Menma/Naruto is standing in front of Hanzo with Hibari and Yagyu. The young man is looking at the older man. Hanzo has shaggy gray hair with a mustache and bread combo. He is wearing a green jacket with a Gary cape. The older man's black eyes look into the blue eyes of Menma.

Hanzo in a gruff voice, "So, you are the young man that wash up our shore? I must say you are in top shape for your age. I wonder if you are a soldier from another land. But, I do not have proof you are a shinobi from another land. The two lovely kunoichi by your side did find this headband near you."

Hanzo waves his hand over the Konoha headband. He looks at Menma for any reaction but only see confusion on the young man's face. The more that Hanzo looks at the young man's face. He is reminded of someone from his past. The old man looks at Yagyu then Hibari.

The old man asks, "Are you ready for the responsible of helping Menma? He will be in your hands for now on."

The two lovely kunoichi reply sharply, "Yes, Sir!"

Hanzo stares down Menma, "If you hurt these fine kunoichi, I will have your balls cut off!"

Menma sweating, "Y-Yes, Sir!"

Hibari and Yagyu giggle at Menma's facial expression. Hanzo lets his lip turn up a small simile. After few seconds, everyone got their laughter under control. The leader pulls out a scroll from his desk. He hands the scroll to Menma. The young man takes the scroll while giving a confuse look to Hanzo.

Hanzo said, "The scroll, I handed to you is for the taskmaster. He will give the weapons, you will need. For now, can you stand outside my office. I need to talk with Hibari and Yagyu."

Menma bows his head, "Of course, I will take my leave."

The young man leaves Hanzo's office. The old man looks at the headband. Hanzo hope that Menma was not from Konoha. The old leader did not trust Konoha's leadership. While Konoha has a new Hokage, she did not get rid of Danzo or his shinobi. Hanzo meet Danzo, when he was picking up homeless kids for his Root program. The leader shakes his head out of the past.

He looks at the two kunoichi, "I know both of you help Menma out when he was in hospital. Which I have no problem with but I want to remind both of you. We do not know who Menma really is. The young man does not know who he is or where he comes."

Yagyu ask, "Do you want us to keep an eye on him?"

"Yes, but I have a feeling the young man is protecting himself."

Hibari moves her head to the side in confusion, "Protecting himself?"

Hanzo similes at Hibari, "An old man's gut telling him something important. Anyway, Menma is waiting for you."

As the two kunoichi left his office, Hanzo looks back at the headband. The old leader wants know if Menma has anything to do with Konoha. He has two options with Menma at moment. The first option is to wait for Menma remember who he is. The second option is sending a spy to Konoha for information on Menma.

Hanzo thinking, "With war coming over the horizon, I need know who Menma really is. If Menma is important to Konoha, they might attack us to get the young man back. I cannot have my man fighting a war from two fronts."

Hanzo pulls out a map of the country. He sees Red Mountain in the middle of the map. The Ash Lands is north of Red Mountain which is led by Lord Rennyo. The old man's eyes move to the east where Azura's Coast. He knew that Azura's coast is under Ikko-ikki's control. Lord Ajani has been leaking information to him about Ikko-ikki's movement. Hanzo remembers something Ajani said to him about Lord Rennyo.

Flashback Fever

Ajani speaking, "Lord Rennyo does not hate shinobi. He does not like how they use chakra as a weapon. I agree with him, but I think we need shinobi protect our home."

Hanzo looks at Ajani, "Is that why you vote for Kurokage and me to build our schools in your country?"

Ajani reply, "My people came to me, Hanzo. They said to me, that our nation needs protectors. But I heard what Rennyo's people told him. Most of the people in the Ash Lands are from The Land of Water. They do not want shinobi on their land."

Flashback Fever has ended.

Lord Hanzo learn the hard way about the Ash Lands. He sent a group of shinobi to talk with Lord Rennyo. Before the group arrive at Lord Rennyo's place, they were attack by the Ikko-ikki. Hanzo's shinobis fought against a force ten times their size. A group of seven chunin went to the Ash Lands and three made it back. The shinobis that made the long trip back…

Hanzo looks at his ceiling. The old leader has three main problems to deal with. Frist, he has the Ikko-ikki making a statement with Lord Ajani. That no lord is safe from them. Worse, Ikko-ikki gain Azura's coast with no fight at all. Hanzo wonder if there any people against the Ikko-ikki's control in the Azura's coast.

Second, Kurokage is having health problems. He talks to Hanzo then went to Hawkeye for a second option. Hanzo's friend want his grand daughter to lead his forces. Yumi has a good head on her shoulders but she lacks experiences. He need keep an eye on Yumi if Kurokage cannot lead his forces.

Finally, the young man named Menma with the unknown past. The young man that washes up their shores. Why were their questions about this young man's history with Konoha? Is Menma stopping himself from remembering what happen to him on that ship?

Hanzo call out, "Risa, I need you for a second."

Risa coming into the office, "What can I do for you, sir?"

Hanzo reply, "I want to know if there any shinobi from my forces or Kurokage in the Elemental Countries. If there is someone in the Elemental Countries, send a message. I want them to find any information on Menma. Risa, make sure put a picture of Menma and whatever information we have on him."

After writing everything down, Risa leaves the office. Hanzo leans back in his chair. The old man's eyes drift over to the headband on his desk. He picks up the Konoha headband and looks over the symbol.

Hanzo sighs, "Now, we play the waiting game."

Meanwhile, Rennyo is looking at the map of Wardenfell. He knew that the Ash Lands and Azura's Coast are under his control. Then the young man looks at West Gash. The Ikko-ikki are slowly getting the land from Lord Rainmaker. The young leader smirk at the thought of Rainmaker cowering in his home. Now, he can attack the Bitter Coast. But how is he going do it.

Rennyo thinking, "I can march the Ikko-ikki through the West Gash. Lord Rainmaker is not going to attack my force. The Ikko-ikki can handle the trip. If I had a cavalry…"

A knock at his door interrupt the young man's thinking. The door open to reveal two young women. Rennyo let a simile show on his face. He walks over to the two kunoichi and hug them. The kunoichi's return the hug back to their master.

Rennyo ask, "How are my lovely angels doing?"

Ryobi reply, "We are doing fine. Ryona and I are living in a small house

Ryona said, "I was surprise, you call us to your office. The Ikko-ikki do not like shinobi running around their base."

Rennyo said, "I know, but the Ikko-ikki do not know you are kunoichi's. We need help, where we can get it."

The young lord let go of the young women, "I need help with my plan of attack."

Rennyo motion the two sisters to sit down. The young lord walks behind his desk and took a seat. He sees the kunoichi's looking at the map. Rennyo let a small simile from on his face.

The young lord points at the map, "There are number of roads in the West Gash. I need a path or road to take the army to the Bitter Coast. Also, lookout for patrols in West Gash. I do not want get into small fights on my way to the Bitter Coast."

Ryobi ask, "Would traveling by the ocean be faster?"

Rennyo reply, "Yes, but the shore has rocks that will rip the bottom of our warships. Worst, most of the northern area of Bitter Coast are marshes. Ikko-ikki can not build a base to attack Lord Hanzo. But, I have a secret base in Bitter Coast that Hanzo does not know about."

Ryona ask, "Where is this secret base of yours?"

Rennyo points at the location on the map. They look at the map then each other. The young man laughs at the sisters look at the map then each other. The kunoichi's look at Rennyo with surprise.

Ryona ask, "HOW?!"

Ryubi ask, "WHEN?!"

Rennyo answer, "The Ikko-ikki are made up of different people. Lord Hanzo thinks that farmers and ex-samurai make up all my forces. I have a couple of fishmen on my payroll. That is not counting minor noble families on my side."

Writer's notes: I use Morrowind as the location where Naruto was ship wrecked. Morrowind is just an island that is somewhere in the ocean.