Robb looked solemnly at the grave of his Wife Talisa. Tears were starting to drip down his cheek, he did his best even though he was alone to not completely break down. He has already done enough of that he thought to himself.

"I'm so very sorry my dear Talisa. How I wish things could be differently. I could teach young Eddard how to ride a horse, how to swing a sword. You would of been the envy of all of Westeros. Knights from all over the world would come to the North, the house of Stark and think to themselves. How did the king get so lucky to marry such a woman as lady Talisa." He muttered softely to the Weirwood tree that was at the head of her grave, hoping that the gods would parlay his words to his wife. Robb could feel a lump in his throat grow, to where it was starting to cut off his air supply.

"Why didn't I listen to Jon? I should of posted more men at our wedding. I let this happen, gods how I wish I could change it. Why didn't they take me?" He cried out, feeling the sharp Northern wind peirce against his face. He made sure not to bring his guards out with him. Seeing their king cry could cause some lesser men lose faith in his ability to rule. He wasn't going to take that chance.

"I still wake up thinking it was all a terrible dream, only to see the bed empty. Then it all comes back to me, that it's all too real." Robb, nealt down and wiped a tear from his eye, and pinched his eyes close trying to prevent others from streaming down his face.

"I miss you so much Talisa. My last act as your husband, and this I swear to the old gods and the new. I will have Roose Bolton and his bastards head on a spike as I did Walder Frey for murdering you. Already I have sent Jon and an army to see it done. They shall burn in the seven hell's for what they did." Robb, then kissed the tips of his fingers and pressed it against the old and tall tree.

Robb started to walk back to his horse, which was standing idly by not seeming to care about its owners troubles. It was a brown horse, with a black mane. Only two years old and was one of the fastest in his whole army. He held no expense on finding a proper horse for a king to ride on. He strapped his foot in the stirrup and pushed himself on, in the distance he could hear something familiar...metal on metal. Swords clashing. In one instant he whipped the reins and kicked his horses side telling it to sprint full ahead.

Coming to the site, bodies were laid out in the middle of the woods. Men were cut down, blood freshly laid out. Other men with no house to its name surrounded a carriage. Seven of them total, they looked beat, and dirty. Though they were able to kill five men of arms it seems, including others of their band that was also dead on the road.

"Lookie what we got here boys!" A man yelled, and he reached in the carriage, Robb could hear screaming. A Woman with a brownish blond hair, high cheek bone. Robb could tell she was of some high birth just by looking at her. Her blue eyes searching around frantically for help, and the look of defeat when she realized all of her men were dead. Robb slowly started to pull out his sword, and dismounted his horse.

"You ever been arse fucked?" A man approaching forty years old spoke, grabbing her by the back of her neck, forcing her to bend over.

"Hey, Simon why do you get to go first?" a dim witted man in their band asked again, Robb still was silently sneaking up to them.

"Because I got us the weapons that's why. I never had a high born's ass hole grip around my cock." The man roughly responded back.

"Please don't, let me go!" The woman pleaded, struggling to get away, a couple of other men grabbed her by her wrists and slammed them down on the ground.

"Shut your fucking yap, ya cunt!" One of the other men responded. Robb, had enough and walked out in plain sight of the men.

"I'd advise heavily to listen to the lady." He spoke out loud, with his sword already drawn.

"Kill him!" The leader screamed, highly annoyed of having his fun interrupted.

The first man charged with his hatchet already drawn, Robb easily side stepped him and pressed his long sword into his stomach out his back and withdrew, just in time to punch another man in the face, drag his sword back against the man's throat spilling his blood on the road, causing the man to gurgle on his own blood.

Third man swung his sword, which Robb easily parried over his head, then swiftly kicked the man in between the balls. His natural reactions betrayed him as he hunched over, which Robb swiftly brought his sword down beheading him. The leader of the group finally let go of the Woman and reached for his sword and joined his men who were now cautiously circling Robb. Realizing that he was extremely well trained with it. Robb looked the men in the eyes and reached down and picked up their dead partner's sword and started to twirl both swords in his hands.

"Who the fuck are you!?" One of the men screamed, Robb just returned his icy glare.

"I am the god of death, and today is your day." All of them charged and started to swing, expertly Robb swung his swords around parrying each strike, desperately looking for an opening. Finally after about 15 seconds in he found one, the man to his left swung with everything he had at Robb's side, slanting his left handed sword downwards he blocked the strike and quickly brought his other sword, slicing open the man's throat, cutting their numbers down to three.

One struck at top, then left, then right. Each of them parried. One man went for a stab, blocking it he pushed the mans sword to the side using his own, reach back with his left hand sword and slashed the man's face right open. Killing him on the spot. Now Robb went on the offensive. Driving the remaining two back, pushing them as they both tried their both to deflect their attacks. It only took seconds before Robb stabbed a man through the chest killing him instantly. Instead of withdrawing the sword, he left it there.

"You killed all my men you bastard!" The man screamed, clearly enraged. He was too stupid to be scared Robb reckoned.

"Aye, I did. I'll make sure you eat that cock of yours while you die as well." He promised. The man swung in response with his sword, driving his sword to his upper left Robb blocked it, then slid his sword down the other mans sword and cleanly hacked off his wrist. The fight ended with him screaming. Slamming him against a tree with his shoulder, the man let out a gasp as all of the wind was cleanly knocked out of his body.

"As promised." Robb muttered, with a quick swipe he severed the man's cock and balls, picked them up and shoved them into the screaming mans mouth, and then wiped his hands cleans on his cloak. Pulling out a rag from a pocket he wiped his sword clean and put it back in his sheath.

"Are you okay my lady?" Robb asked looking at the woman.

"Raymond...his wife is going to be devastated." The woman remarked and walked over to him as a couple of tears streamed down her eyes.

"Thank you so much you valiant knight." She spoke, as she turned her head looking at him.

"No need to thank me, I was just doing my duty." Robb replied and gave her a nod.

"What house are you from?" He asked, now curious. She carried herself as if she was a noble, and she had five men of arms protecting her. So she was clearly from some house.

"Its a minor house ser, you may of not heard of it." She exclaimed.

"Try me." Robb suggested.

"House Bole, I was just on my way to my Brother, who is the lord there. And who may I have to thank me for being such a brave knight?"

"My name is Brandon Foster of the house of Forrester. I'm the Marshal of the house." Robb lied, he didn't want to just give away that he was the king. If what she told him was true, she may have very well been star stricken if he told her as much. Especially if it was such a minor house as the House of Bole.

"The Forresters are in great hands to have a skilled swordsman such as yourself as their marshal." She complimented him again, which caused Robb to just sheepishly smile. Unsure on how to reply.

"And what is your name My lady? Surely you have one?" Robb teased.

"Aramis Bole." She responded, Aramis looked down at her men for a moment in silence before once again speaking up.

"I dare to ask you Marshal for one more favor of you." She spoke.

"Ask away." Robb responded.

"Can you escort me to my Brothers house?"

"Of Course." Robb responded. The walk was rather short, they weren't that far away. A thirty minute horse ride before coming onto the wooden keep. Robb stayed far enough away to watch her enter, he didn't want to stroll in there and have someone recognize him. When the keep opened he watched her start to enter.

"Aramis!" Robb screamed hoping to get her attention. She just turned around looked at him.

"Meet me tomorrow at mid-day!?" He screamed. It seemed like such a foolish request. The king asking for a woman of a minor house to meet up with him just to talk, but still even if temporarily she made him forget about the pain. Which was something he so desperately needed even if he knew that Theon and his brother would give him hell for. Aramis just gave him a nod, hugged another woman and with that the gates closed.

Robb grabbed the reins of his horse and turned it back towards the camp. He was going to have a big day tomorrow, Jon Stark should be assaulting the Boltons. Hopefully if the gods be good he will have to name a new heir to the house. Which he already had the perfect candidate in mind. None other than his brother. Jon Stark.