Damnit," before slamming his sandaled foot against it. He let out a yelp of pain and hopped around it.

Rikku shook her head, folding her arms. "He really doesn't like the Al Bhed, does he?"

"Chappu didn't pray the day he left Bikanel Island," said Lulu. "He also left behind the sword Tidus now has. He took a Machina Weapon into battle."

"That's not it at all!" Wakka shouted. "I just hate these sacreligious contraptions!"

"Then you will hate Sir Squall as well?" Irvine pointed out, ready to get Wakka's goat. "And me too?"

Wakka shot Irvine a poisonous look. "You I can hate normally. It comes naturally. But the Temple allowed Sir Squall's, um, gun, sword, thingy."

"It's called a Gunblade," said Selphie, shaking her head. "C'mon, face it Wakka. You're just too outspoken for your own good."

Wakka grumbled, cussed at the weapons but followed the group, limping all the way. Kimahri looked at him last and rumbled, "Foot will swell. Get Yuna to look at."

At the front of the makeshift command center, Gatta stood. "Please prepare all items, equiptment and weaponry for the duration of the fight...." His voice conveyed a bordom that screamed lack of enthusiasm.

"Something wrong?" asked Zell.

"Yes there's something wrong!" Gatta exclaimed, his voice filling with anger. "I came here to fight Sin! I'm not supposed to get involved in the fight unless they come for me. I'm not even on the front lines like Luzzu is. I'm... just a guard."

"Even a guard has a place in battle," said Auron, shifting the weight on his weapon. "Your story does not end until you want it to."

Gatta looked defeated but nodded. "You're right Sir Auron. I'll continue my guard station until I am told not to." He then gestured in Auron and said quietly, "watch yourself around the merchant over there. He snuck in. Has really good weaponry for sale but they're damn expensive. I got ripped off for this sword here." Gatta held up a Flametongue that burned brightly in the dimming light.

"Good construction though," said Squall. "Let it be a torch through the darkest hours."

"And keep your head up. Stories come and go. I don't think yours will end for a while." added Auron.

Gatta smiled, being praised by the two legendary Guardians. "Thank you." Gatta then turned to the others. "Please feel free to wander the area before the Operation begins." The crowd dispersed, leaving Auron and Squall standing in the middle of the area.

"Auron." Auron then looked up at the portly man who stepped out of the Command Area. His brow furrowed and a small smile appeared on his face. Squall recognised him as well as he stepped backwards a bit to give Auron and the newcomer who came out.

"Kinoc," Auron said in greeting.

"Ten long years and you never bother to write. Where were you? And doing what might I add?" asked Maester Kinoc.

Auron chuckled. "Blunt as ever, Kinoc. I was helping Squall, and recovering my strength. I was also, helping someone fulfill a request." Auron looked the man over. "Look at you. Maester. You've come a long way."

"The same with you, Auron." Kinoc said. He then turned to Squall who was leaning on his Gunblade. "Squall. I've been meaning to give you something." He held out a hand and gave Squall a black ribbon. Recognition dawned in Squall's eyes.

"Where did you get this?" asked Squall.

"Two months ago, a girl and a dog literally appeared in my bedchambers. After calming her down, I was able to get her residence in Beville. She's on the main Temple level. Her name is Rinoa and said to give this to you if I saw you. And tell her that Angelo is fine." Kinoc shrugged his shoulders. "She's some powerful mage I have to admit. Nearly blew me across the room before I could calm her down."

"Rinoa," Squall mumurred. "Thank you Kinoc. There is some good in that portly figure of yours."

Kinoc chuckled. "I may be fat, but I can still fight like a man." His expression turned dark. "You know as well as I do that this Operation won't work."

"Then why let it go?" Auron asked, although he knew the answer.

"Auron, there's no stopping them. Crusader and Al Bhed want to save Spira. The Temple is pretending to back them, but in reality..." Kinoc shrugged. "I can't stop it Auron. Neither can you."

"I don't intend to," said Auron. "There's so many stories that will end at this place. So many more will be written."

"You and your stories," said Kinoc. "I have set up a gather point at the Temple of Djose. If you need to evacuate, come and talk to me afterwards or before the battle. Afterwards, well, it might be a little late to do."


"Wakka, can I speak to you?"

Wakka got up from the table he was sharing with some of the other guys in the party of Guardians. Getting up to face Luzzu, he asked, "So what's this about, ya?"

"Wakka, you have to know the facts. I was the one who encouraged Chappu to sign up for the Crusaders."

There was silence, and the resounding crack of Wakka's fist hitting Luzzu's face was heard. Zell, Tidus and Irvine tackled Wakka in order to keep him from trying to maul Luzzu. Luzzu got up and rubbed his jaw. "I'm sorry."

After Wakka stopped struggling, he said, "When Chappu said he'd come back, he'd propose to Lu."

"Lulu knew as well," said Luzzu. "I told her before leaving Besaid." He moved his shoulder to reveal an ugly bruise that was fading into yellow. "She hit me too."

Wakka sighed as he pushed the others off him. He then helped up Luzzu and said, "You die out there, and I'll find a way to bring your soul out of the Farplane so I can kill you again, ya?"

"Don't worry," said Luzzu. "I don't have the yearning to die."

"That is reserved for me." The group looked up and Luzzu blinked before smirking.

"Nooj. What brings you all the way here?" asked Luzzu.

"It's part of my job description," Nooj replied, his voice warm. The girl Paine was still filming. Baralai was leaning on his staff and Gippal was yawning.

"So you want to go out with a bang. Help in Operation Mi'hen?" Tidus asked.

"Nooj wants to die gloriously or something or other," scoffed Gippal. "Me? I wanna live."

"We all want to live," said Zell. "I've seen this beast up close. It's pretty ugly."

Tidus smirked at the description of his old man. Irvine cut into his thoughts as he pointed out, "You guys fighting too?"

"It's like a test for us actually," said Baralai. The man was checking the rounds in his gun. Irvine noticed that they were newer bullets, streamlined. Most of the guns in the area were of semi-modern make but a majority of them were the old musket-styles. "We're not at liberty to say."

"More help is always welcome," said Luzzu.

Gippal then smirked. "You guys go ahead. I'm going to go torment Cid's Girl." he then slipped away. A minute later, a feminine screech of anger rent the air as Gippal commenced with the tormenting. The other members of the group dispatched and mingled among the group.

"I don't like the looks of this operation," said Wakka as he sat down around a small table with food on it. On one corner, Tidus and Zell had cornered the area to play a game they called Triple Triad. Irvine sat at the table, munching on some cheese and bread. Selphie, Rikku and Yuna were standing around, talking while Auron and Squall paced. Kimahri hovered beside Yuna and Lulu stood near the edge of the cliff, watching the proceedings down below.

"It has flaws," agreed Tidus, making a play that flipped over several of Zell's cards. "One giant weapon of mass destruction won't help. I've seen that thing up close before checking in here. It's so rickety, I'd be amazed if it can even dent Sin."

"What worries me is that Maester Seymour AND Maester Kinoc said that the Temple is basically looking away." Irvine's eyebrows crashed together in annoyance. "Both Al Bhed and Crusader working towards a common goal. But the Temple is looking away."

"There's ten minutes to the operation," pointed out Tidus. "Lets relax until our untimely doom."

"Untimely doom. Fun," said Zell.

"I hope Luzzu and Gatta will be okay," said Tidus.

"There's always hope," said Wakka. "They'll be fine."

"You don't seem too concerned about Luzzu," said Irvine.

"He.... he should have told me sooner, ya? But there's no time to be worried about that now, ya." Wakka's eyes were downcast but his shoulders shook.

"Gentlemen?" The four looked up at Gatta who said, "It's time."


"Cura! Cura! Cura!"

Yuna felt that the whole operation was a blur when it began. The fighting became blurred in between casting magical spells to cure, heal and attack the giant Sinspawn with the two claws. The explosions and the firing of the cannon was heard but there was the wave of energy that vaporized so many crusaders and Al Bhed. So many lives were lost.

Sin was immovable, even after the blast of the cannon. Yuna healed Tidus and turned her Thundara magic on the Sinspawns head. Auron and Kimahri took out the arms and Squall and Zell went for the body. Lulu and Wakka took out the head and Rikku kept throwing Grenades.

When the giant Sinspawn got up and Maester Seymour attacked it with the giant Aeon Anima, she thought it was all over. As the giant Sinspawn died, Sin, did something that would change her life forever.

A brilliant glow flashed out from it, as a shockwave flared out. Heads went up. Bodies began to vanish within the brilliant glow of light.

Yuna's eyes widened as the glowing shockwave reached her.

When the smoke cleared, Sin was gone, leaving nothing but chaos and destruction.

And on the beach, four members of the Crimson Squad were seperated and a lone Recorder woman looked for her friends.
