It is dark.

I can barely see down this blasted hallway and its blasted holding cells. I wonder if the rest of the search team is still behind me, or has my goal made my footing too fast for them?

It doesn't matter. He is in here, I can still feel him with the Force. He is alive. I will find him.

Maybe here, in this cell? It's so dimly lit, the air is thick.

Thick with fear and confusion. It's not my own, not that I am not afraid or confused, but this is from someone else.

I can't see. The Force is telling me to walk to the corner, a corner, rather a wall, that I too cannot see. There. I feel it. Cloth. Thick cloth. Warmth. Ignore the pain in my knees, the grime and rocks imbedding themselves. It's a neck, a cheek, an eye and eyebrow. I would know those features anywhere. Obi-Wan.

He's breathing, I can feel the pulsing blood under my fingers. Oh, Obi-Wan. But wait. More warmth, liquid warmth. It's covering my fingers, seeping through my own clothing. It's a puddle.

Eyes, closed. Nose, lips, chin, neck. Tunics. That I can feel. His chest? No. His stomach? No. Along his side. There. His left side is bleeding profusely. It must be a blaster shot, the edges are torn.

It's horribly stale in here. Warm and claustrophobic.



His eyes are open now, those long eyelashes, I can feel them. Fluttering against my fingers.


"Yes. It's alright."

How am I to transport him? I do not know how bad his injuries are truly. This could do more harm them good.

Where is the rest of the search team?

It doesn't matter. I lift him off the hard, freezing floor and cradle him close. He has gone through a traumatic and undignified event and I will not withhold care. Blast the Order's rules of attachment. I raised him, I trained him, I sent him here on this near suicide mission. If he is to die here then so be it. But be it with me near and his body warm, not neglected and left to spend his last hazy moments in lonely, cold darkness. I will have this moment under my control.

I hear steps drawing near. Friendly the Force whispers. Obi-Wan opens his eyes again. A small smile on his lips. A smile comes to mine.

We will be alright.

We will survive another dark night.