(The next day at the mall)

Ash: Why am I dragged here again?

Serena: I need a new dress for the prom. I want you to see it.

Ash: You don't need any of these expensive dresses to impress me.

Serena: Your so sweet. You are not getting out of this.

Ash: Well a man can try. (To Drew and May at the food court.)

May: Drew you know why we are here?

Drew: For you to buy an expensive dress that you would only wear once.

May: No! I already got one. We are here about us.

Drew: What about us? We are fine.

May: Well, I have notice that you have been distant with me lately.

Drew: How have I been distant?

May: We haven't been talking for the past couple of days.

Drew: You mean the Ash fiasco? I have to deal with it also since he left.

May: I understand that you two are roommates but why haven't we talked like this recently?

Drew: Well, I've been busy. You expect me to stop what I am doing to just talk to you.

May: Well, I feel that we should share things even if it bothers one of us.

Drew: Ok! Next time when I have a problem, I will talk to you.

May: Thanks! (Gets up and walks away.)

Drew: May where are you going?

May: I need to pick up some items for Dawn.

Drew: Do you need my help?

May: No, I got it. (Turns the corner out of the food court and goes into several stores. Now back to Ash and Serena.)


Serena: Ash wake up!


Serena: Ash waky waky!



Serena: Moring honey. It is 3pm.

Ash: Ok! (Begins to fall asleep again. Serena kisses him again.) Ok! I am up. What do you want me to do?

Serena: I do not need your help. Why don't you go and buy some video games or something that we could use together.

Ash: Ok! You don't need me here right!

Serena: I am good. Just be back here in a hour.

Ash: Ok! I will be back in a hour. See you. (Ash walks out the store and walks looking around until he runs into May.)

May: Ash?

Ash: May, what are you doing here?

May: I am here to pick up something for Dawn. What are you doing here?

Ash: Shopping with Serena.

May: Is it fun?

Ash: How was I supposed to know? I slept for 3 hours. (May slaps Ash.) Hey, I didn't ask to come, I was dragged.

May: Still, you should be supportive.

Ash: I was, but I think that what you do is nonsense.

May: What is nonsense?

Ash: Dressing up for one event just to impress themselves and their dates.

May: But that is what a prom is all about.

Ash: That is what I don't like about it. It is a dance that you dress up for. It's stupid.

May: No it not. It is a time when we can express ourselves.

Ash: But couldn't you do it in a different way? Like maybe be a trainer, coordinator, performer, brain, or medical. Maybe art, music, or writing. That is why I write music. I like to express myself as a brain and a musician. Why don't you try writing something down?

May: I got a poem ready.

Ash: Let hear it.

May: It embarrassing.

'Ash: You are holding yourself down by not expressing yourself. Lay it on me.

May: Ok! Ash don't laugh.

Ash: I woun't and if I do then accept it as criticism.(May slaps Ash) Ok! I promise I won't laugh.

May: (Sigh) To love or not to love, is it right to act upon your feeling or let them in? Should I confess, or let him go through my fingers like a breeze blows through my hair? Love, is it dangerous or is it magical? (Ash claps) You like it?

Ash: Love it! You know you should write more. (May kisses Ash on the lips.) What are you doing?

May: That poem got to me.

Serena: What was that? (Both Ash and May were shocked.)

Ash: Serena, what a surprise, I thought that you would be another 40 minutes at least.

Serena: I found it, bit when I came out I saw something, care to explain.

Ash: Nope! Nothing here. I'll get the car. (Runs out.)

Serena: I am curious about what that is about.

May: I bet you will never know.

Serena: May stop. (May stood in her tracks.) Tell me what happened?

May: Ash was trying to get me to be open with myself and due to it I kissed him?

Serena: I know. And I am fine with it.

May: Say what now?

Serena: I saw the kiss. You went and all hogs blazin at Ash. I also saw that Ash was not how do I put it like her was in love with you. So, I approve. (Walks away. That night Ash walks to Sererna's room.) So, Misty are you ready for tomorrow?

Misty: Yah! (Knock. Misty opens it.) Serena it's for you.

Serena: Ash what is wrong?

Ash: I violated our love. I don't deserve you. I came here to ask for your forgiveness.

Serena: That depends. What did you do?

Ash: I wasn't the one that did the incorrect act but I was asking for it. I was trying to bring out May's true feelings and because of it she kissed me. I didn't kiss back but I know that it still counts towards me cheating.

Serena: That is true but why do you think you deserve it?

Ash: I am not saying I do but I am asking for it.

Serena: I think that you do deserve it.

Misty: I thought that you weren't mad about it?

Ash: What?

Serena: I saw that you two kissed and I saw you with your eyes open so I knew that you were not interested. Sorry!