A/N: Sorry that these updates are spacious. Very long awaited but hopefully worth it?

Day 109 (or Day One of Freedom):

It was with a white knuckled grip that Hermione held her fiance's hand as she prepared to face the others for the first time since her incarceration. Her mind was filled with a wide range of emotions. She was nervous, she hadn't seen most of these people since her incarceration. She was also torn between anger and gratitude. They may have been absent during her stay in Azkaban, but their support at both trials had been unwavering. "Sooner or later I'll need to use this hand again," Severus commented dryly. Hermione flinched, properly chastened, her face heating up rapidly as her eyes welled with tears. Loosening her grip she stared down at the floor, ashamed. Severus pulled her to a stop, bending slightly to make up for their differences in height. "Hey, hey, I'm sorry, it was a poor joke." He coaxed her into meeting his eyes with a tender stroke to her cheek. His deep obsidian eyes piercing hers with warmth and concern."It's going to be fine Hermione. I'm here, and I'll never let anyone hurt or upset you." Hermione nodded, letting out a shaky breath as she felt his lips brushing a sweet kiss across her forehead. She could feel the tension dissipate slowly although she was sure that it wouldn't go away entirely. Not until she faced them. With a nod to her fiancé, Hermione braved herself as he opened the familiar door of 12 Grimmauld Place.

As they stood in the entryway of the house it was clear that there were a lot of people gathered. The murmur of people chatting and other sounds filled her ears and Hermione steeled herself for the eventual fallout. She knew that this was supposed to be a celebratory gathering but part of her was expecting the worse. Surely someone would be angry right? When they walked into the living room the place went quiet and Hermione's heart hammered in her chest. Her amber eyes searched everyone's faces and there was an awkward moment when no one made a move. Then Harry appeared, smiling and pulling Hermione in forba hug. "You're just on time. Molly is done with the cooking."

Next was Ginny who hugged her enthusiastically, and their excitement seemed to snap others out of their trance. A teary eyed McGonagall was someone in particular that touched Hermione. Dark tartan robes and that Scottish accent struck a chord in her. "Hermione dear, please forgive me for not visiting. The war took a lot out of me but that's no excuse. I'm glad you're free. And I'm happy for you and Severus. I may have had reservations about anyone else, but you two ...you're so similar. Both stubborn, strong, smart and with a great deal of integrity. I hope you don't let any naysayers stand in the way of your love."

"Professor McGonagall, that was ...beautiful. And very encouraging thank you. And please don't feel bad about not visiting. I don't want to hold that over anyone's head. And I know you had quite a bit on your plate with the reconstruction," Hermione replies, tears in her eyes. Beside her she could tell Severus was smirking.

"Please, call me Minerva," the elderly witch insisted. "And maybe we can get together and have tea sometime? Maybe get your fiancé to reconsider…?"

Hermione grinned, "I'd like that a lot Minerva. However, I'm sorry to say that I won't be able to persuade him. Honestly, I'm looking forward to seeing what he can do without being tied down with the school. He is brilliant and he deserves that chance."

"Don't worry love, I'm sure Minerva knows that I'm not coming back," Severus interjected with more humor and affection than she expected.

Minerva rolled her eyes and patted his arm fondly, "Can't blame me for trying. It's a shame, but I know you deserve the freedom. Promise me that you'll visit too? I wasn't able to bear children but you two are what I imagine they'd be like."

Stunned, Hermione pulled the older witch in for another hug, crying slightly when she felt Severus's arms encase them both. When they broke up they were greeted by Remus and Tonks, including their son Teddy. They gave their congratulations, with Remus teasing Severus about having a younger lover as well. They also apologized for not visiting which Hermione gave the same reply she gave Minerva. Soon, everyone was lining up to offer well wishes and apologies and Hermione felt the tension leaving her body completely. The party really started when Molly Weasley called everyone to dinner and they all, Order members and Dumbledore's Army alike, gathered to eat, drink and make merry.

Hermione was astonished to find that there hadn't been any parties after Voldemort's defeat. People were just busy with moving on with their lives. Whether that meant helping rebuild Hogwarts. Getting married like the Lupins, taking care of those who were still injured or healing their own wounds both physical and mental. Noticeably absent was Ron, but that was a welcomed relief. Apparently he was out with some DA members who didn't necessarily want to celebrate with everyone else. Hermione had a few guesses as to the reason but she knew she shouldn't let that spoil her good mood.

Later in the evening, when the party goers were starting to leave, Hermione was resting her head on Severus's shoulder, nearly asleep when a slurry, and angry voice said, "What are they doing here?"

Several eyes looked up to see a clearly intoxicated Ronald Weasley staggering into the room. On the couch opposite Hermione and Severus, Ginny flushed with embarrassment, but Harry looked annoyed. Sighing, the savior of the wizarding world stood and went over to his friend, "Ron, mate, maybe you should go-"

"Stop trying to tell me what to do," Ron snarled, snatching away from him. "I'm not going to upstairs and lay down like a good little boy. Not until you guys admit that this isn't fair! I'm supposed to marry 'mione! Not the greasy git! And why didn't she try to save Fred?!" He wailed and the angry changed into deep sorrow as he sobbed on Harry's shoulder. At this point, Ginny was already up, rushing to help Harry usher her brother to his room.

"I believe that's our cue to leave," Severus murmured and Hermione agreed heartily. They made their goodbyes, the cheerful atmosphere now sullen and awkward after Ron's outburst. Still, people still managed to be polite as the couple left. Inwardly, Hermione felt her guilt renewed as she thought about how selfish her actions were when she went back to save Snape. Even though logically she knew it wasn't possible for her to save everyone. Severus seemed to be reading her mind because once they made it to the apparition point, he held her in his arms, softly stroking her hair and calmly reaffirming that everything was fine and sometimes death just couldn't be avoided. Hard to swallow, but the truth. "He's grieving Hermione and lashing out because right now it's too painful to face it head on. Don't worry about what he says. There's a reason why you could save me and not Fred. The snake bite isn't instantaneous. The killing curse is. Don't carry that weight on your soul my love. It is not yours to bear."

A quick kiss was shared and with a swish of a wand they were swept away.