*Instead of it being three years, it has been thirteen years since the Mikaelson's were put to sleep. You will find out why.

"They say I am powerful.
They say I am the darkness.
They say I instill fear into the hearts of many.
It is even said that the Devil himself is afraid of me."


I miss you with each passing day that goes by. How much I long to have your arms wrapped around me once more to give me strength for the fight that is coming. But I am not scared anymore, I am angry. I am angry that I have had to grow up without my father by my side. I'm angry that I have had to grow up without any of our family by my side, except mum of course, and that I have had to be on the run from hunters wishing to hurt us.

But the time has come. After all these years we have finally figured everything out. I've made some very good friends; I think you'll like them. Apparently once upon a time you had a romance with their mother. I think she's looking forward to seeing you just as much as I am. And mum, mum has been so strong all these years as she's raised me and fought to protect me. But I know she wants nothing more than to have you all back again. She has fought tirelessly to save you, and she won.

This will probably be the last time that I write to you now. I say that because the time has come for me to avenge what has happened to our family. The time has come to bring fear back to our family name and to raise you all from the slumber you have been in these past years.

I must go now, but hold tight. Your agony will be over soon for I will personally save you from that hell that Marcel has put you through. But there will be a special surprise waiting for you at the end of this. We will all be reunited.

I love you.


With her eyes closed Hope whispered the incantation to herself as she held the letter up to the burning flame in front of her.

"We are coming father. It will not be long now." She whispered, as her letter turned to ashes and the wind picked up in the room around her. She knew he had received her message and she smiled a soft smile to herself. Within seconds, her face had changed into that of pure rage, her eyes glowing as her strength flowed through her.

The war had begun. And they had no idea the hell that was coming.