In a normal home lives the Hyoudou family. A family with one mother and two children, a boy and a girl. The boy, Issei Hyoudou, was merely a five years old boy. He was the older brother of his three years old sister and both of them are children of a single mother. Now you might think that these is just a lovely family… its not.

The young Issei was in his room, colouring his drawing book when he heard loud footsteps coming up the stairs. Issei flinched in fear as he heard this

"Where are you..? Where are you!?" A crazed female voice called as the footsteps grew louder. This was Issei's mom. Issei quickly got up and locked the door.

Issei's mom finally arrived at the door of Issei's room where a piece of paper was taped on it that says 'Go away!'. She started to force her way in but the lock prevented her from going inside so she proceeded to just kick and bang the door with her shoulders

"Open this door! Open this door right now! Issei!" Issei's mom shouted as she continued to force her way in. But seeing that the door wont open, her mom walked away for a moment to grab the keys and returned

Inside the room Issei heard the jingling sounds of the keys outside and knew fully well that her mom will enter his own room soon. So he quickly pushed his drawing books and crayons under his bed before rushing towards his closet and closing the door to hide


The door was violently opened with it hitting the wall hard. He could hear his mom grunting and screaming from inside his closet. The scared Issei can just sit there with his hands wrapped around his knees and his knees pushed against his chest.

Outside the closet, his mom pulled off the blankets off his bed before pushing off the foam of the bed. She then went inside the bathroom and checked the showers to search for her son but there was no sigh of him there.

Angered that she couldn't find her son, she shouted her lungs out as she grabbed a chair and threw it at the wall. Inside the closet Issei flinched a bit as he was startled at the loud crash of the chair. Then Issei's mom directed her attention to the only place she didn't check

The closet

With loud steps, she walked to the closet and opened it, nearly tearing the door off its hinges. There Issei was met face to face with his mom

"Get out here you little scum!" She said as she grabbed Issei's shoulders to pull him out of the closet.

Issei shook desperately to avoid what has yet to come but her mother tightly grabbed his shoulders with her nails digging into his skin and literally throwing him away from the closet. Right after Issei's crash on the floor, she walked up to him and kicked his stomach. Issei grunted and coughed in pain

"You think you can hide from me!? Huh!? Answer me!" Issei's mom continued to kick and kick her child. Issei cuddled himself up in defence from his mother's wrath. Tears of agony flowed out his eyes and the droplets all scattered as the kicks shook his entire body

"Come here! Not only did you lock the door but you tried to hide from me!? You are not allowed to do that to your mother! WHERE DID YOU HIDE MY PIIIIILLS!" Issei's mom screamed as she put more strength in her kicks. Not only that but she also targeted Issei's head and face now

"I.. I didn't h-hide it..! I d-didn't! Ah!" Issei proclaimed but was stomped in the face again, causing blood to flow out his nose

"LIIIIAAAR! I KNOW THAT YOU HAVE MY PILLS WHERE IS IT!? WHERE IS IT!? I NEED THEM! I NEED MY PILLS! WHERE IS MY PIIIIILLS!" His mom screamed her lungs out. She grabbed her son's hair and started to pull him out his room despite him begging her to stop as it caused him pain

But in the end Issei suffered for the day, even though he never took any of his mom's prescription pills she still suspected him hiding them whenever she runs out. All Issei could do is scream in agony as he suffered, knowing full well that escaping or begging wont do any good for him for both actions doesn't work

After a full hour of beating and bashing, Issei's mom finally calmed down and went to buy some more pills for her addiction and left her son in the house

Issei weakly walked up the stairs slowly. His right eye was bruised up, blood was flowing out from the cut above his left eye, nose, and mouth. He was clasping the bruise on his right bicep and was dragging his left leg with a broken ankle

Once he arrived at the second floor he walked to a certain room that wasn't his. He opened the door and walked to a crib to see his beloved younger sister

"H-Hello there.. Aiko.." The smiling Issei greeted with a bit of pain in his voice. Aiko still being an infant means she could only look at Issei while sucking on her pacifier

"I'm sorry that your big brother is weak. I couldn't stand up to mama" Issei apologized as he looked at her, he then noticed that his own blood dripping on his sister's sheets. "Oops, I better wash these. I'm sorry Aiko" Issei said

Issei grabbed the sheets with blood stains on them and washed them off. Since his mom was busy doing whatever she wants like taking pills, watching TV, drinking alcohol, and stuff, he was the one who was taking care of his younger sister like changing her diapers, washing her sheets, feeding her, comforting her whenever she cries.

Their mother was violent and cruel, already giving up on life ever since their father walked out on them. She was like any other shattered woman. Marrying an alcoholic man is never a bad thing. Having kids with that very same alcoholic man is a worse thing. Being abandoned by her husband their mother broke down in despair. Her pain and sadness of being abandoned by the man she loved led her to her addiction of drugs, and her addiction of drugs led her to be crazed and violent

After washing the sheets, Issei hanged them to let them dry off. Since he was always doing chores, he was good at it. He did most of the chores like cleaning the house, washing the clothes, and taking care of his sister. Their mom fed him and him alone so Issei was forced to cook for his younger sister. But she never fed Issei with love. For example, one time she put water not milk in Issei's cereal. Issei knew that to her feeding him is enough to take care of a child regardless of what she feeds him with. And Issei was forced to eat those bizarre food fully knowing that once he refused the food it would anger his mother

She also buys stuff from the market, but that's because the store that she buys her pills is right next to the market. And the ingredients that she brings home are randomly picked so Issei was forced to buy in the market. But asking his mom for money would only anger her once again, so he was forced to actually steal money right out of her purse every chance he gets. And when he gets caught, another beat down for him

Issei's father abandoned them when he realized that his mother is pregnant with another child. He was thankful that his mother started taking drugs months after his younger sister is born. Who knows what would happen to her when their mother takes those pills while she's till in her womb. And one year after Aiko was born, their mother started to take her anger out on the five years old Issei. And for the whole year Issei suffered his easily angered mother.

Many times did Issei think of leaving the house, many times did he think to call the police. But what if he was caught? What if both he and his sister would get caught? Being beaten again wasn't the issue, the problem is his sister. He can never allow his mother to even touch his sister.

One night Aiko started crying. It woke both him and her mother. Issei heard his mother yell and marched to Aiko's room. Fearing what she would do to his sister, Issei rushed out his room and grabbed his mother's leg, trying to stop her. It did stop her, better yet, he redirected her. Instead of her doing something to Aiko, she just proceeded to smash Issei all over the place. While in the middle of her rage she went downstairs to take more pills. This gave Issei a chance to calm his sister down and once she stopped crying it calmed his mother too and her being too sleepy she just decided to go back to bed instead of continuing to "discipline" Issei. That night Issei slept in his sister's room, in case she cries again

Back in the present the sheets were now dried and Issei took them back to the crib. Despite having bruises Issei still unfolded the sheets and put it above Aiko. He caressed her as she slowly falls to sleep. Even though Issei lived a nightmarish life, his sister was the only source of his sanity.

Another year has passed and the Hyoudou family's situation is still the same. A drug addict and violent mom, a helpless four years old Aiko, and a poor six years old Issei taking care of his sister. Well it cant be said that the situation didn't completely change, it got worse

It was in the middle of the night when Aiko started crying again. Hearing this Issei's eyes burst open in fear

"Who's crying!? I cant get some fucking sleep here!" Issei heard his mom's voice and a door opening

Fearing for his sister, Issei bolted out his bed and rushed out his room. He ran as fast as he could into Aiko's room where he saw their mom shaking the crib hard

"Stop crying you little shit! You're too noisy!" Issei's mom shouted, not caring how loud her voice is in the middle of the night

"Stop! Mom stop!" Issei begged as he pulled his mother away from Aiko but he was only kicked back and slammed on the drawer. "Don't touch me you scum! I want to sleep but I cant get some with this little piece of trash!" She said

"No please!" Issei now begged with tears in his eyes. He was pulling away his mom's arms but was pushed to the ground again. This time his head hit the ground hard causing his vision to blur

"I know what will shut you up for good" Issei's mom said as she grabbed Aiko's pillow and pushed it onto the baby's face. She was trying to suffocate her own three year old daughter. "Now shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!" She pushed even harder as Aiko's crying was starting to fade

Issei regained his vision and saw the terrifying event in front of him. Knowing that if he tries to stop his mother again he will be thrown away again. He has to do something even more.

That's when he saw the pen on top of the drawer

Issei hesitated to take it but hearing his sister crying he was left no choice. He took the pen and stabbed his mom's arm with it

"Aaaagh! It hurts!" Issei's mom screamed. The hole that was made by the pen wasn't that deep but it was enough to case blood to flow out

Issei took this chance to grab Aiko and ran out the room despite hearing his mom cursing Issei. He want back to his own room and hid Aiko inside the closet. He put a pacifier on her mouth to prevent her from crying and covered her with his clothes before closing the door. He tried to close his room door but it was too late. His mom was already at the door grunting at him

"You.. YOU!" Issei's mom growled as she walked towards Issei. Fearing the consequences that he is about to endure for his deed Issei tried to escape to the window but as he was about to open it he was pulled back by his mom and kicked on the floor

"How dare you stab me you scum! I am your mother! I took care of you! I OWN you! I OWN YOU!" She grabbed Issei's hair and dragged him out of his room and continued downstairs where she pinned him on the floor and tapped his arms and legs. Issei cried as he saw her taking a kitchen knife

"I will teach you not to interrupt me again" Issei's mom said. She then dug the knife into Issei's knife and down his left cheek, making diagonal wound. Issei screamed in agony but was prevented due to the tape on his mouth. The wound bleed out down his left face

"Not yet! I'm not done yet!" She pulled Issei's hair back and aimed the knife to his throat. "With this, I wont be able to waste any more of my precious money feeding you". The terrified Issei could only cry, not even able to scream as the knife dug into his skin


Both Issei and his mom heard the door bell. A huge relief flooded Isse's chest as his mom put the knife away. But was still scared when she dragged him into the basement a closet below the stairs

"You shut up! I'm not done with you yet!" Issei's mom said as she closed the door. Thank god that she didn't lock it outside

Issei then heard the front door open and heard voices. It was their neighbours. They were curious on why there was screaming and loud noises in the middle of the night but Issei's mom just told them that it wasn't their business and that they should just fuck off. Issei mumbled loudly and kicked the closet door hoping the neighbours would hear and help him but it was hopeless. Annoyed by the woman, the neighbours returned to their house. Issei's mom then closed and locked the door before climbing up the stairs and going back to sleep, completely leaving the tied up Issei in the closet.

He shook his hands and feed to try and free himself but he wasn't strong enough. He was still a seven years old. The tiredness grew in Issei as he ran out of energy and eventually fallen asleep. He was grateful that he still lived despite being so close to death that night. But he considered this lucky for his sister is safe and he is still alive.

The next day Issei opened his eyes, and saw that he was still tied up in the closet. The blood was dried up on his face and neck. This time Issei reached out his tied up arms and pulled the tape out of his mouth. He then used his teeth to free his hands and used his hands to free his legs.

He carefully opened the door and looked around for his mom but to his relief, she wasn't there. She must've ran out of pills again and went out to buy more. Issei rushed to his room, he opened his closet and set aside his clothes to see the crying Aiko

"Shh, shh, don't worry Aiko. Big brother is here. Don't worry, I wont let you get harmed" Issei said as he carried his sister and carefully shake her to try and calm down

Six years have passed and the situation got more violent. There were many occasions that both Issei and Aiko were so close to death but there was one place where they could safely hide. It was under the kitchen sink. When Issei's mom kept on beating him again and again, he managed to escape her and hid there. To his surprise she didn't find her the whole day. So that was the only safe zone in the house. He tried the attic, basement, and closets but she always manages to find him

Issei was now twelve years old and Aiko was now ten years old. She is old enough to help Issei when he is in danger. She cared for Issei very much and always help him however she cant. But even she cant stop their mother when she rages.

Their lives were hell enough but it only got worse when their mother actually took another husband. And this guy was even worse than before. He was the leader of a gang. Not only that but Issei sometimes caught him gawking at Aiko's ass or breasts despite her being an eight years old kid. And the look that he gave her terrified Issei. One time Issei tried calling the cops but their father claimed that he was just playing a joke due to him being a twelve years old and to Issei's demise the cops believed him and left their house.

Calling the cops on him made his father angry and he took out all his anger on Issei that day. More events when Issei called the police but as he continued to call them, the police kept on getting annoyed as they thought he was a little prankster and hung up the call whenever they hear his voice. And that's when he decided that he cant depend on the police any longer. Not only does he have problems in the house but also in school

Issei was now at school. He was walking through the hallway. As he past a group of five older students, one of them suddenly tackled Issei to the locker and caused him to drop his bag

"Get his bag! The bag!" One of them said as another grabbed his back and threw it away while laughing.

"Hahaha! I hope something broke in your bag sis-con!" One of them said

"If something did broke why don't you ask your addicted mama for help!? Hahahaha!" Another said

Issei just remained silent as the bullies laughed and teased behind. He grabbed his bag and continued to walk to his next class while ignoring the bullies. These bullies has been harassing Issei for over a year now. Like locking him in the bathroom whenever he goes inside, tripping him over, kicking his bag, throwing paper balls at him in class, and more.

They think what their doing is 'funny' and messing with one guy could make them tough guys. Due to them sometimes locking him somewhere like the bathroom, locker, and storage room, Issei missed a lot of class and this angered his teacher. They even laughed at him while he was being lectured by the teacher for missing out classes

At the end of that day he returned home only to see his dad playing cards while drinking some beer with his friends

"Oh its you" His father said as he saw Issei, not even bothering to greet him

"Where's mom?" Issei asked

"She left, she must've bought something. Hey, buy us more beer. We're running out here" His father said as he finished his bottle of beer. If his father asked him to buy more beer that means his mother went out to buy something that isn't beer. Considering her temper on the recent days, she ran out of pills again

"I don't have any money, and I'm still a minor" Issei said

"I don't give a fuck about that, if you don't have any money then steal the beer. I'm not wasting the money that I've won today. I rather waste them on women" His father greedily said

"B-But you're married to mom!" Issei said only to be responded by his father throwing a beer at him. Issei barely dodged the bottle as it shattered on the wall

"Shut your mouth you brat and get us more beer, damn it! And you better make it quick. Oh, and clean that shit up, I don't want to ruin my shoes with a piece of glass" His father said.

Knowing that his father wont give him money to buy his own beer despite him having some, Issei went to his room. He opened a drawer and took out the false bottom to reveal some money. He stole all of these from his mom's purse so that he could buy some food for him and his sister whenever their parents don't cook

The day past buy with Issei buying a case of beer and giving it to his dad and cleaning the broken bottle glasses on the floor.

That night Issei was sleeping. He was then woken up by his parents voices. He heard them arguing at each other. Apparently their argument is because his dad spent every money that he had won on the card game with his friends on a strip club and returned home empty handed. His mom was shouting at him because not only did he spend the night with other women but they now have no money at all

Issei then sat up as he saw the door opened and revealed his sister crying

"B-Bit brother.. I'm scared" Aiko said

"Don't worry Aiko, you can sleep with me tonight" Issei said as he moved aside to give Aiko some space in his bed. Aiko nodded and got on the bed and folded the bed sheet over them

"Will they stop?" Aiko asked as Issei patted her head

"Don't worry, they will stop eventually. Big brother is here for you. Don't be scared, sing with me" Issei said with a smile. Aiko nodded and both siblings began to sing the lullaby that Issei sang to Aiko since she was young, its called 'I'm a little teapot

"I'm a little teapot, short and stout. Here I my handle, here is my spout. When I get all steamed up, hear me shout. Tip me over and pour me out" Both siblings sang. Aiko then began to sleep. Issei also closed his eyes to rest. Both siblings were peacefully sleeping together but the night has still some evil to bring

Their father walked out of their house and slammed the door, leaving the angered mother to march upstairs towards Issei's room

"YOU!" Their mother pointed at Issei. Both siblings sat up with Issei being thrown out of the bed and onto the ground by their mother

"Mom no!" Aiko said as their mother continued to stomp on Issei. Issei could only grunt in this situation every time

"I saw you take some money from my purse thief! Where is it! I need money! Where is my money!? WHERE!?" Issei's mom demanded

"I.. I didn't t-take anything! Agh!" Issei protested

"LIAR! Where is it!? WHERE!?" Issei's mom screamed. She began to pull his hair and drag him away from his room again. "Come here you thieving scum! I'm gonna cut you again for doing this to me!"

If Issei gave away the location of his stacked money he and Aiko wont have anything to eat as they couldn't depend on their parents anymore. The only thing he could do is accept another wound on his face. She dragged Issei downstairs and taped him again.

"Mom!" But before she could get a knife from the kitchen she heard Aiko's voice. Both she and Issei turned to her and to Issei's surprise Aiko was pointing a gun at their mom. This stopped their mother in fear. Issei took this chance to take off the tape that restricts him

"A-Aiko, what is that? Put that down. You don't want to hurt mama, would you?" She said

Aiko, with tears flowing down her cheeks and shaking hands, still aimed the pistol at their mother

"Leave big brother a-alone!" Aiko said . Their mother started to slowly walk towards Aiko

"Aiko.. Aiko, put that down. Listen to mama. Aiko put that down" She said as she got closer to Aiko

"Leave big b-brother alone!" Aiko pulled the trigger and shot the gun but with the lack of strength in her grip the recoil of the gunshot prevented her from hitting their mother. She jumped in fright however. Issei used this chance to remove the tapes completely and grabbed Aiko. They ran up the stairs and into his room. He locked his room and pushed the drawer in front of it.

"B-Big brother..!" Aiko called out in fright, still holding the gun

"Open this door! Open this door you little shit! OPEN IT!" Their mother banged the door

"Aiko, where did you get the gun?" Issei said as he grabbed a bag. He already put several of his and Aiko's clothes in case they should run away. He opened the drawer and put all of the money that he stole from his mother into his bag

"I got it from dad" Aiko said. "I saw it in his jacket"

"Thank you for helping me Aiko" Issei said. He then climbed out the window and on the balcony roof. "Lets go Aiko!" He said with his hand held to her

"Where are we going?" Aiko said and grabbed her brother's hand. Issei pulled her out the window. They carefully climbed down the edge and landed on the ground

"We're getting out of here. Mom will definitely kill us for what we did" Issei said causing Aiko to cry again. "I'm sorry big brother.. I.. I just wanted to help you.."

Issei shook his head

"No Aiko, you did well. Thank you for saving big brother. Now lets get out of here" Issei said

"Yes!" Aiko responded

Both siblings rushed through the neighbourhood and away from their house for good.

Over a week has past since both siblings escaped from their house. They the town and stayed under the bridge. Issei was studying how the gun works. He accidentally pushed a bottom that opened up the ammo magazine. He counted the bullets and there were only seven left

They were now homeless and their money had already ran out. Issei thought on going to an orphanage but he's scared that their parents might find them there. And their dad might use his gang to destroy that orphanage and everyone inside. He doesn't want to cause pain into others so he chose the streets instead. Aiko was now eating the last piece of bread that they bought. Despite Issei being terribly hungry, he let Aiko have all the bread for herself

"Big brother, here" Aiko divided the bread and offered one to Issei

"No Aiko, you eat it all. I'm fine" Issei lied

"Don't lie big brother, you're hungry now. You never ate for two days" Aiko said as she still held the bread to Issei

"Just a little piece. You eat the rest" Issei took the divided part and tore a small piece before giving the larger one back to Aiko

"No big brother, eat it all" Aiko said but Issei only ate the smaller part

"We'll get more food later, for now you eat it all" Issei said

"Are you sure?" Aiko asked, tilting her head

"Yeah, I'm sure. We'll get more food later" Issei said

Aiko trusted Issei to get more food later so she ate the whole bread with the exception of that small piece that Issei took. Issei knew that they have no money and cant buy food. But there's another way to get money

His father's gun

Luckily Issei knows a bar that his father's gang owns and it was pretty close from here. His father had brought his friends over all the time to drink beer and gamble. He know that they were no good. But still, stealing is wrong. But if he doesn't get more food not only him but Aiko will starve to death. He cant let that happen. He wanted Aiko to not only live but have a good life. With a loving family that doesn't hurt their kids from time to time.

Issei waited for Aiko to fall asleep. Once she was now sleeping, he put a blanket over her and stood up with the gun. He already know how to use this since he saw it on TV but the lack of experience of shooting one in real life still weight his confidence. But he doesn't let this get to him. He just hopes that the one that he will rob will not fight back, otherwise that member will tell his father and everything will be lost

Issei was in the alleyway waiting for someone to open the backdoor of the bar. He has the gun in his hand and patiently yet nervously waited for someone. The consequences of this is too heavy, meaning he cant afford to fail. If he did fail, he will be lucky that he could get away.

The door then opened and Issei gripped the gun. He saw a man walking out of the backdoor while drinking a bottle of beer. Issei saw the jacket he was wearing. It was the uniform of his father's gang. The man put the beer bottle on top of a trashcan before walking up the wall and started peeing, that's when Issei slowly walk behind the man and put the gun on his neck

"Don't move, give me your money" Issei said while he covered his mouth with his hand and shirt to make it sound like a grown man's voice. Feeling the gun on his neck, the man paled

"W-What? Money?" The man asked in fear

"Don't yell, or you die. Kneel on the ground and put your hands on the wall" Issei said with a deep voice and the man did what he was told

"Take out your wallet with one hand and give it to me" Issei said

"Y-Yes, don't shoot" The man did what he was told and Issei took his wallet. He didn't bother to open it up and focused on the man in case he fights back.

Once Issei put the wallet in his pocket, he grabbed the beer bottle and shattered it on the man's head, knocking him unconscious. He then put the gun in his jacket and rushed away as fast as he can. Before he returned to Aiko, he checked the wallet. There was a fair amount of money and it was enough to buy six breads and a bottle of water. He spent it all on food and returned to Aiko, below the bridge

"Wow big brother! Where did you get those!?" Aiko asked as Issei brought the breads and the bottle of water

"Eat up Aiko. Don't worry, I paid for all of these, I didn't steal any of them" Issei said. He told the truth. He didn't steal the food. He stole the money

"Lets eat up" Issei said as he grabbed two breads and gave one to Aiko

"Thanks for the food!" Aiko said in gratitude before taking a bite from the bread. She eat peacefully with a big smile on her face. However Issei doesn't have a smile on his own face

He was looking at the bread that he was holding. It's a bread bought from dirty money. A dirty money that he robbed. Is this really okay? Its either rob someone to get food but or die in starvation. The one he robbed was a member of his father's gang which was a collection of hooligans. But even so, that guy might have a family. A wife, a kid, and he just robbed that man. What if he needs that money to take his kid to school? What if he needs that money to buy his own food for his family? Many questions flooded Issei's mind

"Big brother?" But before Issei's paranoia could grow even more, Aiko called out to him

"Yes? Does the bread taste bad?" Issei asked

"No. Why aren't you eating? You're hungry right?" Aiko asked

Issei just put the bread back in the plastic

"I'll eat later, you just enjoy it" Issei said as he laid down on the other blanket that they put on the ground for them to lay on

He couldn't eat the bread no matter how hungry he is. Not after what he did. His sin cursed his dreams that night

Three months have passed and Issei did the same thing again and again. He robbed from his father's gang. He not only robbed from one bar. But every chance that he saw a member of his father's gang all alone he robs them. He also escaped the police on several occasions. He has no choice. Its either do or die. Sin or death. He knows that he will eventually pay for his sins one way or another but as long as Aiko is okay, he will take any punishment. Even going to prison. But the payment for his sins came sooner than he expected.

After buying more breads and water Issei returned under the bridge only to be met by a terrifying person

"Hello son!" Issei was smacked in the face with a large punch from his father. He crashed to the ground and dropped all the food

"Big brother!" Aiko screamed. She was being held back by one of their father's subordinates. Issei sat up and saw his father with five of his subordinates. This terrified him, not for his safety but for what his father could do to his sister

"So you're the little bastard that has been robbing my boys, eh? You've got some guts running away. Because of you your bitch of a mother has been directing her anger at me! I had to knock that bitch out. She was starting to bite me for fuck's sake!" His father said as he walked over to Aiko and sniffed her hair

"Get away from her!" Issei growled in anger. He tried to get up but another subordinate grabbed him

"Stay down asshole!" The subordinate punched Issei's stomach. This punch was way stronger than his mother's hits. He fell on the ground, coughing

"Now that I found you, I'll do what I should've done in the past" His father said before kicking his face and knocking him out

Issei opened his eyes and saw that he was in a dark room with a single source of light. There were two other people there. He tried to get up but he was chained on the chair. This was worse than the tapes his mother used on him. The door then opened and came in his father

"Oh, you're awake. Good" His father said. He narrowed his eyes at his father

"Where's Aiko!?" Issei growled

"She's somewhere safe, if you want to see her then do as I say" His father said. Issei wondered what he would say.

He suspected him to say something like he should go home so that his mother would direct her anger at him instead of his father. Another option that he suspected is death for robbing his members. Other options came in mind but he was certain the first two would be the ones that would come out but the option that he heard wasn't the one he suspected

"Join my gang Issei" His father said with a smirk causing Issei to widened his eyes

"Join your gang? I'm just a twelve years old boy! I cant be a member of a gang!" Issei denied

"I'm not asking you here. I'm telling you. I told you that if you want to see your little whore sister again then do as I say. So join my gang!" His father said

"Don't call Aiko a whore you bastard!" Issei said. This caused his father to snap for a second and punched his face. Issei's head was nearly knocked off his neck due to the hard force

"Better watch your tone you twat! You're the one who's tied up so show some respect before I bust your face again!" His father threatened

Issei just spat out the blood from his mouth and turned to his father. He already has a black eye on his left eye

"Why would you even want me to join?" Issei asked. He was curious on the reason. Does his father really want him in his gang or does he just want a little slave for his entertainment. Probably a slave

"Simple, you robbed my men quite good. And not only that but you also escaped the police several times. You're quite good and I want to use you" His father said

Issei then smirked this caused his father to narrow his eyes

"Go fuck yourself you son of a bitch!" Issei said still smirking. This caused his father to snap again and punched him. This time he didn't just punch him once but several times before stopping. Issei's face was now bleeding

"I said show some respect you dickhead, but you didn't. So I'm gonna show you your place!" His father nodded on the other two men

They unchained Issei off the chair but they chained his wrists and ankles on the ground. Issei then saw them with wooden sticks each

"These two guys are two of the many members that you've robbed. They got a bone to pick with you. I was even considering on giving you to them for a beat up for only ten minutes. But since you lack respect. I'm gonna give an hour" His father said and walked to the door. "Have fun" He then closed the door

"You piece of shit, the beer bottle hurt like hell, you know. It hurts just like this!" The first man said as he smacked Issei's back causing him to scream in agony

"Not so tough now without your tiny little gun, huh!?" The other man said before smacking his back. Issei screamed at this too

Both men took turns on smacking Issei's back for over a ten minutes. After the ten minutes of pain, Issei's back has bruises and scratches. He was panting and sweating so hard at the pain

"Its still just ten minutes. We still have fifty minutes to go!" One of the men said

They replaced the wooden sticks with whips now

"This will teach ya!" The other man said as they started whipping Issei's back. Issei gritted his teeth and gripped the chains in agony as this happened. In a full hour they continued this. They whipped Issei to their hearts' content over and over and over again. But as Issei was suffering he never begged them to stop, never. He just screamed and shouted but never begged.

After the hour of torture Issei had already past out. His father was angered to the fact that Issei didn't change his mind in joining so he decided to torture Issei for days. Issei went through hours being whipped, beaten up, smacked by wooden sticks, starved, electrical torture, and even went through the Chinese water torture. But after all of that Issei never agreed to join them, never.

Angered at Issei's refusal his father fought the urge to not kill Issei then and there. He needed Issei's skills against his rival gangs. So he needed something to break Issei's will. And after over two weeks of back to back tortures he decided to leave Issei for the day and continue this tomorrow

The next day Issei was then splashed with some water to wake him up on the floor

"Wakey-Wakey shortie, the boss wants you in his bedroom. Hurry up, will ya?" Another member said. Issei silently glared at him before two other members unchained him and dragged him out of the room.

When Issei arrived in front of the door of his father's room he was frozen in disbelief on what he heard. His father did thought of something to break Issei's will.

His sister

"N-No.." Issei mumbled slowly

He could hear creaking and moans inside the room with a familiar female voice screaming in pain and begging to stop. Issei understanding this opened the door to see his naked father on top of a naked and limp Aiko. Tears were flowing out of her eyes. Seeing this Issei was ignited with an anger that he never felt before

"YOU BASTAAAAARD!" Issei tried to attack his father but was held back by his subordinates. He shook violently to escape their grip but he was merely a twelve years old boy. "LET GO! LET GO OF ME! I'M GONNA KILL HIM!" Issei screamed

"You brought this upon yourself! If you just joined my gang then your sister wont be like this! This is all your fault!" His father pointed at him

"YOU'RE THE ONE WHO DID THIS! I'M GONNA KILL YOU, YOU FREAK!" Issei threatened but was met by his father's fist

"Big words for a brat!" His father said

He grabbed Issei's hair and pushed him to his sister

"Aiko! Aiko! Can you hear me? Aiko!" Issei called out. Aiko just weakly looked at him

"B-Big.. brother..?" Aiko called

"Aiko! Its me! Its big brother!" Issei said. His voice was shaky, not because of the pain on his back from the torture, but from the pain in his heart for seeing his sister like this

"Big brother.. I'm defiled.." Aiko said as she started to cry again. Seeing his sister in pain froze Issei. His father was right, this is his fault. He failed to protect Aiko, he failed to protect his own sister. He's the big brother yet this happened to her. How powerless, how unreliable, and how big of a disgrace of a big brother can he be?

"I'll say this again, join my gang. If not, then I'm gonna give her to the boys. If that bitch could scream like that with one man, how much can she scream with dozens of men banging her at the same time" His father laughed at the thought however Issei paled at the thought. He already caused so much pain to Aiko, and there's only one thing he could do to prevent her from suffering

"I'll.. I'll join you.. tell me what you want me to do..?" Issei said with his head lowered and his hair shadowing his eyes. His father grinned at this. "Atta boy" He said

"B-Big brother.. no.." Aiko weakly said as she held her hand towards her sibling. Issei grabbed her hand and held it. She looked at her with teary eyes

"Its gonna be okay Aiko, big brother's gonna be okay. Don't worry, I'll be fine" Issei said despite not knowing what kind of danger his father will give him

"No..." Aiko mumbled before passing out. Issei gripped her hand tighter as he gritted his teeth in anger. He really is a disgrace of a big brother

"Treat his wounds, he's a member of the gang now" His father said. His subordinates obeyed and grabbed his arms to drag him away. Issei's view stayed at Aiko for the last second until he couldn't see her anymore

But even though he was now under his father, Issei will make sure his father pays dearly for what he has done today. With rage in his eyes, Issei silently burns with vengeance while his wounds were being treated. And on that day, a monster was created