(At Oaks lab)

Oak: Ash get up!

Ash: I am up! I am in my room.

Oak: Ash! Come down then. You will be late to the excusive school in Kalos.

Ash: I am ready. I was just double-checking before leaving. Also, Oak why do you want me to be at this school when I have a job of my own that I can do here.

Oak: Your music is not a job. A researcher is a job.

Ash: I am not talking about music. I am talking about being a frontier brain.

Oak: Ash, that is half of what a frontier does. They also have to do a community service while operating a facility.

Ash: I know. How about I help with the new trainers in helping them learn how to be trainers and facing obstacles.

Oak: We are not doing that. Here is your ticket. Here is my number if you need me. Here is the key to taking any Pokémon that you have here transferred to your school. Now go.

Ash: But, I do have a profound profession.

Oak: Go or I will place you on that plane.

Ash: Fine! See you soon.

Oak: Hopefully in nine months.